Our Disreputable Fifth Column....

This neo-anti-communism of the 21st century reeks of skousenite and john birch and Heritage nonsense.

Discredited neo-con, projectionist nonsense: just a bunch of used up talking points.

A post filled with bloviation....not one specific nor rebuttal of facts that I provided.

I so very much appreciate the proof that you are a total windbag.

Is your name Maple Syrup? It should be, you sap.

You are the oblvious blovine, my dear. You had nothing that we have not read before, that has been refuted over and over as significant, and just simple 20th century anti-communist reactionary wack wack stuff.
Considering the Russians had suffered far worse than even the French, allowing them the glory of taking Berlin in East Germany had merits.

I am waiting for the silliness to emerge some think that the USA-Brit-Fr-German allies could have run the USSR out of eastern Europe, and that somehow it was all a communist plot that we did not.

I'm not so sure about the merits. Patton certainly believed he could take on the Russians... I don't think it would have been a good idea. But we still could have taken Berlin.

Oh, yes, the USA-Brits could have taken Berlin, then given it back. Why shed American blood when the Russians were quite willing to shed everyone's, including their own.

I agree with you that Patton did not have a good idea.
This neo-anti-communism of the 21st century reeks of skousenite and john birch and Heritage nonsense.

Discredited neo-con, projectionist nonsense: just a bunch of used up talking points.

A post filled with bloviation....not one specific nor rebuttal of facts that I provided.

I so very much appreciate the proof that you are a total windbag.

Is your name Maple Syrup? It should be, you sap.

You are the oblvious blovine, my dear. You had nothing that we have not read before, that has been refuted over and over as significant, and just simple 20th century anti-communist reactionary wack wack stuff.

"... refuted over and over..."

It is never a good sign when your response to being thrashed is to dip your toe into fibbing.

But it does warm my heart.

Two words: Venona Papers.

I can recommend a couple of good books if you ever get into learning....
Bet you know who Europe had to thank for that.

From "FDR Goes To War," by Folsom and Folsom:

1. Roosevelt joined forces with Churchill and Stalin, but Roosevelt especially liked and trusted Stalin, whom he called “Uncle Joe.” Thus, when Churchill and various military leaders supported and Allied invasion of Central Europe- to stop the Russian advance- FDR listed to Stalin instead and insisted on as second front far to the west of Germany. “Stalin is not an imperialist,” Roosevelt insisted. P.304.

a. At Teheran and Yalta, Roosevelt trusted Stalin to grant free elections to Poland and Eastern Europe.

FDR understood who he was dealing with with Stalin

The problem was that "Uncle Joe" controlled Eastern Europe. It was not FDRs to give

It seems that your bias won't allow you to see the truth.

So taken with himself, he couldn't imagine that he was being outsmarted.

The major player in the Alger Hiss saga was fellow Communist, Whitaker Chambers. In his book, Witness, Chambers explains is disillusionment as follows. In 1938, he determined not only to break with the Communist Party, but to inform on the Party when he could. The reason was that he was informed that Stalin was making efforts to align with Hitler, in 1939, and “from any human point of view, the pact was evil.”

As Hitler marched into Poland, Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss.

Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself. (Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 60)

No action was taken, and in fact, Roosevelt promoted Hiss. Almost a decade later, Chambers was called before the HUAC and named Hiss as a Soviet agent. Hiss sued Chambers, at which time Chambers presented “… four notes in Alger Hiss's handwriting, sixty-five typewritten copies of State Department documents and five strips of microfilm, some of which contained photographs of State Department documents. The press came to call these the "Pumpkin Papers"(Whittaker Chambers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

And, of course, all doubt was removed in 1995, when the Venona Soviet cables were decrypted.

Open your eyes.

Alger Hiss is but a red herring. The Joe McCarthy is strong in you

You miss the point.....accidentally?

No, you didn't have a point, other than your tiresome "anyone who presents a worldview that opposes mine is part of the vast conspiracy" bullshit.

2. Why in proximity to the anniversary of the Normandy invasion?

The use of the story is the attempt to besmirch the noble endeavors of the United States.

Or perhaps just to present another view of history. Funny thing about the French.

They aren't bowing down worshipping at our feet for some reason. You think they would be, the bunch of Cheese-eating surrender monkey ingrates!

Or maybe they remember the whole thing differently. Like they were caught in the middle of larger powers devestating the shit out of their country.
Someone hasn't a clue...........

No, it's just that we Americans go around like we are the best of everything, and the rest of the world just thinks we are a bunch of ignorant bible thumping hayseeds with an inflated opinion of our own importance.

Reality check. America didn't win WWII, Russia did.

We beat the Japs
Soviets beat the Nazis
Yup. And the Soviet were very, very happy to get our Lend Lease. And if we had not gone to war with the Nazis, their atomic program may have won them the war with the Soviets.
Yup. And the Soviet were very, very happy to get our Lend Lease. And if we had not gone to war with the Nazis, their atomic program may have won them the war with the Soviets.

We could have used some of their tanks
To the original post.

Why did they show this near D-Day date?

Probably because the one picking the story is a FLAMING HOMO. He'd probably would have been fine with it had they been doing other men, or making SHEEP NERVOUS.....................

Maybe he/she's part of the BLAME AMERICA CROWD, who take great pride in SAYING WE SUCK AND ARE EVIL.................. Which is utter BS.

Our men were dying by the THOUSANDS..................... They get a couple of days off, and wanted to relieve some stress. Brothels and WILLING PARTNERS WERE AVAILABLE TO THEM, so why the HELL NOT. This kinda thing has been going on FOREVER. Nothing new here. Except that the TIMING is in proximity of HONORING OUR VETERANS FOR D-DAY, which is BS.

Just stating my opinion plain and clear.

I don't really care who likes it. Our soldiers fought and died in Europe to put an end to the Nazi's. If they wanted to have sex with willing partners or pay for it at a brothel they had every right to do so.

The CBS article is flaming them as potentially CRIMINAL.............. So I told them to go to hell, and if they or you don't like it so be it.
Someone hasn't a clue...........

No, it's just that we Americans go around like we are the best of everything, and the rest of the world just thinks we are a bunch of ignorant bible thumping hayseeds with an inflated opinion of our own importance.

Reality check. America didn't win WWII, Russia did.

No, Russia bled the Germans dry and did the same to themselves as well. We provided the Russians with 600,000 trucks which mobilized their entire army, we gave them millions of tons of munitions, thousands of tanks and thousands of aircraft. We supported them in their darkest hour when they couldn't produce anything due to their factories being moved east, away from the invaders.

The two of us won the war with some serious help from the British Commonwealth.
Yup. And the Soviet were very, very happy to get our Lend Lease. And if we had not gone to war with the Nazis, their atomic program may have won them the war with the Soviets.

The Germans went down the wrong path for an atomic bomb. They could have never made one work. Heisenberg, when he was leaving, took the critical formula with him. The world owes him a huge debt of gratitude.
"Never" is a big word, and the allies were worried enough that they kept going after the Nazi program.

The Soviets beat the Nazis with our help, and they eventually would have beat them without our help and would have dominated Europe.
War is war, and American GIs were soldiers in war: yes, atrocities occurred.

Our GIs still were angels compared to the demonic Nazis, and our GIs and Brits and French and allies liberated Europe from one of the greatest evils in history of mankind.

Did you think this OP was about the soldiers?

About human nature?

About war?

None of the above.

It is about the attack of the Leftists in the media on the reputation, the memory of the soldiers who freed Europe, and by extension, the nation.

It's about the sleazy America-haters who take the opportunity to turn a great moment in our history and drag it, and us, through the mud.

What you may not understand is that they have the right to say what they want on this day as much as you, dear. The moment of greatness outweighs the boos of the very small minority, who are far outside of our great American narrative mainstream.

You need more nuance, sophistication, balance, when it comes to our narrative.

Cherish the moment, the heroes, and ignore the naysayers. Most, if not all on the Board, probably never would have known about them.

Based on what shows in the quote Ms PoliticallyCorrect might want to get in touch with real Americans, people who value FREE SPEECH more than they value political correctness. Both partisan extremes are little more than morally depraved scum, basically camp followers of the corporate masters of their political leaders.

PC on the left is guided by corporations feeding off of the global human potential movement (education unions, lawyers, others who wouldn't understand production if it bit them on the ass), while PC on the right is guided by avarice-based soulless entities, multinational corporations feeding off American tribes lost in pomp and circumstance instead of real patriotism and responsible religious views.

It is a constant source of wonder to me how easily corporate masters funnel cheap, banal, ersatz knockoffs of human potential bogusness, religion and patriotism through the political digestive tracts of their bovine flocks, then feed them their own shit after which their moos and bleats appear to proclaim how good it tastes.

All it all it's not a bad show, but the nation is clearly at risk thanks to the intellectually stunted emotional cripples at every level of both ends of today's political spectrum.

Being so committed to political correctness that one cannot maturely contemplate alternative views is about the same quality of thinking a cop or insurance investigator displays when they tell crime scene or accident scene witnesses what happened instead of asking what happened and reporting each witness's observations, all of which are different yet can be combined into an infinite number of variations with quality depending on the integrity of writers of summary reports.

Where America is breaking down is public education has failed to transmit simple, easy tools to find facts challenging emotional positions. Instead of transmitting mature, rational fact finding tools, public education is feeding the monsters on both ends of the political spectrum. One end gets pure human potential horseshit, while the other becomes reactionary in, well, reaction to the horseshit. Not a rocket. Time to get education back to reading, writing and 'rithmatic and leave values propaganda to peers and parents.
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"Never" is a big word, and the allies were worried enough that they kept going after the Nazi program.

The Soviets beat the Nazis with our help, and they eventually would have beat them without our help and would have dominated Europe.

I don't believe the Russians could have won without the second front. We beat the Nazi's. Not Russia, not the UK, not the USA. WE!.

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