Our president has no balls.

He is the President of the stupid uneducated idiotic Moon Bats, Queers, Negroes and Illegals.
By the way, we call Biden Mr Potatohead but the real idiot is the Ho. Of course she was explaining it to the dumbass Negro ghetto Democrat voter.......

How representative of Republicans, Conservatives, and MAGAHats is poster Flash?
I think there is an argument that he is quite representative. Perhaps, it is a matter of degree, but he does
seem a tad racists, bigoted, homophobic.
At least he seems that way to my avatar. IMHO

Now, is his rhetoric and thinking a fitting avatar for MAGAHats?
I can see an argument by someone that he is perfect for that role.

But I'll let the forum judge poster Flash's suitability as a spokesman of Conservative thinking.

At this point he certainly seems as the favored definer and articulator of what Conservatives want in our legitimate political discourse.

How representative of Republicans, Conservatives, and MAGAHats is poster Flash?
I think there is an argument that he is quite representative. Perhaps, it is a matter of degree, but he does

seem a tad racists, bigoted, homophobic.
At least he seems that way to my avatar. IMHO

Now, is his rhetoric and thinking a fitting avatar for MAGAHats?
I can see an argument by someone that he is perfect for that role.

But I'll let the forum judge poster Flash's suitability as a spokesman of Conservative thinking.

At this point he certainly seems as the favored definer and articulator of what Conservatives want in our legitimate political discourse.
Aww....Did Flash use 'bad words' that triggered you?
Biden rejects establishing no-fly zone over Turkey.
We are we not sending drones and missles to destroy this huge 40 mile long column headed towards Kiev?
Why must we have such a weak president during this historic time?
Innocent women and children are being murdered as we speak with more to come.
Biden, Macron, Johnson and all the other assholes who doesn't care about those innocent people who will be killed fighting alone for their country.
Stop pretending you care this happened. You just look for any reason to whine about Biden.

Things tend to even out. It may be true that Biden has no balls. But then, our former prez, trump, has no brain.

I do wonder whether many of the guys complaining about old Joe's lack of balls would be willing to actually put their ass on the line - or, if their macho attitude is limited to the internet and mom's basement. Lol.

There are some men who have gone over there to really join in the fun. In reality, not just on the internet.
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Things tend to even out. It may be true that Biden has no balls. But then, our former prez, trump, has no brain.

I do wonder, though, how many of the guys complaining would be willing to put their ass on the line - or, if their macho attitude is limited to internet and mom's basement. Lol.

There some people who have gone there to join in the fun. In reality, not just on the internet.
I saw some Polish men volunteering to fight in Ukraine against Putin. You say Trump had no brain but, we did not see this kind of naked aggression from Putin at that time. This is probably why. Putin respected Trump
The miles long conviy is a show of force. Putin is not trying to take Kiev.

He wanted the 2 Russian providences and Black Sea port, he does not want the Ukraine.
You are an astonishingly intelligent person. I can tell by your well thought out posts and your carefully thought out discussion points. LIke this one. You are amazing.
here's a well thought out post for you.

go fuck yourself. :yes_text12:
I saw some Polish men volunteering to fight in Ukraine against Putin. You say Trump had no brain but, we did not see this kind of naked aggression from Putin at that time. This is probably why. Putin respected Trump

Sure he did.
When the orange traitor has grabbed his ankles for Putin for years?

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)June 19, 2013

February 23 2022
"I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful," Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show."
"He used the word ‘independent’ and 'we're gonna go out and we're gonna go in and we're gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that's pretty savvy."

How representative of Republicans, Conservatives, and MAGAHats is poster Flash?
I think there is an argument that he is quite representative. Perhaps, it is a matter of degree, but he does

seem a tad racists, bigoted, homophobic.
At least he seems that way to my avatar. IMHO

Now, is his rhetoric and thinking a fitting avatar for MAGAHats?
I can see an argument by someone that he is perfect for that role.

But I'll let the forum judge poster Flash's suitability as a spokesman of Conservative thinking.

At this point he certainly seems as the favored definer and articulator of what Conservatives want in our legitimate political discourse.

So what are you? A Moon Bat, Queer, Negro or Illegal?
It looks like Biden wants Ukraine to fall. That would virtually wipe out any evidence of his traitorous dealings with Burisma. The nuclear war ruse is just an excuse for us not to send more effective resources and military aid to Ukraine. I bet Putin guaranteed that to Biden.
Biden removed sanctions on Nord Stream to allow Russia to become more profitable. He essentially gave Putin the green light to Ukraine. Meanwhile, we are increasing our oil imports from Russia every day(currently about 10%) all the while cutting our production in the name of climate change. If we really cared, we would open more lands for drilling and fracking and stop buying oil from Russia. That would indeed hurt them. Biden doesn’t really care because he is more concerned with not upsetting the climate change nutters than punishing Russia. Putin is well aware that the US and many of the other fruitcake, lefty NATO countries in Western Europe are just naive enough to continue financing his wars. Under Trump, we were one of the top oil producers in world, which, despite what indoctrinated climate change fanatics may tell you, was a good thing. Being dependent on other countries for oil and other commodities is pretty stupid to say the least. Germany was the dumbest of all, cutting their energy supply and putting all their eggs into Nord Stream to make them dependent on an adversary.

I‘ll add you to the list of people that are as delusional as John Kerry who seems more worried about a small ocean level rise than in nuclear war. Pure idiocy, but to each his own.
The long game, as in let the Russians try and absorb Ukraine for the next decade with a low-level insurgency going on. Meanwhile the West is united against them and Russia will get weaker every year and Putin will be less popular. I feel bad for the Ukrainian people but Russia has done us a favor.

They won’t get weaker in part because of our infatuation with climate change and our dependency on oil and natural gas, which Russia supplies. Germany, for example, tries to embrace climate change all the while enriching Russia by buying their natural gas and oil. There won’t be a long game, only a short game, and Russia will win.
Biden removed sanctions on Nord Stream to allow Russia to become more profitable. He essentially gave Putin the green light to Ukraine. Meanwhile, we are increasing our oil imports from Russia every day(currently about 10%) all the while cutting our production in the name of climate change. If we really cared, we would open more lands for drilling and fracking and stop buying oil from Russia. That would indeed hurt them. Biden doesn’t really care because he is more concerned with not upsetting the climate change nutters than punishing Russia. Putin is well aware that the US and many of the other fruitcake, lefty NATO countries in Western Europe are just naive enough to continue financing his wars. Under Trump, we were one of the top oil producers in world, which, despite what indoctrinated climate change fanatics may tell you, was a good thing. Being dependent on other countries for oil and other commodities is pretty stupid to say the least. Germany was the dumbest of all, cutting their energy supply and putting all their eggs into Nord Stream to make them dependent on an adversary.

I‘ll add you to the list of people that are as delusional as John Kerry who seems more worried about a small ocean level rise than in nuclear war. Pure idiocy, but to each his own.

That is a lot of words to use to not back up what you said.
Meanwhile, we are increasing our oil imports from Russia every day(currently about 10%) all the while cutting our production in the name of climate change.

:link: :linky:

Something like this...the yellow dot is Feb of 2021. Is production up or down since then?

YES THAT IS THE SCARY PART, We need to help him find a diplomatic way out. So far this administration is holding to the principal speak softly & carry a big stick. Most of The whole world is with the Ukraine, SAD that many Americans are supporting a dictator.

Sadly, many on the right want Ukraine to fall for one reason and one reason only -- so they can blame Biden. Unfortunately, they hate Democrats more than they love America.
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