Our Dysfunctional Government In Action


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Our Dysfunctional Government In Action

One of the primary issues with the United States’ predatory capitalism is its dependence on socialism. The need for Corporate America's regular trips to the federal well is the result of the myopic business management methods of American executives.

When the owner of a small business must borrow money, in most cases the lender requires the owner to have a dedicated emergency fund to carry them through possible rough weeks or even months. The duration and amount this fund covers varies, and is set by the lending institution according to the income potential of the individual business and type of service the company provides. So, a high-risk business requires a larger cash reserve than a low-risk organization. But things are considerably different for the Big Boys. A few phone calls to congressmen (or women) “on retainer” is often all it takes.

Unfortunately, the United States’ predatory capitalist system has corrupted our government, assuring special treatment for major corporate political donors. Rather than creating an emergency cash reserve. companies that are major political contributors spend much of their companies’ cash reserve buying influence in Washington D.C. and in state legislatures. These payments to politicians secure state tax exemptions and insure regular federal bailouts.

So, given the sad truth contained in the above paragraphs, former Energy Secretary Rick Perry believes the oil industry could soon fold. The cause, a sudden decrease in demand for fossil fuels, and therefore the significant drop in the price of crude. All this is the result of the COVID-19 pandemic (maybe a little by the Saudis).

However, if Rick Perry’s pathetic political career has proven anything, it’s that good old Rick is one of the least intelligent knuckle-draggers in the GOP, but in a close tie with Sarah Palin.

Rick Perry, with his scab-covered knuckles, doesn’t realize a sizable portion of that $2.2 trillion stimulus bill, recently signed into law by the impeached president trump, has always been intended to go into the pockets of the billionaire oil-stock holders, and used as bonuses for Big Oils’ corporate officers. The politicians owned by the fat cats promised this money would be allotted. whether the industry collapses or not.

The impeached president trump obviously has plans to add as many hoops as possible to make millions of average Americans jump through to collect their $1200.00 piece of that “stimulus”. Congressional Republicans' and the impeached president trump's efforts to redirect stimulus funds into the fat cats’ coffers will be intense and unending while that money lasts.

For all you conservatives and centrists so extremely terrified of any form of socialism, the billionaire class wants you to remain afraid...very afraid, because they love socialism. And for those of you whose $1200.00 is taken away from you by loopholes created by the impeached president trump and his swamp rats, the billionaires want to thank you, in advance, for your “generous donation” to them.

For the pathetic conservatives and centrists who will devoutly defend the GOP when their $1200.00 checks fall through the loopholes created by their beloved impeached president trump and his swamp rats, the joke is on you... again.

'We are on the verge of a massive collapse': Ex-Energy Secretary Perry says COVID-19 will ravage oil industry

The Money Tree.jpg

Overall, pretty good. Kind of hate to hear "predatory capitlist" descriptor applied, but what you described is essentially accurate and I agree. The meme was a nice addition!
Overall, pretty good. Kind of hate to hear "predatory capitlist" descriptor applied, but what you described is essentially accurate and I agree. The meme was a nice addition!
Really? Predatory Capitlalsit is a made-up term to justify they OP's remarks.
Stop being a mindless drone. Of the stimulus bailout, 2 trillion it is estimated at, only 250 billion is targeted at main-street, IOW, you and I, or small businesses.

Are You a Victim of Predatory Capitalism?
Trusting your employer or service provider can carry a high price.

Wow. . . to make such a useless comment shows a real lack of awareness about what is going on.

On the one hand, you have the OP, who is fine with politicizing this pandemic, which should have never shut down the world economy in the first place. And then, we have you, who has no problem letting the elites rob the middle class and the poor, with a sleight of hand while doing this bullshit?



We are all doomed by the idiots and the left and right, none of you has the ability for a single critical thought, because you are all brainwashed by the corporate and government media.


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