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Our political and corporate leaders all satanist

Probably one of the saddest stories I ever read about - was a Satanist online on a blog confessing to having been present at a human sacrifice where they kicked an infant baby around the room like a football. As I read his story I realized the reason he must have wrote about it was in hopes that someone would tell him why he no longer had a conscience - why he was void of any compassion or normality of feelings for having participated in such a heinous act against a human life. Of course, Satan is real - his desire is as it was when he fell - to obtain worship - but not only worship but that those who serve him will do whatever vile act would grieve the heart of God most. He despises God and knows he cannot harm Him so he has done the next best thing by deceiving humans - made in Gods own Image - Genesis 1:26 - to destroy human life - including their very own. When they die - they won't be rewarded for their serial murder sacrifices - unless one considers eternal torment in hell to be reward - yet there it is - that is what compels some people - temporal power, hope of one day being "immoral" - they believe the lies Satan feeds them - hook, line, and sinker......about the Satanist who told the story ....... The board owner definitely had to have reported it but as some higher echelons of FBI and police department - are also involved in Satanism it is possible that he wasn't properly investigated for what he wrote about.
They pose as Christians ,Jews, or atheist but they are in fact a practicing occultist

Look up the testimony of John Todd. He was a member of the Council 13 - a High Priest (Druid) of the Occult and tells the story of having been present (his testimony is on you tube) at a human sacrifice where George McGovern did a human sacrifice - John Todd witnessed him do it. George McGovern is dead now (in hell suffering eternal torment as his "reward") but George McGovern was the mentor to Hillary and Bill Clinton. Look it up. It's true. ( John Todd was murdered for outing the family secrets. Todd family was the original Collins family - 2nd highest witchcraft family in USA). Dr. Alberto Rivera was murdered for outing the Jesuits and there are others who have also been murdered over such testimonies. For that reason alone, it should compel all people to listen to their testimonies and realize they are telling the truth.
Start with the Jesuits - the founder of the Jesuits was also the founder of the Illuminati - which then founded various groups - such as Bilderberg, Club of Rome, CFR,. Trilateral Comm., Freemasons, the occcult (Ignatius Loyola was into the occult - and he is the founder of the Jesuits and the Illuminati) and many, many movements such as the KKK, etc. Anything that would operate against the name of Jesus Christ and protestants - they were and are into.

You can't blame the "Marranos" ("pigs", as Rome referred to certain conversos suspected of secretly practicing Judaism while openly appearing to practice Christianity, thereby exempting themselves from the taxes and restrictions that applied only to practicing Jews) for maintaining their true convictions by any means necessary in the face of Roman persecution. Loyola was a converso, as was his sucessor, Lainex. The question as to whether they were 'crypto-Jewish infiltrators' or not is a matter of contention; but I don't see how anyone could hold it against them if they were. Such survival mechanisms may even be viewed as commendable under the relevant circumstances.

True, there's a definite occultist flavor to certain schools of thought within Freemasonry and other power-oriented 'Secret Societies' that have their origins in 'Jewish Mysticism', but the secrecy has been an inherited survival trait that evolved out of the actions and policies of the early to midieval Roman Catholic Church.

Now, all of this is not to say that I condone the present day actions of the Jesuits. It's true that their fingerprints are all over some truly despicable things, includimng the advent of certain protestant doctrines that bear a great deal of responsibility for the state of affairs in the world today (I'm talking about your own Zionist stupidity, Jeri), but traditional Roman Catholicism has nobody to blame but itself for the fact that it's been infiltrated and overthrown by the descendants of those it once persecuted.
I am much less concerned about occultist origins than I am about its ongoing activity and influence

Sometimes it's necessary to consider the archaic underpinnings of current events in order to get a handle on the true nature of modern influence, such as that unwittingly exercised by tens of millions of brain-dead evangelicals.

I'm sorry, but very few things get my blood boiling like people of Jeri's ilk.
I am much less concerned about occultist origins than I am about its ongoing activity and influence

I agree with you, Eots, but for the sake of historical accuracy - Roman Catholicism came directly out of the original - occult - Babylonian religion - and nothing short of it. (see Nimrod and Semiramis for that- after Babylon -it spread to Egypt) So do not let others deceive you into believing it began with the Jews - because it didn't.

For a good source in learning about the origins of the occult - Babylonian religion - look up Babylonian Religion by David W. Daniels and the classic - The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop (written in the 1800's) both books available at Chick publications.

One more comment to you, EOTS........anyday I hear of some satanist telling others that I make his blood boil? It's a good day! ha! ha!

Thank you for an interesting thread, EOTS. You have demonstrated your own interest in truth (versus liars & side winders which are a dime a dozen - not to mention - boring) at all costs and that you are not afraid to address tough subjects. You are to be commended for that! God bless you.
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It is a blessed thing to be hated for being right, 9/11. Sure beats the alternative! Doesn't it?

Now you know why Hillary Clinton made sure the investigation into the US Ambassador to Beligium - his alleged paedophile behavior with children even photographed - testimonies, etc. - was shut down at State Dept.

Indeed.The Clintons just like their pals the Bushs,are a very powerful family,they both are tied to royal blood.
It is a blessed thing to be hated for being right, 9/11. Sure beats the alternative! Doesn't it?

yeah it is a blessed thing for being right indeed.I get mocked and laughed at at message boards everywhere I go all the time because of my user name.It was no surprise to me when it first started happening.I knew that was what to be expected.That just shows their insecurity to not want to look at the facts and hear the truth though.

Its only here in america where americans are in denial about it though.everywhere else around the country,they all know its the truth though.

Here in america,americans have been so programmed and conditioned that they elect our policitians and put them in office without a clue that they are SELECTED for us and put in office by the establishment,that voting machines are rigged and their vote doesnt count.

they are too much in denial that both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people that there is no difference between the two parties.so much in denial,they cover their ears and close their eyes and dont want to look at the facts or evidence.
They pose as Christians ,Jews, or atheist but they are in fact a practicing occultist

Clinton like Kerry is skull and bones as well just as Bush

The still shot of Dubya going in for the smooch with his mouth open at 0:29 is priceless. :laugh:

yeah I would say that is evidence Bush is BI sexual same as his buddy Clinton.:lol:

Even if this were all true... I don't see the problem ^_^​
It is true..and what part of satanic rule by secret societies do you not see a problem with ?

yeah apparently she did not bother to read more than t the thread title says.a common trait with many USMB posters here.:rolleyes-41: mad scientist the leader of them.

It isn't a problem for Satanists because without secrecy there is no cover for them. So for her? It's not a problem. The good news is that by exposing Satan and the works of Satan it becomes very clear that God must be real - afterall. So once again - what is meant for evil works out for good for many people. I remember a young man telling me that he doubted God existed until one day when he was confronted head on with an evil that was utterly satanic. He said from then on he never doubted that God existed. He was broke, without food and spending his last day in a cheap motel room when he decided to get on his knees and pray to Jesus for help - he found a hundred dollar bill just under the bed where he was - bought some food - next day he checked himself into a teen challenge rehab and gave his life to Christ. Today Satan is under that young man's feet! One more soul.......that the gates of hell will not prevail against.
It is a blessed thing to be hated for being right, 9/11. Sure beats the alternative! Doesn't it?

yeah it is a blessed thing for being right indeed.I get mocked and laughed at at message boards everywhere I go all the time because of my user name.It was no surprise to me when it first started happening.I knew that was what to be expected.That just shows their insecurity to not want to look at the facts and hear the truth though.

Its only here in america where americans are in denial about it though.everywhere else around the country,they all know its the truth though.

Here in america,americans have been so programmed and conditioned that they elect our policitians and put them in office without a clue that they are SELECTED for us and put in office by the establishment,that voting machines are rigged and their vote doesnt count.

they are too much in denial that both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people that there is no difference between the two parties.so much in denial,they cover their ears and close their eyes and dont want to look at the facts or evidence.

Oh I have listened to what you've been saying. It has caused me to rethink 9/11 quite a great deal. Knowing what I now know about the Jesuits, the extent of influence the Vatican has over American politics and their ties to Islam? I believe anything is possible. Before? I didn't. Now? I do. Many thanks to you for that, 9/11.
Even if this were all true... I don't see the problem ^_^​
It is true..and what part of satanic rule by secret societies do you not see a problem with ?

I have nothing against secret societies or that which you would consider "satanic". I have come to find myself among such things

So you are comfortable with pedophiles and child sacrifice isn't that special..I am talking real satanic orders...not some pagan chick playing witch
They pose as Christians ,Jews, or atheist but they are in fact a practicing occultist

Clinton like Kerry is skull and bones as well just as Bush

The still shot of Dubya going in for the smooch with his mouth open at 0:29 is priceless. :laugh:

yeah I would say that is evidence Bush is BI sexual same as his buddy Clinton.:lol:

Even if this were all true... I don't see the problem ^_^​
It is true..and what part of satanic rule by secret societies do you not see a problem with ?

yeah apparently she did not bother to read more than t the thread title says.a common trait with many USMB posters here.:rolleyes-41: mad scientist the leader of them.

It isn't a problem for Satanists because without secrecy there is no cover for them. So for her? It's not a problem. The good news is that by exposing Satan and the works of Satan it becomes very clear that God must be real - afterall. So once again - what is meant for evil works out for good for many people. I remember a young man telling me that he doubted God existed until one day when he was confronted head on with an evil that was utterly satanic. He said from then on he never doubted that God existed. He was broke, without food and spending his last day in a cheap motel room when he decided to get on his knees and pray to Jesus for help - he found a hundred dollar bill just under the bed where he was - bought some food - next day he checked himself into a teen challenge rehab and gave his life to Christ. Today Satan is under that young man's feet! One more soul.......that the gates of hell will not prevail against.
It is a blessed thing to be hated for being right, 9/11. Sure beats the alternative! Doesn't it?

yeah it is a blessed thing for being right indeed.I get mocked and laughed at at message boards everywhere I go all the time because of my user name.It was no surprise to me when it first started happening.I knew that was what to be expected.That just shows their insecurity to not want to look at the facts and hear the truth though.

Its only here in america where americans are in denial about it though.everywhere else around the country,they all know its the truth though.

Here in america,americans have been so programmed and conditioned that they elect our policitians and put them in office without a clue that they are SELECTED for us and put in office by the establishment,that voting machines are rigged and their vote doesnt count.

they are too much in denial that both parties are corrupt and neither represent the people that there is no difference between the two parties.so much in denial,they cover their ears and close their eyes and dont want to look at the facts or evidence.

Oh I have listened to what you've been saying. It has caused me to rethink 9/11 quite a great deal. Knowing what I now know about the Jesuits, the extent of influence the Vatican has over American politics and their ties to Islam? I believe anything is possible. Before? I didn't. Now? I do. Many thanks to you for that, 9/11.

I did no realise what I have said about 9/11 had any bearing on your thoughts about it.I never imagined that it would even make you rethink it.:thup:

the thing that i always find amusing is I run into people all the time who they can accept the truth that the CIA killed JFK,yet when you say they were behind 9/11 as well,they cover their ears and close their eyes.

It amuses me that they can accept the CIA killed JFK yet they cant about 9/11 because George Bush sr had a huge hand in the assassination.that was his reward for participating in it first getting made the director of the CIA,and then president of the united states.

I assume you understand the many reasons for WHY they killed JFK?

I wont go into the multiple reasons for it but Oliver Stones movie JFK with kevin costner was far more accurate to the truth on what REALLY happened than what the warren commission said.

JFK was our last real president that we had,real because unlike every president we have had since him,he served the people instead of the bankers and was trying to return us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these businesses and corporations that do now.

the most important reason for WHY he was killed is he had signed an executive order where our money was backed by silver.it was actually backed by something.the money we have now is not backed by anything,it is as worthless as monopoly money.

for five months back then our money was backed by silver.there were many dolllar bills that were circulated that said UNITED STATES NOTES on them.I know people that still have those bills that say that.

Now if you look at the bills we have,it says FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES on them.JFK's executive order would have eliminated the federal reserve. no president since then has ever reactivated Kennedys executive order which is why they have all stayed alive.

after Kennedys assassination,Lyndon Johnson immediately stopped the printing of the united states notes and got america back to printing the federal reserve notes we have now.He reversed JFK's policy to withdraw from vietnam by 1965 and he reversed his policy on eliminating the fed. bankers are always behind every war we have.had JFK lived,vietnam would never have happened.war means big business for corporations.thats why we have the current war going on in the middle east.

It doesnt surprise me that people can accept facts the CIA killed JFK but cannot accept it they did 9/11 as well.9/11 hits too close to home to them since it is so current.

the CIA along with the mossad did 9/11.JFK was also going to cut off funding to Israel so they wanted him dead as well.every president since then has aided Israel.

you should take the time to watch this video that has overwhelming facts that prove George Bush sr had a hand in the JFK asssassination.nobody has ever been able to debunk them.If Bush sr had a role in the JFK assassination,then why would his son care about murdering 3000 people? people never can get around that fact.lol

see the president is just a puppet for the american people.they need somebody to blame for all their problems but he is just doing what his masters tell him to do.If he doesnt do what his masters tell him to do,then they end up like kennedy.

kennedy was not doing what his masters told him to do and he paid the price for it.thats WHY every president since him has stayed alive because they have all served their masters and di what they told him to do.

every single president that has got in office since then has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one.carter being the exception.He wasnt quite as corrupt as the ones before him and was actually halfway decent.

that was why he only served one term. Notice how the last three presidents we have had including our current one have all been evil corrupt men? from here on out,every president that gets in will always be worse than the previous one and will all serve two terms.
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Human sacrifice is an extraordinary way to generate Mana, and group ritual as well. Combine the two... throw in some epic astronomical event...


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