Our country is being drowned in rules and regulations!

Blanche Lincoln voted for ObamaCare, then pens this article criticizing too much regulation. How rich.
Few regulations being passed today have anything to do with safety and are simply to limit business activities or raise revenue.

Liberals can't tell the difference.
That's bullshit because corporations are enjoying record levels of profits.

HEY IF you are critical of conservatives that want to NOT CUT but want to increase SS Cost of living by 1% rather then 2% REMEMBER that's still an increase NOT A CUT... and people like you say "WELL you aren't taking into
account the cost of living, i.e. INFLATION" RIGHT! YOU Agree INFLATION can be the argument in this illustration?

THEN when you say "bullshit corporations..record profits"... WHAT ABOUT THE FACT those profits are INFLATED ALSO??

Either you agree that SS payments are NOT CUT but reduced INCREASE and that is wrong because that doesn't account for
INFLATION THEN you have to agree that "evil profits" dastardly " dividends" by the way which millions of people get in their 401Ks, live on, i.e. the Profits... are INFLATED ALSO so where then are those "RECORD Profits"????
Building codes and regulations exist to ensure public safety.

Few regulations being passed today have anything to do with safety and are simply to limit business activities or raise revenue.

Liberals can't tell the difference.
That's bullshit because corporations are enjoying record levels of profits.

None of this should be a surprise. The government is NEVER accurate in cost projections. We knew this when the idiot liberals demanded that Obamacare was somehow magically deficit neutral.

It’s not bullshit, its reality. Of course record profits are ensuing, did you miss Mr. Peepers post? Big business likes this type of crap because it eliminates competition. Big business can eat the admin cost and eventually move it to the consumer. Small business simply ceases to exist. There are regs that instruct a child care provider how to wipe a child’s ass (and inspectors to check on this), tell providers what COLOR of food they must serve, building codes on the number of screws that go into a stud (BTW, screws in steel studs are useless as the drywall provides the strength and rigidity) and again screw inspectors to check on the proper use of screws. You would not believe the number of times you have to call in the screw inspector just to hang a wall. Even more regs that require a person that wants to add an interior, non-load bearing wall into their own home to pay a architect to ‘design’ the wall, a contractor to ‘install’ it and various license fees to create the project not to mention more inspectors. There is NO safety concern, the home is already sound, and nothing that adding that wall can harm but the regulators want their cut.

If I want to install a sprinkler system in my yard, I have to pay a thousand dollar fee to do so. What is it for? Nothing! That’s right, I get nothing for that but regulations demand that I have my ‘irrigation system’ licensed for my ‘safety’ and the ‘safety’ of the environment even though they don’t even bother looking at the plans or the finished product.

Of course, they still have depth requirements. I guess that is for my safety as well, right? Really, wake up and actually LOOK at regulatory structure because it is way the fuck out of proportion.
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Our country is being drowned in rules and regulations!

Welllllllllllllll.....they surely don't worry about them, there regulations....

.....down in TEXAS!!!!!

"It’s impossible to know at this point whether unsafe workplace conditions were a direct cause of this disaster, but we do know that it was cited for failing to obtain or qualify for a permit in 2006 after a complaint of a strong ammonia smell, a smell that was reported to be “very bad last night.” The plant hasn’t been inspected in the past five years, and in fact only six Texas fertilizer plants were inspected in that time. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is chronically understaffed, which means that a given plant like West Fertilizer can only expect to get a state inspection once every 67 years on average.


"The Associated Press is reporting that the fertilizer plant in West, Texas that exploded on Wednesday night hasn’t been inspected by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) since 1985, nearly three decades ago. It was issued a fine on its last inspection for a violation related to storing ammonia.

The plant was also cited for failing to get a permit in 2006 after a complaint of a strong ammonia smell. That smell was reported to be “very bad” on the night of the explosion. Storing ammonia at fertilizer plants can be very hazardous; in 2008, the Center for American Progress found a fertilizer plant that stored millions of pounds of anhydrous ammonia in Pasadena, Texas to be among the most hazardous chemical facilities in the country, with more than 3 million people living in range of a worst-case ammonia gas release.

The report led Rep. George Miller (D-CA) to introduce a bill to give the federal agency more authority to intervene in state plans and strengthen fines and prosecutions against violations. The lack of OSHA inspections contributes to a high rate of workplace deaths in the U.S., with over 4,500 in 2010 alone. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has already stated its opposition to Democrats’ efforts to strengthen workplace safety regulations."

A friend of mine owned a cabin at Crestline in the mountains. She got a notice from the fire department that brush and vegetation had grown too close to the cabin and presented a fire hazard. She was fined and ordered to clear away the brush. She paid the fine and had a crew clear a fire break. Then she got a notice from the EPA that she had disturbed the natural habitat of numerous forest insects. She was fined and order to put the cleared area back to its natural form.
None of this should be a surprise. The government is NEVER accurate in cost projections. We knew this when the idiot liberals demanded that Obamacare was somehow magically deficit neutral.

It’s not bullshit, its reality. Of course record profits are ensuing, did you miss Mr. Peepers post? Big business likes this type of crap because it eliminates competition. Big business can eat the admin cost and eventually move it to the consumer. Small business simply ceases to exist. There are regs that instruct a child care provider how to wipe a child’s ass (and inspectors to check on this), tell providers what COLOR of food they must serve, building codes on the number of screws that go into a stud (BTW, screws in steel studs are useless as the drywall provides the strength and rigidity) and again screw inspectors to check on the proper use of screws. You would not believe the number of times you have to call in the screw inspector just to hang a wall. Even more regs that require a person that wants to add an interior, non-load bearing wall into their own home to pay a architect to ‘design’ the wall, a contractor to ‘install’ it and various license fees to create the project not to mention more inspectors. There is NO safety concern, the home is already sound, and nothing that adding that wall can harm but the regulators want their cut.

If I want to install a sprinkler system in my yard, I have to pay a thousand dollar fee to do so. What is it for? Nothing! That’s right, I get nothing for that but regulations demand that I have my ‘irrigation system’ licensed for my ‘safety’ and the ‘safety’ of the environment even though they don’t even bother looking at the plans or the finished product.

Of course, they still have depth requirements. I guess that is for my safety as well, right? Really, wake up and actually LOOK at regulatory structure because it is way the fuck out of proportion.
Drywall is not used for "strength and rigidity".

Shear walls are used for that and they are plywood.

You don't need an architect to stamp a non-bearing wall addition. But you do need to submit a detail to building and safety in order to pull a permit. But a contractor can do that.

A bearing wall would need a structural engineer to stamp it, but that's another story.
Man is a creative creature. Pass a law regulating monopolies and before the law is dry on the books, some has already figured out how to beat the law; so another law is passed correcting the first law and bingo someone has already figured out how to bypass the new law, the one that corrected the old law. Business and government have played this beat-ya game since the first laws were passed helping business.
None of this should be a surprise. The government is NEVER accurate in cost projections. We knew this when the idiot liberals demanded that Obamacare was somehow magically deficit neutral.

It’s not bullshit, its reality. Of course record profits are ensuing, did you miss Mr. Peepers post? Big business likes this type of crap because it eliminates competition. Big business can eat the admin cost and eventually move it to the consumer. Small business simply ceases to exist. There are regs that instruct a child care provider how to wipe a child’s ass (and inspectors to check on this), tell providers what COLOR of food they must serve, building codes on the number of screws that go into a stud (BTW, screws in steel studs are useless as the drywall provides the strength and rigidity) and again screw inspectors to check on the proper use of screws. You would not believe the number of times you have to call in the screw inspector just to hang a wall. Even more regs that require a person that wants to add an interior, non-load bearing wall into their own home to pay a architect to ‘design’ the wall, a contractor to ‘install’ it and various license fees to create the project not to mention more inspectors. There is NO safety concern, the home is already sound, and nothing that adding that wall can harm but the regulators want their cut.

If I want to install a sprinkler system in my yard, I have to pay a thousand dollar fee to do so. What is it for? Nothing! That’s right, I get nothing for that but regulations demand that I have my ‘irrigation system’ licensed for my ‘safety’ and the ‘safety’ of the environment even though they don’t even bother looking at the plans or the finished product.

Of course, they still have depth requirements. I guess that is for my safety as well, right? Really, wake up and actually LOOK at regulatory structure because it is way the fuck out of proportion.
Drywall is not used for "strength and rigidity".

Shear walls are used for that and they are plywood.

You don't need an architect to stamp a non-bearing wall addition. But you do need to submit a detail to building and safety in order to pull a permit. But a contractor can do that.

A bearing wall would need a structural engineer to stamp it, but that's another story.

I may have misspoke a little with that. An architect might not have to stamp it but you are not allowed to simply do this yourself. As you stated, a contractor can get the required paperwork filled but the reality is that I should not need a contractor at all. I can do the paperwork but it is unnecessary in the first place and requires other fees and loopholes that should not exist. I can build my own damn wall and there is not one single reason that I should have to file anything for it. It is not a safety concern or a code concern, the wall has nothing to do with the structure.

Also, I was not talking about rigidity of the BUILDING, just a standard wall. IOW, the studs do not provide the strength or rigidity of a wall. When a wall is still just framing, it is really weak. It is not until after the mud is added that the wall gains any real strength. The screws holding the studs in the track are essentially nothing more than convince so that the studs do not move when framing, laying pipe, electrical conduit etc, etc. There is a screw inspector to ensure that those screws are installed and what purpose does that serve? None at all. It ads nothing to the process or end product.
[snip intro]

Over the past five years, the number of proposed “major regulations” – those costing $100 million or more to the economy – have increased by more than 60 percent.

[snip opinion]

While various financial regulatory agencies are far from done generating all the regulations that the law requires, the total time needed to comply with the regulations already issued eclipses 50 million hours, much of which the government has not bothered to monetize.

Now even the Federal government keeps track through The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) calculates that the federal government currently imposes more than 10.3 billion hours of paperwork compliance annually. To put that number in perspective, New York could build more than 1,400 Empire State Buildings in the equivalent amount of time.

Calculating the monetized cost for those hours of paperwork is a bit dicey....[more opinion snipped to cut to the chase]

Only fools and parasitic scum believe the US is NOT over regulated.

Three points:
1. Not all regulation is equal. Law is regulation. Civilization requires law. Rational questions are about "which" laws are necessary.
2. While Sarbannes-Oxley is an abomination, Glass Steagall was not. Further, Clinton's CFTMA opening securities markets to naked low margin speculation was a direct cause of the collapse of 2008.
3. Exacerbating the overarching problem of too many regulations are a) incompetent regulation, b) incompetent enforcement of existing regulation, and c) corruption.

The underlying causes of incompetent regulation are.
1. regulations tend to be written by the industries being regulation
2. too much complexity causes regulatory conflicts that result in legal contests
3. legal contests add costs on top of excessive normal costs of satisfying incompetent regulation
Utopian bottom line: it's time for some wholesale change eliminating regulatory conflicts feeding parasites, and its time for wholesale change in vision and the path from concept to law.

Real world bottom lines: nothing is going to change until some kind of taxpayer groundswell forces it. Wholesale change is rarely peaceful; given the rate that every level of government is arming itself against citizens, it appears government is already contemplating the path to absolute control of domestic affairs for the benefit of its corporate owners.
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Hell yes. All them stupid rules. First thing you know, someone might outlaw putting fertalizer plants that make ammonium nitrate in town.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezpB1UEQtKA]13. Rules and regulations - YouTube[/ame]
Man is a creative creature. Pass a law regulating monopolies and before the law is dry on the books, some has already figured out how to beat the law; so another law is passed correcting the first law and bingo someone has already figured out how to bypass the new law, the one that corrected the old law. Business and government have played this beat-ya game since the first laws were passed helping business.

Man is not alone. Germs mutate their way around medicines. Should we stop providing medicines?

One view is medicines are a good thing. Evidence seems to support that.

Similarly, the real history of civilization is the history of regulation.

Sure, nutball white trash like to watch dramatizations about leaders and heroes - individuals - whose character most can't hope to equal, while fake-liberal human potential zombies fantasize about worlds where people they believe bullied or oppressed them as children and teens are subjugated to various forms of affirmative action. Scum always daydream about easy paths to merit they can't hope to earn their way to.

The last president of the nineteenth century, McKinley was an out of the closet corporate shill. The first president of the twentieth century to be an "out" corporate shill was Reagan, the man who tripled the national debt subsidizing corporate debauching of taxpayers and called it "morning in America". Some of us knew "mourning" was a more realistic emotion.

To summarize: the question is not whether to regulate. The questions are "how" and "what".
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The government is intent on eliminating small business. If the democrat goals are to be reached, the goods and services that small business provides will have to be provided by the government itself.

Yes, many government regulations serve no purpose but to stifle competition to benefit the government's corporate masters.
Few regulations being passed today have anything to do with safety and are simply to limit business activities or raise revenue.

Liberals can't tell the difference.
That's bullshit because corporations are enjoying record levels of profits.

They are enjoying record levels of profits because they aren't spending any money. They aren't growing. They have hunkered down to wait out the obama regime and some relief from government regulations.


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Bureaucratic, statist, civil servants know whats best for you..............Those crafty central planning social engineers.............
Oh yeah, like really dumb regulations about whom you have to notify if you have 400 or more pounds of Ammonium Nitrate in storage. Just ask anyone in West, Texas about the stupidity of that regulation.

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