"Our Duty as American Muslims"

It is hard to imagine more disparate groups than Southern White boys...and Islam.

But one analogy can be drawn.

Very few of the of the 1950's and early 1960's Southerners were in the infamous Ku Klux Klan; and few approved of it...but they didn't openly condemn it...not at first.

So, the rest of the Nation grouped all Southerners in with the Klan, and derided them all together....until the Good Southerners, realized that it fell to their duty first...to eradicate the evil that had got its start and even flourished in their own Culture. And in just a few years, through ridicule and condemnation....the Klan died out.

There is no hope in the foreseeable future for Muslims in Arabia and Persia..no hope for decades or centuries...no hope of them joining the 21st century....but Muslim-Americans have what the Southerners had...America...the shining city on the hill.

This Item in the O. P. is most welcome. Sane Good Muslim-Americans have started to recognized their Duty to help actively in the eradication of that Evil which their Culture has produced.

America has allowed a fair sampling of Islam to come here.....let us see how they perform as Americans.

And, when they take the lead in eradicating the cancer that is upon their own Culture...I am sure President Trump will be glad to let more come and enjoy the fruits of Jeffersonian Ideals.

Where your analogy fails is that Muslims are the Klan, not the Southern Whites.
Not even Trump himself is saying that all Muslims are terrorists. Not even close.

This lie is a perfect parallel to shouting "you're racist" to avoid honest conversation.

Deflection noted.

Whether Trump is brilliant, or the stars have just aligned, these idiot leftists are forcing me to defend Trump, and I don't even like Trump. But the vicious and outrageous lies from Soros drones like Seawitch demand an answer. I don't think you're a Trump fan either. This is how Trump is playing the left, he pokes them and they spew their normal hatred, forcing the middle to push back against them.
How incredibly PC of him.

If Islam moderates and lives in peace, you democrats lose your closest ally.


^^^ Crazed Jihadist? Nah, just Rati listening to a Ben Carson speech.
This comment was hilariously racist and the elderly wouldnt even understand why. Also, not holding certain groups accountable for their actions? Wtf, show me one person who doesnt condemn isis, al quada, etc. On here. Fucking idiot - tjat was another bigot comment by you because by "hold a group accountable for its actions" you meant "blame the whole religion," in true retarded mac fashion. Coward.

You don't want to "blame the whole religion" for the actions of the terrorists, but you do want to crush civil rights for all Americans based on the actions of a handful of individuals.

Hypocrisy much?
This comment was hilariously racist and the elderly wouldnt even understand why. Also, not holding certain groups accountable for their actions? Wtf, show me one person who doesnt condemn isis, al quada, etc. On here. Fucking idiot - tjat was another bigot comment by you because by "hold a group accountable for its actions" you meant "blame the whole religion," in true retarded mac fashion. Coward.

You don't want to "blame the whole religion" for the actions of the terrorists, but you do want to crush civil rights for all Americans based on the actions of a handful of individuals.

Hypocrisy much?
Whose civil rights have I ever wanted to crush, link me or youre a liar.
Wow, good for him. Brave guy, I hope someone pays attention.

This has to be part of the overall solution.

Our Duty as American Muslims

There is a war going on that extends beyond Syria, and American Muslims are under siege. Not by a fringe group of bigoted Americans, but by a fringe group of Muslims abroad who seek to tear our Western communities apart. They are trying to target the disaffected among us, hijack the mosque pulpit, and convince us that we’re unwelcome in our own country.

But in order to lead this fight with unified support, certain things will have to change. We can’t call out prejudice against our faith without also calling out the gender inequality and homophobia that we find in some of our communities. We can’t be champions of our own religious freedom without also championing the rights of all traditions across the globe that wish to peacefully practice, including other Muslim sects we may disagree with doctrinally. We have to change the way we think about Islamic law and vilify the medieval judicial practices that persist in the Middle East. And we must have uncomfortable but necessary conversations about where much of the funding for this cancerous supremacist ideology is coming from—Saudi Arabia.

Why do Muslims have to call out 'homophobia' while the American right is championing it as a core value?
This comment was hilariously racist and the elderly wouldnt even understand why. Also, not holding certain groups accountable for their actions? Wtf, show me one person who doesnt condemn isis, al quada, etc. On here. Fucking idiot - tjat was another bigot comment by you because by "hold a group accountable for its actions" you meant "blame the whole religion," in true retarded mac fashion. Coward.

You don't want to "blame the whole religion" for the actions of the terrorists, but you do want to crush civil rights for all Americans based on the actions of a handful of individuals.

Hypocrisy much?

Projection much?
Wow, good for him. Brave guy, I hope someone pays attention.

This has to be part of the overall solution.

Our Duty as American Muslims

There is a war going on that extends beyond Syria, and American Muslims are under siege. Not by a fringe group of bigoted Americans, but by a fringe group of Muslims abroad who seek to tear our Western communities apart. They are trying to target the disaffected among us, hijack the mosque pulpit, and convince us that we’re unwelcome in our own country.

But in order to lead this fight with unified support, certain things will have to change. We can’t call out prejudice against our faith without also calling out the gender inequality and homophobia that we find in some of our communities. We can’t be champions of our own religious freedom without also championing the rights of all traditions across the globe that wish to peacefully practice, including other Muslim sects we may disagree with doctrinally. We have to change the way we think about Islamic law and vilify the medieval judicial practices that persist in the Middle East. And we must have uncomfortable but necessary conversations about where much of the funding for this cancerous supremacist ideology is coming from—Saudi Arabia.

Why do Muslims have to call out 'homophobia' while the American right is championing it as a core value?
Yet another example of how you simply cannot just be honest.

Provide me with one (1) quote of a conservative "championing homophobia". The only people who use that term are the PC Police.

What the hell is wrong with you, seriously? Are you like this in real life?
Wow, good for him. Brave guy, I hope someone pays attention.

This has to be part of the overall solution.

Our Duty as American Muslims

There is a war going on that extends beyond Syria, and American Muslims are under siege. Not by a fringe group of bigoted Americans, but by a fringe group of Muslims abroad who seek to tear our Western communities apart. They are trying to target the disaffected among us, hijack the mosque pulpit, and convince us that we’re unwelcome in our own country.

But in order to lead this fight with unified support, certain things will have to change. We can’t call out prejudice against our faith without also calling out the gender inequality and homophobia that we find in some of our communities. We can’t be champions of our own religious freedom without also championing the rights of all traditions across the globe that wish to peacefully practice, including other Muslim sects we may disagree with doctrinally. We have to change the way we think about Islamic law and vilify the medieval judicial practices that persist in the Middle East. And we must have uncomfortable but necessary conversations about where much of the funding for this cancerous supremacist ideology is coming from—Saudi Arabia.

Wow. How do you preach against violence and murder, and the exploitation of women when Mohammad did these things?

Good luck with that kids.
Whose civil rights have I ever wanted to crush, link me or youre a liar.

You grasp that the right to keep and bear arms is a civil right, doncha sparky? When you seek to infringe that right on all Americans based on the acts of an infinitesimally small minority, you crush civil rights.
ok so you dont know my views on the 2nd amendment and think you can just blurt that out? Lol you scumbags are so comedy. Im very pro gun you fucking toilet brush
It's not retarded at all.

Of course it's retarded Rati, as are you. Mac is not Muslim, nor am I. Reform must come from within, you mindless twit.

Since YOU think it would be a viable solution to the problem and YOU think terrorism is a huge problem for Americans then YOU should get off your ass and do it.

You define stupid - making you a great democrat.
It's not retarded at all.

Of course it's retarded Rati, as are you. Mac is not Muslim, nor am I. Reform must come from within, you mindless twit.

Since YOU think it would be a viable solution to the problem and YOU think terrorism is a huge problem for Americans then YOU should get off your ass and do it.

You define stupid - making you a great democrat.
Whether you or mac are muslims is immaterial. If you think you have the solution to the problem you should have the courage to implement it.
Whether you or mac are muslims is immaterial. If you think you have the solution to the problem you should have the courage to implement it.

It's immaterial to you because you are mentally retarded. To sentient beings it is the key element.

Reform cannot come from outside, you drooling imbecile. You're not in the flame zone, your clique will not mask your utter lack of intellect and logic.

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