Our country is being drowned in rules and regulations!

Yes they do, but when the costs of permits double in a decade and gets to over 10K and you haven't dug a hole yet it's getting carried away, and affecting the industry.
If a permit costs $10K, then the value of the whole contract is well over 6 figures. And if your bid was awarded the contract, then $10K ain't gonna bust you. And if money does get tight, once you mobilize your work force and are on-site with your construction trailor, you can submit your first pay request.

I've spent 30 years preparing electrical drawings for building dept submittals, DSA submittals, OSHPD submittals and even the VA submittals and I'm here to say that all the codes and regulations are a bitch to comply with, but if you don't, you will not get your "occupancy" permit.

Just be thankful we don't bulldoze down your building like Israel does in the OPT. We just "red tag" your ass until you bring your building or structure up to code.

Point being that the price of doing business going up at an ever increasing pace due to absolute bullshit is stiffing the economy.

I don't know where your not complying with the code rant comes from, I never, nowhere, stated that we won't/don't. I'm well awarer of the ramifications of going against our bloated government. I'm only bitching about the ever increasing costs of doing business.

No, I won't "just be thankful you don't bulldoze my building", 14 generations living in this once great country I expect much much better than that.

"Just be thankful" fuck me, like we are little peasants or something. Poor America

That highlights the real dangerous sentiment here as well. It is not a matter of what is better, safer or more efficient. It has become a matter of just because we can. We will make yet another regulation or rule just because we can and because a useless bureaucrat in some random building needs to justify their position. Now you should just swallow it because you should be ‘thankful.’ A terrible way of looking at a regulatory structure.
Ever notice, when Republicans get rid of rules and regulations, factories blow up, drinking water becomes poison, oil spills happen and the economy takes a downward spiral? You can never tell if they are getting rid of burdensome requirements or simply attacking the country.
Ever notice, when Republicans get rid of rules and regulations, factories blow up, drinking water becomes poison, oil spills happen and the economy takes a downward spiral? You can never tell if they are getting rid of burdensome requirements or simply attacking the country.

Which regulations did republicans get rid of that caused an oil spill, a factory explosion and poison drinking water?

The economy took a downwards spiral because of a regulation the Democrats created call the CRA.
The law is a double-edged sword.

I doubt I could find any right winger who is paying attention or any left winger who is paying attention who could not agree that some specific laws and regulations are bullshit and some are needed.

Do we have too many laws and regulations?

Of course we do.

Are some of those laws and regulations DESIGNED to create monopolies?

HELL YEAH! they are.

AS one example of rules and regulations gone out of control? Moodys, Standard and Poor and Fitch are the only three BONDS RATING AGENCIES recognized by our government.

That is a GOVERNMENT-CREATED oligopoly.

That OLIOGOPOLY was in large part responsible for the disasterous 2007-2008 meltdown. (just one of a host of regulations and policies that helped create that mess, I note)

The THINKING LEFT recognizes that as a problem the THINKING RIGHT recognizes that as a problem too.

CONTRARY to what so many of you clueless partisans think, the people paying attention, people on both sides of the political divide OFTEN AGREE on what the problem is.

WhY doesn't that matter?

Because neither the RIGHT NOR THE LEFT have much influence with the INSIDERS who actually run this nation, that's why.

The insiders hate the TEA PARTY AND they hate the OCCCUPY WALL STREETers, too.
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Yes they do, but when the costs of permits double in a decade and gets to over 10K and you haven't dug a hole yet it's getting carried away, and affecting the industry.

Not to mention the environmental impact study you have to do before you dig that hole. You know...to make sure you won't endanger the existence of an insect or something.

Oh boy, heaven forbid that rare "insect" nests in one corner of your property, that's enough to shut down an entire project.

Yep...just ask Texas. A rare spider shut down a $15 million construction project.
Ever notice, when Republicans get rid of rules and regulations, factories blow up, drinking water becomes poison, oil spills happen and the economy takes a downward spiral? You can never tell if they are getting rid of burdensome requirements or simply attacking the country.

AHEMM... WEST TX happened under Obama!
BP happened under Obama!
Psst. Who do you think is paying for all that legislation? Hint: It most certainly isn't "we the people" aka the government. Go see what Monsanto just did. THEY (mega corporations and banks) are paying for favorable legislation that hamstrings small businesses. Why can't you right wing morons SEE this??? Jeebus.

ONE ANECDOTAL HYSTERICAL comment about what Monsanto did is your basis?
Did you happen to note I documented by comments... YOU are full of crap until you source your stupid statement about Monsanto!
And even if there is such a "Monsanto" something ... THAT IS ONE.. NOT ALL THE TIME as people like YOU state ALL the TIME!
YOU use singular events and make that the rule! You take rare events and make it commonplace!
Do you know how BAD our country would be if EVERY BUSINESS DID ALL THE TIME what you contend that Monsanto did?

Prove your comment or it is just a pile of crap! Source it.. Prove it and EVEN IF YOU do... do you understand what you and millions of people like you
do when you make such a hyperbolic, IT HAPPENS all the time statement??? YOU look like a fool!

Think about it. If your example of whatever Monsanto did WAS DONE ALL THE TIME what shape would our country be in??
IT doesn't happen all the time! Infrequently and I am MORE ACCURATE in that statement then you could ever be with your statement.."Monsanto did.. ALL the TIME"!!!!
its all about government controlling the population. there is a law out there to control anything. step by step, the government continues to gain more and more control. a revolution has taken place and it is not the people against the government. the government has revolted against the people
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations
A Red Tape Tower - Over 20,000 Pages Of Obamacare Regulations - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Regulating Small Businesses Out of Business
By Blanche Lincoln former Democratic senator from Arkansas, National Chair, Small Businesses for Sensible Regulations
Over the past five years, the number of proposed “major regulations” – those costing $100 million or more to the economy – have increased by more than 60 percent. Today, there are over 160,000 pages of federal regulations on the books, and more than 4,200 new rules are awaiting approval.
Over 800 of those pending would directly affect small businesses.

What's the Sum Effect of EPA Rules? - Energy and Environment Experts

While various financial regulatory agencies are far from done generating all the regulations that the law requires, the total time needed to comply with the regulations already issued eclipses 50 million hours, much of which the government has not bothered to monetize.

Now even the Federal government keeps track through The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) calculates that the federal government currently imposes more than 10.3 billion hours of paperwork compliance annually. To put that number in perspective, New York could build more than 1,400 Empire State Buildings in the equivalent amount of time.

Calculating the monetized cost for those hours of paperwork is a bit dicey, however. OIRA estimates that the associated cost of compliance for those 10.3 billion hours comes to $77.2 billion, which means that the government believes an individual’s time is worth $7.45 per hour. That is less than the minimum wage in Washington, D.C.
What Does an Hour of Regulatory Compliance Cost? | American Action Forum

But the cost then is even more then $77.2 billion if figured at $7.45 per hour because employers' share of SS/Medicare adds another 7.65% or at $8.01 per hour
that works out to another $5.4 billion or $82.6 billion a year JUST for the cost of paperwork.

So think of what it will be with Obamacare and EPA adding thousands of more in rules and regulations!
AND REMEMBER this is just the Federal government.
Add on State/local rules and regulations...

It costs business and industry an estimated $1.75 trillion a year to comply with federal regulations, according to two economists whose work was commissioned last year by the Small Business Administration.
The proposed regulatory rollbacks unveiled late last week by the White House appear to total just over $1 billion in annual cost savings.

Read more at Crazy Federal Rules Cost Business $1.75T a Year

All the crazy laws and regulations will cripple many businesses and make life difficult for individuals.

It's almost as if the government wants to ensure that every one of us is likely to break at least one regulation or law at some point. That would allow them to punish us if they see fit. If the IRS is able to target conservative groups, then we can imagine the possibilities here.

The average person simply is unable to keep up with all these laws and regulations. Small businesses might decide to call it quits because they just can't comply with so many unreasonable and oppressive laws. The government is setting the bar high enough to ensure that many will fail. I believe that is the goal.

It's just as bad with our personal lives. People might be breaking laws every day without even realizing it. That's because common sense doesn't help in figuring out what the government says is right or wrong. Most politicians can't even decipher these laws as written.

How many people will face fines or jail for catching rain water in containers, something that has been done for centuries. Now it's illegal. At the same time, some places want to tax people for rain water than runs into the sewer system. Gee, if you'd let us catch the water in containers so we would save money and water when we tend to our garden, we could eliminate the amount running into the gutters. Idiots.

It does seem that small businesses are under attack. They won't survive all the new laws under Obamacare, let alone more new regulations.

They have gone so far overboard with their quest to control every single aspect of our lives, from work to home life, and now they will succeed in doing that by citing some obscure law or regulation that has been broken.
All the crazy laws and regulations will cripple many businesses and make life difficult for individuals.

It's almost as if the government wants to ensure that every one of us is likely to break at least one regulation or law at some point. That would allow them to punish us if they see fit. If the IRS is able to target conservative groups, then we can imagine the possibilities here.

The average person simply is unable to keep up with all these laws and regulations. Small businesses might decide to call it quits because they just can't comply with so many unreasonable and oppressive laws. The government is setting the bar high enough to ensure that many will fail. I believe that is the goal.

It's just as bad with our personal lives. People might be breaking laws every day without even realizing it. That's because common sense doesn't help in figuring out what the government says is right or wrong. Most politicians can't even decipher these laws as written.

How many people will face fines or jail for catching rain water in containers, something that has been done for centuries. Now it's illegal. At the same time, some places want to tax people for rain water than runs into the sewer system. Gee, if you'd let us catch the water in containers so we would save money and water when we tend to our garden, we could eliminate the amount running into the gutters. Idiots.

It does seem that small businesses are under attack. They won't survive all the new laws under Obamacare, let alone more new regulations.

They have gone so far overboard with their quest to control every single aspect of our lives, from work to home life, and now they will succeed in doing that by citing some obscure law or regulation that has been broken.

This is so true. The government does not really want you to follow all the laws, they just need the control for when they feel that you need to be controlled.
There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system
- You all know ;)
the left has to raise taxes for revenue because they have put us in such a horrible debt, that someone has to pay for it........you and me!!!! These politicians are only interested in what they can gain for themselves. You nor I are any concern to this bunch in washington.
If you have ever read any of the Utopian philosophies one of the agreements that all philosophers across hundreds of years had was that the rules and regulations necessary end up in absolute tyranny.

Tocqueville wrote of it this way:

Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living?

Thus it every day renders the exercise of the free agency of man less useful and less frequent; it circumscribes the will within a narrower range and gradually robs a man of all the uses of himself. The principle of equality has prepared men for these things;it has predisposed men to endure them and often to look on them as benefits.

After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 1
Ever notice, when Republicans get rid of rules and regulations, factories blow up, drinking water becomes poison, oil spills happen and the economy takes a downward spiral? You can never tell if they are getting rid of burdensome requirements or simply attacking the country.

AHEMM... WEST TX happened under Obama!
BP happened under Obama!

Left by Bush and the Republicans. Did you hear that reports were handed to officials in pencil and those officials went over them in ink.

And get a load of the apology to BP.

And this:

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

How do you explain that? That must be Obama's fault because he "forgot to lead".
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its all about government controlling the population. there is a law out there to control anything. step by step, the government continues to gain more and more control. a revolution has taken place and it is not the people against the government. the government has revolted against the people

No they aren't, you're just a whiny baby. I would doubt the government gives a damn at all about much of anything that goes on in your life. As long as you pay your taxes I wouldn't worry so much.
Just wait until they get a hold of the internet. The gov. will start making laws like a crazy mofo. Can you guess who the biggest hacker in the world. The US government.
Point being that the price of doing business going up at an ever increasing pace due to absolute bullshit is stiffing the economy.

I don't know where your not complying with the code rant comes from, I never, nowhere, stated that we won't/don't. I'm well awarer of the ramifications of going against our bloated government. I'm only bitching about the ever increasing costs of doing business.

No, I won't "just be thankful you don't bulldoze my building", 14 generations living in this once great country I expect much much better than that.

"Just be thankful" fuck me, like we are little peasants or something. Poor America
De-regulation led to the economic meltdown of 2008, the Gulf oil spill and the loss of our representation in government.

That's not something I want to see continue.
What lead to the 2007-2008 meltdown was a combination of regulations that were mostly written by the industry itself.

It is not government in theory that is the problem its BAD government in practice that is the problem.

This board is rife with people who lay claim to loving free market captialism.

I post an example of the government regulation that limits that free market, and none here are apparently cogent enough to recognize why that's a problem.

Partians -- worthless citizens, the lot of yas.

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