"Our Duty as American Muslims"

Whether you or mac are muslims is immaterial. If you think you have the solution to the problem you should have the courage to implement it.

It's immaterial to you because you are mentally retarded. To sentient beings it is the key element.

Reform cannot come from outside, you drooling imbecile. You're not in the flame zone, your clique will not mask your utter lack of intellect and logic.
Then convert or infiltrate, Eunuch.
Yes, America is under siege by a fringe group of Americans here, a fringe group of Muslims here, and jihadists abroad.
Wow, good for him. Brave guy, I hope someone pays attention.

This has to be part of the overall solution.

Our Duty as American Muslims

There is a war going on that extends beyond Syria, and American Muslims are under siege. Not by a fringe group of bigoted Americans, but by a fringe group of Muslims abroad who seek to tear our Western communities apart. They are trying to target the disaffected among us, hijack the mosque pulpit, and convince us that we’re unwelcome in our own country.

But in order to lead this fight with unified support, certain things will have to change. We can’t call out prejudice against our faith without also calling out the gender inequality and homophobia that we find in some of our communities. We can’t be champions of our own religious freedom without also championing the rights of all traditions across the globe that wish to peacefully practice, including other Muslim sects we may disagree with doctrinally. We have to change the way we think about Islamic law and vilify the medieval judicial practices that persist in the Middle East. And we must have uncomfortable but necessary conversations about where much of the funding for this cancerous supremacist ideology is coming from—Saudi Arabia.

Evidence for your post includes...

1. "Islamic State group supporters posted messages online in recent days condemning American Muslims for participating in Pope Francis’ interfaith outreach while visiting the U.S. and accused them of apologizing for the 9/11 attacks.

The SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks jihadist groups, reported Saturday that several Islamic State group supporters active on social media blasted people whom they described as “coconuts,” a derogatory jihadist term for moderate Muslims."
Islamic State Supporters Slam ‘Coconut’ Muslims in U.S. Who Joined Pope Francis for Interfaith Outreach

2. "CONSERVATIVE Party Chairman Baroness Sayeeda Warsi may be the first Muslim woman to hold a full Cabinet Post, but Muslim fundamentalists see her as an apostate who is hardly representative of the Muslim community.
She has also been warned of physical harm if she visits any Muslim infested area. Last year she was pelted with eggs by Islamic protesters when she visited Luton, Bedfordshire."
The Freethinker - The voice of atheism since 1881 » ‘Coconut’ Muslim warned she’ll be attacked if she enters Islamic enclaves in the UK

3. "The word Coconut basically means a moderate Muslim. I don't think it's been around for a long time, it's mainly used on social media sites. I've only seen it being used on twitter, it's used by strict Muslims and extremists." Ramadan: Muslims, In Islam, what does the term 'coconut' mean and how long has this term been used by Muslims?

Do you believe that "coconut" or moderate Muslims ought to ignore the following Historical Facts?

1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing 9,000,000 Syrians to become international refugees.
Mac has just missed the hundreds of thousands of American Muslims who have expressed those same sentiments since radical nutbags who call themselves Muslim have perpetrated terror attacks.

This gets his arrogant nod of approval.

I don't think he's missed it at all. In fact, he posted an example of one of those hundreds of thousands of American Muslims who have expressed those sentiments.
Where are the anti abortionists condemning the actions of the guy in CO?

There have been several. We just don't get to see them on this board, because too many people in this board who call themselves 'conservatives' are also extremists. So they prefer to make excuses about it and/or to deny calling it what it is.
It would be nice if the PC Police would agree with stuff like this. It shouldn't be that tough.

Unfortunately, they refuse to hold PC-protected groups accountable for their actions.

They've been doing this to American Blacks for generations, badly hampering their growth.

Yeah, so terrible that the "PC Police" refuse to condemn an entire religion over the actions of a few extremists. What assholes!

ISIS is a few?
here from another thread, the few help out:

What’s going on with CAIR?

Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of the case is the behavior of the Council for American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR. It conducted a live, prime-time press conference in which it trotted out Farook’s brother in-law to say how sorry he felt for the victims. CAIR officials initially said it was a case of workplace violence that had nothing to do with Islam. All of this was said before the FBI even ruled the crime to be an act of terrorism.

Read more at Baffling ‘odd’ gaps in California terror attack
Wow, good for him. Brave guy, I hope someone pays attention.

This has to be part of the overall solution.

Our Duty as American Muslims

There is a war going on that extends beyond Syria, and American Muslims are under siege. Not by a fringe group of bigoted Americans, but by a fringe group of Muslims abroad who seek to tear our Western communities apart. They are trying to target the disaffected among us, hijack the mosque pulpit, and convince us that we’re unwelcome in our own country.

But in order to lead this fight with unified support, certain things will have to change. We can’t call out prejudice against our faith without also calling out the gender inequality and homophobia that we find in some of our communities. We can’t be champions of our own religious freedom without also championing the rights of all traditions across the globe that wish to peacefully practice, including other Muslim sects we may disagree with doctrinally. We have to change the way we think about Islamic law and vilify the medieval judicial practices that persist in the Middle East. And we must have uncomfortable but necessary conversations about where much of the funding for this cancerous supremacist ideology is coming from—Saudi Arabia.
In The cult of Islam there is place in it for any form of peace or freedom, a couple thousand years of its existence is proof of the most violent cult on the planet...
It would be nice if the PC Police would agree with stuff like this. It shouldn't be that tough.

Unfortunately, they refuse to hold PC-protected groups accountable for their actions.

They've been doing this to American Blacks for generations, badly hampering their growth.

But Mac, you don't understand, there was the Crusades for crying out loud, and Bush and McVeigh and Christmas trees that should be holiday trees !!!!

What the hell's wrong with you ?
They've been doing this to American Blacks for generations, badly hampering their growth.
This comment was hilariously racist and the elderly wouldnt even understand why. Also, not holding certain groups accountable for their actions? Wtf, show me one person who doesnt condemn isis, al quada, etc. On here. Fucking idiot - tjat was another bigot comment by you because by "hold a group accountable for its actions" you meant "blame the whole religion," in true retarded mac fashion. Coward.
Do you really think that there's nobody that's living here and rooting for that shit? The FBI is in over their head, by their admission, and you're calling the all clear.
Islam needs a Martin Luther, a reformation to moderate the religion. The writer seems to have a grasp of this. But he is a tiny minority.

This situation can not and will not improve unless and until there is serious introspection and change within the religion itself.

Unfortunately, there are many here who are slowing that process by essentially running interference for jihadism.
Why don't one of you become islam's Martin Luther?
He's not a Muslim, dumbshit.
This comment was hilariously racist and the elderly wouldnt even understand why. Also, not holding certain groups accountable for their actions? Wtf, show me one person who doesnt condemn isis, al quada, etc. On here. Fucking idiot - tjat was another bigot comment by you because by "hold a group accountable for its actions" you meant "blame the whole religion," in true retarded mac fashion. Coward.

You don't want to "blame the whole religion" for the actions of the terrorists, but you do want to crush civil rights for all Americans based on the actions of a handful of individuals.

Hypocrisy much?
Whose civil rights have I ever wanted to crush, link me or youre a liar.
You want to crush the rights of anyone who wants to buy a gun, for one thing.
It's not retarded at all.

Of course it's retarded Rati, as are you. Mac is not Muslim, nor am I. Reform must come from within, you mindless twit.

Since YOU think it would be a viable solution to the problem and YOU think terrorism is a huge problem for Americans then YOU should get off your ass and do it.

You define stupid - making you a great democrat.
Whether you or mac are muslims is immaterial. If you think you have the solution to the problem you should have the courage to implement it.

Martin Luther was a catholic. He called for reform from within the Church. Do you think catholics were going to listen to Muslims of Jews demanding it reform?
Whether you or mac are muslims is immaterial. If you think you have the solution to the problem you should have the courage to implement it.

It's immaterial to you because you are mentally retarded. To sentient beings it is the key element.

Reform cannot come from outside, you drooling imbecile. You're not in the flame zone, your clique will not mask your utter lack of intellect and logic.
Then convert or infiltrate, Eunuch.
You are a special kind of stupid.

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