Our Neo-Communists

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Just as they thought the words "pinko commie" had been laughed out of existence, they were wrong again. Some of them have no idea what they're advocating for is communism and some of them think it's "cool" to be a puppet for the Rat elites. Those elites only want communism for YOU.....not themselves. Their party leaders would no more give up their massive fortunes and estates than the ruse about "gorebal warming" to cut capitalism off at the ankles. But not all capitalism...just the companies that don't give them stock tips. And healthcare? Once they had ahold of that they could tell you how to run your life or get none. No guns, no motorcycles or ATVs, no BBQ, no NASCAR...the things they don't like, they ban. So there you have it.....our neo-communists are no different than their fellow travelers in history around the world...sounds good on paper and then you wake up in a gulag because somebody decided you said or even thought something against the party.


And Trump ruined the closing act...Hillary in the WH....so close and yet now so far away.
Look at that smug socialist, getting paid by taxpayers solely and not really doing anything to earn it...Damn cops...
Just as they thought the words "pinko commie" had been laughed out of existence, they were wrong again. Some of them have no idea what they're advocating for is communism and some of them think it's "cool" to be a puppet for the Rat elites. Those elites only want communism for YOU.....not themselves. Their party leaders would no more give up their massive fortunes and estates than the ruse about "gorebal warming" to cut capitalism off at the ankles. But not all capitalism...just the companies that don't give them stock tips. And healthcare? Once they had ahold of that they could tell you how to run your life or get none. No guns, no motorcycles or ATVs, no BBQ, no NASCAR...the things they don't like, they ban. So there you have it.....our neo-communists are no different than their fellow travelers in history around the world...sounds good on paper and then you wake up in a gulag because somebody decided you said or even thought something against the party.


And Trump ruined the closing act...Hillary in the WH....so close and yet now so far away.

You mean commie pinko fags like this:

Donald Trump: I support the ban on Assault Weapons.

I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.

As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland."
- Donald J. Trump, 2015.

Donald Trump in his book The America We Deserve:

We must have universal healthcare...I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses...

Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork..

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. If the program were in place in Massachusetts in 1999 it would have reduced administrative costs by $2.5 million. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.

Donald Trump on Larry King the first time he ran for President:

I'm quite liberal, and getting much more liberal, on health care and other things. What's the purpose of a country if you're not gonna have defense and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal healthcare.

"I am pro-choice in every respect."

Look at that smug socialist, getting paid by taxpayers solely and not really doing anything to earn it...Damn cops...

Had to laugh at that one. He's in uniform so you can be sure he has earned his pay.

Now, if there are a few plain clothes officers in the crowd as they have constantly in Canada in the workplace, in school and in upper management of American corporations, THAT'S a different story. Those types are not only stealing from taxpayers but stealing U.S jobs and now paying a heavy price as NAFTA is renegotiated.
Just as they thought the words "pinko commie" had been laughed out of existence, they were wrong again. Some of them have no idea what they're advocating for is communism and some of them think it's "cool" to be a puppet for the Rat elites. Those elites only want communism for YOU.....not themselves. Their party leaders would no more give up their massive fortunes and estates than the ruse about "gorebal warming" to cut capitalism off at the ankles. But not all capitalism...just the companies that don't give them stock tips. And healthcare? Once they had ahold of that they could tell you how to run your life or get none. No guns, no motorcycles or ATVs, no BBQ, no NASCAR...the things they don't like, they ban. So there you have it.....our neo-communists are no different than their fellow travelers in history around the world...sounds good on paper and then you wake up in a gulag because somebody decided you said or even thought something against the party.


And Trump ruined the closing act...Hillary in the WH....so close and yet now so far away.
It went from communist (1850s) to progressive (1890) to socialist (1910ish) to liberal (completely wrong designation, 1920s) back to socialists (1930s) to communists for about 10 minutes (1945) then back to socialists (1950) then back to liberals (1960) then socialists/liberals/something??? then liberals in (1990s) then progressives (2000), now they have come full circle, and are once again brave enough to call themselves communists.

They have never changed, they are just Commie Chameleon (constantly changing colors). It's like the Boy George song:

"Commie Commie Commie Commie Commie Chameleon. You come and go..."

Fucking Commies.
Look at that smug socialist, getting paid by taxpayers solely and not really doing anything to earn it...Damn cops...

Had to laugh at that one. He's in uniform so you can be sure he has earned his pay.

Now, if there are a few plain clothes officers in the crowd as they have constantly in Canada in the workplace, in school and in upper management of American corporations, THAT'S a different story. Those types are not only stealing from taxpayers but stealing U.S jobs and now paying a heavy price as NAFTA is renegotiated.
Rich men, negotiating economic treaties? Like having the wolves watch the hen house....
And, even without suppression of freedom of speech, communism has STILL not been able to win in the market place of ideas and has never been seriously considered as even a remotely viable option for most Americans, because it DOES NOT WORK.
The Russian Ambassador to the United States, Comrade Donald Trump, wants our government to take over your healthcare.
Just as they thought the words "pinko commie" had been laughed out of existence, they were wrong again. Some of them have no idea what they're advocating for is communism and some of them think it's "cool" to be a puppet for the Rat elites. Those elites only want communism for YOU.....not themselves. Their party leaders would no more give up their massive fortunes and estates than the ruse about "gorebal warming" to cut capitalism off at the ankles. But not all capitalism...just the companies that don't give them stock tips. And healthcare? Once they had ahold of that they could tell you how to run your life or get none. No guns, no motorcycles or ATVs, no BBQ, no NASCAR...the things they don't like, they ban. So there you have it.....our neo-communists are no different than their fellow travelers in history around the world...sounds good on paper and then you wake up in a gulag because somebody decided you said or even thought something against the party.


And Trump ruined the closing act...Hillary in the WH....so close and yet now so far away.

Workers World Party are a Communist organisation who are affiliated with the Antifa Far Left Fascists and BLM.






Workers World Party are a Communist organisation who are affiliated with the Antifa Far Left Fascists and BLM.

They are Marxist-Leninist, they also have connections to Hezbollah, Workers World Party therefore need to be declared a Terrorist Organisation, Guilt by Association.


- Snip -


They also want ALL Police and law enforcement disarmed.


What is WWP?

They also side with North Korea and think Kim Jong-un is great.


Woman Who Destroyed Durham Confederate Statue Is A Pro-North Korea Marxist


Workers World Party - Wikipedia
The modern neo-communist can't imagine himself being one thanks to the government schools, it all seems so reasonable.

There aren't a lot of actual commies in the US. Just like there aren't a lot of actual Nazis.

But a well-organized tiny group can influence many times their number.

Most of the largest anti-Iraq war demonstrations during the Bush years were organized by the WWP, under their sock puppet International ANSWER. Most of the hundreds of thousands of people who showed up to protest the war had no idea they were acting as useful idiots for the WWP.

Just as anyone who watches Fox News or reads Brietbart has no idea they are useful idiots for white supremacists.
Just as anyone who watches Fox News or reads Brietbart has no idea they are useful idiots for white supremacists.
Which white supremacist group is pulling the strings on Fox and Brietbart? I seriously want to know. If there is something I can do about that, I will.
If these wannabe-communist, brainless buffoons ever saw communism close up, 99% would find something else stupid to march around about.
Just as they thought the words "pinko commie" had been laughed out of existence, they were wrong again. Some of them have no idea what they're advocating for is communism and some of them think it's "cool" to be a puppet for the Rat elites. Those elites only want communism for YOU.....not themselves. Their party leaders would no more give up their massive fortunes and estates than the ruse about "gorebal warming" to cut capitalism off at the ankles. But not all capitalism...just the companies that don't give them stock tips. And healthcare? Once they had ahold of that they could tell you how to run your life or get none. No guns, no motorcycles or ATVs, no BBQ, no NASCAR...the things they don't like, they ban. So there you have it.....our neo-communists are no different than their fellow travelers in history around the world...sounds good on paper and then you wake up in a gulag because somebody decided you said or even thought something against the party.


And Trump ruined the closing act...Hillary in the WH....so close and yet now so far away.

RWNJs never got the memo that there are so few Communists in the US, its hardly worth the conversation.

There's also the problem that they still don't know what "Communism" means.
Excellent! See my point being proven that these cretins have no concept of themselves being communists although that's exactly what they are. And it's further proof that those like myself pointing it out, are immediately labeled "nazis" to in an attempt to silence us. NOT WORKING.

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