Our revolution

Those on the conspiracy will all be guilty of treason.
By a partisan committee?


And will they be shot for treason, hmm?

The reason this will never happen is obvious, it would make the entire Federal government nervous. I mean, holding people accountable for treason?
Not found guilty in a court of law, just convicted eh?

And here I thought people needed to be proven guilty before assumed guilty.

But not the Left!

Incidentally, if Trump has broken the law then go after him, which is why he is still a free man.

Liars one and all!
American justic is a bizarre place. Over here if you steal from a charity and run a fraudulent "University" that is generally the end of your political career.

This is Bernie attempting to bar traitors from atanding for public office. Targets include alleged sex offender matt gaetz and alleged paedo enabler Gym Jordan.
Im torn over this one.
I think its a big call to ban them without a conviction. Maybe wait for the charges coming from the J6th investigation.

Of course if the GOP was a responsible political organisation this would not be necessary.
Innocent until proven guilty. That is a basic fundamental right in our country. This type of tyranny is what our forefathers want to prevent.
American justic is a bizarre place. Over here if you steal from a charity and run a fraudulent "University" that is generally the end of your political career.
Put Trump behind bars, or STFU.

Whine, whine, whine.

We grow tired of you.

If the justice system no longer works, we are all screwed either way, but having to listen to you whine about Trump only makes it worse.
It is difficult to make a case that trump is an honest man.

It's impossible to make the case that you're an honest man.

I mean, you're not.

His impeachment was a farce and de ided on partisan grounds.

You mean when we found that Joe Biden was taking bribes from Burisma, so the Nazi cvnts impeached Trump?

Good times.

There does need to be a reckoning.

Yes there does - the Nazi fucks must pay a heavy price for the assault on our Constitution.

What I am saying is that all of these criminals need to be onvicted before being banned. That is only fair and just. None of yor friends seem to agree with me though.

And by "criminals" you mean "enemies of the Reich."

The real criminals are your Nazi buddies, paki.

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