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Our political and corporate leaders all satanist

Gods of Oz

A politician claims to be
whatever gets the votes;
a banker understandably
puts faith in worthless notes;

a lobbyist will kneel and pray
to nothing but his cause;
his bosses, as the tinmen say,
are from the Land of OZ.

What diff'rence does it really make
whose 'Gods' they claim to serve,
when those behind the curtains take
possession of their "nerve"...

and secretly in shadows reign
above the Laws of Man,
for whom the quest to find a "brain"
still lacks a master plan?

And even though the Wizard's rule's
been phony from the start,
the yellow brick still shines and fools
the strawman's missing "heart".
Well this is a fun thread! :lmao:

And populated by some of the most bat-shit crazies you will ever encounter (and I mean that with all due respect). Most of 'em sound stone cold serious, too.
We should all be thankful that not only do we care for our crazies in America, we teach 'em to use the Internet and dump 'em on this "Conspiracy Theory" Board. WooHoo!
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It is a blessed thing to be hated for being right, 9/11. Sure beats the alternative! Doesn't it?

But you are loved for being wrong, at least to the extent the psychopaths who rely on your pro-Zionist convictions are capable of love.

I don't hate you, Jeri; I despise your very Christian-like ignorance and the manner in which it leads you to support the causes of the hand that holds the knife in your back - Zionism.

Well this is a fun thread! :lmao:

And populated by some of the most bat-shit crazies you will ever encounter (and I mean that with all due respect). Most of 'em sound stone cold serious, too.
We should all be thankful that not only do we care for our crazies in America, we teach 'em to use the Internet and dump 'em on this "Conspiracy Theory" Board. WooHoo!
The events at the bohemian grove and its existence is fact.. not in dispute..all that is open to theory is intent and motive

"In America, any boy can grow up to become president."
It always amazes me that people that can see the religious zealots organizations and rituals and the seriousness in which they are done but then do not believe when they see satanic ones operating in an organized and high level of influence that they are of relevance
Foster also claims Blair phoned Caplin on returning from a visit to George W Bush in April 2002. "She told me Tony said that war against Iraq was inevitable."

In the article in Vanity Fair, Foster claims that when Blair has had clashes with Gordon Brown he has sought advice from Caplin, who got her mother Sylvia to do a new age "reading" involving a hidden force called The Light.

Foster said: "Tony would call and Carole would say, 'I'll ask mum to channel on this and ring you back.' Then she'd call back and say, 'You must not confront him on this. Now isn't the right time'.",
The revelation that Blair channelled 'the light' (Lucifer?) and based political decisions on it is unsurprising in light of the past history of world leaders' fascination with the occult..
The Times UK News World News and Opinion
According to Jack Temple, Cherie Blair's 'homeopathic dowser healer', the leaves of which plant allow 'the lame to walk, the barren to conceive and the sad to smile' if, and only if, they capture the healing energies of the stars by being planted within the boundaries of his allegedly neolithic stone circle at West Byfleet near Woking?

4 With Christmas over many readers will be planning to imitate the Blairs by visiting the fake Aztec pyramid in the grounds of the Mamora Hotel on Mexico's Caribbean coast. After you and your companion have stripped down to your swimming costumes and gazed on the shapes of phantom animals in the steam, what should you smear each other with before emitting a primal scream of psychic rebirth?
Nick Cohen Without prejudice Politics The Guardian
It always amazes me that people that can see the religious zealots organizations and rituals and the seriousness in which they are done but then do not believe when they see satanic ones operating in an organized and high level of influence that they are of relevance

Other than a LeVay kind of Satanism, isn't it kind of a silly idea for a religion? I mean, Satan is a biblical figure, and the Bible certainly doesn't pain him as a figure for worship. :lol:
It always amazes me that people that can see the religious zealots organizations and rituals and the seriousness in which they are done but then do not believe when they see satanic ones operating in an organized and high level of influence that they are of relevance

Other than a LeVay kind of Satanism, isn't it kind of a silly idea for a religion? I mean, Satan is a biblical figure, and the Bible certainly doesn't pain him as a figure for worship. :lol:
apostle Paul tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light:

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

One example of this masquerading is the culture of secret societies that claim to have illumination or light but are in fact full of darkness. Their Gnostic teaching inverts the truth, making Satan the god and God the enemy. The following sources attest to the fact thatFreemasonry is Luciferian:

Occultist and author Manly Palmer Hall
When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy (emphasis added).i

I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfill my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed...{Invocant signs pact with his own blood}.ii
Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry
It always amazes me that people that can see the religious zealots organizations and rituals and the seriousness in which they are done but then do not believe when they see satanic ones operating in an organized and high level of influence that they are of relevance

I think it betrays the shortsightedness of those people. Many of them have been influenced by the cartoonish depiction of Satan in common Christian folklore, to the point of dismissing the idea that a group of powerful individuals would choose to come together under a banner that's in any way evocative of such childish imagery (this is the attitude on display in Monty's posts, BTW). What they fail to see is that the very same Christian mythology is also derided by adherents to the Gnnostic inversion of the roles of God and Satan. What's more, many illumined Luciferians understand, that generally speaking, Christians have been duped into an unwitting form of Sun worship, in that the story of Christ is ultimately an allegory for 'The Light' that Luciferians themselves hold in high regard. At the same time, it paints a large number of humans as adversaries to be wiped out or assimilated by the New World Order (and if history's any indication, it seems the former will likely be the preferred MO going forward). Religion has been tried and tested as a means of mass manipulation; and the power elite will almost certainly continue to use it as such, in order to fulfill and maintain their not-so-secretive goals of significant population reduction and a 'one world government'.

Every protagonist needs his antagonists, not only to justify his causes, but to validate his very existence. Christians have been fattened and are now being led to the slaughterhouse very much in deference to that principle. As the zealots they've become, many will go willingly to their demise...by design. Oh yes, their Armageddon is coming, and with it the penultimate fulfillment of the NWO's agenda.
Luckily you guys have access to all the secrets the rest of us are unaware of. :p

As implied in my last post, these things are really not-so-secretive at all; they simply require one's eyes to be opened to them. For that to happen, and I'm speaking from direct experience here, one has to overcome the fear of ridicule from those so invested in the illusions and delusions of the status quo that they tend to slam their eyelids shut even tighter at any hint of light that comes their way.
Luckily you guys have access to all the secrets the rest of us are unaware of. :p

As implied in my last post, these things are really not-so-secretive at all; they simply require one's eyes to be opened to them. For that to happen, and I'm speaking from direct experience here, one has to overcome the fear of ridicule from those so invested in the illusions and delusions of the status quo that they tend to slam their eyelids shut even tighter at any hint of light that comes their way.

I believe that's the basic refrain of pretty much every poster pushing their conspiracy theories on this forum : if only everyone would open their eyes, they'd see I'm right! :)

But sure, the not so secret, secret cabal controlling us is part of a not so secret, secret Satanic society. It's all open and above-board, the members freely admit both to their Satanic beliefs and control over us. I'm sorry, should I call them Gnostic instead, since we seem to be conflating those terms? Or perhaps I should call them astrologists, since that has also been brought up? Maybe anything that falls under the label 'occult' should be called Satanic?

Just trying to get the details straight about our not secretly Satanic overlords. :lol:
I believe that's the basic refrain of pretty much every poster pushing their conspiracy theories on this forum : if only everyone would open their eyes, they'd see I'm right! :) ...

True, just as it could have been the common refrain of any and all of the long dead conspiracy nuts of the past who were posthumously vindicated by more recently declassified documents. We now know, for instance, of high-level foreknowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor (and that's the most favorable spin I can put on it), the fraud that was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and the "series of proposals" collectively known as Operation Northwoods, among other things.

Montrovant said:
...But sure, the not so secret, secret cabal controlling us is part of a not so secret, secret Satanic society. It's all open and above-board, the members freely admit both to their Satanic beliefs and control over us. I'm sorry, should I call them Gnostic instead, since we seem to be conflating those terms? Or perhaps I should call them astrologists, since that has also been brought up? Maybe anything that falls under the label 'occult' should be called Satanic?

Just trying to get the details straight about our not secretly Satanic overlords. :lol:

You know, Monty, it would actually be a whole lot funnier, if there weren't so much goddamned truth laced within your sarcastic ridicule. The Luciferian string-pullers love to "hide in plain sight", which is why their symbols are so openly displayed throughout our society. As I said in my poem though, "A politician claims to be whatever gets the votes", but then, "What difference does it really make whose Gods they claim to serve, when those behind the curtains take possession of their "nerve...and secretly in shadows reign above the Laws of Man...?". There as well, I meant "secretly" to those without the eyes to see what a farce the American political system has been for at least the last hundred or so years (with 2013 marking the centennial of the Federal Reserve). Of course, today, the 'two party system' is so obviously controlled by the same interests it's almost impossible not to see it in the mind's eye as a single puppet master maniplating his marionettes, one with his "left" hand, the other with his "right". It is his religious philosophies that matter most here; and you can look at the symbols on any dollar bill as clues as to what those philosophies are. ;)
I believe that's the basic refrain of pretty much every poster pushing their conspiracy theories on this forum : if only everyone would open their eyes, they'd see I'm right! :) ...

True, just as it could have been the common refrain of any and all of the long dead conspiracy nuts of the past who were posthumously vindicated by more recently declassified documents. We now know, for instance, of high-level foreknowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor (and that's the most favorable spin I can put on it), the fraud that was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and the "series of proposals" collectively known as Operation Northwoods, among other things.

Montrovant said:
...But sure, the not so secret, secret cabal controlling us is part of a not so secret, secret Satanic society. It's all open and above-board, the members freely admit both to their Satanic beliefs and control over us. I'm sorry, should I call them Gnostic instead, since we seem to be conflating those terms? Or perhaps I should call them astrologists, since that has also been brought up? Maybe anything that falls under the label 'occult' should be called Satanic?

Just trying to get the details straight about our not secretly Satanic overlords. :lol:

You know, Monty, it would actually be a whole lot funnier, if there weren't so much goddamned truth laced within your sarcastic ridicule. The Luciferian string-pullers love to "hide in plain sight", which is why their symbols are so openly displayed throughout our society. As I said in my poem though, "A politician claims to be whatever gets the votes", but then, "What difference does it really make whose Gods they claim to serve, when those behind the curtains take possession of their "nerve...and secretly in shadows reign above the Laws of Man...?". There as well, I meant "secretly" to those without the eyes to see what a farce the American political system has been for at least the last hundred or so years (with 2013 marking the centennial of the Federal Reserve). Of course, today, the 'two party system' is so obviously controlled by the same interests it's almost impossible not to see it in the mind's eye as a single puppet master maniplating his marionettes, one with his "left" hand, the other with his "right". It is his religious philosophies that matter most here; and you can look at the symbols on any dollar bill as clues as to what those philosophies are. ;)

You know, I tend to agree that politicians will claim to be whatever gets the votes. I don't take the religious claims of politicians too seriously for that very reason. However, rather than taking it as a sign of some sort of religious secret society, I find it far more plausible that the politicians who feign a particular religious belief have little real belief at all.

I certainly don't think that there is a secret society of Satanists who gain power from their religion and use that to exert behind the scenes control over the world.

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