Our FBI is a force for EVIL now...

We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust

What with letting women drive and walk without a male companion. You Nazis are right to turn on them.

You Nazis LOVED Saudi Arabia, particularly after 9-11 when it was revealed that many of the terrorists came from there.

That is, until they liberalized and gave women some rights - now you Nazis hate them. Oh, and they made peace with DA JOOOOOOOOOZZZZ that you Nazi hate so bitterly.

It was Republican Bush who pandered to Saudi Aranbia after 9-11
Republican Trump who pandered to Prince MBS after he murdered Khoshoggi

The Saudis have always expedited travel for Americans out of the kingdom during emergencies .. even family emergencies. Dubya knew 9-11 wasn't a Saudi plot or in any way sanctioned by the SAG.

It would be completely out of character for the Saudis to kill Khashoggi. We have a track record of 80 years that makes it highly unlikely.

The Saudis DID murder Khashoggi
It was in THEIR Embassy
THEY covered it up
They gave the assassins a slap on the wrist

The question is did MSB order his death. That's not their style.. Completely out of character.
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust

What with letting women drive and walk without a male companion. You Nazis are right to turn on them.

You Nazis LOVED Saudi Arabia, particularly after 9-11 when it was revealed that many of the terrorists came from there.

That is, until they liberalized and gave women some rights - now you Nazis hate them. Oh, and they made peace with DA JOOOOOOOOOZZZZ that you Nazi hate so bitterly.

It was Republican Bush who pandered to Saudi Aranbia after 9-11
Republican Trump who pandered to Prince MBS after he murdered Khoshoggi

The Saudis have always expedited travel for Americans out of the kingdom during emergencies .. even family emergencies. Dubya knew 9-11 wasn't a Saudi plot or in any way sanctioned by the SAG.

It would be completely out of character for the Saudis to kill Khashoggi. We have a track record of 80 years that makes it highly unlikely.

The Saudis DID murder Khashoggi
It was in THEIR Embassy
THEY covered it up
They gave the assassins a slap on the wrist

The question is did MSB order his death. That's not their style.. Completely out of character.
Killing a high profile target with international implications without authority is not their style
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust

What with letting women drive and walk without a male companion. You Nazis are right to turn on them.

You Nazis LOVED Saudi Arabia, particularly after 9-11 when it was revealed that many of the terrorists came from there.

That is, until they liberalized and gave women some rights - now you Nazis hate them. Oh, and they made peace with DA JOOOOOOOOOZZZZ that you Nazi hate so bitterly.

It was Republican Bush who pandered to Saudi Aranbia after 9-11
Republican Trump who pandered to Prince MBS after he murdered Khoshoggi

The Saudis have always expedited travel for Americans out of the kingdom during emergencies .. even family emergencies. Dubya knew 9-11 wasn't a Saudi plot or in any way sanctioned by the SAG.

It would be completely out of character for the Saudis to kill Khashoggi. We have a track record of 80 years that makes it highly unlikely.

The Saudis DID murder Khashoggi
It was in THEIR Embassy
THEY covered it up
They gave the assassins a slap on the wrist

The question is did MSB order his death. That's not their style.. Completely out of character.
Killing a high profile target with international implications without authority is not their style

I know Salman. He's not a killer. Khashoggi was a real bad actor.
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust

What with letting women drive and walk without a male companion. You Nazis are right to turn on them.

You Nazis LOVED Saudi Arabia, particularly after 9-11 when it was revealed that many of the terrorists came from there.

That is, until they liberalized and gave women some rights - now you Nazis hate them. Oh, and they made peace with DA JOOOOOOOOOZZZZ that you Nazi hate so bitterly.

It was Republican Bush who pandered to Saudi Aranbia after 9-11
Republican Trump who pandered to Prince MBS after he murdered Khoshoggi

The Saudis have always expedited travel for Americans out of the kingdom during emergencies .. even family emergencies. Dubya knew 9-11 wasn't a Saudi plot or in any way sanctioned by the SAG.

It would be completely out of character for the Saudis to kill Khashoggi. We have a track record of 80 years that makes it highly unlikely.

The Saudis DID murder Khashoggi
It was in THEIR Embassy
THEY covered it up
They gave the assassins a slap on the wrist

The question is did MSB order his death. That's not their style.. Completely out of character.
Killing a high profile target with international implications without authority is not their style

I know Salman. He's not a killer. Khashoggi was a real bad actor.
How many people did Khashoggi dismember?

The US has monitored communication in and out of Soviet/Russian embassies world wide at least since the 1970s. Its SOP. Trump's posse just kept calling the embassy looking for aa back channel to the Kremlin . Its no wonder they came under scrutiny.

Trump has done his best to trash the FBI and many other American institutions. Remember when he said he believed Putin over US intelligence agencies?

Oh look, a Nazi is making shit up in order to slander and libel the enemy of her Reich. How unique.

Ok. There is some truth. Not as much as the poster believes. But some.

First. It is absolutely true that the FBI has monitored the Russians and before them the Soviets for decades. Operation Monopoly for example. They tried to dig a tunnel under the Russian Embassy.

That was the 1970’s. And Verona went back to the 1940’s.

So nothing new there. And nothing untrue.

Trump trashing the FBI. There is less truth. He has trashed leaders. But maintained the Rank and File were doing a fine job.

One of the reasons I didn’t vote for Trump in 2020 is he continued to maintain that the Agents were doing a great job. When evidence mounted of widespread misconduct Trump ignored that in favor of his own council.
This is their worldview: Good vs. Evil.

We see the same thing in the Middle East.
Who gives a shit about what the Middle East does?

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is and has been a ROGUE agency within the federal government, as proven / exposed by the FISA Court's investigation and report. The FISA Court provided evidence proving the FBI has criminally and treasonously engaged in illegal spying on literally anyone and everyone, violating both the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

The FISA Court proved the FBI under BOTH Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and his protégé James Comey for DECADES...AND that the FBI is STILL doing it under criminal FBI Director Wray!

The FBI turned into the Gestapo. That is all they are, servants of the Reich with contempt for the rule of law.
And Don't Forget 'Homeland Security' While we're at it...
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust

What with letting women drive and walk without a male companion. You Nazis are right to turn on them.

You Nazis LOVED Saudi Arabia, particularly after 9-11 when it was revealed that many of the terrorists came from there.

That is, until they liberalized and gave women some rights - now you Nazis hate them. Oh, and they made peace with DA JOOOOOOOOOZZZZ that you Nazi hate so bitterly.

It was Republican Bush who pandered to Saudi Aranbia after 9-11
Republican Trump who pandered to Prince MBS after he murdered Khoshoggi

The Saudis have always expedited travel for Americans out of the kingdom during emergencies .. even family emergencies. Dubya knew 9-11 wasn't a Saudi plot or in any way sanctioned by the SAG.

It would be completely out of character for the Saudis to kill Khashoggi. We have a track record of 80 years that makes it highly unlikely.

The Saudis DID murder Khashoggi
It was in THEIR Embassy
THEY covered it up
They gave the assassins a slap on the wrist

The question is did MSB order his death. That's not their style.. Completely out of character.
Killing a high profile target with international implications without authority is not their style

I know Salman. He's not a killer. Khashoggi was a real bad actor.
How many people did Khashoggi dismember?

He was a friend of OBL and wanted to overthrow the government.

The US has monitored communication in and out of Soviet/Russian embassies world wide at least since the 1970s. Its SOP. Trump's posse just kept calling the embassy looking for aa back channel to the Kremlin . Its no wonder they came under scrutiny.

Trump has done his best to trash the FBI and many other American institutions. Remember when he said he believed Putin over US intelligence agencies?

Oh look, a Nazi is making shit up in order to slander and libel the enemy of her Reich. How unique.

Ok. There is some truth. Not as much as the poster believes. But some.

First. It is absolutely true that the FBI has monitored the Russians and before them the Soviets for decades. Operation Monopoly for example. They tried to dig a tunnel under the Russian Embassy.

That was the 1970’s. And Verona went back to the 1940’s.

So nothing new there. And nothing untrue.

Trump trashing the FBI. There is less truth. He has trashed leaders. But maintained the Rank and File were doing a fine job.

One of the reasons I didn’t vote for Trump in 2020 is he continued to maintain that the Agents were doing a great job. When evidence mounted of widespread misconduct Trump ignored that in favor of his own council.

We lived across the street from the US embaassy in Tripoli and next to the Soviet Embassy. Everybody was monitoring including Esso Libya..
Last edited:
Not only covering for the Clinton Crime syndicate and lying in court and falsifying evidence to try to get President Trump and his people, they aided an abuser to capture his daughter trying escape him.

You've been groomed...and Putin is pleased.
Seems like no one read the actual article.

The UAE called the FBI and claimed the princess was kidnapped and ransomed and they needed her location to rescue her.

FBI agent believed them, got the location.

The agent may have been a dope, but doesn't seem like they're evil.
Seems like no one read the actual article.

The UAE called the FBI and claimed the princess was kidnapped and ransomed and they needed her location to rescue her.

FBI agent believed them, got the location.

The agent may have been a dope, but doesn't seem like they're evil.

You can always find a good reason to bypass rules. The problem is that those reasons become less good as time goes by. It wasn’t the Agents place to act on the request. It wasn’t legal to do so. It was a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Now. The police hate that amendment. The FBI especially has a long history of ignoring it. They lobbied for and got National Security Letters into the PATRIOT ACT. Those were blatantly unconstitutional.

We spend so much time arguing that this cop or that agent had a good reason to violate the law or policy. Lives were on the line is the usual excuse.

There is a reason the Amendment is written like that. And there is a reason they don’t like to go for warrants. If they tell the truth. If they present the evidence to a judge the answer would be no.

But consider this. If you break the law the FBI wants you to go to prison. If they break the law they expect to be forgiven. Punishing them just isn’t done. That may not be evil. But it is a kissing cousin to evil.
We need to distance ourselves from the Middle Eastern royalty

They have proven they are not worthy of our trust
You voted for a man that will by his actions in energy force us to buy mid east oil again...we will have to play in that bloody sand box again thanks to Biden.....

That's a bald faced lie. Why don't you learn something about the oil business for starters?
It is not a lie dummy...if we stop drilling on our best oil fields we will have to buy oil from somewhere and so will the nations that were buying it from us....its not a zero sum game...we either drill or we buy....your dreams of wind and solar have failed us.....
This is their worldview: Good vs. Evil.

We see the same thing in the Middle East.
Who gives a shit about what the Middle East does?

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is and has been a ROGUE agency within the federal government, as proven / exposed by the FISA Court's investigation and report. The FISA Court provided evidence proving the FBI has criminally and treasonously engaged in illegal spying on literally anyone and everyone, violating both the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

The FISA Court proved the FBI under BOTH Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and his protégé James Comey for DECADES...AND that the FBI is STILL doing it under criminal FBI Director Wray!

The FBI turned into the Gestapo. That is all they are, servants of the Reich with contempt for the rule of law.

I second and third that! :clap::clap: that's exactly how it is!
This is their worldview: Good vs. Evil.

We see the same thing in the Middle East.
Who gives a shit about what the Middle East does?

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is and has been a ROGUE agency within the federal government, as proven / exposed by the FISA Court's investigation and report. The FISA Court provided evidence proving the FBI has criminally and treasonously engaged in illegal spying on literally anyone and everyone, violating both the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

The FISA Court proved the FBI under BOTH Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and his protégé James Comey for DECADES...AND that the FBI is STILL doing it under criminal FBI Director Wray!

The FBI turned into the Gestapo. That is all they are, servants of the Reich with contempt for the rule of law.

I second and third that! :clap::clap: that's exactly how it is!
This is their worldview: Good vs. Evil.

We see the same thing in the Middle East.
Who gives a shit about what the Middle East does?

The Federal Bureau of Investigations is and has been a ROGUE agency within the federal government, as proven / exposed by the FISA Court's investigation and report. The FISA Court provided evidence proving the FBI has criminally and treasonously engaged in illegal spying on literally anyone and everyone, violating both the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

The FISA Court proved the FBI under BOTH Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and his protégé James Comey for DECADES...AND that the FBI is STILL doing it under criminal FBI Director Wray!
What day was it the FBI turned evil?
Ohhh, that's right.
The moment Trump committed his first federal crime.
Think there's a connection?

The US has monitored communication in and out of Soviet/Russian embassies world wide at least since the 1970s. Its SOP. Trump's posse just kept calling the embassy looking for aa back channel to the Kremlin . Its no wonder they came under scrutiny.

Trump has done his best to trash the FBI and many other American institutions. Remember when he said he believed Putin over US intelligence agencies?

Oh look, a Nazi is making shit up in order to slander and libel the enemy of her Reich. How unique.

Ok. There is some truth. Not as much as the poster believes. But some.

First. It is absolutely true that the FBI has monitored the Russians and before them the Soviets for decades. Operation Monopoly for example. They tried to dig a tunnel under the Russian Embassy.

That was the 1970’s. And Verona went back to the 1940’s.

So nothing new there. And nothing untrue.

Trump trashing the FBI. There is less truth. He has trashed leaders. But maintained the Rank and File were doing a fine job.

One of the reasons I didn’t vote for Trump in 2020 is he continued to maintain that the Agents were doing a great job. When evidence mounted of widespread misconduct Trump ignored that in favor of his own council.

The Black Supremacist lied "Remember when he said he believed Putin over US intelligence agencies?"

Obviously I nor anyone else can "remember" this as it never happened.

The FBI spied on Trump, fabricated bogus charges, obstructed justice, engaged in perjury and frankly treason. Why would any rational person speak nicely about a nest of criminals and traitors - which the FBI are? This isn't speculation, it's all documented fact. Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, the text messages, the forged FISA documents, the perjured affidavits, perjury by Comey, perjury by Wray. Pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone coordinated with the Reich propaganda corps in direct violation of federal law, using assault gunships and submarines on a trumped up process crime - all to make a show in support of the attempted coup they were engaged in.

Fuck the FBI, Fuck the Nazi democrats who the FBI serve.
Not only covering for the Clinton Crime syndicate and lying in court and falsifying evidence to try to get President Trump and his people, they aided an abuser to capture his daughter trying escape him.

How long have you been subject to fits of sobbing over Bill & Hillary?
I trace it back to Jan 20. 1993.

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