Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’

Finally an Occupier makes the admission of what their movement is all about.

One guy does not speak for the movement.

Does one speak for the tea baggers?

I've seen enough of the behavior and have heard the words of Occubaggers of my own local Occupy movement to know that many are right along side of this guy.

“Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19.

“Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

Golash said he and his comrades are “trying to learn something from the historical revolutions of the past: the Russian revolution, the Chinese revolution, the revolutions in Cuba and Eastern Europe.”

“What can we learn from them so we can build a more successful movement to transform capitalist society?”

“An organization has to be built which can bring down capitalism,” Golash said.

Read more: Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to 'overthrow the capitalist system and build communism' | The Daily Caller
You don't need a "former union boss," when you suddenly lose 40% of the value of your house one has to question where the money went!

Not to mention all the money from 401K's, etc., and that was near the end of bush's terms. I can see why the con's don't want bush's endless bs in the conversation.:eusa_boohoo:

What superpowers did Bush use to cause the stock market to drop decimating all our 401ks ? I just want to know so maybe Obiedopey can harness those powers to restore your 401K. :eusa_whistle:
what magic did Obama do to make the stock market come back to life?
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You don't need a "former union boss" to challenge the current system, anyone who suddenly lost 40% of the value of their house has to be questioning where the money went!

And why the people that created the crisis are still making their multi-million dollar yearly bonuses, and paying a much lower percentage of that in taxes than we in the middle class. Both parties should really address that. The Dems give lip service, but when presented with the oppertunity to do something about it, did little. The GOP states that the wealthy should pay even less and we in the middle class and working poor, should pay more. A real choice, there, my friends.
You don't need a "former union boss," when you suddenly lose 40% of the value of your house one has to question where the money went!

Not to mention all the money from 401K's, etc., and that was near the end of bush's terms. I can see why the con's don't want bush's endless bs in the conversation.:eusa_boohoo:

What superpowers did Bush use to cause the stock market to drop decimating all our 401ks ? I just want to know so maybe Obiedopey can harness those powers to restore your 401K. :eusa_whistle:

That of actively discouraging any regulation of the banks and market. And people like you would recreate the same climate of de-regulation and no oversight again, and this time, really put us in the Second Great Republican Depression.
You don't need a "former union boss," when you suddenly lose 40% of the value of your house one has to question where the money went!

Not to mention all the money from 401K's, etc., and that was near the end of bush's terms. I can see why the con's don't want bush's endless bs in the conversation.:eusa_boohoo:

What superpowers did Bush use to cause the stock market to drop decimating all our 401ks ? I just want to know so maybe Obiedopey can harness those powers to restore your 401K. :eusa_whistle:

Glad you asked. He took 5,000 FBI agents off their task in the SEC regulation dept's and re-located their asses to other meaningless agency's. He also DEREGULATED WALL ST. to do as they please. Do I REALLY need to go on?

Since that time, we have had RECORD profits, RECORD bonuses among those in the 1% MINORITY...........and the con's in the house have done NOTHING to fund the newly created under obama CONSUMER PROTECTION AGENCY for the 99% MAJORITY. In fact, they have been dismantling it wherever possible.
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SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.

he held up regulations nearly his entire term
Dear idiot,

the OWS people speak one at a time and ONLY for them selves.

The tea party walk in locked step and support the same things .

You kick people out for not saying the right things.

I'll assume that I'm the "idiot" to whom you refer.

Given your political ideology, your response is predictable. A Tea Partier would say precisely the same thing. Both of you are so consumed with your ideology that perspective completely eludes you. This is why neither of you have any credibility.

Not to mention all the money from 401K's, etc., and that was near the end of bush's terms. I can see why the con's don't want bush's endless bs in the conversation.:eusa_boohoo:

What superpowers did Bush use to cause the stock market to drop decimating all our 401ks ? I just want to know so maybe Obiedopey can harness those powers to restore your 401K. :eusa_whistle:

Glad you asked. He took 5,000 FBI agents of their task in the SEC regulation dept's and re-located their asses to other meaningless agency's. He also DEREGULATED WALL ST. to do as they please. Do I REALLY need to go on?

Since that time, we have had RECORD profits, RECORD bonuses...........

Yeah, you do. How did Bush manipulate the stock market causing your 401k to drop? If he did, he would have been the 1st president to DIRECTLY control a market. What drives the market? You don't know do you?

P.S. Fords suck. I've owned two and the quality is as low as the quality of your posts.
Dear idiot,

the OWS people speak one at a time and ONLY for them selves.

The tea party walk in locked step and support the same things .

You kick people out for not saying the right things.

I'll assume that I'm the "idiot" to whom you refer.

Given your political ideology, your response is predictable. A Tea Partier would say precisely the same thing. Both of you are so consumed with your ideology that perspective completely eludes you. This is why neither of you have any credibility.


Nope Im comsumed with facts.

very few are on your side of things.

Now why do you pretend a guy at a OWS event is equal to a Man the republican party has obeyed for years now ?
Republican Congressman Scolded After Drinking and Nudity in Israel

A group of House Republicans visiting Israel as part of an official Congressional delegation last summer enjoyed a late night of drinking at the Sea of Galilee that included swimming and, in the case of one member, a little skinny dipping in the place where the Bible says Jesus walked on water.

..... The skinny dipper, according to the sources, was Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-Kansas.

According to the OP's logic, if ONE "former union boss at Occupy event" advocates communism then he/she represents the intensions of the whole movement.

Using the same line of reasoning, if ONE Republican congressman gets drunk and goes "skinny dipping" in the Sea of Galilee, then he represents the aspirations of all Republican congressman.
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When you crash the world economy the stock market usually crashes.

Good thing wall street seems to like our current leadership and doesnt fear a new crash huh?
Dear idiot,

the OWS people speak one at a time and ONLY for them selves.

The tea party walk in locked step and support the same things .

You kick people out for not saying the right things.

I'll assume that I'm the "idiot" to whom you refer.

Given your political ideology, your response is predictable. A Tea Partier would say precisely the same thing. Both of you are so consumed with your ideology that perspective completely eludes you. This is why neither of you have any credibility.


Nope Im comsumed with facts.

very few are on your side of things.

Now why do you pretend a guy at a OWS event is equal to a Man the republican party has obeyed for years now ?

No pretending required. Both are consumed by their ideology, as are you. Both allow their thought processes to be distorted by their ideology, as do you. Both allow themselves to be controlled by their emotions, as do you.

OWS wants communism?

I never would have guessed. [/sarcasm]

At least one is not just whining, though, and has balls enough to say it.

Let me guess, as most who TRY to bad mouth Ford's, you have either never owned one, or only owned one. Regardless, Ford does build quality and I know of it first hand vs GM's POS.

The rest of your post is also a joke.

Let me guess, as most who TRY to bad mouth Ford's, you have either never owned one, or only owned one. Regardless, Ford does build quality and I know of it first hand vs GM's POS.

The rest of your post is also a joke.


Take a look at the quality reports from owners. One, and rarely two models ever make the top 10. The real joke is that you can't muster a rebutal to half the things that you were challenged on and I am not talking about by me.
Let me guess, as most who TRY to bad mouth Ford's, you have either never owned one, or only owned one. Regardless, Ford does build quality and I know of it first hand vs GM's POS.

The rest of your post is also a joke.


I've owned 2, actually three, since the Mazda Tribute is built entirely by Ford. All three were shit. Can't hold a match to Honda or Hyundai for that matter. Lexus is the best car on the market for the money.

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