Out of ALL the Things Trump has been Accused of, this Could be the Worst

If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

Comrade, when EVERYTHING is THE WORST THING EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER as you Stalinist fucks make it, it loses impact.


Here's the thing traitor, you fuckers need to stop waging war on this nation. We decent people elected Trump in large part to secure our border. You traitor fucks keep assaulting the border with your relentless war against America. What the president said is commendable.
So why doesnt Trump just do what ya's elected him to do instead of ranting on Twitter being an obnoxious lout, or does he need another 6 fucking years to get off his ass, & out of his pj's to do it?

"Promises made, promises kept", your ass!

First off, President Trump has kept more campaign promises than any president since Hoover. Just so we get that implied lie out of the way. Of course his predecessor, Bolshevik Barry, kept nearly none of his promises.

So why doesn't Trump just build the wall and stop the democrats invasion of third world ? In short, he is.

30-Foot Border Wall Begins Construction In California

Why does the president use Twitter?

Simply to bypass the little Goebbels of the lying DNC media. Certainly a good strategy, speak DIRECTLY to the people rather than having Morning Himmler with Joe Scarborough and Ava Braun fabricate what he is tagged with saying.
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If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

No collusion, no conspiracy, no obstruction. Lots of butthurt.
"I've been totally exonerated"! No brains.

I don't understand your comment?

The President indeed has been exonerated, and the Stalinist democrats exposed. Not only was there no collusion, the entire affair was fabricated from the start by deep state operatives in the highest levels of government and coordinated by a president who cared more for party than he does for country.

Tim McVeigh had to die. The treason he committed was something that could destroy the nation. It was vital that America see him eradicated as the disease that he was.

In the same way, Andrew McCabe MUST be executed. America is either on the brink of, or in the the midst of a civil war. This civil war has been fomented by McCabe and the other deep state traitors. The coup attempt is the most blatant, but America mus see that we WILL NOT allow a shadow government to try and rig our election as Obama through the deep state did, we WILL NOT allow a shadow government to overthrow the legally elected government, as McCabe and Strzok tried to do.

Trump has been exonerated, the Marxist democrats have been indicted.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

DO you have the balls to admit that you side with the illegal invaders versus your fellow Americans?
What "illegal invaders"?



Fucking creep...
Those are refugees, invaders look like this.

View attachment 255746
All invaders are in the German army? I think you'll find plenty of people disagree with that, for instance the people of Afghanistan.

Your "refugees" are almost all adult males of military age. They sure look like invaders.
There ya go, putting the "tard" in "conservitard".

Well done.

What "illegal invaders"?



Fucking creep...
Those are refugees, invaders look like this.

View attachment 255746
All invaders are in the German army? I think you'll find plenty of people disagree with that, for instance the people of Afghanistan.

Your "refugees" are almost all adult males of military age. They sure look like invaders.
There ya go, putting the "tard" in "conservitard".

Well done.


If you don't expect much from creep, you won't be disappointed.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

DO you have the balls to admit that you side with the illegal invaders versus your fellow Americans?
What "illegal invaders"?



Fucking creep...
Those are refugees, invaders look like this.

View attachment 255746
All invaders are in the German army? I think you'll find plenty of people disagree with that, for instance the people of Afghanistan.

Your "refugees" are almost all adult males of military age. They sure look like invaders.
There ya go, putting the "tard" in "conservitard".

Well done.
You think only Nazis have ever invaded anyone, but I'm the "tard?"
Promises KEPT by President Trump.

500 DAYS: In his first 500 days in office President Donald J. Trump has achieved results domestically and internationally for the American people.

  • Since taking office, President Trump has strengthened American leadership, security, prosperity, and accountability.
  • After 500 days, the results are clear: the American economy is stronger, American workers are experiencing more opportunities, confidence is soaring, and business is booming.
  • President Trump has re-asserted American leadership on the world stage, secured vital investments in our military, and stood up against threats to our national security.
  • President Trump has put the American people first and made government more accountable.
AMERICA’S ECONOMY IS STRONGER: The American economy is stronger today and American workers are better off thanks to President Trump’s pro-growth agenda.

  • Nearly 3 million jobs have been created since President Trump took office.
  • 304,000 manufacturing jobs have been created since President Trump took office, and manufacturing employment stands at its highest level since December 2008.
  • 337,000 construction jobs have been created since President Trump took office, and construction employment stands at its highest level since June 2008.
  • Under President Trump, the unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8, the lowest rate since April 2000, and job openings have reached 6.6 million, the highest level recorded.
  • 67 percent of Americans believe now is a good time to find a quality job, according to Gallup.
  • Only under President Trump have more than 50 percent of Americans believed it is a good time to find a quality job since Gallup began asking the question 17 years ago.
  • President Trump prioritized job training and workforce development to empower workers to seize more opportunities, signing an Executive Order to expand apprenticeship opportunities.
  • President Trump has restored confidence in the American economy, with confidence among both consumers and businesses reaching historic highs.
  • Consumer confidence in current conditions has reached a 17-year high, according to the Conference Board.
  • Optimism among manufacturers has hit record highs under President Trump, according to the National Association of Manufacturers.
  • Small business optimism has sustained record-high levels under President Trump according to the National Federation of Independent Business.
  • President Trump signed the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting taxes for American families and making American business more competitive.
  • American families received $3.2 trillion in gross tax cuts and saw the child tax credit double.
  • The top corporate tax rate was lowered from 35 percent to 21 percent so American businesses could be more competitive.
  • President Trump has rolled back unnecessary job-killing regulations beyond expectations.
  • In 2017, President Trump far exceeded his promise to eliminate regulations at a two-to-one ratio, issuing 22 deregulatory actions for every new regulatory action.
  • The Administration rolled back rules and regulations harming farmers and energy producers, such as the Waters of the United States Rule and the Clean Power Plan.
  • Regional and community banks and credit unions got relief after President Trump signed legislation reducing harmful requirements imposed by the Dodd-Frank Act.
  • Since taking office, President Trump has advanced free, fair, and reciprocal trade deals that protect American workers, ending decades of destructive trade policies.
  • Days after taking office, the President withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and agreement.
  • President Trump’s Administration is working to defend American intellectual property from China’s unfair practices through a range of actions.
  • The President improved the KORUS trade agreement with the Republic of Korea, which will allow more U.S. automobile exports to South Korea with lower tariffs and increase U.S. pharmaceutical access to South Korea.
  • American agriculture has gained access to new markets under President Trump.
AMERICA IS WINNING ON THE WORLD STAGE: President Trump has re-asserted American leadership on the world stage and is achieving results for the American people.

  • President Trump followed through on his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  • President Trump ordered an end to United States participation in the horrible Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived.
  • The President has taken action to confront aggression by Iran and its proxies.
  • The Department of the Treasury has issued a range of sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force.
  • Under President Trump, the United States has led an unprecedented global campaign to achieve the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
  • President Trump’s leadership has contributed to the return of 17 Americans held overseas.
  • In May 2018 alone, Venezuela released one American and North Korea released three Americans who came home to the United States.
  • The President has secured historic increases in defense funding in order to rebuild our Nation’s military with the resources they need, after years of harmful sequester.
  • President Trump signed legislation to provide $700 billion in defense spending for fiscal year (FY) 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019.
  • The United States has worked with international allies to decimate ISIS.
  • President Trump ordered strikes against Syria in response to the regime’s use of chemical weapons in April 2017 and April 2018.
  • The Trump Administration has imposed a range of sanctions on the Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela, including sanctions targeting Maduro and other senior government officials.

AMERICA’S COMMUNITIES ARE SAFER AND MORE SECURE: President Trump has worked to secure our borders, enforce our immigration laws, and protect the safety and security of American communities.

  • Despite limited resources and obstruction from Congress, President Trump has worked to take control of our border and enforce our immigration laws.
  • President Trump has called on Congress to provide the resources needed to secure our borders and close loopholes that prevent immigration laws from being fully enforced.
  • President Trump authorized the deployment of the National Guard to help secure our borders.
  • President Trump’s Administration has carried out immigration enforcement efforts based on the rule of law.
  • From the start of President Trump’s Administration to the end of FY 2017, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) made 110,568 arrests of illegal aliens.
  • Arrests made in this timeframe represented a 42 percent increase from the same timeframe in FY 2016.
  • Of the 110,568 arrests made, 92 percent had a criminal conviction, pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive, or had a reinstated final order of removal.
  • President Trump has made clear that his Administration will continue to combat the threat of MS-13 in order to protect communities from the horrendous violence the gang has spread.
  • In 2017, the Department of Justice worked with partners in Central America to file criminal charges against more than 4,000 members of MS-13.
  • The Trump Administration has cracked down on the import and distribution of illegal drugs in order to stop them from reaching our communities and causing even more devastation.
  • As of April 2018, U.S. Border Patrol has seized 284 pounds of fentanyl in FY 2018, already surpassing the total of 181 pounds seized in FY 2017.
  • The President has launched a nationwide effort to fight the opioid crisis, which has devastated communities across America.
  • The President’s Opioid Initiative seeks to reduce drug demand, cut off the flow of illicit drugs, and save lives by expanding treatment opportunities.
  • President Trump signed an omnibus spending bill which provides nearly $4 billion to address the opioid epidemic.
  • The bill included $1 billion for grants focused on the hardest hit States and Tribes and provided funding for a public-private research partnership on pain and addiction.
AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT IS MORE ACCOUNTABLE: Since taking office, President Trump has worked to ensure government is more accountable to the American people.

  • President Trump has confirmed the most circuit court judges of any President in their first year, and secured Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the United States Supreme Court.
  • President Trump has signed legislation to bring more accountability to the Department of Veterans Affairs and provide our veterans with more choice in the care they receive.
  • President Trump signed the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, improving processes for addressing misconduct.
  • President Trump signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act into law, authorizing $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
  • President Trump successfully eliminated the penalty for Obamacare’s burdensome individual mandate.
  • The President’s Administration is seeking to provide more affordable health coverage and broader access to affordable alternatives to Obamacare plans.
  • President Trump has released a blueprint to lower drug prices for Americans.
  • President Trump has ensured that the religious liberties and conscience of Americans are protected and respected by the Federal government.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to protect the free speech and religious liberties of groups such as the Little Sisters of the Poor.
  • The Department of Justice issued guidance to all executive agencies on protecting religious liberty in federal programs.
Trump Releases List of 60 Promises Kept; Media Ignores
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened
Not unusual.

When Burr was tried, President Thomas Jefferson sent his prosecutor “blank pardons…to be filled up at your discretion” should any of the other “offenders” be willing to testify against Burr.

That's not the same, and is quite a common practice to get people to flip. If true Trump is offering the pardon BEFORE the crime, not after.
The source is Fake News CNN? "Senior administration officials tell CNN"? You don't even have a named source. You learned nothing after two and half years of the collusion hoax with every story sourced to "current and former Administration officials"?

And your own source states he could have been joking?

Two officials briefed on the exchange say the President told McAleenan, since named the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, that he "would pardon him if he ever went to jail for denying US entry to migrants," as one of the officials paraphrased.

So, you have unnamed sources, who say it could have all been a joke and their "quote" is a paraphrase?

Well, don't give up too quick, apparently that may be all you need to get a FISA warrant!

Most news stories don't say the name of their source... to protecting them from retribution. It's been that way... for oh quite a long time.

You ever hear of "Deepthroat?" :rolleyes:
Of course, that's the movie John Hickenlooper saw with his mother on mother-son movie night.

Presidential candidate John Hickenlooper said he watched 'Deep Throat' with his mom
What "illegal invaders"?



Fucking creep...
Those are refugees, invaders look like this.

View attachment 255746
All invaders are in the German army? I think you'll find plenty of people disagree with that, for instance the people of Afghanistan.

Your "refugees" are almost all adult males of military age. They sure look like invaders.
There ya go, putting the "tard" in "conservitard".

Well done.
You think only Nazis have ever invaded anyone, but I'm the "tard?"
Now where did I say that the Nazis we're the only ones who've ever invaded anyone?

Can you point that out to me my retarded friend

No, you can't. Because I never said it and you are a moron.
You can't stay on topic.

Well, considering your "expertise" on how laws and policies pass, I thought that was on topic. But hey, what do I know.

DACA was a policy, not a law. I said the Legislative Branch creates and passes laws, not the Executive Branch.

Policies are not the same as laws... thus why Trump said that he would end the policy because he said Congress needed to create and pass a law to replace it.
Where did trump say he was going to pass a law?

Just like allowing illegals immigrants to cross into our country, and the left allows them to stay is against the law, and sanctuary cities are against our immigration laws, the same as trump instituting a policy to side with people who are trying to enforce our laws
Trump told someone to commit a crime & not to worry he'd pardon him. Having a hard time keeping up, aintcha?
So what i hope it happend you will be butt hurt more then when your boyfreind bends you over
Have you ever had an intelligent thought in your entire life?

I thought so.
Well, considering your "expertise" on how laws and policies pass, I thought that was on topic. But hey, what do I know.

DACA was a policy, not a law. I said the Legislative Branch creates and passes laws, not the Executive Branch.

Policies are not the same as laws... thus why Trump said that he would end the policy because he said Congress needed to create and pass a law to replace it.
Where did trump say he was going to pass a law?

Just like allowing illegals immigrants to cross into our country, and the left allows them to stay is against the law, and sanctuary cities are against our immigration laws, the same as trump instituting a policy to side with people who are trying to enforce our laws
Trump told someone to commit a crime & not to worry he'd pardon him. Having a hard time keeping up, aintcha?
So what i hope it happend you will be butt hurt more then when your boyfreind bends you over
Have you ever had an intelligent thought in your entire life?

I thought so.
Why if it isnt dick clipper the guy who screamed mueller mueller cant stop mueller comey comey manaford manaford for 2 years like a moron .
Hows your boyfreind doing you both still living in your moms basement.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

From the democrat party, a party that wants to continue the FDR dream of packing the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution, I have no pity.

None. Nodda. You kids are lawless, hateful, and power hungry, and liars.

Where is your shame?

I'm not a Democrat, and from the results and reactions so far under Trump, anyone who continues to follow him are brainwashed. He campaigned on draining the swamp and you believed it. He's done absolutely nothing to do that, and then when he blatantly does shady things, the response from people like you in his fan base is just "So? All other politicians did it" instead of holding him to the principle that you VOTED HIM IN FOR.

Do you want Washington cleaned up? Or are you a political hack who didn't really care if Trump "drained the swamp," but instead don't give a shit what he does because you are just happy a Republican is in the White House and you just like the feeling of telling people that the person you voted for won?
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

From the democrat party, a party that wants to continue the FDR dream of packing the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution, I have no pity.

None. Nodda. You kids are lawless, hateful, and power hungry, and liars.

Where is your shame?

I'm not a Democrat, and from the results and reactions so far under Trump, anyone who continues to follow him are brainwashed. He campaigned on draining the swamp and you believed it. He's done absolutely nothing to do that, and then when he blatantly does shady things, the response from people like you in his fan base is just "So? All other politicians did it" instead of holding him to the principle that you VOTED HIM IN FOR.

Do you want Washington cleaned up? Or are you a political hack who didn't really care if Trump "drained the swamp," but instead don't give a shit what he does because you are just happy a Republican is in the White House and you just like the feeling of telling people that the person you voted for won?
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

From the democrat party, a party that wants to continue the FDR dream of packing the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution, I have no pity.

None. Nodda. You kids are lawless, hateful, and power hungry, and liars.

Where is your shame?

I'm not a Democrat, and from the results and reactions so far under Trump, anyone who continues to follow him are brainwashed. He campaigned on draining the swamp and you believed it. He's done absolutely nothing to do that, and then when he blatantly does shady things, the response from people like you in his fan base is just "So? All other politicians did it" instead of holding him to the principle that you VOTED HIM IN FOR.

Do you want Washington cleaned up? Or are you a political hack who didn't really care if Trump "drained the swamp," but instead don't give a shit what he does because you are just happy a Republican is in the White House and you just like the feeling of telling people that the person you voted for won?
View attachment 255861

Thanks for confirming my post. The support for Trump is more about "winning" and the enjoyment of how it has affected the other party, than what really matters, having a President that does a good job.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

From the democrat party, a party that wants to continue the FDR dream of packing the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution, I have no pity.

None. Nodda. You kids are lawless, hateful, and power hungry, and liars.

Where is your shame?

I'm not a Democrat, and from the results and reactions so far under Trump, anyone who continues to follow him are brainwashed. He campaigned on draining the swamp and you believed it. He's done absolutely nothing to do that, and then when he blatantly does shady things, the response from people like you in his fan base is just "So? All other politicians did it" instead of holding him to the principle that you VOTED HIM IN FOR.

Do you want Washington cleaned up? Or are you a political hack who didn't really care if Trump "drained the swamp," but instead don't give a shit what he does because you are just happy a Republican is in the White House and you just like the feeling of telling people that the person you voted for won?

Well one area I want you to dispute is this:
The rules-out to rules-in ratio for significant regulatory actions was four-to-one, with 14 significant new regulatory actions and 57 significant deregulatory ones. This is compared to 22-to-one last year (December 2017), when three new regulatory actions were imposed while 67 deregulatory actions were taken. Some of the 2017 repeals were of Obama-era regulations via the Congressional Review Act; signed into law by Trump, boosts not entirely available in 2018
Trump Exceeds One-In, Two-Out Goals On Cutting Regulations, But It May Be Getting Tougher
With the cost of compliance with all the Federal Rules and Regulations averaging $2 trillion in 2012 and Trump is as the above shows working diligently to cut this cost.
Screen Shot 2019-04-14 at 7.41.39 PM.png

If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

From the democrat party, a party that wants to continue the FDR dream of packing the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution, I have no pity.

None. Nodda. You kids are lawless, hateful, and power hungry, and liars.

Where is your shame?

I'm not a Democrat, and from the results and reactions so far under Trump, anyone who continues to follow him are brainwashed. He campaigned on draining the swamp and you believed it. He's done absolutely nothing to do that, and then when he blatantly does shady things, the response from people like you in his fan base is just "So? All other politicians did it" instead of holding him to the principle that you VOTED HIM IN FOR.

Do you want Washington cleaned up? Or are you a political hack who didn't really care if Trump "drained the swamp," but instead don't give a shit what he does because you are just happy a Republican is in the White House and you just like the feeling of telling people that the person you voted for won?

Well one area I want you to dispute is this:
The rules-out to rules-in ratio for significant regulatory actions was four-to-one, with 14 significant new regulatory actions and 57 significant deregulatory ones. This is compared to 22-to-one last year (December 2017), when three new regulatory actions were imposed while 67 deregulatory actions were taken. Some of the 2017 repeals were of Obama-era regulations via the Congressional Review Act; signed into law by Trump, boosts not entirely available in 2018
Trump Exceeds One-In, Two-Out Goals On Cutting Regulations, But It May Be Getting Tougher
With the cost of compliance with all the Federal Rules and Regulations averaging $2 trillion in 2012 and Trump is as the above shows working diligently to cut this cost.
View attachment 255912

What do you want me to refute? Trump said he wanted to drain the swamp, and in fact all he's done is lie, hurt the U.S. relations with our allies, cut taxes on large corporations and the rich, help tear down funding for education, and help his fellow rich friends to get richer by taking down banking regulations and EPA regulations while selling government land to companies to drill for more oil or do fracking for natural gas. Have you ever heard of the Teapot Dome scandal?

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