Out With The Boy And In WithThe Man

President Obama took office with the economy going straight down. Looked for certain like the Second Great Republican Depression. Stock Market bottomed out at 6500, and the unemployment was over 10%. Over 500,000 people a month losing their jobs. Since the bottom, we have gained jobs every month. Unemployment less than 5%, stock market over 19,500. In spite of the GOP trying to obstruct every effort to improve the economy.

Now the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents will take office on 20Jan17. I bet by the end of 2019, that the economy is back where it was the last time the GOP was running things.
President Obama took office with the economy going straight down. Looked for certain like the Second Great Republican Depression. Stock Market bottomed out at 6500, and the unemployment was over 10%. Over 500,000 people a month losing their jobs. Since the bottom, we have gained jobs every month. Unemployment less than 5%, stock market over 19,500. In spite of the GOP trying to obstruct every effort to improve the economy.

Now the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents will take office on 20Jan17. I bet by the end of 2019, that the economy is back where it was the last time the GOP was running things.
And Obummer made a 6 month recession last 8 years. Epic failure

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
President Obama took office with the economy going straight down. Looked for certain like the Second Great Republican Depression. Stock Market bottomed out at 6500, and the unemployment was over 10%. Over 500,000 people a month losing their jobs. Since the bottom, we have gained jobs every month. Unemployment less than 5%, stock market over 19,500. In spite of the GOP trying to obstruct every effort to improve the economy.

Now the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents will take office on 20Jan17. I bet by the end of 2019, that the economy is back where it was the last time the GOP was running things.
Made full time jobs, part time, and holds the record for people on welfare. Oh, and out spent all presidents combined. That is definitely a liberal success story. Oh and also, a man can use a girls locker room! Liberals are very happy!
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
Our 401k lost a lot. It increased substantially after Nov. 8.
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
Our 401k lost a lot. It increased substantially after Nov. 8.
Renewed optimism
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
Our 401k lost a lot. It increased substantially after Nov. 8.
Those card board futures really rallied..
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
Our 401k lost a lot. It increased substantially after Nov. 8.
Those card board futures really rallied..
The numbers speak for themself.
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Look what the stock market has done since Trump won the election. THAT's the REAL story.
The reason those jobs aren't being filled is the DEM/LIB run teacher's unions 90% of which are controlled by negroes has failed the kids attending these failing schools.
The kids get 'streamed' through high school and don't know if a duck is a bird. Those that get into colleges are met with a phalanx of radical Liberal teachers who would rather teach the writings of Karl Marx than Shakespeare.
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
Our 401k lost a lot. It increased substantially after Nov. 8.

Our bank holdings went up seven bucks a share in the week after the election!!!
Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
I'd love to see the source of your numbers, your math that gives you 15%, and your evidence that both Obama has anything to do with the unemployment data (he doesn't) and that he is deliberately manipulating them.

I won't hold my breath.
What the fuck you talking about, idiot child? Market over 19,500, unemployment less than 5%. That is not a recession. Now, given your brainpower, you are probably out of a job and on welfare. But there are 5.8 million jobs in our nation going begging. Anyone with technical skills can get a job. Those that do not have a job simply failed to see a future in which machines would do the work that can be done by the brainless.

As for 3% GDP growth, most of the first world nations would be very happy to have seen the growth this nation has seen in the last 8 years. And Putin's Russia is still in severe economic straights, and will remain so for as long as that asshole runs things. And you fellows with that kind of rule for this nation. Well, you have your orange clown in there, you will probably get your wish.
Elderly savings devistated due to no interest paid on savings. Real unemployment is 15%. Chief Fudgepacker Obama is fudging the numbers.
Hey cocksuck, same method for figuring unemployment as in the Bush years.

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