Our system is broken, but can it be fixed?


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
Our Republic is in peril. I don’t believe that there remains much doubt: We long ago went off course. We are a republic because that’s the path that was chosen for us at our outset. We sought to avoid a monarchy and we had legitimate and justified concerns about the dangers of excess caused by a “democracy.” The Framers plotted a different course for us.

If our Founders and Framers were around today to collectively see what America might try to do to get back US back on course, I suspect they’d be stymied by our fractured electorate.

Not just the divide between so-called liberals and conservatives or between the two major political Parties; but all manner of other divides. We’re screwed if the only time we unite as a people is against a common enemy like al qaeda.
Our Republic is in peril. I don’t believe that there remains much doubt: We long ago went off course. We are a republic because that’s the path that was chosen for us at our outset. We sought to avoid a monarchy and we had legitimate and justified concerns about the dangers of excess caused by a “democracy.” The Framers plotted a different course for us.

If our Founders and Framers were around today to collectively see what America might try to do to get back US back on course, I suspect they’d be stymied by our fractured electorate.

Not just the divide between so-called liberals and conservatives or between the two major political Parties; but all manner of other divides. We’re screwed if the only time we unite as a people is against a common enemy like al qaeda.
Biden is running and he wants to finish the job.
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Let us go in peace and y’all work it out
That whole “secession” thing was tried before. It didn’t work out.

Oddly enough, these days, it might. I doubt Brandon would lift a feeble old finger.
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Of course it scares you. Fox has all the MAGAs scared of everything 24/7 . Is there anything remaining that you aren't scared of?
Morons like you are so totally blinded by your partisan preconceptions that it doesn’t even dawn on you that we don’t think the way you imagine we do.

President Potato is a fucking wreck. His administration is a disaster. Why on Earth anyone supports that Alzheimer victim is a mystery. And why any thinking individual would approve of his desire to “finish” the shit he has started is also a puzzlement.

But vermin like you can go ahead and genuflect to the moron who thinks “Made in America” is two words.
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Morons like you are so totally blinded by your partisan preconceptions that it doesn’t even dawn on you that we don’t think the way you imagine we do.

President Potato is a fucking wreck. His administration is a disaster. Why on Earth anyone supports that Alzheimer victim is a mystery. And why any thinking individual would approve of his desire to “finish” the shot he has started is also a puzzlement.

But vermin like you can go ahead and genuflect to the moron who thinks “Made in America” is two words.

Because they know there is a cabal of Cardinal Richelieu types in the background pulling the strings, and they like the idea of that cabal.

The Red Eminence preferred working from the shadows, and these progs prefer working behind the mask of a supposed "king"
It took nearly losing WW2 to bring back sanity to the USA.... I sadly think it will take nearly losing WW3 to wake us up again....
And Biden has us right on track....
I’d like to make America great again. I almost never watch Fox News. When I’m not otherwise engaged, I do like the Gutfeld! Show, though.
I think the Murdock kids have done the unforgivable.
They're going to lose most of their viewers over the Tucker firing.
Nobody trusts CNN and Fox is going to head to the cellar with them.
Our Republic is in peril. I don’t believe that there remains much doubt: We long ago went off course. We are a republic because that’s the path that was chosen for us at our outset. We sought to avoid a monarchy and we had legitimate and justified concerns about the dangers of excess caused by a “democracy.” The Framers plotted a different course for us.

If our Founders and Framers were around today to collectively see what America might try to do to get back US back on course, I suspect they’d be stymied by our fractured electorate.

Not just the divide between so-called liberals and conservatives or between the two major political Parties; but all manner of other divides. We’re screwed if the only time we unite as a people is against a common enemy like al qaeda.

Can it be fixed?

Probably not. Far too many people care more about their party then the Republic. The Republic was built on multiple views working together for the betterment of the country.

Today that is seen as week and will get your primared by your own party.
President Potato is a fucking wreck. His administration is a disaster. Why on Earth anyone supports that Alzheimer victim is a mystery. And why any thinking individual would approve of his desire to “finish” the shit he has started is also a puzzlement.

Because the other side has no viable alternative to offer.
Can it be fixed?

Probably not. Far too many people care more about their party then the Republic. The Republic was built on multiple views working together for the betterment of the country.

Today that is seen as week and will get your primared by your own party.

We don't want to "work together" on your "ideas". Wide open Southern Border, ten million unvetted, Draq shows in Kindergarten, porno books, cutting teets and dics off 12 yr olds. You and your ilk have gone too far and you must be stopped or eliminated. No on can work with the clowns you installed into DC offices. They rip up SOTU speeches.
Our Republic is in peril. I don’t believe that there remains much doubt: We long ago went off course. We are a republic because that’s the path that was chosen for us at our outset. We sought to avoid a monarchy and we had legitimate and justified concerns about the dangers of excess caused by a “democracy.” The Framers plotted a different course for us.

If our Founders and Framers were around today to collectively see what America might try to do to get back US back on course, I suspect they’d be stymied by our fractured electorate.

Not just the divide between so-called liberals and conservatives or between the two major political Parties; but all manner of other divides. We’re screwed if the only time we unite as a people is against a common enemy like al qaeda.
I would hope it can be fixed but I doubt it. The Democrats and most but not all Republicans in DC are the problem.

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