Our FBI is a force for EVIL now...


NAZIS are retarded
Virtually 100% of all Nazis are Republicans
Therefore Republicans are retarded
You are a Republican
Therefore YOU are retarded.

Wrap your tiny "conservative" mind around the fact that your own words prove you retarded.


Thank you, thank you!
Be sure to tip your admin!


That's convincing.

A Reich Member is about to regale us with how a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state.

But the Reich retard wants to lie that REPUBLICANS are the ones who are the collectivist totalitarians...

As I said, you're a Nazi because you really are THAT stupid.

Wipe the drool off your chin.
I am afraid they’re monitoring this message board
Probably will arrest me as a “ threat to the public for being conservative “

All that is needed for democrats to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

"Never Again" is a pledge to stop the democrats BEFORE they get the camps and showers in full use.

NAZIS are retarded
Virtually 100% of all Nazis are Republicans
Therefore Republicans are retarded
You are a Republican
Therefore YOU are retarded.

Wrap your tiny "conservative" mind around the fact that your own words prove you retarded.


Thank you, thank you!
Be sure to tip your admin!


That's convincing.

A Reich Member is about to regale us with how a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state.

But the Reich retard wants to lie that REPUBLICANS are the ones who are the collectivist totalitarians...

As I said, you're a Nazi because you really are THAT stupid.

Wipe the drool off your chin.
I'll stand by the logic previously displayed.
Impeccable and brilliant.
I thought you were talking about Trump's speech today when I started perusing your crapstack.
But I'll let the fans decide.
Does this or does this not:
"A Reich Member is about to regale us with how a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state."
Sound exactly like what Trump tried to pull 6 months ago?
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust
We need to distance ourselves from the FBI as well....they have proven themselves corrupt and evil.
You just figuring this out? They have been since they confiscated the Pentagon video on 9/11. And the black boxes at Ground Zero (which they say they never found but that is impossible because they are indestructible and have a homing beacon.)
Not only covering for the Clinton Crime syndicate and lying in court and falsifying evidence to try to get President Trump and his people, they aided an abuser to capture his daughter trying escape him.

Has it ever been anything different?

The US has been controlling its people and the people of the world for a long, long time.

That you're only realizing the US govt is evil now.... makes me wonder where you've been

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