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Our political and corporate leaders all satanist

...I find it far more plausible that the politicians who feign a particular religious belief have little real belief at all. ...

Which would make them the perfect 'yes men' for the true power brokers of the world, whose money and influence essentially put many of those spineless jackasses in office in the first place, and in most cases likely for that very reason. After all, there's nothing worse than a 'true believer' (I.E. a person with integrity and strong convictions, religious or otherwise) gumming up the works in the political machinations of the power elite! No, one needn't be a practicing Luciferian to play the role of 'useful idiot' in the halls of power.

montrovant said:
...I certainly don't think that there is a secret society of Satanists who gain power from their religion and use that to exert behind the scenes control over the world.

Their power is not the fruition of their religious philosophy per se; it's more the product of their principal moral principle (if it's even proper to call it "moral") that "the end always justifies the means", no matter how objectively atrocious the bulk of humanity would view many of the means they've used to date, that is, if the bulk of humanity ever discovered the extent to which our inhuman(e) "overlords" have cowardly engineered and financed some of the worst atrocities on record,...and always from the safety of their buzzard perches.

I'm not out to convince you to see things my way, Monty. In truth, I'd much rather return to the comfort of the myopia I once shared in common with people like you. If you're able to sincerely maintain your current level of faith in the system, as the world around you crumbles to the ground, more power to ya'. :thup:
...I find it far more plausible that the politicians who feign a particular religious belief have little real belief at all. ...

Which would make them the perfect 'yes men' for the true power brokers of the world, whose money and influence essentially put many of those spineless jackasses in office in the first place, and in most cases likely for that very reason.

How conveeenient. Does the term "self-reinforcing delusion" ring a bell?
...I find it far more plausible that the politicians who feign a particular religious belief have little real belief at all. ...

Which would make them the perfect 'yes men' for the true power brokers of the world, whose money and influence essentially put many of those spineless jackasses in office in the first place, and in most cases likely for that very reason. After all, there's nothing worse than a 'true believer' (I.E. a person with integrity and strong convictions, religious or otherwise) gumming up the works in the political machinations of the power elite! No, one needn't be a practicing Luciferian to play the role of 'useful idiot' in the halls of power.

montrovant said:
...I certainly don't think that there is a secret society of Satanists who gain power from their religion and use that to exert behind the scenes control over the world.

Their power is not the fruition of their religious philosophy per se; it's more the product of their principal moral principle (if it's even proper to call it "moral") that "the end always justifies the means", no matter how objectively atrocious the bulk of humanity would view many of the means they've used to date, that is, if the bulk of humanity ever discovered the extent to which our inhuman(e) "overlords" have cowardly engineered and financed some of the worst atrocities on record,...and always from the safety of their buzzard perches.

I'm not out to convince you to see things my way, Monty. In truth, I'd much rather return to the comfort of the myopia I once shared in common with people like you. If you're able to sincerely maintain your current level of faith in the system, as the world around you crumbles to the ground, more power to ya'. :thup:

The world around me is crumbling to the ground? I wonder how you define that phrase.
The world around me is crumbling to the ground? I wonder how you define that phrase.

Resisting the urge to piece together a gory collage of photos and clippings from the ongoing death and destruction that's been meted out both above and below the board under the pretense of counterterrorism in the post-9/11 era alone, I suggest that you look out a bit further than your own back yard. It's only a matter of time before the sort of scenes that have been created in our name in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the Sudan, ETC., comes home to roost on the wings of the very same vultures that have engineered it all from the start (yes, including 9/11/01). And the majority of Americans who didn't so much as inform themselves, much less speak out against the unconscionable geopolitical activities of our government and the god-forsaken CIA...will have noone to blame but themselves when the streets of Mayberry look more like the streets of Damascus.
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I have mixed feelings about the conspiracy theory section, myself. On one hand, it confines the severely mentally ill to mostly one sub forum. On the other hand, having such a section attracts the severely mentally ill, who then infest other sections of the forum.

I would gladly refrain from ever posting in this section if the psychotics among us would just stay put.
Try not to scare the weak so much you guys....

Weak or strong, nearly all US citizens have good reason to be scared, whether they realize it or not. It's no coincidence that "ISIS" shares its name with an important Goddess in the pantheon of 'the mystery religion(s)' of the power elite, nor is it a very well kept secret that many of its mercenary fighters have been recruited, trained, armed, and paid primarily by some of the States from the US's stable of 51st states (Jordan and Fraudi Arabia, to name a couple). The pieces to Pike's prophesied third global conflict (WW3) between the Islamic world and "political zionism" are quickly falling into place. When (not if) Iran gets more aggressively pulled into the maylay, Russia and China will soon follow. Then the traitorous warhawks in the US government will be able to shed their costumes and move to act overtly, no doubt to "defend Israel". At that point, the entire globe will be compelled to take sides, as major population centers everywhere will be targeted by the globalist puppet-masters in what is sure to be a worldwide nuclear war, prior to swooping down on the remains as their predecessors have done in the aftermath of every major conflict going back at least to the French Revolution. The Final Incarnation of the New World Order will then arise from the smoldering ashes of former Capital Cities around the world (including here in the United States), to begin its governance over a greatly reduced and thoroughly downtrodden human population.

The trillions "missing from" or "unaccounted for on" the ledgers of the DoD and the Federal Reserve over the past few decades haven't gone into the development and building of massive underground cities for nothing; and it's only a question of when they'll be fully operational and populated by those they were built to preserve, as tens or hundreds of millions of "useless eaters" are left to be gassed and/or nuked on the surface.

Now, I realize all of this may seem like the paranoid ramblings of a known conspiracy theorist, Moonglow (it's a shame that the reality of our world is such that it's difficult for critical thinkers to sound otherwise), but mark my words: there really are some very powerful individuals in the world today who'd want nothing more than the scenario I've laid out in this post to transpire very much as I've described it. What's more, they're in the positions to make it happen. You can take that to the bank (one of their favorite hangouts, BTW). ;)
Really? The acronym ISIS is based on the goddess Isis? It is just that sort of mental gymnastics which gets you labeled as a conspiracy theorist rather than a critical thinker. The English acronym for an Islamic group happens to form the name of an ancient Egyptian goddess and this is evidence of a global cabal in control of world events which follows some sort of occult beliefs? :lol:
Really? The acronym ISIS is based on the goddess Isis? It is just that sort of mental gymnastics which gets you labeled as a conspiracy theorist rather than a critical thinker. The English acronym for an Islamic group happens to form the name of an ancient Egyptian goddess and this is evidence of a global cabal in control of world events which follows some sort of occult beliefs? :lol:

First of all, I want you to know that I don't hold such ridicule against you or anyone else in this thread. I know it's the only weapon in your collective arsenal; and I know how important it must seem for you guys to defend your cherished delusions by any means at your disposal.

Second, but more importantly, by "it's no coincidence", I didn't mean to imply the chosen acronym was "evidence" of the existence of the dark occultist "cabal". It was simply a statement of belief based on past observations and other beliefs that preceded the creation of the black-ops asset known as ISIS by several years. Look at the Egyptian and other occultist iconography that litters the streets, both in the form of monuments and in the street designs themselves, in our nation's Capital. Look at the symbols on the dollar bill. From Osiris's penis to the eye of Horus atop the unfinished pyramid, the power elite have enjoyed rubbing their symbols in the faces of 'the profane' for many years. In the immediate aftermath of 9/11/01, for instance, Dubya openly spoke of "the Angel that rides in the whirlwind", a thinly veiled allusion to Metatron and a clear call to 'initiates' all over the world. That sort of right in your face visual/audio symbolism - granted, all of which can readily be explained away by people like you, is a favorite ploy of the less-than-human dark occultists at the highest levels of governement and in all other facets of society. It's almost as if they're taunting the masses and psychotically enjoying every minute of it.

Again though, I'm not out to convince anyone else to see things my way, but that doesn't mean I won't continue to call things as I see them.
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Really? The acronym ISIS is based on the goddess Isis? It is just that sort of mental gymnastics which gets you labeled as a conspiracy theorist rather than a critical thinker. The English acronym for an Islamic group happens to form the name of an ancient Egyptian goddess and this is evidence of a global cabal in control of world events which follows some sort of occult beliefs? :lol:

First of all, I want you to know that I don't hold such ridicule against you or anyone else in this thread. I know it's the only weapon in your collective arsenal; and I know how important it must seem for you guys to defend your cherished delusions by any means at your disposal.

Second, but more importantly, by "it's no coincidence", I didn't mean to imply the chosen acronym was "evidence" of the existence of the dark occultist "cabal". It was simply a statement of belief based on past observations and other beliefs that preceded the creation of the black-ops asset known as ISIS by several years. Look at the Egyptian and other occultist iconography that litters the streets, both in the form of monuments and in the street designs themselves, in our nation's Capital. Look at the symbols on the dollar bill. From Osiris's penis to the eye of Horus atop the unfinished pyramid, the power elite have enjoyed rubbing their symbols in the faces of 'the profane' for many years. In the immediate aftermath of 9/11/01, for instance, Dubya openly spoke of "the Angel that rides in the whirlwind", a thinly veiled allusion to Metatron and a clear call to 'initiates' all over the world. That sort of right in your face visual/audio symbolism, granted - all of which can readily be explained away by people like you, is a favorite ploy of the less-than-human dark occultists at the highest levels of governement and in all other facets of society. It's almost as if they're taunting the masses and psychotically enjoying every minute of it.

Again though, I'm not out to convince anyone else to see things my way. However, that doesn't mean I won't continue to call things as I see them.

You have a bunch of things which can be 'readily explained away', which would seem to imply that there are perfectly reasonable explanations for them outside of some finger in the eye by a world-controlling occult cabal. You look at an Arabic terrorist group which is sometimes known by the acronym of ISIS and take that to be an intentional occurrence, the power elite rubbing our noses in their apparently ancient Egyptian beliefs.

You make these claims, and say you will continue to do so, but apparently don't want to have anyone believe you. I can only suppose that you feel there is something noble about telling people things you don't want or expect them to believe? Maybe you find conversations which may as well be with yourself cathartic?

You can go on about how 'people like me' will not see what you see, explain away what should be obvious, not really look at the clear evidence, etc. etc. The opposite side of that coin, of course, is that phrases like that are commonplace amongst the conspiracy minded; no matter what theories the conspiracist ascribes to, the evidence always seems clear to them, they always blame the lack belief amongst the masses on an unwillingness to go 'outside the box' or 'burying their heads in the sand' or similar stuff. These secrets are rarely well kept, it is just that almost no one else can think critically about the subjects. If you think critical thinking ties a secret (but not so secret) group in control of the world to the only sometimes used English acronym for an Arabic terror group because of an ancient Egyptian deity, who are also Satanists, well, I hope you have fun with that. ;)
You have a bunch of things which can be 'readily explained away', which would seem to imply that there are perfectly reasonable explanations for them outside of some finger in the eye by a world-controlling occult cabal. ...

Perfectly reasonable in line with what flows from one's premises (or within the scope of his or her paradigm), maybe, but that doesn't account for the veracity of the premises themselves.

montrovant said:
...You look at an Arabic terrorist group which is sometimes known by the acronym of ISIS and take that to be an intentional occurrence, the power elite rubbing our noses in their apparently ancient Egyptian beliefs. ...

No, I look as I do at the mainstream media's preferred tag for a western black-ops asset, the rank and file of which are mostly Arabic mercenaries (although it's not always easy to tell beneath their characteristic black hoods), that was created for the expressed purpose of initiating the final global conflict between the Islamic world and political Zionism (WW3), because there are precedents, historical and more recent documentation, and independent, 'on the scene', journalistic evidence to support this view.

montrovant said:
...You make these claims, and say you will continue to do so, but apparently [don't want to have anyone believe you. I can only suppose that you feel there is something noble about telling people things you don't want or expect them to believe? Maybe you find conversations which may as well be with yourself cathartic? ...

Well, as a strident pantheist, I have to ask: is there any better sounding board than Oneself? J/K. ;)

Maybe, insignificant as it is, this is my 'calling'? :dunno:

But yes, I'll admit there's a therapeutic effect to venting the emotions wrapped up in my disapproval of past and currents events around the world and closer to home. Giving public voice to that disapproval might not only be the least I can do, it may very well be the only thing I can do...

montrovant said:
...You can go on about how 'people like me' will not see what you see, explain away what should be obvious, not really look at the clear evidence, etc. etc. The opposite side of that coin, of course, is that phrases like that are commonplace amongst the conspiracy minded; no matter what theories the conspiracist ascribes to, the evidence always seems clear to them, they always blame the lack belief amongst the masses on an unwillingness to go 'outside the box' or 'burying their heads in the sand' or similar stuff. These secrets are rarely well kept, it is just that almost no one else can think critically about the subjects. If you think critical thinking ties a secret (but not so secret) group in control of the world to the only sometimes used English acronym for an Arabic terror group because of an ancient Egyptian deity, who are also Satanists, well, I hope you have fun with that. ;)

And you can go on labelling me with all the dismissive connotations of the term "conspiracy theorist" or with any number of snide inferences, such as my possible status as a person in need of a regular psychological catharsis, to no effect on my spirit or the manner in which I choose to speak my mind in the future.
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And you can go on labelling me with all the dismissive connotations of the term "conspiracy theorist" or with any number of snide inferences, such as my possible status as a person in need of a regular psychological catharsis, to no effect on my spirit or the manner in which I choose to speak my mind in the future.

Ah, but the day you climb out of your rabbit hole and seek the help you've long needed you won't be able to claim no one told you when, in fact, many have told you.
I have mixed feelings about the conspiracy theory section, myself. On one hand, it confines the severely mentally ill to mostly one sub forum. On the other hand, having such a section attracts the severely mentally ill, who then infest other sections of the forum.

I would gladly refrain from ever posting in this section if the psychotics among us would just stay put.

well then this section is perfect for YOU then.:thup:
I have mixed feelings about the conspiracy theory section, myself. On one hand, it confines the severely mentally ill to mostly one sub forum. On the other hand, having such a section attracts the severely mentally ill, who then infest other sections of the forum.

I would gladly refrain from ever posting in this section if the psychotics among us would just stay put.

well then this section is perfect for YOU then.:thup:
Not surprisingly, this thread has attracted all the same conspiracy theory promoting loons who are represented in the 9/11 conspiracy theory loon thread.
I have mixed feelings about the conspiracy theory section, myself. On one hand, it confines the severely mentally ill to mostly one sub forum. On the other hand, having such a section attracts the severely mentally ill, who then infest other sections of the forum.

I would gladly refrain from ever posting in this section if the psychotics among us would just stay put.

well then this section is perfect for YOU then.:thup:
Not surprisingly, this thread has attracted all the same conspiracy theory promoting loons who are represented in the 9/11 conspiracy theory loon thread.

It's like a cult and they are required to respect all CTs no matter how ridiculous.
It is a blessed thing to be hated for being right, 9/11. Sure beats the alternative! Doesn't it?

But you are loved for being wrong, at least to the extent the psychopaths who rely on your pro-Zionist convictions are capable of love.

I don't hate you, Jeri; I despise your very Christian-like ignorance and the manner in which it leads you to support the causes of the hand that holds the knife in your back - Zionism.


Capstone you and Jeri were just playing a game of chess and the game is over and you are the clear winner checkmating Jeri here.:up:

The proof is in the pudding here on that as well because Jeri can ignore and dismiss you but she CANT however dismiss Jimmy Carter who also in that link i provided says the EXACT same thing you just got done saying.

and the thing is I have no idea whatsoever that until today if you ever saw that link or not that I just posted since I have never spoken to you about this before,but Jimmy Carters words here below back up everything you said.

"I made it clear that I have never claimed that American Jews control the news media, but reiterated that the overwhelming bias for Israel comes from among Christians like me who have been taught since childhood to honor and protect God's chosen people from among whom came our own savior, Jesus Christ," Carter writes.

the paid zionist shills in the Israel section dismiss these words of carter saying next to Obama he was the worst president ever but what do you expect from all those shills in that section that troll there everyday?

Regardless of what people think of carter as president,he is an authoritive figure on this and very credible.

He is not saying everything he knows though holding back that the zionists of Israel control the news because he doesnt want to be labeled as being anti semetic so he is doing the wise thing by not saying what he really knows that they do control the media.

just so you know Jeremiah.Dont take that post the wrong way.I like you and all,you know that.I think you're a very nice person and have very good intentions and mean well but facts are facts and Carter tells it like it is.He is being truthful here and being a straight arrow as well.

Jimmy Carter is not a Christian, 9/11. I cannot believe there was ever a moment in history when Jimmy Carter was straight as an arrow. That is quite a claim for someone who has been proven to be a liar ( as he has been).
It is a blessed thing to be hated for being right, 9/11. Sure beats the alternative! Doesn't it?

But you are loved for being wrong, at least to the extent the psychopaths who rely on your pro-Zionist convictions are capable of love.

I don't hate you, Jeri; I despise your very Christian-like ignorance and the manner in which it leads you to support the causes of the hand that holds the knife in your back - Zionism.


Capstone you and Jeri were just playing a game of chess and the game is over and you are the clear winner checkmating Jeri here.:up:

The proof is in the pudding here on that as well because Jeri can ignore and dismiss you but she CANT however dismiss Jimmy Carter who also in that link i provided says the EXACT same thing you just got done saying.

and the thing is I have no idea whatsoever that until today if you ever saw that link or not that I just posted since I have never spoken to you about this before,but Jimmy Carters words here below back up everything you said.

"I made it clear that I have never claimed that American Jews control the news media, but reiterated that the overwhelming bias for Israel comes from among Christians like me who have been taught since childhood to honor and protect God's chosen people from among whom came our own savior, Jesus Christ," Carter writes.

the paid zionist shills in the Israel section dismiss these words of carter saying next to Obama he was the worst president ever but what do you expect from all those shills in that section that troll there everyday?

Regardless of what people think of carter as president,he is an authoritive figure on this and very credible.

He is not saying everything he knows though holding back that the zionists of Israel control the news because he doesnt want to be labeled as being anti semetic so he is doing the wise thing by not saying what he really knows that they do control the media.

just so you know Jeremiah.Dont take that post the wrong way.I like you and all,you know that.I think you're a very nice person and have very good intentions and mean well but facts are facts and Carter tells it like it is.He is being truthful here and being a straight arrow as well.

Jimmy Carter is not a Christian, 9/11. I cannot believe there was ever a moment in history when Jimmy Carter was straight as an arrow. That is quite a claim for someone who has been proven to be a liar ( as he has been).

And you know who is and is not a Christian because.......

Not that I have any particular faith (pun intended) in Carter's stated religious beliefs, but that's true of any politician.
I get the feeling that some of the people following this discussion have erroneous ideas (at least WRT some of the suggestions I've made in this thread) and are picturing Obama & company in black and scarlet robes holding hands around a flaming pentagram. :laugh:

It's far more subversive and subtle than that, Gang.

Paraphrasing Mark Passio, "One of the biggest problems in our society is that we have in full effect such a pervasive propagation of Satanic principles, which is just subtle enough on the surface to ensure that the majority of the population becomes unknowingly trapped in the Satanic mindset. Without ever coming to a full understanding of what Satanism is, they're effectively initiated as low-level Satanists, simply by virtue of the ideologies, religious and otherwise, that guide their actions in their day-to-day lives."

That's not to say there aren't overt practitioners of dark occultist traditions in very high places; but it's important to understand that the "high[est] places" of all are above and beyond those "We, the People" have been given to believe are the highest levels of government, ETC.

The professed religions of "viable candidates" for supposedly high offices are truly irrelevant, when one of the main determinants (if not the main deteminant) of their 'viability' is their willingness to play the role of lapdog to those with the money and influence to put them into office.
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