Our president has no balls.

"At his age and level of cognitive decline....."

I'm surprised and disappointed the good poster JWBooth failed to catch the State of the Union address last night.
I must say that if that peformance was a "dementia" performance, well then, Joe's afflictions sure seem to still keep him cognitively above not a few of the contributors we read on this venue.

Heck, there are thougtful contributors here who can't construct a sentence, let alone a paragraph, without using an f-bomb, or 'douchebag', or 'stupid negroes', or some scatalogical or homoerotic reference. It can get rather icky with too many of those types.

However, I noted Joe didn't do any of that. And yet, delivered a forceful message(s). To America. To the world. And especially to Russia, it's oligarch's, and to Vlad-the-Mad.

Good for Joe. Good for the US. Good for NATO. Good for the world. Good for Ukraine.
I find the OP is full of shit !
I Whazzapped the "Doctor"(Jill)
She said the pResident has both balls.
"They aren't very big but they hang down almost to his knees"
I'm surprised and disappointed the good poster JWBooth failed to catch the State of the Union address last night.
I must say that if that peformance was a "dementia" performance, well then, Joe's afflictions sure seem to still keep him cognitively above not a few of the contributors we read on this venue.

Heck, there are thougtful contributors here who can't construct a sentence, let alone a paragraph, without using an f-bomb, or 'douchebag', or 'stupid negroes', or some scatalogical or homoerotic reference. It can get rather icky with too many of those types.

However, I noted Joe didn't do any of that. And yet, delivered a forceful message(s). To America. To the world. And especially to Russia, it's oligarch's, and to Vlad-the-Mad.

Good for Joe. Good for the US. Good for NATO. Good for the world. Good for Ukraine.
Reading from a teleprompter and he still garbled the speech.
Here is the the same data as the graph I posted above starting at zero. Literally 80% of the space is empty and useless. If I presented this to my boss or a client I very well might lose my job.

View attachment 609593
I don't care what you do. You really do rarely see a graph without a zero, it is such a well known deception. The 80% is not wasted it accurately represents 80% of the whole. But hey, I told you, if you continue to do it you know you are intentionally deceiving (aka lying) the people who look at the graph. If you boss and client want you to deceive them perhaps you should look for another job.
I don't care what you do. You really do rarely see a graph without a zero, it is such a well known deception. The 80% is not wasted it accurately represents 80% of the whole. But hey, I told you, if you continue to do it you know you are intentionally deceiving (aka lying) the people who look at the graph. If you boss and client want you to deceive them perhaps you should look for another job.

You have a Stats 101 view of graphs, I have Masters in Applied Analytic view of graphs. It is like me trying to explain calculus to a 4th grader.

My job relies totally on those I advise making money. If I a deceiving them and they are not making money, then I would not have a job. They do not care about the 80% empty space, they want to see the details.

You do you, I will continue to do me and making a very comfortable living doing it.
You have a Stats 101 view of graphs, I have Masters in Applied Analytic view of graphs. It is like me trying to explain calculus to a 4th grader.

My job relies totally on those I advise making money. If I a deceiving them and they are not making money, then I would not have a job. They do not care about the 80% empty space, they want to see the details.

You do you, I will continue to do me and making a very comfortable living doing it.
I am so impressed. Do what you want.
The Keystone pipeline is open and functioning. It was only the construction of the XL extension that was shutdown.

Really? Please tell us about that legislation Brandon signed on his first day, why he’s BEGGING the Saudi’s for more Oil
No I didn't say that. I said Putin is invading Ukraine, everyone is decrying what Putin is doing yet Biden is still buying his oil. I did not mention past Presidents. Maybe you could start a new thread or something?
Cause it didn't happen, presidents don't buy crude oil for refining. Oil companies do, and have been doing business in Russia since the end of the Cold War. 30 years.
Biden rejects establishing no-fly zone over Turkey.
We are we not sending drones and missiles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
Why must we have such a weak president during this historic time?
Innocent women and children are being murdered as we speak with more to come.

That is foolish and ignorant.
First of all, a "no-fly-zone" is totally illegal, but even more important is that destroying a columns with drones and missiles would kill a thousand times more people, and be far more unethical than the Russian invasion.
Russia is RIGHT to need to punish the Ukraine for stealing oil, abusing ethnic minorities, and trying to join NATO.
It is the same principle of the Monroe Doctrine and why we started the Cuban Missile Crisis.

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