Outlandish: Holocaust "denier's" jail term upped


May 29, 2010
Free Speech allows one to burn bibles and burn the American flag and draw images of Muhammad and curse Christianity but don't deny the alleged holocaust. This is outlandish that a thought can land you in jail. Americans will soon be victim to this when questioning the Holocaust.

Holocaust denier's jail term upped - General News - Austrian Times Online News - English Newspaper

An infamous neo-Nazi has had his prison sentence extended over controversial statements in two books.

Gerd Honsik was sentenced to two years in prison by Vienna Criminal Court judge Andreas Böhm yesterday (Fri).

The 68-year-old Austrian doubted the existence of gas chambers at Nazi era death camps in his books "Der Juden Drittes Reich" (The Jews’s Third Reich) and "Schelm und Scheusal" (Prankster and Monster).

Honsik was convicted of breaking Austrian laws against spreading Nazi ideology in his book "Freispruch für Hitler?"...

Not a Homeland forumn issue, moving thread to Europe forum
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This happened in Austria. They have different rules there.

In many european countries the display of Nazi emblems is against the law.

Personally, I would be worried about someone who thinks Hannibal Lector or Ted Bundy to be a hero. I don't know about jail, but they defiantly would belong in a state hospital.
Since they can't prove the "Holocaust" ever happened, they have to throw anyone who questions it in jail.

Funny, if something's true, that usually stands by itself!
Since they can't prove the "Holocaust" ever happened...

Please expand...

(This should be interesting)

Wait for a bunch of conspiracy theory crapola.
The Holocaust is among the best attested events in history, with literally millions of documents, photographs, video, and personal memoirs on all sides.
It takes an act of sheer anti Semitism to deny it. No wonder Germans want to put such people in jail. They're so crazy they belong in some kind of institution.
The Holohoax is the biggest fraud in the history of the earth.

In many countries in europe a person can go to prison for questioning the validity of the Holohoax myth.

The question is: "What are the officials trying to hide"?

If the Holohoax is such an iron clad case.

Then they should welcome any and all examination and review of this alleged historical event.
The Holohoax is the biggest fraud in the history of the earth.

In many countries in europe a person can go to prison for questioning the validity of the Holohoax myth.

The question is: "What are the officials trying to hide"?

If the Holohoax is such an iron clad case.

Then they should welcome any and all examination and review of this alleged historical event.

If a well documented event like the holocaust can be denied, I suppose the rest of history is also bunk.:cuckoo:
The Holohoax is the biggest fraud in the history of the earth.

In many countries in europe a person can go to prison for questioning the validity of the Holohoax myth.

The question is: "What are the officials trying to hide"?

If the Holohoax is such an iron clad case.

Then they should welcome any and all examination and review of this alleged historical event.

If a well documented event like the holocaust can be denied, I suppose the rest of history is also bunk.:cuckoo:

There are crazy loons who believe that the events of 9 years ago didn't happen...even though everyone saw it clearly and live-action.
Since they can't prove the "Holocaust" ever happened...

Please expand...

(This should be interesting)

Wait for a bunch of conspiracy theory crapola.
The Holocaust is among the best attested events in history, with literally millions of documents, photographs, video, and personal memoirs on all sides.
It takes an act of sheer anti Semitism to deny it. No wonder Germans want to put such people in jail. They're so crazy they belong in some kind of institution.

I don't know what more proof there could be. There are eyewitness accounts, the accounts of the liberators, the accounts of Germans, the records of the Nazis, photographic evidence, film, archaeological evidence...I don't think there's any type of proof that isn't available.

I could see how denying the holocaust could be considered a crime. Because denial of the holocaust isn't ignorance - it's a lie perpetrated in order to incite hatred and violence against Jews and other people. As such, it comes under that handing heading of "hate speech". In this country, anyway.
National Socialism Prohibition Law (1947, amendments of 1992)

§ 3g. He who operates in a manner characterized other than that in § § 3a – 3f will be punished (revitalising of the NSDAP or identification with), with imprisonment from one to up to ten years, and in cases of particularly dangerous suspects or activity, be punished with up to twenty years imprisonment.[14]

§ 3h. As an amendment to § 3 g., whoever denies, grossly plays down, approves or tries to excuse the National Socialist genocide or other National Socialist crimes against humanity in a print publication, in broadcast or other media.[15]
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He had to know he was breaking a law, and could face jail time.
Free Speech allows one to burn bibles and burn the American flag and draw images of Muhammad and curse Christianity but don't deny the alleged holocaust. This is outlandish that a thought can land you in jail. Americans will soon be victim to this when questioning the Holocaust.

The 'alleged' Holocaust?? How quaint and ill-formed...
The Holohoax is the biggest fraud in the history of the earth.

In many countries in europe a person can go to prison for questioning the validity of the Holohoax myth.

The question is: "What are the officials trying to hide"?

If the Holohoax is such an iron clad case.

Then they should welcome any and all examination and review of this alleged historical event.

People like you are so crazy they belong in some kind of instutution. Prison is an acceptable one.
The Holohoax is the biggest fraud in the history of the earth.

In many countries in europe a person can go to prison for questioning the validity of the Holohoax myth.

The question is: "What are the officials trying to hide"?

If the Holohoax is such an iron clad case.

Then they should welcome any and all examination and review of this alleged historical event.

If a well documented event like the holocaust can be denied, I suppose the rest of history is also bunk.:cuckoo:

There are crazy loons who believe that the events of 9 years ago didn't happen...even though everyone saw it clearly and live-action.
stranger still, is how many believe both ;)
National Socialism Prohibition Law (1947, amendments of 1992)

§ 3g. He who operates in a manner characterized other than that in § § 3a – 3f will be punished (revitalising of the NSDAP or identification with), with imprisonment from one to up to ten years, and in cases of particularly dangerous suspects or activity, be punished with up to twenty years imprisonment.[14]

§ 3h. As an amendment to § 3 g., whoever denies, grossly plays down, approves or tries to excuse the National Socialist genocide or other National Socialist crimes against humanity in a print publication, in broadcast or other media.[15]
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Being forced to accept the Holohoax Myth in todays europe.

Is NO different than in ancient Rome where the citizens were forced to believe in Zeus or some other myth under penalty of law.
National Socialism Prohibition Law (1947, amendments of 1992)

§ 3g. He who operates in a manner characterized other than that in § § 3a – 3f will be punished (revitalising of the NSDAP or identification with), with imprisonment from one to up to ten years, and in cases of particularly dangerous suspects or activity, be punished with up to twenty years imprisonment.[14]

§ 3h. As an amendment to § 3 g., whoever denies, grossly plays down, approves or tries to excuse the National Socialist genocide or other National Socialist crimes against humanity in a print publication, in broadcast or other media.[15]
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Being forced to accept the Holohoax Myth in todays europe.

Is NO different than in ancient Rome where the citizens were forced to believe in Zeus or some other myth under penalty of law.

Except that the existence of Zeus wasn't among the best attested events of all time.
National Socialism Prohibition Law (1947, amendments of 1992)

§ 3g. He who operates in a manner characterized other than that in § § 3a – 3f will be punished (revitalising of the NSDAP or identification with), with imprisonment from one to up to ten years, and in cases of particularly dangerous suspects or activity, be punished with up to twenty years imprisonment.[14]

§ 3h. As an amendment to § 3 g., whoever denies, grossly plays down, approves or tries to excuse the National Socialist genocide or other National Socialist crimes against humanity in a print publication, in broadcast or other media.[15]
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Being forced to accept the Holohoax Myth in todays europe.

Is NO different than in ancient Rome where the citizens were forced to believe in Zeus or some other myth under penalty of law.

Except that the existence of Zeus wasn't among the best attested events of all time.

So you believe that Zeus is real!!! :eek:

No wonder you accept the Holohoax Myth as a real event. :lol::lol:

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