Our Enemies Are Laughing: Army Gen. Randy Taylor Introduces His Husband At Pentagon

Do you oppose gays fighting for their country the same as you did?

I do. Always have and always will. Now, the question remains - How long did you wear the uniform?

Never served.

Now, what is your reasoning for opposing perfectly able soldiers from serving their country?

Nothing like seeing a man in the shower checking your junk out. That is really great for unit cohesiveness. You refer to homosexuals being "able bodied". Perhaps you are right. However, are you SURE that there is not some underlying reason you are so "quick" to support gays in the military? Are you certain that it's not because you are terrified of a possible draft (conscription) and you might actually have to serve your country if it comes to that?

Better someone else die for our country than you?

Can you source any instance of that ever happening?

And afraid of a draft? I'm 30 years old, and we'll never need a draft again anyways.

And why is that? Because those, like yourself, have pushed this agenda for women, homosexuals and illegals can enter the military. Were it not for that - we would have re-instituted the draft long ago. And you would find out what it is to be a "man". Or, as I suspect, you would be a brand new citizen of Canada.

We'll never need a draft due to our new technology. Ground troops have been replaced by drones and smart bombs.

You ignored my question. Can you source any time gays have distacted soldiers from properly serving?
Can you source any time gays have distacted soldiers from properly serving?
There was a time back in the early days of my service, if a gay was outed, his life was in clear and present danger. Homosexuals were immediately placed in protection (jail) until they could be processed out.

That's about the only "distraction" I ever saw gays causing. :D

Times and attitudes have certainly changed since then.
Our military invades a sovereign nation using lies in order to steal oil. Then that same military sports gay generals flaunting their deviant lives at the Pentagon.

Why is it again that the US is under such a terrorist threat from fundamentalist muslims? I just don't understand? It's not like we are actively provoking them or anything. Well, if we get deviants on parade, it's worth a few twin towers coming down. We at least have our priorities straight. "The cult of LGBT over American safety!"

God bless America!.. Oh, wait. It'll be illegal to say that in a couple of years. Damn! I need to start practicing early so I don't screw up and make mistakes later on.

What other actions should we not allow so we do not provoke fundamentalist Muslims? The fact we allow women to vote and wear clothing of their choice enrages fundamentalists. Sorry ladies, you better pack away those bikinis this summer. They are threat to American safety! Is your tan really worth a few twin towers coming down?
I do. Always have and always will. Now, the question remains - How long did you wear the uniform?

Never served.

Now, what is your reasoning for opposing perfectly able soldiers from serving their country?

Nothing like seeing a man in the shower checking your junk out. That is really great for unit cohesiveness. You refer to homosexuals being "able bodied". Perhaps you are right. However, are you SURE that there is not some underlying reason you are so "quick" to support gays in the military? Are you certain that it's not because you are terrified of a possible draft (conscription) and you might actually have to serve your country if it comes to that?

Better someone else die for our country than you?

Can you source any instance of that ever happening?

And afraid of a draft? I'm 30 years old, and we'll never need a draft again anyways.

And why is that? Because those, like yourself, have pushed this agenda for women, homosexuals and illegals can enter the military. Were it not for that - we would have re-instituted the draft long ago. And you would find out what it is to be a "man". Or, as I suspect, you would be a brand new citizen of Canada.

We'll never need a draft due to our new technology. Ground troops have been replaced by drones and smart bombs.

You ignored my question. Can you source any time gays have distacted soldiers from properly serving?

That''s another lie that folks (like yourself) love to use. Technology. It's always easy to tell the "fighters" from the "dreamers". Let machines do our killing. Bullshit. There will NEVER be a replacement for a man and his rifle. NEVER. Killing is an ugly and nasty business. It simply can NOT be done from 35,000 feet. Look at our latest "policy" from our "so-called" CIC - bombing ISIS. Hasn't accomplished a damned thing but to slow them down a bit.

Any idiot (such as yourself) that claims "ground troops have been replaced" should stick to playing video games and let the "men" do the fighting.
Can you source any time gays have distacted soldiers from properly serving?
There was a time back in the early days of my service, if a gay was outed, his life was in clear and present danger. Homosexuals were immediately placed in protection (jail) until they could be processed out.

That's about the only "distraction" I ever saw gays causing. :D

Times and attitudes have certainly changed since then.

Same thing happened in a unit I was in Heidelberg. Once "outed" this young SP4 had to be taken from the unit and processed out a few weeks later. Granted, when I served, that crap wasn't tolerated - but this new generation, a generation that has been programmed since grade school seems to tolerate it a little better - but according to the Army Times - assaults on homos are rising - albeit slowly - but they are going up. So are sexual assaults on women.
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life foThat cocksucker and hisr pricks like you.
That cocksucking faggot and his "wife" doesn't represent my Army. If that SOB had been in my outfit in Vietnam I would have personally fragged his ass and publicized it.
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life for pricks like you.
One wonders how much less we would need protection from a military at all if we weren't first invading sovereign nations and parading ourselves to more conservative cultures as a runaway frieght train of deviant mental illness...with the largest nuclear arsenal on earth.

I mean, at a certain point we Americans need to take a good look in the mirror; and not just for narcissistic reasons. We need to see ourselves as others do. Put yourselves in other country's shoes. If Russia was behaving how we are, full hubris, full insanity, invading Iraq and declaring it "theirs", dominating our oil supply with their gay/S&M/whatever generals and army, and we were more conservative, we'd be flipping out about it and going to extremes to stop them.
Let me guess: This butt pirate was no doubt promoted to General under the Obama administration. Wasn't it illegal under military law to engage in homosexual behavior a couple decades ago? So this "General" was likely violating military law back then and should have been court martialed and sent to Leavenworth Prison.

Army Gen. Randy Taylor introduces his husband at Pentagon Gay Pride event - Washington Times
I see you can't help but think in terms of gay sex here.
Our military invades a sovereign nation using lies in order to steal oil. Then that same military sports gay generals flaunting their deviant lives at the Pentagon.

Why is it again that the US is under such a terrorist threat from fundamentalist muslims? I just don't understand? It's not like we are actively provoking them or anything. Well, if we get deviants on parade, it's worth a few twin towers coming down. We at least have our priorities straight. "The cult of LGBT over American safety!"

God bless America!.. Oh, wait. It'll be illegal to say that in a couple of years. Damn! I need to start practicing early so I don't screw up and make mistakes later on. Say, isn't Dick Cheney's one daughter a lesbian? And his surrogate companies got quite a few military contracts too as memory serves..and oil of course..
Yes, I know. You agree with the fundamentalist muslims.
In case of war he'll rush to get his nails done.
Meanwhile, cowards like you sit at home while he wears the uniform and risks his life for pricks like you.
One wonders how much less we would need protection from a military at all if we weren't first invading sovereign nations and parading ourselves to more conservative cultures as a runaway frieght train of deviant mental illness...with the largest nuclear arsenal on earth.

I mean, at a certain point we Americans need to take a good look in the mirror; and not just for narcissistic reasons. We need to see ourselves as others do. Put yourselves in other country's shoes. If Russia was behaving how we are, full hubris, full insanity, invading Iraq and declaring it "theirs", dominating our oil supply with their gay/S&M/whatever generals and army, and we were more conservative, we'd be flipping out about it and going to extremes to stop them.

I don't recall ANYONE ever calling Iraq "Ours". Never once. Russia is behaving EXACTLY like we are now, in their own little section of the globe. China is building islands in the Oceans in readiness for war. Again, I don't know of ONE barrel of oil that America took from Iraq. Not ONE.
Can you source any time gays have distacted soldiers from properly serving?
There was a time back in the early days of my service, if a gay was outed, his life was in clear and present danger. Homosexuals were immediately placed in protection (jail) until they could be processed out.

That's about the only "distraction" I ever saw gays causing. :D

Times and attitudes have certainly changed since then.

Same thing happened in a unit I was in Heidelberg. Once "outed" this young SP4 had to be taken from the unit and processed out a few weeks later. Granted, when I served, that crap wasn't tolerated - but this new generation, a generation that has been programmed since grade school seems to tolerate it a little better - but according to the Army Times - assaults on homos are rising - albeit slowly - but they are going up. So are sexual assaults on women.
Sexual assaults on women are not going up, I'm guessing. It's just that women are not afraid of being accused of being a lesbian if they report an assault like what used to happen. That fear that kept mouths shut is now gone....thank the gods.
Our military invades a sovereign nation using lies in order to steal oil. Then that same military sports gay generals flaunting their deviant lives at the Pentagon.

Why is it again that the US is under such a terrorist threat from fundamentalist muslims? I just don't understand? It's not like we are actively provoking them or anything. Well, if we get deviants on parade, it's worth a few twin towers coming down. We at least have our priorities straight. "The cult of LGBT over American safety!"...God bless America!.. Oh, wait. It'll be illegal to say that in a couple of years. Damn! I need to start practicing early so I don't screw up and make mistakes later on. Say, isn't Dick Cheney's one daughter a lesbian? And his surrogate companies got quite a few military contracts too as memory serves..and oil of course..
Yes, I know. You agree with the fundamentalist muslims.

It isn't just the fundamentalist muslims who are shocked by American spiralling insanity/largest nuclear aresenal in the world... It's just that they seem most adamant about putting a stop to it.
Our military invades a sovereign nation using lies in order to steal oil. Then that same military sports gay generals flaunting their deviant lives at the Pentagon.

Why is it again that the US is under such a terrorist threat from fundamentalist muslims? I just don't understand? It's not like we are actively provoking them or anything. Well, if we get deviants on parade, it's worth a few twin towers coming down. We at least have our priorities straight. "The cult of LGBT over American safety!"...God bless America!.. Oh, wait. It'll be illegal to say that in a couple of years. Damn! I need to start practicing early so I don't screw up and make mistakes later on. Say, isn't Dick Cheney's one daughter a lesbian? And his surrogate companies got quite a few military contracts too as memory serves..and oil of course..
Yes, I know. You agree with the fundamentalist muslims.

It isn't just the fundamentalist muslims who are shocked by American spiralling insanity/largest nuclear aresenal in the world... It's just that they seem most adamant about putting a stop to it.

Well at least you don't try and tell us that you and fundamentalist muslims view the issue differently.
Remembering the rw cowards booing the gay soldier stationed in Iraq.

Shame on all of you denigrating any of our military.

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Homosexuals have served in every army in every country since the first army was ever formed.

Hell. Most of those 300 Spartans were probably homosexuals and I doubt anyone questioned their abilities in battle.

You folks need to get over it. Homosexuals are here and they ain't going anywhere. LOL
Hell, I'd gladly go back tomorrow. Unfortunately, there isn't much call for a 71 year old vet. How about you? Will you go for me?

Thank you for your service. However, your service does not excuse Rabbi's vile slander.

So. basically, you're saying that an opinion that doesn't jive with yours is somehow "vile" and "slander". So much for the "land of the free".

Not at all. I'm saying that attacking this soldier's courage and fortitude, by a person who never served himself, based on nothing more than the soldier's sexual orientation, is vile slander.

There's also the fact that pretty much everything Rabbi says is vile. From his welfare sucking entitlement complex, to his support for open borders so that foreigners can takes jobs away from Americans, Rabbi is generally an all around piece of shit.

Only thing Rabbi has ever done play big tough. He man from behind his computer.

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Homosexuals have served in every army in every country since the first army was ever formed.

Hell. Most of those 300 Spartans were probably homosexuals and I doubt anyone questioned their abilities in battle.

You folks need to get over it. Homosexuals are here and they ain't going anywhere. LOL
How fast could the 300 Spartans run in high heels?
Remembering the rw cowards booing the gay soldier stationed in Iraq.

Shame on all of you denigrating any of our military.

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Ask any Combat Infantryman why they don't want any faggots in their units. Nothing personal but it's an absolute no-no. Non-combat pukes don't have a clue and never will.

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