Out-Sourcing American Jobs

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Should businesses be penalized for out-sourcing jobs to foreign countries? Should the millions of telemarking, medical billing, and customer service jobs be forced to return to this country? Should importing labor be penalized? Should employers that hire illegal immigrants be severely penalized?
Should businesses be penalized for out-sourcing jobs to foreign countries?

too stupid!! Business moves because liberal govt forces them to with unions and taxes and deficits. Eliminate those and you'd have 30 million new jobs tomorrow.
Having a union in your business is no one's fault except the business that allows them to come in. No one forces a business to operate with union employees. Businesses make that choice themselves. And, businesses have been dealing with taxes and regulations since there were businesses. And, what deficits are you referring to?
. And, what deficits are you referring to?

federal deficits allow the chinese for example to buy our Treasuries with their US dollars rather than our products.

That one will be way over your head.
Don't forget, you are liberal because you are slow.
Having a union in your business is no one's fault except the business that allows them to come in.

too 100% stupid. Govt forces a business to allow a union to come in. Republicans want to make unions illegal again.

Do you understand?
I don't think that the government forces a business to allow unions to come in. I've never heard of such. Is it a law? I've never heard of a law that states a business MUST allow unions to come in. Can you direct me to that law, please?
. And, what deficits are you referring to?

federal deficits allow the chinese for example to buy our Treasuries with their US dollars rather than our products.

That one will be way over your head.
Don't forget, you are liberal because you are slow.
How does that relate to job out-sourcing? I am NOT a Liberal. And, this subject is nowhere near being over my head, thank you.
. And, what deficits are you referring to?

federal deficits allow the chinese for example to buy our Treasuries with their US dollars rather than our products.

That one will be way over your head.
Don't forget, you are liberal because you are slow.
How does that relate to job out-sourcing? I am NOT a Liberal. And, this subject is nowhere near being over my head, thank you.

dear, if we had no deficits the Chinese could not buy our Treasuries with their Wal Mart US dollars. Instead, they would have to buy our products thus stimulating jobs here.

Always remember, you are a liberal because you are slow.
. And, what deficits are you referring to?

federal deficits allow the chinese for example to buy our Treasuries with their US dollars rather than our products.

That one will be way over your head.
Don't forget, you are liberal because you are slow.
How does that relate to job out-sourcing? I am NOT a Liberal. And, this subject is nowhere near being over my head, thank you.

dear, if we had no deficits the Chinese could not buy our Treasuries with their Wal Mart US dollars. Instead, they would have to buy our products thus stimulating jobs here.

Always remember, you are a liberal because you are slow.
I fail to see where a deficit encourages job out-sourcing. I am NOT a LIBERAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT SLOW !!!!!!

Try to be civil and adult if you wish to have a conversation. I'm really not interested in having a conversation with someone that engages in personal attacks instead of sticking to subject matter. I'll discuss anything at anytime. But, I will not do so with those that name call and engages in personal attacks. It's too silly and childish to name call and attack the person that you're having a conversation with. Thanks.
No one forces a business to operate with union employees.

100% stupid!!
Stupid how? In what way(s)?

OMG!! Govt forces a business to recognize a union and bargain with it!! Do you understand not at long last? See why we are 100% positive that a liberal will be slow?
The government can not, and does not force a business to unionize. The government can not tell a business that it is to either unionizes or close it's doors. Show me the law that's on the books that says that the government can tell a business to either unionize or shut down. Please, keep the conversation civil and without personal attacks. Discuss this issue as an adult without the silly school yard name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
I fail to see where a deficit encourages job out-sourcing.

dear, I've explained 3 times but because you cant understand the very very simple explanations you are still lost.

3rd time:
1) Americans buy chinese goods at Walmart
2) the Chinese then have the US Dollars
3) they must decide what to do with the US dollars
4) if there is a deficit the govt issues Treasuries to borrow money to cover the deficit
5) The Chinese then can buy the Treasuries
6) or, they could buy our products and thus encourage jobs here, not in China.
7) if there are no deficits their only option is to burn the dollars or buy out products.

Now, if you still don't understand you have to say exactly where. Get it??

Also, please thank me for being so very very patient with a liberal.

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