Our current politics and Rush Limbaugh

Anyone who believes they are getting the truth from the msm after all the childish lies they've spouted last 3 yrs has rube writ large all over em
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer first and foremost. There are no actual “facts” in what he promulgates. His job is to sell the narrative that will generate the greatest ratings for his audience. “Liberals suck” will always wheedle the Trump myrmidons...
The thing is that same conclusion also applies to most of the MSM. They are dishonest and biased, just like Rush.

How is it that any American could still get their news from the major networks and cable news channels, after three years of promoting the Russia hoax????? They are still promoting it!!!!!

It would appear there are a lot of morons on the left too.

Nope. That is the excuse that RW nuts and other weirdo's use. Russian interference, collusion and obstruction all took place. Not
hoaxes. Sorry.
It is the "deep state" that is the HOAX!
Anyone who believes they are getting the truth from the msm after all the childish lies they've spouted last 3 yrs has rube writ large all over em
Exactly yet they have no shame. They are proud of believing lies.

It’s crazy.
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer first and foremost. There are no actual “facts” in what he promulgates. His job is to sell the narrative that will generate the greatest ratings for his audience. “Liberals suck” will always wheedle the Trump myrmidons...
The thing is that same conclusion also applies to most of the MSM. They are dishonest and biased, just like Rush.

How is it that any American could still get their news from the major networks and cable news channels, after three years of promoting the Russia hoax????? They are still promoting it!!!!!

It would appear there are a lot of morons on the left too.

Nope. That is the excuse that RW nuts and other weirdo's use. Russian interference, collusion and obstruction all took place. Not
hoaxes. Sorry.

If only the left would criticize Trump for what he is really doing, not for something made up for TV ratings.
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer first and foremost. There are no actual “facts” in what he promulgates. His job is to sell the narrative that will generate the greatest ratings for his audience. “Liberals suck” will always wheedle the Trump myrmidons...

So, if I present ONE TIME, when he said something True, that will destroy your narrative?

You want to pretend I did that, and move on to the next line of defense? Or do I have to actually cut and paste something?

Knock yourself out. Note how the word “facts” is written.

It is in quotes. So, what do you mean by that?

Isn’t this so much nicer than having some person squawk at you about hoe awful the other side is?

I think Correll is early for needing his Daily nap. Maybe hes drunk from last night!

I think you are an asshole. And your refusal to address the thread topic, and instead attacking me personally, makes you a troll.

I addressed it, you may have missed my posts. Youre on one, like usual. Whining about "they they them."

Get a fuckin life

All I have seen is you being an asshole.
I have no doubt Correll will be here forever whining about how bitterly unfair he’s been treated.

Your rude and dismissive spin in noted. And dismissed.

Mr. 36k messages.

You’re account is what happens when Eeyore eats a shit ton of downers.

The world is going to hell, and I call it like I see it.

Tell me about. The Steelers lost in OT and the seal on my hot pepper jelly didn’t take, spoiling the whole damn jar. It’s pure a hellscape here, mate.

You have my sympathy.
So, if I present ONE TIME, when he said something True, that will destroy your narrative?
Now that would definitely be a challenge!
Much easier to show his LIES!....

Cool how you cut his claim. And then addressed a point that no one made. Instead of what he actually said.

An objective observer would think you were trying to be misleading.
I love it when the assholes sitting in the saddle get their piles prodded by the burr under it. Now that's one Hell of an effective burr!

Keep up the good work, Rush, America needs you for the laughs.
I wonder if he privately looks at what has happened to this country and regrets his role in where we are now.

He's not a bad or evil person. A former disc jockey, ideologically influenced by his father and grandfather, he was smart and talented enough to introduce a deejay's entertainment sensibility to political talk radio. Characters, songs, comedic segments, all produced and delivered skillfully and effectively. This guy single-handedly saved AM radio and revolutionized a medium.

Fast forward +/- 35 years to today: His massive success spawned any number of local and national copycats, most notably former Rush fill-in host Sean Hannity. While they don't possess anything near Limbaugh's entertainment chops, they hammer away at all his standard talking points and distortion tactics and have largely been able to add Limbaugh's listeners to their own audience. The force and influence of talk radio can not only be measured by its number of listeners; perhaps even more importantly, the constant drum beating and repetition of the talking points has clearly influenced the very thought processes of its listeners.

But as that echo chamber has grown exponentially, its effects go even deeper. Limbaugh certainly couldn't have known about or planned for the explosion of the internet and how it enabled an entire closed-circuit universe of like-minded conservatives. There is no way to understate this. This group now gets ALL of its "news" and "information" from conservative talk radio and conservative internet. Anything outside of that tightly-controlled universe is ignored, dismissed, and/or labeled "fake news", and these people are cut off from facts and information that matter.

While we have always debated and quibbled over facts, we are now in an environment where we are operating under two entirely separate sets of facts and information. This has pulled apart the two ends of the spectrum so far that we appear to have lost the ability to engage in normal adult conversation. How exactly is a republic supposed to function when communication is lost?

Finally, the ravings and tactics of talk radio have been inserted directly into our national politics. They're reflected in the purity tests now imposed on Republican politicians and candidates. And in predictable response, they are now also being reflected in the actions of Democratic politicians and candidates. The chasm continues to grow, and we're seeing the predictable results: Violence, hate, constant talk of civil war.

So I wonder if, in private moments, Rush reflects on what he started and regrets any of it.
If you weren't a Fascist, you'd just laugh and change the channel.

I know that the LMSM has been in a death spiral since they lost their monopoly. It's the natural order.
Here's the best way to understand Rush Limbaugh.

he's a closeted gay man who has figured out how to make money bashing gay people.

In 1973, he was caught soliciting an undercover cop for sex. That's why he got fired from his disk jockey job.

What the fuck do you care where Rush puts his cock?
So, if I present ONE TIME, when he said something True, that will destroy your narrative?
Now that would definitely be a challenge!
Much easier to show his LIES!....

Cool how you cut his claim. And then addressed a point that no one made. Instead of what he actually said.

An objective observer would think you were trying to be misleading.
A more objective observer would see that you have yet to give an example of the proven liar telling the truth.
And I cited his lie from his own transcript from his own website, therefore it IS what he actually said..
Here's the best way to understand Rush Limbaugh.

he's a closeted gay man who has figured out how to make money bashing gay people.

In 1973, he was caught soliciting an undercover cop for sex. That's why he got fired from his disk jockey job.

What the fuck do you care where Rush puts his cock?

His audiences ear seems his target

and yes, he's on the radio here,on many jobsites i frequent

his job is to rattle the public

like ALL political talking heads do

So, if I present ONE TIME, when he said something True, that will destroy your narrative?
Now that would definitely be a challenge!
Much easier to show his LIES!....

Cool how you cut his claim. And then addressed a point that no one made. Instead of what he actually said.

An objective observer would think you were trying to be misleading.
A more objective observer would see that you have yet to give an example of the proven liar telling the truth.
And I cited his lie from his own transcript from his own website, therefore it IS what he actually said..

No, that more objective observer would point out that, the bar the previous poster set was that even ONE example of truth telling would prove him wrong and that asking for a clarification before doing the work, is completely reasonable.
If you weren't a Fascist, you'd just laugh and change the channel.

I know that the LMSM has been in a death spiral since they lost their monopoly. It's the natural order.
Let's see: "Fascist" and "LMSM".

Absolutely perfect illustration of my point. Your first impulse.

Oh, and "dittos".

The America Left today is pure unadulterated Fascism. You seek to implement a One Party, Government Uber Alles Permanent rule over the USA.
So, if I present ONE TIME, when he said something True, that will destroy your narrative?
Now that would definitely be a challenge!
Much easier to show his LIES!....

Cool how you cut his claim. And then addressed a point that no one made. Instead of what he actually said.

An objective observer would think you were trying to be misleading.
A more objective observer would see that you have yet to give an example of the proven liar telling the truth.
And I cited his lie from his own transcript from his own website, therefore it IS what he actually said..

No, that more objective observer would point out that, the bar the previous poster set was that even ONE example of truth telling would prove him wrong and that asking for a clarification before doing the work, is completely reasonable.
And YOU still have not been able to give your one example of him telling the truth. I gave you an unassailable example of him lying, and when another poster said how smart he was I gave an unassailable example of his STUPIDITY. Funny how none of his supporters can back their claims while his detractors can easily back their claims.
If you weren't a Fascist, you'd just laugh and change the channel.

I know that the LMSM has been in a death spiral since they lost their monopoly. It's the natural order.
Let's see: "Fascist" and "LMSM".

Absolutely perfect illustration of my point. Your first impulse.

Oh, and "dittos".

The America Left today is pure unadulterated Fascism. You seek to implement a One Party, Government Uber Alles Permanent rule over the USA.
Now THAT is projection to the Nth degree!

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