Our most excellent POTUS Biden has forgiven student debt

Where in the Constitution or Bill of Rights does it say free education?

I think that comes right under the part where presidents are given the legal authority to forgive student loans in the first place. :smoke:
I think that comes right under the part where presidents are given the legal authority to forgive student loans in the first place.
They aren't. Every penny of that is tied to laws passed in Congress.

Most recently, the Department of Education canceled $1.1 billion in federal student loans for 115,000 borrowers who attended ITT Technical Institute, a now-defunct chain of for-profit colleges. The Department discharged that debt under borrower defense to repayment, a statute Congress created to allow borrowers who were defrauded by their colleges to receive debt relief.

The Biden administration has also forgiven $5.8 billion in loans for 323,000 borrowers who have a total and permanent disability that renders them unable to earn significant income. Like borrower defense, the total and permanent disability discharge is a program Congress expressly authorized. While the Education Department has some discretion regarding how to implement these programs, the underlying authority comes from Congress."

Who said anything about cars being free? I certainly didnt.
Why not? What makes these students any more important than anyone else? It's said that college graduates go on to earn more money than non college grads. So, the left feels we need to pay for these kids to go to college so they can go out and, in some cases, make a great living?

What about those who paid off their loans? Do they get their money back? What about those who couldn't go to college for some reason? Why don't they get a check for $50k...or $100k?

What about those who had to leave high school and immediately join the workforce because they didn't have the means to go to college and couldn't get a loan?

If they are going to start handing out money, then they should pay off his car. He's no less important than they are.

I just hope they have some qualifications for this, like, to qualify, you need to be studying a field that is in demand, like something from STEM fields. They don't need to be paying off loans for people getting business degrees, or people studying civics and government. The last thing we need is to be paying off the student loans of those who are going to be our future politicians...which begs a question...I wonder if AOC was part of those who got loan forgiveness, since, last it was reported, she still has a few thousand dollars in outstanding student loans.
I believe the states should be educating the children, not the feds, as it once was.
We can see the results of a federal indoctrination. Thank you for the display of just that.
They could get rid of the Department of Education and save Billions $$$$ each year....
It's wonderful having all this money to blow. Biden said himself we can't go too deeply into debt on his watch, and for a change he wasn't lying in part.

What's most bitchn' about this is it proves some people deserve more than others, and those who deserve the most are the least responsible. Sure you might think that strikes natural order in the wrong way, but that says nothing for progressive. Progressive is backwards, you're now rewarded for negative contributions.

So lesson to be learned, the moral of the story, a revised wisdom for everyone in the most left of terms, if you were one of those poor sucks who met your obligations, then you can just go get fucked. We're no longer that country ass wipes, if you want something out of life do stupid shit and hope a Demonicrat is twisted enough to take care of you on another's dime & time.

Student debt is 1.7 Trillion dollars. Wtf are you talking about?
Educating people is useless? Yet you have no problem overspending in the US military. We have free public education up through grade 12. Why not 4 more years? Why is that such a bad thing? Why do people have a problem getting a return on their tax dollar? Oh wait you're probably retired and if it doesnt benefit you directly, it's a waste, right?
I pay $7,000.00 a year in School taxes for those kids to get a "free" education.

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