Our country is being drowned in rules and regulations!

No, it isn't.
The average person commits 3 felonies a day and you can actually say we're not over regulated?

You, too?

You buy that autographed baseball on line and do not declare the purchase on your income tax forms so you could pay state tax on the purchase. Felony tax evasion.

You are a responsible citizen and recycle. You take your bottles and cans to the recycling center and get $1.50. You don't declare it as income. Felony tax evasion.

You buy an original oil painting from your favorite artist. You do not put up a chemical warming outside your home that entering could expose the visitors to the lead contained in cadmium paints used in the painting. Felony failure to post warnings of chemical contaminants.

You live in a mountain community and get a notice from the Forestry Service to clear away the dead brush around your home because it presents a fire hazard. You make sure the required area is dead brush free. Then you get a notice from the EPA that you have disturbed natural habitat and are subject to fine and arrest if you do not put the cleared area back to its natural state, dead brush and all.

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness week, you use beet juice to color your dog pink. That's a violation of criminal law and a fine of $1,000.

On a hike you find an eagle feather and pick it up. Fine of $100,000 and a year in jail.

There are dozens of examples of government regulation run totally out of control. It's like liberals can't tell the difference between reasonable regulation and unreasonable regulation.
No, it isn't.
The average person commits 3 felonies a day and you can actually say we're not over regulated?

You, too?

You buy that autographed baseball on line and do not declare the purchase on your income tax forms so you could pay state tax on the purchase. Felony tax evasion.

You are a responsible citizen and recycle. You take your bottles and cans to the recycling center and get $1.50. You don't declare it as income. Felony tax evasion.

You buy an original oil painting from your favorite artist. You do not put up a chemical warming outside your home that entering could expose the visitors to the lead contained in cadmium paints used in the painting. Felony failure to post warnings of chemical contaminants.

You live in a mountain community and get a notice from the Forestry Service to clear away the dead brush around your home because it presents a fire hazard. You make sure the required area is dead brush free. Then you get a notice from the EPA that you have disturbed natural habitat and are subject to fine and arrest if you do not put the cleared area back to its natural state, dead brush and all.

In support of Breast Cancer Awareness week, you use beet juice to color your dog pink. That's a violation of criminal law and a fine of $1,000.

On a hike you find an eagle feather and pick it up. Fine of $100,000 and a year in jail.

There are dozens of examples of government regulation run totally out of control. It's like liberals can't tell the difference between reasonable regulation and unreasonable regulation.

Every time you bring up over regulation they demand examples. I have given hundreds of them, not one has ever been acknowledged. They just ask for more examples and then claim that none are ever given.
Few regulations being passed today have anything to do with safety and are simply to limit business activities or raise revenue.

Liberals can't tell the difference.
That's bullshit because corporations are enjoying record levels of profits.

Big corporations love government regulation. It stifles competition.

Do you know what it costs to make a Viagra pill?

Di you know you can buy sildenafil for a few bucks a pound?

Try manufacturing a generic version of Viagra and see what happens to you.
Oh yeah, like really dumb regulations about whom you have to notify if you have 400 or more pounds of Ammonium Nitrate in storage. Just ask anyone in West, Texas about the stupidity of that regulation.

It's somehow fitting that liberals want the federal government sticking its nose into fetilizer.
Only the most gullible idiot would buy into the proposition that ALL government regulations create a net negative cost.

Only the most gullible idiot would believe NO regulations save lives, jobs, or money.

Tossing around large figures of the cost of implementation of all regulations without also including the savings of lives, jobs, and money such regulations bring about is what is known as a massive lie of omission. Such lies of omission betray an agenda which is not in the best interests of the country or the common man.

Is there waste in government regulations? I'm absolutely positive there is.

Were some regulations enacted on behalf of special interests to make it more difficult for competitors to break into the industry? Most certainly. A few dollars in the right campaign funds can earn the right friends in government who will choke off your competition for you.

But how about those ones which prevent cancer, black lung, child labor, amputations, lost work days, and deaths? The net positive benefits of such regulations are nearly incalculable, but I would wager they are worth far more than the cost of the implementation of those regulations.

So don't be a gullible idiot painting every goddam thing with a wide brush. Just remember how many jobs and trillions of dollars the deregulation of financial derivatives cost the entire country, and ask yourselves what the real motives behind this lie of omission really are.
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Only the most gullible idiot would buy into the proposition that ALL government regulations create a net negative cost.

Only the most gullible idiot would believe NO regulations save lives, jobs, or money.

Tossing around large figures of the cost of implementation of all regulations without also including the savings of lives, jobs, and money such regulations bring about is what is known as a massive lie of omission. Such lies of omission betray an agenda which is not in the best interests of the country or the common man.

Is there waste in government regulations? I'm absolutely positive there is.

Were some regulations enacted on behalf of special interests to make it more difficult for competitors to break into the industry? Most certainly. A few dollars in the right campaign funds can earn the right friends in government who will choke off your competition for you.

But how about those ones which prevent cancer, black lung, child labor, amputations, lost work days, and deaths? The net positive benefits of such regulations are nearly incalculable, but I would wager they are worth far more than the cost of the implementation of those regulations.

So don't be a gullible idiot painting every goddam thing with a wide brush. Just remember how many jobs and trillions of dollars the deregulation of financial derivatives cost the entire country, and ask yourselves what the real motives behind this lie of omission really are.

Ask yourself why the government backed said derivatives.
Oh yeah, like really dumb regulations about whom you have to notify if you have 400 or more pounds of Ammonium Nitrate in storage. Just ask anyone in West, Texas about the stupidity of that regulation.
We should particularly because that regulation existed and accomplished nothing…

I wonder what stopped them from reporting this though? Real question, were they actively hiding the material OR were they simply unaware of the regulation itself. I can believe the latter because regulation is so extensive that NO ONE, in any industry anywhere, actually knows all the regulation that they are supposed to be following.
Only the most gullible idiot would buy into the proposition that ALL government regulations create a net negative cost.

Only the most gullible idiot would believe NO regulations save lives, jobs, or money.

Tossing around large figures of the cost of implementation of all regulations without also including the savings of lives, jobs, and money such regulations bring about is what is known as a massive lie of omission. Such lies of omission betray an agenda which is not in the best interests of the country or the common man.

Is there waste in government regulations? I'm absolutely positive there is.

Were some regulations enacted on behalf of special interests to make it more difficult for competitors to break into the industry? Most certainly. A few dollars in the right campaign funds can earn the right friends in government who will choke off your competition for you.

But how about those ones which prevent cancer, black lung, child labor, amputations, lost work days, and deaths? The net positive benefits of such regulations are nearly incalculable, but I would wager they are worth far more than the cost of the implementation of those regulations.

So don't be a gullible idiot painting every goddam thing with a wide brush. Just remember how many jobs and trillions of dollars the deregulation of financial derivatives cost the entire country, and ask yourselves what the real motives behind this lie of omission really are.
If you can find me ONE person (coherent please) that wishes all regulation ceased then you have a point. I don’t think anyone believes that so I find these words wasted. Virtually everyone agrees that regulations are needed for any reasonable form of economy to function at all but our existing regulatory structure is WAY beyond that.
No, it isn't.

You obviously have never been a business person but had your paycheck signed and you put your 40 hours in.
You obviously never had any concerns about if you hired one more person you'd have to add another water closet as this OSHA rule requires.
PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers and decide to hire 1 more person... per OSHA law provide must have 2 water closets!

Sanitation. - 1910.141

PLUS where is YOUR proof for you statement "no it isn't"?

Republicanland - where acting like a snobby douche is supposed to win votes.
Only the most gullible idiot would buy into the proposition that ALL government regulations create a net negative cost.

Only the most gullible idiot would believe NO regulations save lives, jobs, or money.

Tossing around large figures of the cost of implementation of all regulations without also including the savings of lives, jobs, and money such regulations bring about is what is known as a massive lie of omission. Such lies of omission betray an agenda which is not in the best interests of the country or the common man.

Is there waste in government regulations? I'm absolutely positive there is.

Were some regulations enacted on behalf of special interests to make it more difficult for competitors to break into the industry? Most certainly. A few dollars in the right campaign funds can earn the right friends in government who will choke off your competition for you.

But how about those ones which prevent cancer, black lung, child labor, amputations, lost work days, and deaths? The net positive benefits of such regulations are nearly incalculable, but I would wager they are worth far more than the cost of the implementation of those regulations.

So don't be a gullible idiot painting every goddam thing with a wide brush. Just remember how many jobs and trillions of dollars the deregulation of financial derivatives cost the entire country, and ask yourselves what the real motives behind this lie of omission really are.
If you can find me ONE person (coherent please) that wishes all regulation ceased then you have a point. I don’t think anyone believes that so I find these words wasted. Virtually everyone agrees that regulations are needed for any reasonable form of economy to function at all but our existing regulatory structure is WAY beyond that.

THANK YOU! You understand my point of the thread.
There is a common sense that is missing in this country and most of it because of the MSM NEED to sensationalize RARE, exceptional events.
Illustration: Sandy Hook shootings. RARE event.
Since 1982 62 times , twice a year an average of 4 people were killed in a mass shooting spree!
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

And because of the recent and prior shootings taking place in schools, this was a MAJOR story for MSM.
Forget the fact that 500 people have been murdered in Chicago. The MSM cracked up the ANTi-GUN movement because of Sandy Hook. It sold papers/watched TV.
And that's the problem. More and more people have lost touch with common sense to question for example HOW big a problem is it?
Most of the same anti-gun crowd also support abortion.. NOT aware that 44% of abortions are done by women who've had prior abortions!
Nearly 700,000 abortions done by women who should have known better. Is that newsworthy though?
Yet 26 deaths in a school drives millions of Americans and the political machine to write MORE LAWS!
Even though under current gun laws there has been a 40% DROP in gun prosecutions !
Stupidly idiots want more LAWS and we aren't enforcing the laws we have!
And so we have this cycle of wanting more laws and because the MSM has a definite political bias (85% of major news outlets employees donated to Democrats)
there is again a "crisis" of shootings!

I just wish the majority of people on this forum would simply use the Internet and see that :
a) MOST people abide by the laws,rules and regulations that ALREADY EXIST! So why not enforce those laws i.e. like gun prosecutions!
b) Most people KNOW that if the continually screw people,customers, each other it comes back to them.."Golden Rule".. so most people abide!
Oh yeah, like really dumb regulations about whom you have to notify if you have 400 or more pounds of Ammonium Nitrate in storage. Just ask anyone in West, Texas about the stupidity of that regulation.
We should particularly because that regulation existed and accomplished nothing…

I wonder what stopped them from reporting this though? Real question, were they actively hiding the material OR were they simply unaware of the regulation itself. I can believe the latter because regulation is so extensive that NO ONE, in any industry anywhere, actually knows all the regulation that they are supposed to be following.

Thank you for your cogent point about SO MANY rules and regulations that people can't keep up with them!

"The successful use of competition does not preclude some types of government interference. For instance, to limit working hours or to require certain sanitary arrangements. An extensive system of social services is fully compatible with the preservation of competition. There are, too, certain fields where the system of competition is impracticable. For example, the harmful effects of deforestation or of the smoke of factories cannot be confined to the owner of the property in question. But a few exceptions do not prove that we should suppress competition where it can be made to function. To create conditions in which competition will be as effective as possible, to prevent fraud and deception, to break up monopolies - these tasks provide a wide and unquestioned field for state activity."
-- Friedrich August Von Hayek; from Road to Serfdom
Oh yeah, like really dumb regulations about whom you have to notify if you have 400 or more pounds of Ammonium Nitrate in storage. Just ask anyone in West, Texas about the stupidity of that regulation.

I have an idea for you. Why don't you find the worst possible exhibit for a failure to properly regulate, and use that to prove that we cannot live without all of those regulations. My mistake, you already have, and you have repeated it.

"The successful use of competition does not preclude some types of government interference. For instance, to limit working hours or to require certain sanitary arrangements. An extensive system of social services is fully compatible with the preservation of competition. There are, too, certain fields where the system of competition is impracticable. For example, the harmful effects of deforestation or of the smoke of factories cannot be confined to the owner of the property in question. But a few exceptions do not prove that we should suppress competition where it can be made to function. To create conditions in which competition will be as effective as possible, to prevent fraud and deception, to break up monopolies - these tasks provide a wide and unquestioned field for state activity."
-- Friedrich August Von Hayek; from Road to Serfdom

And no one argues with that. More straw men as far as the eye can see.

What they argue with is when the number of bathrooms is regulated, the number of screws in a piece of construction where it simply does not matter, the proper way to wipe a child ass (real regulation) and on and on and on. There are tons of overreaching regulations, it is asinine.
Building codes and regulations exist to ensure public safety.

Yes they do, but when the costs of permits double in a decade and gets to over 10K and you haven't dug a hole yet it's getting carried away, and affecting the industry.

Not to mention the environmental impact study you have to do before you dig that hole. You know...to make sure you won't endanger the existence of an insect or something.
Building codes and regulations exist to ensure public safety.

Yes they do, but when the costs of permits double in a decade and gets to over 10K and you haven't dug a hole yet it's getting carried away, and affecting the industry.
If a permit costs $10K, then the value of the whole contract is well over 6 figures. And if your bid was awarded the contract, then $10K ain't gonna bust you. And if money does get tight, once you mobilize your work force and are on-site with your construction trailor, you can submit your first pay request.

I've spent 30 years preparing electrical drawings for building dept submittals, DSA submittals, OSHPD submittals and even the VA submittals and I'm here to say that all the codes and regulations are a bitch to comply with, but if you don't, you will not get your "occupancy" permit.

Just be thankful we don't bulldoze down your building like Israel does in the OPT. We just "red tag" your ass until you bring your building or structure up to code.
Building codes and regulations exist to ensure public safety.

Yes they do, but when the costs of permits double in a decade and gets to over 10K and you haven't dug a hole yet it's getting carried away, and affecting the industry.
If a permit costs $10K, then the value of the whole contract is well over 6 figures. And if your bid was awarded the contract, then $10K ain't gonna bust you. And if money does get tight, once you mobilize your work force and are on-site with your construction trailor, you can submit your first pay request.

I've spent 30 years preparing electrical drawings for building dept submittals, DSA submittals, OSHPD submittals and even the VA submittals and I'm here to say that all the codes and regulations are a bitch to comply with, but if you don't, you will not get your "occupancy" permit.

Just be thankful we don't bulldoze down your building like Israel does in the OPT. We just "red tag" your ass until you bring your building or structure up to code.

Point being that the price of doing business going up at an ever increasing pace due to absolute bullshit is stiffing the economy.

I don't know where your not complying with the code rant comes from, I never, nowhere, stated that we won't/don't. I'm well awarer of the ramifications of going against our bloated government. I'm only bitching about the ever increasing costs of doing business.

No, I won't "just be thankful you don't bulldoze my building", 14 generations living in this once great country I expect much much better than that.

"Just be thankful" fuck me, like we are little peasants or something. Poor America
Building codes and regulations exist to ensure public safety.

Yes they do, but when the costs of permits double in a decade and gets to over 10K and you haven't dug a hole yet it's getting carried away, and affecting the industry.

Not to mention the environmental impact study you have to do before you dig that hole. You know...to make sure you won't endanger the existence of an insect or something.

Oh boy, heaven forbid that rare "insect" nests in one corner of your property, that's enough to shut down an entire project.

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