Our president has no balls.

We complain about Biden because he give us legitimate reason to complain. Your fool is a danger to this country and the world.
You're confused: President Biden is acting pragmatically, moderately and working with our allies. Rational, educated and thinking Americans who voted to replace the former President who was a danger to the United States and other democracies around the world.
You're confused: President Biden is acting pragmatically, moderately and working with our allies. Rational, educated and thinking Americans who voted to replace the former President who was a danger to the United States and other democracies around the world.
Back it up. Just how many wars did Trump create or mismanage during his 4 years. How often did OPEC tell him NO, although he never had to go hat in hand and beg OPEC to increase oil production to make himself look better. Blaming Trump for everything is never going to make Biden look better that the fool he is.
Back it up. Just how many wars did Trump create or mismanage during his 4 years. How often did OPEC tell him NO, although he never had to go hat in hand and beg OPEC to increase oil production to make himself look better. Blaming Trump for everything is never going to make Biden look better that the fool he is.

Trump didn't follow his own conditioned based Surrender Accords in Afghanistan and Screwed the pooch with his Lame Duck withdrawals. All in a spiteful effort to get revenge.

About going hat in hand. No president does that. They need us more that we need them. Trump made that clear,

https://www.reuters.com/article/us global-oil-trump-saudi-specialreport/special-report-trump-told-saudi-cut-oil-supply-or-lose-u-s-military-support-sources-idUSKBN22C1V4

Your Peewee Hermanesque response aside, I said nothing about it, so you challenging me about what I actually said by bringing that up, which had nothing to do with what I said, was insinuating that was related and that I was denying it.

Still, the Keystone pipeline is being used. Biden only halted construction of the KL extension, as I showed you.
Then please tell us what his first executive order was and why we are no longer energy independent
You libs should read some books on military history. You think we should ask Putin in a nice way if he would leave Ukraine? Force is required, and Biden doesn't have the balls to use force.
The force needs to be the Ukrainians. Getting into a shooting war with the Russians was not a good idea in 1962 and it is not a good idea now!
Trump didn't follow his own conditioned based Surrender Accords in Afghanistan and Screwed the pooch with his Lame Duck withdrawals. All in a spiteful effort to get revenge.

About going hat in hand. No president does that. They need us more that we need them. Trump made that clear,

https://www.reuters.com/article/us global-oil-trump-saudi-specialreport/special-report-trump-told-saudi-cut-oil-supply-or-lose-u-s-military-support-sources-idUSKBN22C1V4

You're quite right, no president goes hat in hand, except for Joe Weak Kneed Biden. OPEC gave him a flat out NO! Your link does not tell us if OPEC did or did not do as Trump asked. Until you answer that, you lose.
I don't care what you do. You really do rarely see a graph without a zero, it is such a well known deception. The 80% is not wasted it accurately represents 80% of the whole. But hey, I told you, if you continue to do it you know you are intentionally deceiving (aka lying) the people who look at the graph. If you boss and client want you to deceive them perhaps you should look for another job.
It compares it to a baseline. Putting a zero on that chart just makes it very tall with no real difference of the data at the top.
You're quite right, no president goes hat in hand, except for Joe Weak Kneed Biden. OPEC gave him a flat out NO! Your link does not tell us if OPEC did or did not do as Trump asked. Until you answer that, you lose.
Well if they did give him a flat out No, which I doubt didn't come with some caveats, it will come back to bite them someday.

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