Out of ALL the Things Trump has been Accused of, this Could be the Worst

LOL, what next, Obama had to do it on a Friday between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM....fricken hypocrite.

No, I'd just be happy if you could provide a shred of evidence of any accusations you continually make about me. Any.

Accusations….about you being a hypocrite? Your posts aren't clear enough?

Do you know what the definition of a hypocrite is? I'll give you a hint, it takes two parts. Let me give you an example.

Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about cheating on his wife. Some of those VERY same Republicans don't care one bit if Trump lies. I was against Clinton lying and thought he should be removed from office. What he did lower the legitimacy of the position. Which is the very same way I feel about Trump now.

Bad news champ, Clinton was not impeached for lying about cheating on his wife.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath to cover up him cheating on his wife. Impeached in the house, but not removed from office by the Senate.

President Bill Clinton was impeached for committing two acts of perjury, one act of obstruction of justice and one act of abuse of power to commit perjury. The investigations involved Clinton's extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones' allegations of sexual harassment.

Two of the acts of perjury involved lying about the extra-marital affair with Monica Lewinsky. The other count and the obstruction of justice charge involved the sexual harassment case regarding Paula C. Jones.
No, I'd just be happy if you could provide a shred of evidence of any accusations you continually make about me. Any.

Accusations….about you being a hypocrite? Your posts aren't clear enough?

Do you know what the definition of a hypocrite is? I'll give you a hint, it takes two parts. Let me give you an example.

Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about cheating on his wife. Some of those VERY same Republicans don't care one bit if Trump lies. I was against Clinton lying and thought he should be removed from office. What he did lower the legitimacy of the position. Which is the very same way I feel about Trump now.

Bad news champ, Clinton was not impeached for lying about cheating on his wife.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath to cover up him cheating on his wife. Impeached in the house, but not removed from office by the Senate.

President Bill Clinton was impeached for committing two acts of perjury, one act of obstruction of justice and one act of abuse of power to commit perjury. The investigations involved Clinton's extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones' allegations of sexual harassment.

Two of the acts of perjury involved lying about the extra-marital affair with Monica Lewinsky. The other count and the obstruction of justice charge involved the sexual harassment case regarding Paula C. Jones.

Yes, all of which had nothing to do with government, or any governmental policies. Yet he lied under oath and thought he should be held accountable for it.

Trump lies about important shit, and Trump supporters say, "BUT BILL CLINTON LIED!!!!"

Once Trump is gone, his supporters are going to have worse regrets than the guy R. Kelly's lawyer.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened
This is the epitome of what drives the "news" in this country. Someone "reportedly" said Trump's aiding Martians to take over the Earth. No really. it's reportedly. No really!
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

Comrade, when EVERYTHING is THE WORST THING EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER as you Stalinist fucks make it, it loses impact.


Here's the thing traitor, you fuckers need to stop waging war on this nation. We decent people elected Trump in large part to secure our border. You traitor fucks keep assaulting the border with your relentless war against America. What the president said is commendable.
So why doesnt Trump just do what ya's elected him to do instead of ranting on Twitter being an obnoxious lout, or does he need another 6 fucking years to get off his ass, & out of his pj's to do it?

"Promises made, promises kept", your ass!
You mean like improving the economy jobs lowest unemployment in decades for minoritys and women tax reform cutting regilulations to help small business forgein affers building the military screwing terriost nations like iran cutting obamas build of of the numbers on welfare and food stamps just to name a few.

Dick clipper you gay wennie wagon
So that's the difference? Laws and policies can be made by a president, depending on how close?

You can't stay on topic.

Well, considering your "expertise" on how laws and policies pass, I thought that was on topic. But hey, what do I know.

DACA was a policy, not a law. I said the Legislative Branch creates and passes laws, not the Executive Branch.

Policies are not the same as laws... thus why Trump said that he would end the policy because he said Congress needed to create and pass a law to replace it.
Where did trump say he was going to pass a law?

Just like allowing illegals immigrants to cross into our country, and the left allows them to stay is against the law, and sanctuary cities are against our immigration laws, the same as trump instituting a policy to side with people who are trying to enforce our laws
Trump told someone to commit a crime & not to worry he'd pardon him. Having a hard time keeping up, aintcha?
Yea cant stop mueller comey comey russia russia russia tax returns trumps wennie his wennie stormy stormy stormy screams the dick clipper lol
You can't stay on topic.

Well, considering your "expertise" on how laws and policies pass, I thought that was on topic. But hey, what do I know.

DACA was a policy, not a law. I said the Legislative Branch creates and passes laws, not the Executive Branch.

Policies are not the same as laws... thus why Trump said that he would end the policy because he said Congress needed to create and pass a law to replace it.
Where did trump say he was going to pass a law?

Just like allowing illegals immigrants to cross into our country, and the left allows them to stay is against the law, and sanctuary cities are against our immigration laws, the same as trump instituting a policy to side with people who are trying to enforce our laws
Trump told someone to commit a crime & not to worry he'd pardon him. Having a hard time keeping up, aintcha?

And sanctuary cities, and daca was implemented in contradiction to immigration law. That was my point

DACA was a policy implemented by the President and upheld by the courts. It was the equivalent of when Reagan gave amnesty to all the undocumented immigrants while he was President. It's why Trump said he was going to end the policy, and that Congress needed to come up with a law to replace it.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened
Not unusual.

When Burr was tried, President Thomas Jefferson sent his prosecutor “blank pardons…to be filled up at your discretion” should any of the other “offenders” be willing to testify against Burr.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened
Not unusual.

When Burr was tried, President Thomas Jefferson sent his prosecutor “blank pardons…to be filled up at your discretion” should any of the other “offenders” be willing to testify against Burr.

That's not the same, and is quite a common practice to get people to flip. If true Trump is offering the pardon BEFORE the crime, not after.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened
Not unusual.

When Burr was tried, President Thomas Jefferson sent his prosecutor “blank pardons…to be filled up at your discretion” should any of the other “offenders” be willing to testify against Burr.

That's not the same, and is quite a common practice to get people to flip. If true Trump is offering the pardon BEFORE the crime, not after.
The source is Fake News CNN? "Senior administration officials tell CNN"? You don't even have a named source. You learned nothing after two and half years of the collusion hoax with every story sourced to "current and former Administration officials"?

And your own source states he could have been joking?

Two officials briefed on the exchange say the President told McAleenan, since named the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, that he "would pardon him if he ever went to jail for denying US entry to migrants," as one of the officials paraphrased.

So, you have unnamed sources, who say it could have all been a joke and their "quote" is a paraphrase?

Well, don't give up too quick, apparently that may be all you need to get a FISA warrant!
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened
Not unusual.

When Burr was tried, President Thomas Jefferson sent his prosecutor “blank pardons…to be filled up at your discretion” should any of the other “offenders” be willing to testify against Burr.

That's not the same, and is quite a common practice to get people to flip. If true Trump is offering the pardon BEFORE the crime, not after.
The source is Fake News CNN? "Senior administration officials tell CNN"? You don't even have a named source. You learned nothing after two and half years of the collusion hoax with every story sourced to "current and former Administration officials"?

And your own source states he could have been joking?

Two officials briefed on the exchange say the President told McAleenan, since named the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, that he "would pardon him if he ever went to jail for denying US entry to migrants," as one of the officials paraphrased.

So, you have unnamed sources, who say it could have all been a joke and their "quote" is a paraphrase?

Well, don't give up too quick, apparently that may be all you need to get a FISA warrant!

Most news stories don't say the name of their source... to protecting them from retribution. It's been that way... for oh quite a long time.

You ever hear of "Deepthroat?" :rolleyes:
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.
Okay, but you’re missing his point. Trump wanted to make a new law and it fits with Pete7469 ‘s politics therefore it was completely justified to do. Duh. That’s how it has always worked.
What threat, creep?

It's you Marxists that are assaulting the nation.

All we decent people have done so far is call you out on your treason.
You know, just because you are dumb enough to believe tRump when he says "I didn't say that" doesn't mean I am when you do it.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

DO you have the balls to admit that you side with the illegal invaders versus your fellow Americans?
What "illegal invaders"?



Fucking creep...
Those are refugees, invaders look like this.

View attachment 255746
All invaders are in the German army? I think you'll find plenty of people disagree with that, for instance the people of Afghanistan.

Your "refugees" are almost all adult males of military age. They sure look like invaders.
Last edited:
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

From the democrat party, a party that wants to continue the FDR dream of packing the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution, I have no pity.

None. Nodda. You kids are lawless, hateful, and power hungry, and liars.

Where is your shame?
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened
Not unusual.

When Burr was tried, President Thomas Jefferson sent his prosecutor “blank pardons…to be filled up at your discretion” should any of the other “offenders” be willing to testify against Burr.

That's not the same, and is quite a common practice to get people to flip. If true Trump is offering the pardon BEFORE the crime, not after.
The source is Fake News CNN? "Senior administration officials tell CNN"? You don't even have a named source. You learned nothing after two and half years of the collusion hoax with every story sourced to "current and former Administration officials"?

And your own source states he could have been joking?

Two officials briefed on the exchange say the President told McAleenan, since named the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, that he "would pardon him if he ever went to jail for denying US entry to migrants," as one of the officials paraphrased.

So, you have unnamed sources, who say it could have all been a joke and their "quote" is a paraphrase?

Well, don't give up too quick, apparently that may be all you need to get a FISA warrant!

Most news stories don't say the name of their source... to protecting them from retribution. It's been that way... for oh quite a long time.

You ever hear of "Deepthroat?" :rolleyes:
The purveyors of fake news never give their source. That's how it has been since Trump was elected. Every fake news story has had an unnamed source
You know, just because you are dumb enough to believe tRump when he says "I didn't say that" doesn't mean I am when you do it.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

DO you have the balls to admit that you side with the illegal invaders versus your fellow Americans?
What "illegal invaders"?



Fucking creep...
Those are refugees, invaders look like this.

View attachment 255746
All invaders are in the German army? I think you'll find plenty of people disagree with that, for instance the people of Afghanistan.

Your "refugees" are almost all adult males of military age. They sure look like invaders.
There ya go, putting the "tard" in "conservitard".

Well done.
You know, just because you are dumb enough to believe tRump when he says "I didn't say that" doesn't mean I am when you do it.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

DO you have the balls to admit that you side with the illegal invaders versus your fellow Americans?
What "illegal invaders"?



Fucking creep...
Those are refugees, invaders look like this.

View attachment 255746

sorry not all invaders wear uniforms,,,some come wearing street cloths and carrying a foreign flag like the ones currently coming from the south,,

it all has to do with intent,,,

And he knows that. He is just pretending he does not, because he sides with the invaders.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

DO you have the balls to admit that you side with the illegal invaders versus your fellow Americans?
What "illegal invaders"?

Consider your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my clear and obvious meaning, dismissed.

Now that your dodging tactic has been dealt, with,

do you have the moral courage to answer the question?

That was a rhetorical question. We all know that you do not.
Asylum seekers are neither illegal nor invaders.

The sooner you RWNJs return to reality the better.

What do you think has led to the 2,000 per cent increase in asylum seekers over the last 10 years?
Record levels of violence in El Salvador, Guatamala, and Honduras.

LOL!!!! Oh, did WAR break out?

What a load of crap.

What changed was a policy decision by vile lefties like yourself, to abuse the system in yet another way of flooding the nation with the Turd World.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

DO you have the balls to admit that you side with the illegal invaders versus your fellow Americans?
What "illegal invaders"?

Consider your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my clear and obvious meaning, dismissed.

Now that your dodging tactic has been dealt, with,

do you have the moral courage to answer the question?

That was a rhetorical question. We all know that you do not.
Asylum seekers are neither illegal nor invaders.

The sooner you RWNJs return to reality the better.
that depends on their location and status,,,if they come in the country without permission they are illegal invaders ,,
Lol @ "invaders".

The vast majority of them present themselves at border crossing points and ask for asylum. Thats not illegal.

Hilarious. The vast majority of them just sneak across. A small percentage try to a form of legal status.
Consider your pretense that you are too stupid to understand my clear and obvious meaning, dismissed.

Now that your dodging tactic has been dealt, with,

do you have the moral courage to answer the question?

That was a rhetorical question. We all know that you do not.
Asylum seekers are neither illegal nor invaders.

The sooner you RWNJs return to reality the better.

What do you think has led to the 2,000 per cent increase in asylum seekers over the last 10 years?
Record levels of violence in El Salvador, Guatamala, and Honduras.

There are 'record levels of violence' at any time around the world. Do you propose we open our doors to all of those areas?
Most of them can't walk here.

Not really an answer. As we all noticed.

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