“Our diversity is our strength”....why do Dems say this without offering data to prove it?

America nor ‘whites’ built any of those shitholes. Why move the goalpost?

Now we are back to Race? I thought the issue wasn’t Race but nations.

Then you accuse me of doing what you are, moving the goalposts.

Diversity means we get the best. Not the best WASP’s. But the best. That helped us significantly in history. European Jews did the lions share of working out the Atomic Bomb. The same Jews you and others denounce on regular basis.

In fact. Our leading religion, Christianity is a Jewish Religion. Odd isn’t it that Christians would forget this. Even in the Christian Bible it says that Jews are God’s chosen people. Yes. Even the New Testament.

China’s accomplishments are many. An impossible Dam. An impossible railroad. An island created out of the sea and a major deep water port created along with miles of bridges to service the port.

American Railroad engineers travel to China to learn how they built a Railroad to Nepal.

These mega projects are astonishing. Solving problems that we would decide were impossible to conquer.

Then China takes the trade surplus and invests a bit of it into less developed nations. They show up and build roads and other public works projects in exchange for trade and raw material rights.

You and the rest of the Whites are Superior clique ignore this as who cares about second and third world nations. Let China do it. We have Aircraft Carriers. Or something.

Those nations become more sympathetic to China. And more resistant to us. No problem if we didn’t depend on trade. And we depend on trade.

Our arrogance makes us behave as if these nations should feel lucky to have us willing to notice them now and then.

In a way. You white Supremicist types are like Romans during the dark ages. Still behaving as if you ruled the word today instead of centuries before.

We won’t accept the great challenges. We won’t strive to achieve the impossible. We are spoiled children. Generations removed from the great ancestor still fighting over the scraps.
I wonder what the White Nationalist Theocrats really, actually want when it comes to darker skinned people.

As emboldened as they are now, it may not be long before they just come out and tell us.
Now we are back to Race? I thought the issue wasn’t Race but nations.

Then you accuse me of doing what you are, moving the goalposts.

Diversity means we get the best. Not the best WASP’s. But the best. That helped us significantly in history. European Jews did the lions share of working out the Atomic Bomb. The same Jews you and others denounce on regular basis.

In fact. Our leading religion, Christianity is a Jewish Religion. Odd isn’t it that Christians would forget this. Even in the Christian Bible it says that Jews are God’s chosen people. Yes. Even the New Testament.

China’s accomplishments are many. An impossible Dam. An impossible railroad. An island created out of the sea and a major deep water port created along with miles of bridges to service the port.

American Railroad engineers travel to China to learn how they built a Railroad to Nepal.

These mega projects are astonishing. Solving problems that we would decide were impossible to conquer.

Then China takes the trade surplus and invests a bit of it into less developed nations. They show up and build roads and other public works projects in exchange for trade and raw material rights.

You and the rest of the Whites are Superior clique ignore this as who cares about second and third world nations. Let China do it. We have Aircraft Carriers. Or something.

Those nations become more sympathetic to China. And more resistant to us. No problem if we didn’t depend on trade. And we depend on trade.

Our arrogance makes us behave as if these nations should feel lucky to have us willing to notice them now and then.

In a way. You white Supremicist types are like Romans during the dark ages. Still behaving as if you ruled the word today instead of centuries before.

We won’t accept the great challenges. We won’t strive to achieve the impossible. We are spoiled children. Generations removed from the great ancestor still fighting over the scraps.
Diversity means no such thing.

Diversity means we get forced acceptance of less than the best in order to meet superficial quotas of race religion orientation etc.

Immigration and immigrants are America’s greatest asset.

Democracy and liberty thrive on diversity and inclusion.
White and Asian immigrants are an asset to America according to the data.
Your personal FEELZ aside….Dark immigrants are a major liability according to the data.
White and Asian immigrants are an asset to America according to the data.
Your personal FEELZ aside….Dark immigrants are a major liability according to the data.
So what do you propose? Don’t let in dark immigrants, only let in Asian and white immigrants?
So what do you propose? Don’t let in dark immigrants, only let in Asian and white immigrants?
Only let in those whom can make America better for Americans.
Immigration WAS always about just that….is has never been about adding Mexico’s people to our checking accounts or paying Mexico’s people to breed here and drop their litters in the laps of Americans.
Only let in those whom can make America better for Americans.
Immigration WAS always about just that….is has never been about adding Mexico’s people to our checking accounts or paying Mexico’s people to breed here and drop their litters in the laps of Americans.
Nice dodge, I'll ask again... Are you proposing not to let dark people in and only let white and asian people in?
White and Asian immigrants are an asset to America according to the data.
Your personal FEELZ aside….Dark immigrants are a major liability according to the data.

Nigerian's do value education as opposed to 'Murican blacks.
That's why American blacks dislike them!
Only let in those whom can make America better for Americans.
Immigration WAS always about just that….is has never been about adding Mexico’s people to our checking accounts or paying Mexico’s people to breed here and drop their litters in the laps of Americans.
Fertility rates among Latino immigrants are falling fast.
Given that you’re not reproducing in sufficient numbers to replace yourselves, your economy and country will die.

Your nation cannot survive without immigration.
People will have families when the federal government stops taxing them to death.

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