Our president has no balls.

Dumbfuck, it's not our war.

You stupid ass. I thought you worthless leftist traitors were all about one world order? Human compassion? Do you think Putin will stop after Ukraine? Or do you just enjoy watching women and children being slaughtered on live tv...
Ballsy bastards get men planted in Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

We are we not sending drones and missles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
He doesn't have the balls to send troops to Ukraine. Boots on the ground is how you win wars. Bush/Cheney understood that.
Why no warships in the Black sea?
Why aren't we scrambling F-15's out of Turkey?
We have advanced missile systems to take these murderers out.

I mean no disrespect, but......but the above sentiments seemingly ignore the reality of Russia's 6,200 nukes and Putin's decision to put their triggermen on 'high alert'.

The point I make is that.....the stakes are really really high.
This is NOT the same as a hated leader like Sadam invading Kuwait.

I give credit to Joe Biden and his advisors to let European leaders walk-point on this threat. THEY are the ones whose ox will be gored first.....not only in a shooting war, but also with the double-edged nature of sanctions. It is Europe's banks, merchants, transportation, economies, infrastructure and people, that will suffer the most from either.

Now, America can be the 'arsenal of democracy' by providing the best tools for the Ukranians and/or Europeans to use against Putin. And America, with its behind-the-scenes cyber capabilities, can be instrumental in hacking-to-hurt Russia.

But for the above posters ---Smoke-a-Lib, and LennyPartiv --- to advocate that America begin a shooting war between us and Russia is crazy-talk. Irresponsibility and recklessness by long-distance Lazy-Boy Lieutenants.

But for the above posters ---Smoke-a-Lib, and LennyPartiv --- to advocate that America begin a shooting war between us and Russia is crazy-talk. Irresponsibility and recklessness by long-distance Lazy-Boy Lieutenants.
You libs should read some books on military history. You think we should ask Putin in a nice way if he would leave Ukraine? Force is required, and Biden doesn't have the balls to use force.
We cant know what decisions will be the better choices, not necessary for Biden to be brilliant Calm & measured, works best.
You think we should ask Putin in a nice way if he would leave Ukraine? Force is required, and Biden doesn't have the balls to use force.

I know nothing about Biden's balls.
However, I give him and his team credit for the brains to NOT send in the 82nd Airborne to attempt to oust Russia from the Donbas, or even Kyiv.
Ukraine is not a NATO ally. Duh!
We have no treaty obligation to send our American soldiers into that fight on Ukranian or Russian soil.

Everything, though, would be different if Putin invades Poland, Poland of NATO, then you may get your horrific, potentially world-ending conflict that you seemingly are pining for.

What is it about that fact that you do not understand?

I know nothing about Biden's balls.
However, I give him and his team credit for the brains to NOT send in the 82nd Airborne to attempt to oust Russia from the Donbas, or even Kyiv.
Ukraine is not a NATO ally. Duh!
We have no treaty obligation to send our American soldiers into that fight on Ukranian or Russian soil.

Everything, though, would be different if Putin invades Poland, Poland of NATO, then you may get your horrific, potentially world-ending conflict that you seemingly are pining for.

What is it about that fact that you do not understand?
That's what I been trying to tell em.

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