Our embassies are under attack, what do we do about it?

An attack on an embassy by a group of malcontents is not an Act of War.

To call it an Act of War is idiotic. :cuckoo:

An attack on the property of another nation, and murder of it's citizens, is clearly an act of war. How can it be anything but an act of war?

Not to defend Sunni Man, but if it is not sanctioned or helped by the nation's government, or even approved by the majority of people, is it an act of war? If a group of, say, KKK members were to attack the embassy of an African country, would that constitute and act of war? If a group of Irish Americans were to attack a British embassy, would that constitute an act of war?

*These are just a couple of hypothetical analogies I came up with off the top of my head.
An attack on the property of another nation, and murder of it's citizens, is clearly an act of war. How can it be anything but an act of war?
It would be an act of war if the attack was instigated by that nation's government. As far as we know as of today the attack was conducted by an as-yet unidentified terrorist group.

What we did in Pakistan (the bin Laden raid) was an act of war.
The problem is that jews hate muslims and muslims hate jews and the white infidels are on there land trying to fix that. National Security before meddling in foreign affairs. Qadafi at one point was an ally of the united states, and Obama felt the need to liberate lybia and egypt and now the politcal parties in those countries that emerged in there new democracy just so happen to be radical muslims.
Why bomb? You think the Instigators are standing around wearing Kick Me signs? Haven't we had enough with collateral damage.

I suspect that those responsible may have training camps and safe havens in Libya. We have weaponry in our arsenal, especially Tomahawk missles, that are well suited for that kind of target. Drones don't have enough firepower for such a target and manned airstrikes or ground operations could needlessly place our troops at risk. The choice of action has to be mission-specific; we use what resources are have the greatesst chance of success with the lowest risk to our people and the least amount of collateral damage.

I do't thin that those responsible are dumb. But much of Libya is a tribal society and alliances are constantly being renegotiated. Hiding out in Libya for n extended period of time is not as easy as it may seem.
An attack on an embassy by a group of malcontents is not an Act of War.

To call it an Act of War is idiotic. :cuckoo:

Rioting and planned Insurrection. From a Jihad Perspective, it is a form of Battle, coordinated, and a part of something bigger. You are not suggesting that the Riots happening on the Anniversary of 911 was just coincidental? It has been established that this was planned.
This whole thing is obama's bungle. It's an act of war because this spontaneous protest is an act of the government.

Do you see the Egyptian army putting down this protest? Has whatever passes for government in Libya taken any action? No. Because they approve of it.
Our embassies are under attack, what do we do about it?

Defend them or remove them.
The Embassy attacks have spread around the world. obama is giving a campaign speech in Colorado.
We just need to remember that these small militant groups can pull off attacks like on NYCity and Washington DC if left unchallenged and treated simply as a law enforcement problem.. They cannot be allowed to find shelter in disorganized countries like Libya. Some ORG has declared war on the US --- the last time that happened, we just laughed it off..

Who are the smart ones who are not willing to do that again --- eh Mamooth?
We should tell these countries that they control their people or we will stop giving them money and visas to come here.
An attack on an embassy by a group of malcontents is not an Act of War.

To call it an Act of War is idiotic. :cuckoo:

Rioting and planned Insurrection. From a Jihad Perspective, it is a form of Battle, coordinated, and a part of something bigger. You are not suggesting that the Riots happening on the Anniversary of 911 was just coincidental? It has been established that this was planned.

Sure but it is planned by militant groups and not the ‘legitimate’ government.

Now, calling this an act of war might be wrong but it is a failure on both our security AND the host nation to defend the embassy. I think the answer is generally simple, if a host nation does not have the want and need to ensure the safety of our embassies and take these matters EXTREMELY seriously, then they also do not want our continued support, aid or the embassy itself. Can’t keep our people safe? We can. Right here at home.
Our embassies are under attack. What do we do about it?


I dont miss him. I wont miss Obama.

We need to look to the future. Remember the past, but lets stop longing for it.

I do miss that we didn't apologize for being Americans. I feel like Obama is emboldening the terrorists whether he means to do it or not. You don't validate the excuses of murderers.
obama's appeasement policy chicken's have come home to roost.
He stuck and open hand out and got people killed.
What we need to do or at least you need to do, is see obama for the failure he is.
destroy the equipment we built in their countries.

According to National news here are some of the U.S. Embassies reports of protests and unrest. Many of these countries we thought were our friends and even give them foreign aid.

Congressional Research Service
Search Results for "foreign aid" -- 1 - 20 of 8421 from the Library of Congress

Foreign Assistance

The protests have happened in:

1. Cairo, Egypt (receives $1.55 Billion in U.S. foreign aid)

Egypt protesters pull down U.S. flag at embassy in Cairo

Paul Proposes Cutting Foreign Aid to Pakistan, Libya and Egypt

2. Benghazi, Libya

US official dies in Libya consulate attack in Benghazi

4 arrested in Libyan Embassy attack, anti-U.S. protests continue

3. Sana’a, Yemen (receives $345 million in U.S. foreign aid)

Yemeni protesters storm U.S. embassy in Sanaa: witnesses

Yemen Receives $6.4B In Foreign Aid, Amid Food, Water Shortages And Social Unrest

4. Tunis, Tunisia

Protesters burn US flags outside embassy in Tunisia to protest prophet film

5. Algiers, Algeria

US Embassy in Algiers warns of protests

6. Pakistan (receives $3.1Billion in U.S. foreign aid)

Pakistan orders anti-Islam video block

7. Iran

U.S. Embassy Attacks: 'Death to America' Chants And Flag-Burning Protests Spread To Iran, Iraq

8. Iraq (receives 1.683 Billion in U.S. foreign aid)

U.S. Embassy Attacks: 'Death to America' Chants And Flag-Burning Protests Spread To Iran, Iraq

9. Bangladesh

Bangladesh Muslims protest, blocked from march on U.S. embassy

10. Casablanca, Morocco

Protests Spread across Middle East as Anger Over Video Mounts

11. Khartoum, Sudan

Protests Spread across Middle East as Anger Over Video Mounts

12. The Gaza Strip

Israeli military, security forces on alert for anti-US Palestinian and Israeli-Arab riots

13. Tel Aviv, Israel (receives $3.075 Billion in U.S. foreign aid)

Israeli military, security forces on alert for anti-US Palestinian and Israeli-Arab riots

14. Kashmir, India

India likely to ban film on Prophet Muhammad as anti-US protests spread


India committed to Palestine cause: Mukherjee
Wednesday 12th September, 2012

15. MANILA, Philippines

US embassies increase security after attack in Libya; more police deployed at Manila mission

16. Yerevan, Armenia

U.S. embassy in Armenia issues warning amid anti-American protests

17. Kabul, Afghanistan (receives $3.9 million in foreign aid)

Anti-film protests spread across Muslim world

PICKET: U.S. taxpayer funded Taliban to retaliate against America over online film
PICKET: U.S. taxpayer funded Taliban to retaliate against America over online film - Washington Times

Afghanistan bans YouTube to stop public watching US-made film insulting Mohammad

18. Tripoli, Lebanon

Lebanon protesters burn US, Israeli flags (PHOTOS)

19. Indonesia

Anti-film protests spread across Muslim world

20. Malaysia

Anti-film protests spread across Muslim world


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Granny says send in the drones an' cruise missiles...

... blow a few of those toads to Kingdom Come...

... the rest of `em will sit up an' take notice...

... an' get the message.

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