Our president has no balls.


I know nothing about Biden's balls.
However, I give him and his team credit for the brains to NOT send in the 82nd Airborne to attempt to oust Russia from the Donbas, or even Kyiv.
Ukraine is not a NATO ally. Duh!
We have no treaty obligation to send our American soldiers into that fight on Ukranian or Russian soil.

Everything, though, would be different if Putin invades Poland, Poland of NATO, then you may get your horrific, potentially world-ending conflict that you seemingly are pining for.

What is it about that fact that you do not understand?

Rightards know that too. They will criticize him no matter what he does.
If Russia wins they will continue to be a bully and destabilize everything for decades to come. Maybe even lead to the reestablishment of the old Soviet Union and another dangerous Cold War.

It is in the best security interest of the US to see the Russians defeated and retreat.

We shouldn't put boots on the ground or get directly involved but there are a lot covert things we could do. Drones or cruise missiles launched from Poland could reek havoc on that 17 mile long Russian armored column. Maybe even a covert night strike by stealth aircraft and immediate denial afterwards.

Lots of things we could do to make it difficult for the Russkies just like what they did to support the NVA in the Vietnam war. Payback would be sweet.

Of course we have a chickenshit Commander in Chief that has the IQ of a door knob and the morals of a toad and he has idiots as his main military advisors. The Secretary of Defense is a dumbass affrimative action Negro and the Joint Chief of Staff is a dufus and they screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal so no help there.
How are we gonna risk a nuclear was with a deranged out of touch psychopath? Putin is gonna do what he's gonna do with or without our input.
He may be a psychopath but he's not a fool. He wants Russia to be rich, powerful, and respected so a nuclear war is not in his interest.
He doesn't have the balls to send troops to Ukraine. Boots on the ground is how you win wars. Bush/Cheney understood that.
Sending our troops into the Ukraine to face off against the Russians might be an excellent way to start a nuclear war.

JUst one nuclear bomb can ruin your entire day.
Stop pretending you care this happened. You just look for any reason to whine about Biden.

Yep. If Biden did the things he listed he would then start a thread accusing Biden of being a warmonger trying to start WWIII. He is a useless troll, nothing more
There is a difference between having balls and having sense. You may be ready to risk nuclear war but I'm not. Biden is playing the long game. Are the Russians in Afghanistan? Are we in Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq?
What long game is that? You mean like buying even more oil from Russia and further cutting us production? Yeah, that will show them.
What long game is that? You mean like buying even more oil from Russia and further cutting us production? Yeah, that will show them.
The long game, as in let the Russians try and absorb Ukraine for the next decade with a low-level insurgency going on. Meanwhile the West is united against them and Russia will get weaker every year and Putin will be less popular. I feel bad for the Ukrainian people but Russia has done us a favor.
What long game is that? You mean like buying even more oil from Russia and further cutting us production? Yeah, that will show them.
The only sustained production cut came under Trump9n 2020. Forecasts have us up over 13mbd by next year.
No balls, no brains...................but SO full of shit!!!!

shit pants.jpg
The only sustained production cut came under Trump9n 2020. Forecasts have us up over 13mbd by next year.

At the rate of increase of US oil production since Feb 2021 we will be over the top amount during the Trump years by Nov of this year
At the rate of increase of US oil production since Feb 2021 we will be over the top amount during the Trump years by Nov of this year
Yeah, but there are bound to be set backs like storms in the Gulf that might slow the rise.
The only way WE could start a nuclear war is if WE fired the first nuke.
We don’t have to START the nuclear war. I don’t believe we ever would. However many people are concerned that Putin has changed and many not be playing with a full deck. Putin could start a nuclear war.


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