Our Enemies Are Laughing: Army Gen. Randy Taylor Introduces His Husband At Pentagon

In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life foThat cocksucker and hisr pricks like you.
That cocksucking faggot and his "wife" doesn't represent my Army. If that SOB had been in my outfit in Vietnam I would have personally fragged his ass and publicized it.
And you would have, hopefully been charged with and GCM'd for murder. That would have been a good thing for the nation.
Apparently you don't know how fragging works in a combat situation. Who's gonna know? Who's gonna tell?
Hey, homophobes. If you have any guts and want to give the finger to the ragheads, wave a rainbow flag around.

Woooooo hooooooo!
What would a homophobe be doing with a fag flag, Lucille?
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life foThat cocksucker and hisr pricks like you.
That cocksucking faggot and his "wife" doesn't represent my Army. If that SOB had been in my outfit in Vietnam I would have personally fragged his ass and publicized it.
And you would have, hopefully been charged with and GCM'd for murder. That would have been a good thing for the nation.
Apparently you don't know how fragging works in a combat situation. Who's gonna know? Who's gonna tell?
Apparently you don't know what "publicized it" means.
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life foThat cocksucker and hisr pricks like you.
That cocksucking faggot and his "wife" doesn't represent my Army. If that SOB had been in my outfit in Vietnam I would have personally fragged his ass and publicized it.
And you would have, hopefully been charged with and GCM'd for murder. That would have been a good thing for the nation.
Apparently you don't know how fragging works in a combat situation. Who's gonna know? Who's gonna tell?

You. By publicizing it.
Poor Silhouette. Wanting to keep the homos down so we don't upset the terrorists. Reminds of the old days when the hippies protested Reagan putting missiles in Europe, scared we would upset the commies.

There are so many parallels between the new right and the old left. They both walk around with a load in their pants all the time.
Maybe the General could introduce a rainbow ribbon. "For meritorious self outing in the face of the enemy." :D
Our military invades a sovereign nation using lies in order to steal oil. Then that same military sports gay generals flaunting their deviant lives at the Pentagon.

Why is it again that the US is under such a terrorist threat from fundamentalist muslims? I just don't understand? It's not like we are actively provoking them or anything. Well, if we get deviants on parade, it's worth a few twin towers coming down. We at least have our priorities straight. "The cult of LGBT over American safety!"

God bless America!.. Oh, wait. It'll be illegal to say that in a couple of years. Damn! I need to start practicing early so I don't screw up and make mistakes later on. Say, isn't Dick Cheney's one daughter a lesbian? And his surrogate companies got quite a few military contracts too as memory serves..and oil of course..
Oh, wow. This fearmongering cowardly appeaser post so deserves to be preserved for posterity.

Blaming 9/11 on homos. Priceless!

I guess that whole "They hate us for our freedoms" thing was just so much BULLSHIT.
And doesn't that also mean 'We Support Our Troops' really means: 'We Support Our Troops: Unless they are Black, LGBTIQ or not Christian'? ;)
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life foThat cocksucker and hisr pricks like you.
That cocksucking faggot and his "wife" doesn't represent my Army. If that SOB had been in my outfit in Vietnam I would have personally fragged his ass and publicized it.
And you would have, hopefully been charged with and GCM'd for murder. That would have been a good thing for the nation.
Apparently you don't know how fragging works in a combat situation. Who's gonna know? Who's gonna tell?
DId you not say you would "publicize it"? Or are you lying.......and a coward to boot?
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life for pricks like you.

Same old same old. I served my country for 22 years. That "enough" for you? Wounded in Vietnam. And how long did YOU serve?

How many military baseball caps do you have in the rear window of your Mercury?

Why are all nutter vets so desperate for validation?
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life for pricks like you.

Same old same old. I served my country for 22 years. That "enough" for you? Wounded in Vietnam. And how long did YOU serve?

How many military baseball caps do you have in the rear window of your Mercury?

Why are all nutter vets so desperate for validation?
Well, to be fair, I have a "Retired Navy" license plate frame.
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life for pricks like you.

Same old same old. I served my country for 22 years. That "enough" for you? Wounded in Vietnam. And how long did YOU serve?

How many military baseball caps do you have in the rear window of your Mercury?

Why are all nutter vets so desperate for validation?
Well, to be fair, I have a "Retired Navy" license plate frame.

Nothing wrong with that.

I think you know what I'm talking about, though.
Well if we want to keep em out then keep em out, from what I hear we have too many enlistees now anyway.
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life for pricks like you.

Same old same old. I served my country for 22 years. That "enough" for you? Wounded in Vietnam. And how long did YOU serve?

How many military baseball caps do you have in the rear window of your Mercury?

Why are all nutter vets so desperate for validation?
Well, to be fair, I have a "Retired Navy" license plate frame.
I have nothing which identifies me as a vet except for a shadow box in my living room. And you have to know where it is to even notice it.

I have often considered getting a retired veteran license plate to help me get out of speeding tickets. :D

But then I think about the crazy way I drive and don't want to give vets a bad name...

I do occasionally remember to ask for a military discount at Home Depot. They are one of the few outfits where I live which do that. I don't live near any military bases.
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life for pricks like you.

Same old same old. I served my country for 22 years. That "enough" for you? Wounded in Vietnam. And how long did YOU serve?

How many military baseball caps do you have in the rear window of your Mercury?

Why are all nutter vets so desperate for validation?
Well, to be fair, I have a "Retired Navy" license plate frame.
I have nothing which identifies me as a vet except for a shadow box in my living room. And you have to know where it is to even notice it.

I have often considered getting a retired veteran license plate to help me get out of speeding tickets. :D

But then I think about the crazy way I drive and don't want to give vets a bad name...

I do occasionally remember to ask for a military discount at Home Depot. They are one of the few outfits where I live which do that. I don't live near any military bases.

Ha! I got the veteran license plate and all it got me was my car searched at the base. I watched the gate guards point it out three cars back in line.

I didn't renew it.
Our Enemies Are Laughing: Army Gen. Randy Taylor Introduces His Husband At Pentagon Steve, poor Steve.
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life foThat cocksucker and hisr pricks like you.
That cocksucking faggot and his "wife" doesn't represent my Army. If that SOB had been in my outfit in Vietnam I would have personally fragged his ass and publicized it.
And you would have, hopefully been charged with and GCM'd for murder. That would have been a good thing for the nation.
Apparently you don't know how fragging works in a combat situation. Who's gonna know? Who's gonna tell?
DId you not say you would "publicize it"? Or are you lying.......and a coward to boot?
I would publicize it to the right people. Happens all the time. Coward? Damn, you found out.
Guess some on the Right care a lot about what our enemies think of us ... I don't.
Most of our allies already have same sex marriage, and they're doing very well.

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