Our president has no balls.

Damn. Someone got triggered....
Both Left and Right Lads Are Jealous of Vlad's Nads

Since Putin is only enforcing Russia's Monroe Doctrine, why don't we enforce our own by using military action against Cuba and Nicaragua?
How shameful that both sides had no problem with weaseling out of having to fight the Communists in Vietnam and are now pretending that Putin is some kind of Soviet threat to the whole world. Neither elitist faction of gutless loudmouths proposes bringing back the draft, which is absolutely necessary to stop a worldwide threat like Communism and Islam.
Putin is the good guy, stopping the Ukraine from continually abusing and murdering ethnic minorities in Donetsk and the Crimea.
The Ukraine is one of the most corrupt left over aristocracies in the world.
Everyone in the region hates Ukrainians for their evil past and corrupt present.
Remember they not only sided with Hitler, but ran the death camps.
Russia had been negotiating with the Ukraine to return the oil they stole now for decades.
And it was the Ukraine that made war necessary, but cutting off negotiations.
Anyone blaming Russia, has no idea what is actually going on, and is watching too much TV propaganda.
Russian troll has invaded this board.
There is a difference between having balls and having sense. You may be ready to risk nuclear war but I'm not. Biden is playing the long game. Are the Russians in Afghanistan? Are we in Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq?
Nice spin. Speaking of Afghanistan..... Actually, it's a good thing for American soldiers that Biden stays out of any conflict. After the debacle in Afghanistan, I don't think too many American military want to get sent anywhere.
Biden rejects establishing no-fly zone over Turkey.
We are we not sending drones and missles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
Why must we have such a weak president during this historic time?
Innocent women and children are being murdered as we speak with more to come.
STATEMENT: "Our President has no balls"

RESPONSE: You have no brains! Your desire to put US Troop's boots on the ground will respond a serious response from Putin. He has already put nuclear weapons on notice. I don't know if you are stupid, or a Nihilist.***

*** A Nihilist is a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles [ Seems like you and Putin are cut from the same cloth ].
Turkey has to establish their own no fly zone; Biden can’t do it for them.

Turkey didn't request a no-fly zone.
Turkey doesn't need a foreign enforced no-fl zone on its territory.
Thread starter mixed Turkey with Ukraine.
Turks, often dubbed to have NATO's 2nd largest Army are not security-importers, but exporters.
Biden could stop the US from buying Russian oil.
If energy is to be used as a weapon let Russia be the first to use it. The US oil companies have all parted ways with their Russian Ventures. So the President can say he didn't use it as a weapon, the free market spoke.
It looks like Biden wants Ukraine to fall. That would virtually wipe out any evidence of his traitorous dealings with Burisma. The nuclear war ruse is just an excuse for us not to send more effective resources and military aid to Ukraine. I bet Putin guaranteed that to Biden.
If Ukraine falls it would also help Hunter avoid prosecution when the Republcans take over after the Midterms. Joe really cares for Hunter. He’s is a very competent bagman.
STATEMENT: "Our President has no balls"

RESPONSE: You have no brains! Your desire to put US Troop's boots on the ground will respond a serious response from Putin. He has already put nuclear weapons on notice. I don't know if you are stupid, or a Nihilist.***

*** A Nihilist is a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles [ Seems like you and Putin are cut from the same cloth ].
No ground troops dingus. Your lord and savior Barry O'Blamer exclaimed that we live in a new age of war. We have missiles that can travel 8000 miles and wipe out it's targets. We got drones. We got F-15's.
Unfortunately, it's too late to take out these columns now, as they have entered urban centers. No balls. People die.
No ground troops dingus. Your lord and savior Barry O'Blamer exclaimed that we live in a new age of war. We have missiles that can travel 8000 miles and wipe out it's targets. We got drones. We got F-15's.
Unfortunately, it's too late to take out these columns now, as they have entered urban centers. No balls. People die.
AS I've Stated you are stupid, Our missiles can be seen and the Russian's will respond, they won't know if ours carry a nuclear load, so what do you think (if you can think) will they do?

SEE: The Bedford Incident

If Ukraine falls it would also help Hunter avoid prosecution when the Republcans take over after the Midterms. Joe really cares for Hunter. He’s is a very competent bagman.


We're so coming for you.


Lets go......
No ground troops dingus. Your lord and savior Barry O'Blamer exclaimed that we live in a new age of war. We have missiles that can travel 8000 miles and wipe out it's targets. We got drones. We got F-15's.
Unfortunately, it's too late to take out these columns now, as they have entered urban centers. No balls. People die.
I wonder why there isn't a single intelligent person on the planet who agrees we should do that?

No I don't.
If energy is to be used as a weapon let Russia be the first to use it. The US oil companies have all parted ways with their Russian Ventures. So the President can say he didn't use it as a weapon, the free market spoke.
Biden won't cut off Russian oil because he'll need it to fulfill his 'green' dreams because he refused to fully open America's energy sector. The world runs on fossil fuels and the infrastructure and technology of alternate fuel is not viable on the forseeable horizon. As it is, only about 10% of Russia oil exports have been hit however, if we became energy independent again we could increase that 10% significantly and deny Putin the Billions a day he is still making selling his oil.
Biden won't cut off Russian oil because he'll need it to fulfill his 'green' dreams because he refused to fully open America's energy sector. The world runs on fossil fuels and the infrastructure and technology of alternate fuel is not viable on the forseeable horizon. As it is, only about 10% of Russia oil exports have been hit if we became energy independent again we could really put the screws to Putin. Biden, doesn't want that apparently.
"Energy independent"

You shouldn't use terms, whe you don't know what they mean . It's embarrassing.

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