Our "Great" Speaker Cant take a Stand

Boehner's Congress has gotten less done than the infamous "Do Nothing" Congress. The 112th was the least productive in history and the 113th is well on it's way to beating that record.
Boehner's Congress has gotten less done than the infamous "Do Nothing" Congress. The 112th was the least productive in history and the 113th is well on it's way to beating that record.

Because it has a Speaker who cannot even bridge a compromise within his own party let alone the other party

Actually, his job is to press legislation, make deals, cross the aisle and get things done

How does Boehner top the "Do nothing" Congress of 2011/2012?
Lead a Congress that accomplishes half

Please.... Please
Bring back Pelosi

Is there an echo in here? Thanks for backing up my post.

As to accomplishments... you'll have to address the Liberals about that one.

Pelosi... :lol:


Boehner hasn't crafted a single piece of bipartisan legislation. The type of legislation that actually gets passed

Boehner is a disgrace

Proves how stupid and myopic you are.

Tax reform more likely after ?fiscal cliff? agreement, say House Republicans - The Hill's On The Money

Boehner and the House crafted the 'Fiscal Cliff' deal that gave the Stuttering Clusterfukk his 39.6% Tax Rate on the Country's highest earners.

Locked rates in long term and fixed Tax problems like AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax).

The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial and Economic News, World News & Video - Wall Street Journal - Wsj.com

Since then, the Dow-Jones is up 18.6%, the NASDAQ is up 19.2% and the S&P is up 18.9%.

But like I said, you really are stupid.

Which is why you're a dimocrap. Birds of a feather and all like that....
Is there an echo in here? Thanks for backing up my post.

As to accomplishments... you'll have to address the Liberals about that one.

Pelosi... :lol:


Boehner hasn't crafted a single piece of bipartisan legislation. The type of legislation that actually gets passed

Boehner is a disgrace

Proves how stupid and myopic you are.

Tax reform more likely after ?fiscal cliff? agreement, say House Republicans - The Hill's On The Money

Boehner and the House crafted the 'Fiscal Cliff' deal that gave the Stuttering Clusterfukk his 39.6% Tax Rate on the Country's highest earners.

Locked rates in long term and fixed Tax problems like AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax).

The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial and Economic News, World News & Video - Wall Street Journal - Wsj.com

Since then, the Dow-Jones is up 18.6%, the NASDAQ is up 19.2% and the S&P is up 18.9%.

But like I said, you really are stupid.

Which is why you're a dimocrap. Birds of a feather and all like that....

Holy Shit!

You didn't just do what I think you did? Credit the Fiscal Cliff as a positive Boehner accomplishment.......are you nuts?

Boehner is one artificial crisis after another. Fiscal Cliff, Sequester, Default on Debt, Government Shutdown.......it is what passes as leadership to Rupublicans
Boehner is the worst Speaker in modern history and he has to make up excuses for why he is so bad

Makes you yearn for Nancy Pelosi again

Yeah, and nail my balls to a board. That's how much i want that to happen again. I remember her saying unemployment compensation will help the economy. Also we need to pass it to find out was in it. Another thing once she took over the economy went to crap. Please tell me different. I like my balls. Please!!! Also she stocked her jet with more alcohol in one trip than i drank in my life. Make it so bad my tax dollars paid for it.

Pelosi was one of the most accomplished Speakers of our generation. Major bills passed and a lasting record

Conservatives are still clueless about what passing legislation before you know what is in it means

I guess thats what happens when your only source of information is rightwing media

Boehner's spineless, Pelosi is brainless, Both are useless..Although Pelosi and her husband are making lots of money..but of course they are the "good " rich people. Being a politician these days is good business..Pelosi wont have to live under Obamacare it's the rest of us little people who will suffer
Yeah, and nail my balls to a board. That's how much i want that to happen again. I remember her saying unemployment compensation will help the economy. Also we need to pass it to find out was in it. Another thing once she took over the economy went to crap. Please tell me different. I like my balls. Please!!! Also she stocked her jet with more alcohol in one trip than i drank in my life. Make it so bad my tax dollars paid for it.

Pelosi was one of the most accomplished Speakers of our generation. Major bills passed and a lasting record

Conservatives are still clueless about what passing legislation before you know what is in it means

I guess thats what happens when your only source of information is rightwing media

Boehner's spineless, Pelosi is brainless, Both are useless..Although Pelosi and her husband are making lots of money..but of course they are the "good " rich people. Being a politician these days is good business..Pelosi wont have to live under Obamacare it's the rest of us little people who will suffer

Pelosi has a resume that will rank her as one of the more accomplished Speakers of her era

Boehner has a resume that ranks him as a disaster at a time our country needed effective leadership in Congress
Pelosi was one of the most accomplished Speakers of our generation. Major bills passed and a lasting record

Conservatives are still clueless about what passing legislation before you know what is in it means

I guess thats what happens when your only source of information is rightwing media

Boehner's spineless, Pelosi is brainless, Both are useless..Although Pelosi and her husband are making lots of money..but of course they are the "good " rich people. Being a politician these days is good business..Pelosi wont have to live under Obamacare it's the rest of us little people who will suffer

Pelosi has a resume that will rank her as one of the more accomplished Speakers of her era

Boehner has a resume that ranks him as a disaster at a time our country needed effective leadership in Congress

Yeah very "accomplished" at robbing us of our liberties and Boehner is accomplished at letting it happen...Yey.:cuckoo:
Pelosi was one of the most accomplished Speakers of our generation. Major bills passed and a lasting record

Conservatives are still clueless about what passing legislation before you know what is in it means

I guess thats what happens when your only source of information is rightwing media

Boehner's spineless, Pelosi is brainless, Both are useless..Although Pelosi and her husband are making lots of money..but of course they are the "good " rich people. Being a politician these days is good business..Pelosi wont have to live under Obamacare it's the rest of us little people who will suffer

Pelosi has a resume that will rank her as one of the more accomplished Speakers of her era

Boehner has a resume that ranks him as a disaster at a time our country needed effective leadership in Congress

You are forgetting the lack of leadership from the White House. The Golfer In Chief has been AWOL for the last 5 years...
Boehner's spineless, Pelosi is brainless, Both are useless..Although Pelosi and her husband are making lots of money..but of course they are the "good " rich people. Being a politician these days is good business..Pelosi wont have to live under Obamacare it's the rest of us little people who will suffer

Pelosi has a resume that will rank her as one of the more accomplished Speakers of her era

Boehner has a resume that ranks him as a disaster at a time our country needed effective leadership in Congress

You are forgetting the lack of leadership from the White House. The Golfer In Chief has been AWOL for the last 5 years...


What has Boehner done to bridge that gap? He can't even lead his own party
Boehner is the worst Speaker in modern history and he has to make up excuses for why he is so bad

Makes you yearn for Nancy Pelosi again

Sez you. His job is procedural in nature. It's in the job description.

You either didn't get the memo, or you're on a need to know basis.
Actually, his job is to press legislation, make deals, cross the aisle and get things done

How does Boehner top the "Do nothing" Congress of 2011/2012?
Lead a Congress that accomplishes half

Please.... Please
Bring back Pelosi

kind of hard to do when the side across the aisle has demonstrated a total unwillingness to compromise. didn't see pelosi compromising much either now did you
What one has to wonder about Boehner is, how is it possible for him to have such a big booming voice since he doesn't have a pair of balls?

I have zero respect for Boehner. I have no respect for a coward or a traitor. I am just trying to figure out if it is possible for anyone of the male gender to be that big of a coward, or is it that John Boehner is a Democrat mole?
What one has to wonder about Boehner is, how is it possible for him to have such a big booming voice since he doesn't have a pair of balls?

I have zero respect for Boehner. I have no respect for a coward or a traitor. I am just trying to figure out if it is possible for anyone of the male gender to be that big of a coward, or is it that John Boehner is a Democrat mole?

You have to understand that all of our politicians are like him. None of them have balls or backbone. It's pointless to get them to do anything productive, all they do is bicker amongst themselves.

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