Our Country WILL Implode If We Can't Agree On Some BASIC Things...


Ariel Looney
May 22, 2010

1) It ISN'T "FREE!" SOMEone, SOMEwhere, has to shoulder the cost of whatever it is;

2) When you just say what you think peeps want to hear, in order to promote yourself, it's LYING;

3) There really IS such a thing as Ethics;

4) We're much more alike than we are different;

and 5) We're being sold a Bill of Goods that we'll only see the Bill for, NOT the Goods.

With NO name-calling,

with no insults, as hilarious as they usually are,

can we just discuss a common goal, that benefits ALL of us?

I've been called a MAJOR RETARD for believing that Ayn Rand was NOT speaking about selfishness, nor egoism ~

if we do our BEST?

Wherever we find ourselves?

i.e. Our workplaces? If we do our best, our employment is allowed to continue. If we just monkey around and act like fools, our JOBS suffer, our companies suffer, and before you know it, we're beggars instead of the Strong Good people that we ARE at our very cores.

This is a Christian thing, but we were MADE to want Good for ourselves and those around us. We have Heart. We Care. There IS a Spirit that lives within us, and it isn't a spirit of deceit nor selfishness.

1) It ISN'T "FREE!" SOMEone, SOMEwhere, has to shoulder the cost of whatever it is;

2) When you just say what you think peeps want to hear, in order to promote yourself, it's LYING;

3) There really IS such a thing as Ethics;

4) We're much more alike than we are different;

and 5) We're being sold a Bill of Goods that we'll only see the Bill for, NOT the Goods.

With NO name-calling,

with no insults, as hilarious as they usually are,

can we just discuss a common goal, that benefits ALL of us?

I've been called a MAJOR RETARD for believing that Ayn Rand was NOT speaking about selfishness, nor egoism ~

if we do our BEST?

Wherever we find ourselves?

i.e. Our workplaces? If we do our best, our employment is allowed to continue. If we just monkey around and act like fools, our JOBS suffer, our companies suffer, and before you know it, we're beggars instead of the Strong Good people that we ARE at our very cores.

This is a Christian thing, but we were MADE to want Good for ourselves and those around us. We have Heart. We Care. There IS a Spirit that lives within us, and it isn't a spirit of deceit nor selfishness.

forget about it

Being a realist I'm of the opinion that like all good things, this ship is floundering and near it's end and there is really nothing that can be done to stop it.
Our country isn't going to implode if we don't agree on those things. It's going to implode if the Republicans keep cutting taxes for the top 2% because all that does is increase the deficit.

More jobs were created under Clinton than Bush the father and son combined. And the rich paid higher taxes under Clinton - who also had several years of a budget surplus (no deficit spending).

So quit believing the GOP lies and quit voting for the GOP liars and you'll be helping to save our country.
Being a realist I'm of the opinion that like all good things, this ship is floundering and near it's end and there is really nothing that can be done to stop it.

That's not a realist.

That's a fear mongering pessimist.

1) It ISN'T "FREE!" SOMEone, SOMEwhere, has to shoulder the cost of whatever it is;

2) When you just say what you think peeps want to hear, in order to promote yourself, it's LYING;

3) There really IS such a thing as Ethics;

4) We're much more alike than we are different;

and 5) We're being sold a Bill of Goods that we'll only see the Bill for, NOT the Goods.

With NO name-calling,

with no insults, as hilarious as they usually are,

can we just discuss a common goal, that benefits ALL of us?

I've been called a MAJOR RETARD for believing that Ayn Rand was NOT speaking about selfishness, nor egoism ~

if we do our BEST?

Wherever we find ourselves?

i.e. Our workplaces? If we do our best, our employment is allowed to continue. If we just monkey around and act like fools, our JOBS suffer, our companies suffer, and before you know it, we're beggars instead of the Strong Good people that we ARE at our very cores.

This is a Christian thing, but we were MADE to want Good for ourselves and those around us. We have Heart. We Care. There IS a Spirit that lives within us, and it isn't a spirit of deceit nor selfishness.
Sorry. You lost me at ethics.
Being a realist I'm of the opinion that like all good things, this ship is floundering and near it's end and there is really nothing that can be done to stop it.


Progressivism - Populism - Tea Parties: It's really easy to sum up where I stand on them all.

To quote Robert Ingersoll:
There are many people, in all countries, who seem to enjoy individual and national decay. They love to prophesy the triumph of evil. They mistake the afternoon of their own lives for the evening of the world. To them everything has changed. Men are no longer honest or brave, and women have ceased to be beautiful. They are dyspeptic, and it gives them the greatest pleasure to say that the art of cooking has been lost. - Is Avarice Triumphant

There is nothing new about the Tea Party movement or any other nitwit movement that rises up in America. Demagogues have always hid behind the coming demise of the republic to whip up the lost, angry and frustrated among us. These hyper-patriots usually wrap themselves up in the symbols of this great republic while preaching the end of the republic.

1) It ISN'T "FREE!" SOMEone, SOMEwhere, has to shoulder the cost of whatever it is;

2) When you just say what you think peeps want to hear, in order to promote yourself, it's LYING;

3) There really IS such a thing as Ethics;

4) We're much more alike than we are different;

and 5) We're being sold a Bill of Goods that we'll only see the Bill for, NOT the Goods.

With NO name-calling,

with no insults, as hilarious as they usually are,

can we just discuss a common goal, that benefits ALL of us?

I've been called a MAJOR RETARD for believing that Ayn Rand was NOT speaking about selfishness, nor egoism ~

if we do our BEST?

Wherever we find ourselves?

i.e. Our workplaces? If we do our best, our employment is allowed to continue. If we just monkey around and act like fools, our JOBS suffer, our companies suffer, and before you know it, we're beggars instead of the Strong Good people that we ARE at our very cores.

This is a Christian thing, but we were MADE to want Good for ourselves and those around us. We have Heart. We Care. There IS a Spirit that lives within us, and it isn't a spirit of deceit nor selfishness.

You bring up ethics and yet people from the right think it's ethical to deny people health coverage for god knows what reason. Makes a lot of sense...

Now something I will say that probably most people will agree on. More jobs are needed.
Our country isn't going to implode if we don't agree on those things. It's going to implode if the Republicans keep cutting taxes for the top 2% because all that does is increase the deficit.

More jobs were created under Clinton than Bush the father and son combined. And the rich paid higher taxes under Clinton - who also had several years of a budget surplus (no deficit spending).

So quit believing the GOP lies and quit voting for the GOP liars and you'll be helping to save our country.

It isn't about partisanship, or the puppets that are shown to us,

and if THAT's where your head is at?

You're lost.
Our country isn't going to implode if we don't agree on those things. It's going to implode if the Republicans keep cutting taxes for the top 2% because all that does is increase the deficit.

More jobs were created under Clinton than Bush the father and son combined. And the rich paid higher taxes under Clinton - who also had several years of a budget surplus (no deficit spending).

So quit believing the GOP lies and quit voting for the GOP liars and you'll be helping to save our country.

It isn't about partisanship, or the puppets that are shown to us,

and if THAT's where your head is at?

You're lost.
My post isn't about partisanship. My post is about saving our country from the people who are all about handing hundreds of thousands of deficit dollars to the millionaires, thereby destroying our country.

But of course a partisan reader would make it about partisanship instead of common sense, which what it's really about. Anything to defend your party, right?
You bring up ethics and yet people from the right think it's ethical to deny people health coverage for god knows what reason. Makes a lot of sense...

Now something I will say that probably most people will agree on. More jobs are needed.

It isn't right nor left.

THAT's the lie,

that we're somehow AGAINST each other.

I'm NOT. I do care about what others think, feel, and want, and I'm old enough to understand that those things? Are what we ALL are hoping for, for each of us, personally, and for the folks around us.

If that isn't where you're coming from?

You are pitiful and pathetic, 'cuz all YOU care about?

YES, it WAS used to put the fear of gov

(as opposed to the fear of GOD)

into us.

THEY AREN'T US, anymore.

They're so far and away ABOVE us,

that NO LIE is too terrible,

IF it makes us have to be at odds with each other!

Remember that saying about how

United We STAND, but Divided We FALL?

The users were listening, and KNEW it for the truth it is,

and Now?

They're using it against us.

That's how it is.

If you have to USE something against someone,

whether it's a sob story,

or a blatant lie,

or WhatEVER,

you're a USER.

We Are NOT to Turn The Other BUTT Cheek to those who would abuse us;

and we're not to value life so poorly as to think that whatever we're given isn't "enough,"

nor Good Enough.

We're HERE. We're NOW.

We have voices and we can speak;

We have choices and we can see beyond bleak.

It's an interesting study in egoism vs selflessness,

and in happiness vs sadness.

Well, I choose happiness.

Whilst y'all put THAT in your pipes and smoke it,

I'll be rolling another one,

just like the Other One (OLD Song, eh? ;) )

and smoking IT!

Where "IT?" = HERB, another of those gifts I blather on about.
Our country isn't going to implode if we don't agree on those things. It's going to implode if the Republicans keep cutting taxes for the top 2% because all that does is increase the deficit.

That's the reason? Interesting.

More jobs were created under Clinton than Bush the father and son combined. And the rich paid higher taxes under Clinton - who also had several years of a budget surplus (no deficit spending).

So quit believing the GOP lies and quit voting for the GOP liars and you'll be helping to save our country.

How's that working out so far?

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