Our poor,poor, country ...

Then why we still have record number of people on welfare? Until that number goes down. The economy is still weak. Good try though.
We have a record number of people on welfare because the population has risen faster than the job market , companies moving over seas, very few low skill or no skill jobs available and that's just for starters.
Oh so you are admitting, Bush didn't cause the recession?
I'm not admitting anything .
The bush presidency was instrumental in causing the recession.
That's fact.

LMAO and what specifically did the Bush administration do to cause the recession? We'll just be waiting for you to respond so we can laugh. :laugh:
Your short term memory loss acting up again? The right's claim that Obama's actions were going to expose us all to Ebola was another hair on fire claim just like Jade Helm, FEMA prisons, Walmart Tunnels, and Benghazi. I know there have been so many completely nuts claims by your side till they are hard to keep up with, but you should at least try
My memory is fine. I remember many times that libturds like yourself pick and choose who represents the entire right wing of the country. Benghazi didn't happen? WTF?

It didn't happen the way you tried so hard to claim.
I'm not the right and it did happen. Burying your head in your safe space doesn't make it go away.

You are a part of the right. Are you now willing to admit that Hillary had no responsibility for those deaths? If not, then it didn't happen the way you tried to claim it did. Lots of investigations have proven that.

you're howling at the moon Dawg. You, me, or anyone else will never convince RW morons about anything. They've been living in la la land for so long the actually believe their own BS.
La la land is where you idiots believe babies come from.
You mean the vetting process that was said to have been a failure by the people that fucking do it? Idiot

no I mean Doom, Gloom and Fear ... thats all you need to know what I mean.
You have a lot of fear yourself.

not me, I'm good right where I am.

what now?
You are scared shitless of Trump.

Keep up your pathetic fear-mongering.

riiiiiiiiight ... I'm skeert

You shouldn't get your news from cartoon shows.

Your short term memory loss acting up again? The right's claim that Obama's actions were going to expose us all to Ebola was another hair on fire claim just like Jade Helm, FEMA prisons, Walmart Tunnels, and Benghazi. I know there have been so many completely nuts claims by your side till they are hard to keep up with, but you should at least try
My memory is fine. I remember many times that libturds like yourself pick and choose who represents the entire right wing of the country. Benghazi didn't happen? WTF?

It didn't happen the way you tried so hard to claim.
I'm not the right and it did happen. Burying your head in your safe space doesn't make it go away.

You are a part of the right. Are you now willing to admit that Hillary had no responsibility for those deaths? If not, then it didn't happen the way you tried to claim it did. Lots of investigations have proven that.
You're full of shit. There were many calls for help, nothing was done. Hillary pushed for the actions and it blew up. Pop your stupid head back in your comfy spot.
Your short term memory loss acting up again? The right's claim that Obama's actions were going to expose us all to Ebola was another hair on fire claim just like Jade Helm, FEMA prisons, Walmart Tunnels, and Benghazi. I know there have been so many completely nuts claims by your side till they are hard to keep up with, but you should at least try
My memory is fine. I remember many times that libturds like yourself pick and choose who represents the entire right wing of the country. Benghazi didn't happen? WTF?

It didn't happen the way you tried so hard to claim.
I'm not the right and it did happen. Burying your head in your safe space doesn't make it go away.

You are a part of the right. Are you now willing to admit that Hillary had no responsibility for those deaths? If not, then it didn't happen the way you tried to claim it did. Lots of investigations have proven that.

you're howling at the moon Dawg. You, me, or anyone else will never convince RW morons about anything. They've been living in la la land for so long the actually believe their own BS.
Projection. Look it up.
Then why we still have record number of people on welfare? Until that number goes down. The economy is still weak. Good try though.
We have a record number of people on welfare because the population has risen faster than the job market , companies moving over seas, very few low skill or no skill jobs available and that's just for starters.
Oh so you are admitting, Bush didn't cause the recession?
I'm not admitting anything .
The bush presidency was instrumental in causing the recession.
That's fact.

LMAO and what specifically did the Bush administration do to cause the recession? We'll just be waiting for you to respond so we can laugh. :laugh:
He won't be able to answer that, especially since the democrats controlled both houses when the recession began. Also that Clinton handed Bush a recession.
Then why we still have record number of people on welfare? Until that number goes down. The economy is still weak. Good try though.
We have a record number of people on welfare because the population has risen faster than the job market , companies moving over seas, very few low skill or no skill jobs available and that's just for starters.
Oh so you are admitting, Bush didn't cause the recession?
I'm not admitting anything .
The bush presidency was instrumental in causing the recession.
That's fact.
No, no you stated that the reason there are record number of people on welfare. Is because of population growth. Thanks for admitting Bush didn't cause the recession.
false! the rise of people on welfare had already been in progress when bush's idiocy set the recession in motion exacerbating the problem.
You mean the vetting process that was said to have been a failure by the people that fucking do it? Idiot

no I mean Doom, Gloom and Fear ... thats all you need to know what I mean.
You have a lot of fear yourself.

not me, I'm good right where I am.

what now?
You are scared shitless of Trump.

Keep up your pathetic fear-mongering.
Any sane person should be wary of dump.
Unemployment is under 5%
we aren't in a recession, the economy is slow
police death rate is lower than it was under Reagan
all refugees admitted to the U.S. go through an extensive vetting process that takes 18 to 24 months to complete
and so on .............
However, Mr Trump will fix everything on 1/2017 ... he won't say how because its not really broken.

Doom, gloom,and Fear for over an hour.

gee, who knew?

Rightwingers were famous for mocking Democrats for supposedly creating gloom and doom scenarios in the past.

What past was that? The past when we had Republican presidents.
Then why we still have record number of people on welfare? Until that number goes down. The economy is still weak. Good try though.
We have a record number of people on welfare because the population has risen faster than the job market , companies moving over seas, very few low skill or no skill jobs available and that's just for starters.
Oh so you are admitting, Bush didn't cause the recession?
I'm not admitting anything .
The bush presidency was instrumental in causing the recession.
That's fact.

LMAO and what specifically did the Bush administration do to cause the recession? We'll just be waiting for you to respond so we can laugh. :laugh:
He won't be able to answer that, especially since the democrats controlled both houses when the recession began. Also that Clinton handed Bush a recession.
Bullshit! already did.
When Clinton left office there was a surplus.
Then why we still have record number of people on welfare? Until that number goes down. The economy is still weak. Good try though.
We have a record number of people on welfare because the population has risen faster than the job market , companies moving over seas, very few low skill or no skill jobs available and that's just for starters.
Oh so you are admitting, Bush didn't cause the recession?
I'm not admitting anything .
The bush presidency was instrumental in causing the recession.
That's fact.

LMAO and what specifically did the Bush administration do to cause the recession? We'll just be waiting for you to respond so we can laugh. :laugh:
Asked and answered.
My memory is fine. I remember many times that libturds like yourself pick and choose who represents the entire right wing of the country. Benghazi didn't happen? WTF?

It didn't happen the way you tried so hard to claim.
I'm not the right and it did happen. Burying your head in your safe space doesn't make it go away.

You are a part of the right. Are you now willing to admit that Hillary had no responsibility for those deaths? If not, then it didn't happen the way you tried to claim it did. Lots of investigations have proven that.

you're howling at the moon Dawg. You, me, or anyone else will never convince RW morons about anything. They've been living in la la land for so long the actually believe their own BS.
Projection. Look it up.

speculation, look it up.
speculation, look it up.
I don't need to look it up. I know. The evidence that libtards can't think is they blame Bush for everything but Hillary isn't responsible for anything because there was no criminal conviction.

How do you dumb assholes make it through the day?
Unemployment is under 5%
we aren't in a recession, the economy is slow
police death rate is lower than it was under Reagan
all refugees admitted to the U.S. go through an extensive vetting process that takes 18 to 24 months to complete
and so on .............
However, Mr Trump will fix everything on 1/2017 ... he won't say how because its not really broken.

Doom, gloom,and Fear for over an hour.

gee, who knew?
Some 69% of Americans think we're in decline, and we are.

It is ridiculously difficult to argue America is not in decline whether socially or economically.
Unemployment is under 5%
we aren't in a recession, the economy is slow
police death rate is lower than it was under Reagan
all refugees admitted to the U.S. go through an extensive vetting process that takes 18 to 24 months to complete
and so on .............
However, Mr Trump will fix everything on 1/2017 ... he won't say how because its not really broken.

Doom, gloom,and Fear for over an hour.

gee, who knew?
Some 69% of Americans think we're in decline, and we are.

It is ridiculously difficult to argue America is not in decline whether socially or economically.
It's easy when you live in Da Nile.
Unemployment is under 5%
we aren't in a recession, the economy is slow
police death rate is lower than it was under Reagan
all refugees admitted to the U.S. go through an extensive vetting process that takes 18 to 24 months to complete
and so on .............
However, Mr Trump will fix everything on 1/2017 ... he won't say how because its not really broken.

Doom, gloom,and Fear for over an hour.

gee, who knew?
Some 69% of Americans think we're in decline, and we are.

It is ridiculously difficult to argue America is not in decline whether socially or economically.
Really? The America is falling apart fallacy started 5 min after the country was founded.
Just in my lifetime we'very been in far worse trouble than this.
Unemployment is under 5%
we aren't in a recession, the economy is slow
police death rate is lower than it was under Reagan
all refugees admitted to the U.S. go through an extensive vetting process that takes 18 to 24 months to complete
and so on .............
However, Mr Trump will fix everything on 1/2017 ... he won't say how because its not really broken.

Doom, gloom,and Fear for over an hour.

gee, who knew?

I was talking to an old lib buddy of mine from college. He works in Films, his wife and him are vegetarians, who have just moved back from LA.

I mention that to show that he is NOT a fellow traveler of mine, ideologically speaking.

He is working.

But he is struggling because there is constant pressure from new graduates in his field that are willing to do the work cheaper than he, with his family, can.

There are too few good jobs, so the oversupply of labor drives down price, even if you are one of the people with what should be a "good" well paying job.

And tell these guys about how good the vetting process is.


And Trump has been plenty clear on his ideas on how to fix things. That was a lie on your part.

And no one is playing more to fear that the lefties who are LITERALLY TELLING Americans that the other half of the country are literally NAZIS, trying to put a "Hitler" into office to oppress and kill them.
speculation, look it up.
I don't need to look it up. I know. The evidence that libtards can't think is they blame Bush for everything but Hillary isn't responsible for anything because there was no criminal conviction.

How do you dumb assholes make it through the day?

I don't need to look it up. I know. The evidence that libtards can't think is they blame Bush for everything but Hillary isn't responsible for anything because there was no criminal conviction.

using that logic youre not responsible for anything on your watch if youre the pOTUS ..

got it.

you want Clinton to be held to task, yet you could care less about what Trump says or does ..

got it.

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