Our president has no balls.

If Putin puts a boot in a NATO country, I don't think there is an off ramp.
I am concerned he might no have a way to save face.
Thank you, Mak2.
Your posts are among the passingly rare ones that look ahead.

It would an interesting thread to start (hint):

  • What is the end game?
  • How does this come to a close?
  • Just what does that off-ramp look like?

We get a few of the LazyBoy Lieutenants who pine for a KA-BOOM-moment.
But no one, as far as I can tell ---at least for about the last 6 days or so ----- is fanboying anymore for Vlad-the-Mad.

I'm sure there is polling underway right now on the sentiment here in America for various perspectives on this conflict.
For example: American's support for Vlad? American's support for NATO? Support for sanctions? Support for our boots on that ground? Support for continued weaponizing the Ukraine forces?

Now, to be sure, those poor folks under the Russian guns could give a damn about American polling results. I get that. But for us here in America, with none of our blood spilled yet, and only various forms of money-value at risk (stock market; inflation; taxes; etc).....well, accurate polling could give us a sense of context for the challenges ahead.

Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump have all financed Russia's invasion you say? Granted it has always been a small amount but after 25 years it adds up. It's not like it was Western Oil companies with interest in some Russian oil fields selling their portion of the oil to their refineries. It was money that went straight to Puti.
No I didn't say that. I said Putin is invading Ukraine, everyone is decrying what Putin is doing yet Biden is still buying his oil. I did not mention past Presidents. Maybe you could start a new thread or something?
Got a link?
"We are still buying crude oil from Putin. We are wiring him money every day from the United States and payment for crude oil going into Boston Harbor. You know, we are being lied to. We are being conned."

Russian oil tankers still delivering to US as sanctions ramp-up over Ukraine invasion​

"Russian oil and products tankers are continuing to deliver uninterrupted to customers in the US as pressure from international sanctions on Russia ramps up in response to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine."

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It looks like Biden wants Ukraine to fall. That would virtually wipe out any evidence of his traitorous dealings with Burisma. The nuclear war ruse is just an excuse for us not to send more effective resources and military aid to Ukraine. I bet Putin guaranteed that to Biden.
Bloodthirsty Cognitive Dissonance

You contradict yourself. The Bi-Dens' corruption in the Ukraine also shows how corrupt that country is through and through, leaving the people with one-third the per-capita income that the Russians have. Yet your conclusion is that the Yukees are worth saving.
Bloodthirsty Cognitive Dissonance

You contradict yourself. The Bi-Dens' corruption in the Ukraine also shows how corrupt that country is through and through, leaving the people with one-third the per-capita income that the Russians have. Yet your conclusion is that the Yukees are worth saving.
Actually Ukraine was investigating Burisma corruption.....Until Biden had the prosecutor fired by withholding U.S. aid. Trump talked to Zaleneskyy on the phone a got reassurance that Bursima would be investigated but, Biden and the Democrats Impeached Trump for it. It is little wonder Biden and the Democrats are not mounting a strong defense against Putin AND have not cut off buying oil from Putin. Meanwhile innocent folks in Ukraine are suffering and dying. And you say I have 'bloodthirsty cognitive dissonance?'....Go soak your head.
Biden rejects establishing no-fly zone over Turkey.
We are we not sending drones and missles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
Why must we have such a weak president during this historic time?
Innocent women and children are being murdered as we speak with more to come.

Why are you so anxious to get involved in someone else's shooting war? Did you learn NOTHING from Iraq, Afghanistan, Viet Nam, or Korea.

The Ukranians are doing just fine, NATO has never been more united, or stronger, and Russia has been economically flattened.

No US lives have been lost to this point. So far, so good.
Well, poster Leo is right, it seems.
The U.S. is continuing to buy Russian crude.

Here's a headline from today's WSJ:
"Why Does the U.S. Buy Russian Oil?
Despite being the top global producer, the U.S. turns to Russian crude to service more-isolated coastal markets and keep refineries running at optimal levels"

You can google up the link to the WSJ, but they have a fairly tight paywall.

The Washington Post had a very inforamtive treatment of the flow and the demand for Russian oil and why the West, not just America, is continuing to buy it. For now.


And the American Fuel and Petrochemical Association had this to say just 3 days ago:

"Why do we import from Russia?
U.S. West Coast (USWC) refineries rely on imports of light sweet crude oil from other countries, including Russia, because access to U.S. produced light sweet crude oil is challenged by geography, transportation and logistics.

Imports of petro from Russia amount to less than 1% of our imports, but fit a specific niche.

As the WaPo article explains, all of that could change. Not just for the relatively small amount America gets but for the much larger amount the world continues to get from Russia. If Russia orders massacres or genocides or large scale civilian casualties......the pressure will ramp up for ALL nations to quit or dramatically reduce their Russian purchases.

Which, no surprise can have other effects.
Prices for crude from other exporters could jump signficantly.
And Russia, producing 8 million barrels a day has limited storage capacity.......so they could be forced to sell it basement prices to-----China, North Vietnam, North Korea.

So, as in so many things: It is complicated
Lastly, for this thread, I'm gonna do a quote-pull, and post it here.
And let it ferment.

Others here tonight, may be able to skin, gut, and filet it.....by the time I get back from the big BBall game.

  • "Until Biden had the prosecutor fired by withholding U.S. aid.

  • Trump talked to Zaleneskyy on the phone a got reassurance that Bursima would be investigated

  • but, Biden and the Democrats Impeached Trump for it.

  • It is little wonder Biden and the Democrats are not mounting a strong defense against Putin...."
Well, poster Leo is right, it seems.
The U.S. is continuing to buy Russian crude.

Here's a headline from today's WSJ:
"Why Does the U.S. Buy Russian Oil?
Despite being the top global producer, the U.S. turns to Russian crude to service more-isolated coastal markets and keep refineries running at optimal levels"

You can google up the link to the WSJ, but they have a fairly tight paywall.

The Washington Post had a very inforamtive treatment of the flow and the demand for Russian oil and why the West, not just America, is continuing to buy it. For now.


And the American Fuel and Petrochemical Association had this to say just 3 days ago:

"Why do we import from Russia?
U.S. West Coast (USWC) refineries rely on imports of light sweet crude oil from other countries, including Russia, because access to U.S. produced light sweet crude oil is challenged by geography, transportation and logistics.

Imports of petro from Russia amount to less than 1% of our imports, but fit a specific niche.

As the WaPo article explains, all of that could change. Not just for the relatively small amount America gets but for the much larger amount the world continues to get from Russia. If Russia orders massacres or genocides or large scale civilian casualties......the pressure will ramp up for ALL nations to quit or dramatically reduce their Russian purchases.

Which, no surprise can have other effects.
Prices for crude from other exporters could jump signficantly.
And Russia, producing 8 million barrels a day has limited storage capacity.......so they could be forced to sell it basement prices to-----China, North Vietnam, North Korea.

So, as in so many things: It is complicated
Apparently too complicated for the likes of you. Fact: We are paying more for gas, almost 2X more than during Trump who eased restrictions on drilling a fracking. I suppose you can post pages from the far-left mouthpiece WaPo from now to eternity but, until we re-open our oil industry and stop pushing pie-in-the-sky 'green' policies, prices will just go up and up.
Lastly, for this thread, I'm gonna do a quote-pull, and post it here.
And let it ferment.

Others here tonight, may be able to skin, gut, and filet it.....by the time I get back from the big BBall game.
What do you expect will happen with your stupid 'quote-pull' fermentation process? Oh yeah, your fellow Marxists will rush to your aid with more lies. I get it.
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We don't have to look very hard....
Aren’t we still buying their oil? Brandon still refuses to let us open our Oil Reserves. Have a question; Why did he stop 🛑 our Keystone Pipeline ( Climate Change) ? LOL 😝 Yet Russia 🇷🇺 is allowed to have one ?????
Why are you so anxious to get involved in someone else's shooting war? Did you learn NOTHING from Iraq, Afghanistan, Viet Nam, or Korea.

The Ukranians are doing just fine, NATO has never been more united, or stronger, and Russia has been economically flattened.

No US lives have been lost to this point. So far, so good.
Ukraine is not part of NATO so no NATO soldiers or weapons will be provided. I am glad that NATO finally woke up though. They had better protect their borders. Whether or not Ukranians are 'doing just fine' is debatable especially when Putin has a 40 mile long assault line moving in. Russia also has several thermobaric bomb transports. A 'no fly' zone over Ukraine would be a declaration of war and open the possibility of a nuclear war. Right now, it looks like Putin will crush KYIV while the world watches. I sincerely hope I am wrong but the nuclear beast is waiting in the wings.
Biden rejects establishing no-fly zone over Turkey.
We are we not sending drones and missles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
Why must we have such a weak president during this historic time?
Innocent women and children are being murdered as we speak with more to come.
Because it's the money laundering Capitol of the world. And the Ukrainians know exactly where the bodies are buried as it concerns the Biden criminal escapade. Dead men tell no tales....
Zelinskyy can't be bought
Unlike Republicans, Zelensky can't be bought.
Post image
He is not "our" President.

He is the President of the stupid uneducated idiotic Moon Bats, Queers, Negroes and Illegals.
He is not "our" President.

He is the President of the stupid uneducated idiotic Moon Bats, Queers, Negroes and Illegals.
Damn. Biden is the President of the United States. Say if over and over. It is a fact.
Damn. Biden is the President of the United States. Say if over and over. It is a fact.
Not with a stolen election.

By the way, we call Biden Mr Potatohead but the real idiot is the Ho. Of course she was explaining it to the dumbass Negro ghetto Democrat voter base audience so maybe it was appropriate.

Ukraine is a country in Europe... Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so basically that's wrong': Kamala explains Putin's invasion in 'layman's terms' and compares sanctions to parents punishing kids.

Appearing on The Morning Hustle, the vice president was asked to 'break it down in laymen's terms for people who don't understand what's going on'.

Harris said: 'Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so basically that's wrong'.

She compared the strategy of deterrence to disciplining a bad child.

'We had sanctions before the actual invasion, we threatened sanctions to hopefully deter Russia from going in,' the vice president said.

Kamala explains Putin's invasion in 'laymen's terms'

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