Outrage! Author of ‘stimulus’ tied to companies funded by bill: Received hundreds of


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Jul 11, 2004
boy oh boy....
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Posted on December 14, 2011 at 9:14 PM EST

By Aaron Klein

An advisor to President Obama who played a key role in developing the energy provisions of the so-called stimulus bill has graced the board of several companies that recently received government funds, including hundreds of million in “stimulus” money.

TJ Glauthier served on Obama’s 2008 White House Transition Team. He is widely credited with helping to craft the energy provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the “stimulus.”

In addition to serving on the boards of multiple major energy companies, Glauthier previously held two Presidential appointments during the Clinton Administration.

He was the Energy Department’s Deputy Secretary and Chief Operating Officer, the second-highest ranking official.

Earlier, he served in the White House for five years as the Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy and Science in the Office of Management and Budget.

Glauthier is tied to several energy companies that benefited from the “stimulus” bill he helped to craft.

One such company investigated by KleinOnline is GridPoint Inc, where he was appointed to the board in March 2008. GridPoint provides utilities software solutions for electrical grid management and electric power demand and supply balancing.

The “stimulus” provides for $4.5 billion for so-called smart grid projects. GridPoint has benefited from scores of smart grid deals funded by the “stimulus” bill.

The company partnered with the Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation (eTec), Nissan, the Idaho National Laboratory and others in a project to deploy electric vehicles (EVs) and their charging infrastructure in five states. The Energy Department had awarded eTec almost $100 million in “stimulus” funds to support the project.

GridPoint’s role in the eTec project was to supply smart charging and data logging capability to utilities located in strategic markets of eTec’s program in Arizona, California, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington.

GridPoint also benefited from “stimulus” funds when it recently provided home energy management, load management and electric vehicle management software solutions for a KCP&L’s Green Impact Zone SmartGrid Demonstration in Kansas City, Mo. The project was the recipient of stimulus funding.

Additionally, GridPoint helped the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, or SMUD, to manage power from its customers’ rooftop solar panels.

read it all here..
Outrage! Author of
Just more corrupt cronyism from this White House. What else is new? GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is his 'Jobs Czar" for God's sake.

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