Our Country

The last president hated america and lied continuously through foreign and domestic policies. An abominable stain to this country.

What a load of horse pucky. He brought us out of the Bush recession, then you elected this lying,blowhard ass!

He did nothing of the sort. My dog could have brought us out of that. The economy brought itself out. Had nothing to do with O.
23 times maobama said he didn't have the constitutional authority to do what he did on DACA, then he suddenly said he did. When was he lying?

Is that so? Well, it sure did take them a long time to shoot that E.O. down, didn't it? Do I remember that happening? It took Trump, who is hostile to immigrants and refugees in general, to shoot it down.

Talk about a deflection, care to address the question?

I misspoke. There was no E.O. I will let Politifact present the FACTS of what Obama actually said about the Constitutionality of DACA. (hint: your question was an error in itself)
Obama hedged but didn't say he lacked legal right on DACA

Shove you leftist site, I'll take his words over theirs.


He worked around it. He knew it wouldn't be Constitutional to implement so he simply used "delay prosecution." Homeland Security implemented it; there was no E.O. So yes, he said it wouldn't be Constitutional so he didn't do it that way.

If you bothered to actually watch the video, he said "the notion that I could just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case, there are laws on the books...". You can find that in the first clip.

The fact is he did suspend deportations for two years at a time and wouldn't allow ICE to enforce the law. On top of that he illegally granted work permits to people who weren't eligible for them under the law. So feel free to pretend he didn't lie, he did.

Is that so? Well, it sure did take them a long time to shoot that E.O. down, didn't it? Do I remember that happening? It took Trump, who is hostile to immigrants and refugees in general, to shoot it down.

Talk about a deflection, care to address the question?

I misspoke. There was no E.O. I will let Politifact present the FACTS of what Obama actually said about the Constitutionality of DACA. (hint: your question was an error in itself)
Obama hedged but didn't say he lacked legal right on DACA

Shove you leftist site, I'll take his words over theirs.


He worked around it. He knew it wouldn't be Constitutional to implement so he simply used "delay prosecution." Homeland Security implemented it; there was no E.O. So yes, he said it wouldn't be Constitutional so he didn't do it that way.

If you bothered to actually watch the video, he said "the notion that I could just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case, there are laws on the books...". You can find that in the first clip.

The fact is he did suspend deportations for two years at a time and wouldn't allow ICE to enforce the law. On top of that he illegally granted work permits to people who weren't eligible for them under the law. So feel free to pretend he didn't lie, he did.


And if YOU bothered to actually read the link I put up, he "hedged" and wiggled around it, but he did not use an executive order.
All this bickering about Obama lying is a side track, anyway.
This OP was about Trump. Better you defended him than attacked a guy who has been out of office for over a year.
I pray for our country every day. I fear this president is taking our beautiful country in the direction V-Putin wants. Just think of all the scandals in this administration.Any president who truly loves their country does not DISGRACE it's Leaders. Any president who truly loves their country DOES NOT ATTACK private citizens. Any president who truly loves their country will do what they have to in order to protect it. Now just think about what I just said and let it soak in for a few mins. This president and his administration blantly LIE to WE the american people. Every day SS stands before the press and vomits out lies knowing she is lying to the people. I wonder how she, others and the Rep Cong will answer this question: Why didn't you do something to stop him? What will your answer be? Just remember who has to live in this world that this administration with help from some in the Rep Cong has and continue to create. I don't care if you are R,D,I or what color your skin is LOVE WILL PREVAIL
Don't worry.

Trump will be impeached and convicted soon.

Then Pence will take over.

In the meantime be happy !!
I like Trump's SCOTUS choice. I look forward to another one like it when Ginsberg croaks soon.

I like Trump's tax on tax-cheating corporations. I think his tax hike on the middle class will burn him in November though.

I like Trump's pro-gun viewpoints. At least we are safe from another gun ban like Slick Willy's was.

There is a silver lining to every cloud.

I predict a DEM victory in at least one house of Congress. Then Trump will be neutered.

And I also expect Mueller's report to indict Trump for impeachment, if the House goes DEM.
Talk about a deflection, care to address the question?

I misspoke. There was no E.O. I will let Politifact present the FACTS of what Obama actually said about the Constitutionality of DACA. (hint: your question was an error in itself)
Obama hedged but didn't say he lacked legal right on DACA

Shove you leftist site, I'll take his words over theirs.


He worked around it. He knew it wouldn't be Constitutional to implement so he simply used "delay prosecution." Homeland Security implemented it; there was no E.O. So yes, he said it wouldn't be Constitutional so he didn't do it that way.

If you bothered to actually watch the video, he said "the notion that I could just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case, there are laws on the books...". You can find that in the first clip.

The fact is he did suspend deportations for two years at a time and wouldn't allow ICE to enforce the law. On top of that he illegally granted work permits to people who weren't eligible for them under the law. So feel free to pretend he didn't lie, he did.


And if YOU bothered to actually read the link I put up, he "hedged" and wiggled around it, but he did not use an executive order.
All this bickering about Obama lying is a side track, anyway.
This OP was about Trump. Better you defended him than attacked a guy who has been out of office for over a year.

Regardless of the method, the effect was the same, an illegal action, that even the mulatto messiah said he didn't have the authority to do. Also you might note, the OP made the first 3 posts in this thread and hasn't posted again.


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