Out like Flynn - National Security Advisor countdown


Or is it supposition.

You can't link to classified information. The only link is to the news stories that report what people whispered in their ears. Think Mark Felt.
The only link is to the news stories that report what people whispered in their ears.

Second hand information,

Got it.
If th Republicans in congress had an ounce of integrity in their souls, they would investigate this and look for themselves, with their secret clearance, and see what was actually said.

If we had a functioning govt, this WOULD BE DONE.

if there was nothing like a quid pro quo or govt interference with a Foreign Nation done by Flynn then he would be cleared and all this gossip and false accusations would go away.

Flynn deserves the ability to clear his name. Congress can do this....and should do this...
I got it. But like the British dossier, or any other classified information, the public will only get the declassified version.

:lol: Soros paying you a dime a word for this horseshit?
"Soros" is alt-right code for "Jews".

No, Soros is code for traitor. He is not a Progressive, but seeks to tap into the Progressive Movement to achieve his revolution.
what does soros financially gain by a revolution?
If th Republicans in congress had an ounce of integrity in their souls, they would investigate this and look for themselves, with their secret clearance, and see what was actually said.

If we had a functioning govt, this WOULD BE DONE.

if there was nothing like a quid pro quo or govt interference with a Foreign Nation done by Flynn then he would be cleared and all this gossip and false accusations would go away.

Flynn deserves the ability to clear his name. Congress can do this....and should do this...

LMAO! A prog talking about "integrity" after 8 years of a Kenyan mutt lying to your faces. Are the sanctions lifted? Uh, no. You're headhunting....trying to make the admin turn on each other....lowdown and cowardly and it won't work.
If th Republicans in congress had an ounce of integrity in their souls, they would investigate this and look for themselves, with their secret clearance, and see what was actually said.

If we had a functioning govt, this WOULD BE DONE.

if there was nothing like a quid pro quo or govt interference with a Foreign Nation done by Flynn then he would be cleared and all this gossip and false accusations would go away.

Flynn deserves the ability to clear his name. Congress can do this....and should do this...

LMAO! A prog talking about "integrity" after 8 years of a Kenyan mutt lying to your faces. Are the sanctions lifted? Uh, no. You're headhunting....trying to make the admin turn on each other....lowdown and cowardly and it won't work.
congress, who work for us, has clearance and investigative powers, if there ever was a reason to investigate something, this is it...

it would clear Flynn's name and all the gossip, if he were innocent.
Flynn is OUR National Security advisor, we are paying him, to keep our nation safe...the uncertainty put out there about this is concerning, congress can clear it up.
Flynn is OUR National Security advisor, we are paying him, to keep our nation safe...the uncertainty put out there about this is concerning, congress can clear it up.
Of course there is nothing concerning about it. This is just Democrats being stupid.
You guys are delusional if you think he is getting rid of anyone on his staff before they are all in place.

And I didnt care for Flynn to begin with
I got it. But like the British dossier, or any other classified information, the public will only get the declassified version.

:lol: Soros paying you a dime a word for this horseshit?
"Soros" is alt-right code for "Jews".

No, Soros is code for traitor. He is not a Progressive, but seeks to tap into the Progressive Movement to achieve his revolution.
what does soros financially gain by a revolution?

Why do you ask about financial gain? A deflection?

Soros wants money to achieve his political/social concerns...And, those concerns center around a desire to change the world generally—and America particularly—into something new, something consistent with his vision of “social justice.”

Soros’ social justice vision is identical to Karl Marx’ social justice except Soros believes in a small elite and privileged society of which he would be a member.

He believes in all things being relative and morals that can shift according to the common good as defined by the collective. Soros-funded initiatives aim at voting; open borders; forcing through progressive candidates and legislation’ disarming the US, abolishing the Second Amendment; corrupting Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church; forcing leftist values into the judicial system; universal health care; organizations that force leftist ideals into music, art, and all media; radical environmentalism; drug legalization; global government; radical feminism; euthanasia; and anti-Israel agreements with Palestine.

As far as I know, his only financial goal is to recoup the nearly $1 billion he lost as a result of the stock-market rally spurred by Donald Trump’s surprise presidential election.
Are you retarded? That's what the NSA does. That's all they do. They tapped Angela Merkels telephone for pete's sake. They're listening in on phone calls, on the internet, on every means of communications throughout the world. They even had a tap on Russian undersea phone cables.

You have no idea what the NSA does and doesn't do....now slither back to whatever leftist shithole you came from.

I know they vacuum up intelligence from around the world (and from foreigners within this country) And the Russian ambassador is definitely a target for their eavesdropping. Anybody talking to the Russian ambassador will be caught on tape by the NSA..
if Flynn only lied to the American people and only lied to the Vice President of the USA but was told to do such by the President, then the president will keep him.

But did he lie to Pence or did Pence know it was a lie? And When did Trump find out?
I know they vacuum up intelligence from around the world (and from foreigners within this country) And the Russian ambassador is definitely a target for their eavesdropping. Anybody talking to the Russian ambassador will be caught on tape by the NSA..

You don't know shit about the NSA, it's charter, it's parameters, it's mission....nothing.

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