Outrageous Sexual Abuse!

A question for ethernet or whatever the hell your name is,

He was also known as the Liberator (Eleutherios), freeing one from one's normal self, by madness, ecstasy, or wine

which one do you use?????

I'm just guessing, but madness seems to be in the lead.
You betcha I am. WHat's your fucking point?

By the way, it's witty, not whitty. If you're going to try and poke fun at me, at least learn to spell.

Oh no it's whitty.......................didn't you see me whistling like a tightass that you are or WHat?:eusa_whistle:
A question for ethernet or whatever the hell your name is,

He was also known as the Liberator (Eleutherios), freeing one from one's normal self, by madness, ecstasy, or wine

which one do you use?????

I'm just guessing, but madness seems to be in the lead.
Eleutherios ("the liberator") is an epithet (another name for) of

* Dionysus
* Eros.

For those of you who do not know, which i am is many of you (seeing as you are completely unable to grasp a simple fucking satire), Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, intoxication, and some would go so far as to say drugs in general. Eros was the god of lust and intercourse (aka cupid).

Thusly, my name is supposed to have duel meanings - one being my own true motives, and one being an ironic choice of ignorance by a simple "parent/concerned citizen." I personally am arguing for the legalization of pot, so the name eleutherios is meant not only to reinforce this point, by implying heavily that i intend to spread intoxication, but also to further contrast my own views from the views of my "satirical self" so to speak, to say that i also will spread fertilization.

As for my "satirical self," he chose this name because in Greek, it means liberator, and he intends to liberate society of drugs.

May I add, that unless you all are returning my sarcasm in kind, and I am merely acting the part of an obtrusive oaf, subtlety has completely lost its place in this world :\
Eleutherios ("the liberator") is an epithet (another name for) of

* Dionysus
* Eros.

For those of you who do not know, which i am is many of you (seeing as you are completely unable to grasp a simple fucking satire), Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, intoxication, and some would go so far as to say drugs in general. Eros was the god of lust and intercourse (aka cupid).

Thusly, my name is supposed to have duel meanings - one being my own true motives, and one being an ironic choice of ignorance by a simple "parent/concerned citizen." I personally am arguing for the legalization of pot, so the name eleutherios is meant not only to reinforce this point, by implying heavily that i intend to spread intoxication, but also to further contrast my own views from the views of my "satirical self" so to speak, to say that i also will spread fertilization.

As for my "satirical self," he chose this name because in Greek, it means liberator, and he intends to liberate society of drugs.

May I add, that unless you all are returning my sarcasm in kind, and I am merely acting the part of an obtrusive oaf, subtlety has completely lost its place in this world :\

Geez don't confuse them they may get hostile.....................:eusa_drool: :eusa_whistle:
Eleutherios ("the liberator") is an epithet (another name for) of

* Dionysus
* Eros.

For those of you who do not know, which i am is many of you (seeing as you are completely unable to grasp a simple fucking satire), Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, intoxication, and some would go so far as to say drugs in general. Eros was the god of lust and intercourse (aka cupid).

Thusly, my name is supposed to have duel meanings - one being my own true motives, and one being an ironic choice of ignorance by a simple "parent/concerned citizen." I personally am arguing for the legalization of pot, so the name eleutherios is meant not only to reinforce this point, by implying heavily that i intend to spread intoxication, but also to further contrast my own views from the views of my "satirical self" so to speak, to say that i also will spread fertilization.

As for my "satirical self," he chose this name because in Greek, it means liberator, and he intends to liberate society of drugs.

May I add, that unless you all are returning my sarcasm in kind, and I am merely acting the part of an obtrusive oaf, subtlety has completely lost its place in this world :\

Fantastic. Another person I can call a moron today!

Sir/Madam, anything that you do that makes you happy, releases dopamine. Anything you do that is hard physical labour on the body, releases endorphins. Sex does both at the same time. That's one of the reasons it feels so obscenly good. Your body is releasing two very powerful, very good feeling chemicals.

Anything, ANYTHING that you do that causes your body to produce chemicals is natural. The only time you truly are in danger is when you take other chemicals to mimic the effects of the bodies natural chemicals. When this happens your bodys natural producers die off, because they aren't being used.

If you want to outlaw sex, you should outlaw working out, or running, or maybe even video games. Hell, if it makes you feel good to think you're informing people about how sex is bad, you're probably getting a good dose of the chemicals that you're so worried about right now.
Eleutherios ("the liberator") is an epithet (another name for) of

* Dionysus
* Eros.

For those of you who do not know, which i am is many of you (seeing as you are completely unable to grasp a simple fucking satire), Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, intoxication, and some would go so far as to say drugs in general. Eros was the god of lust and intercourse (aka cupid).

Thusly, my name is supposed to have duel meanings - one being my own true motives, and one being an ironic choice of ignorance by a simple "parent/concerned citizen." I personally am arguing for the legalization of pot, so the name eleutherios is meant not only to reinforce this point, by implying heavily that i intend to spread intoxication, but also to further contrast my own views from the views of my "satirical self" so to speak, to say that i also will spread fertilization.

As for my "satirical self," he chose this name because in Greek, it means liberator, and he intends to liberate society of drugs.

May I add, that unless you all are returning my sarcasm in kind, and I am merely acting the part of an obtrusive oaf, subtlety has completely lost its place in this world :\

So basically, you're saying that you're a drunken sex-maniac who wants to spread pot over the face of the Earth? LOL

I got your satire and your name. Helps to know Greek mythology....:cool:
Eleutherios ("the liberator") is an epithet (another name for) of

* Dionysus
* Eros.

For those of you who do not know, which i am is many of you (seeing as you are completely unable to grasp a simple fucking satire), Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, intoxication, and some would go so far as to say drugs in general. Eros was the god of lust and intercourse (aka cupid).

Thusly, my name is supposed to have duel meanings - one being my own true motives, and one being an ironic choice of ignorance by a simple "parent/concerned citizen." I personally am arguing for the legalization of pot, so the name eleutherios is meant not only to reinforce this point, by implying heavily that i intend to spread intoxication, but also to further contrast my own views from the views of my "satirical self" so to speak, to say that i also will spread fertilization.

As for my "satirical self," he chose this name because in Greek, it means liberator, and he intends to liberate society of drugs.

May I add, that unless you all are returning my sarcasm in kind, and I am merely acting the part of an obtrusive oaf, subtlety has completely lost its place in this world :\

Thought satire was supposed to be humorous.................
So basically, you're saying that you're a drunken sex-maniac who wants to spread pot over the face of the Earth? LOL

I got your satire and your name. Helps to know Greek mythology....:cool:


legalize canibis fuckers.

I also wanted to prove that smoking pot doesn't lower your intelligence. If it did, the half of you who couldn't keep up with me (I'm gonna start listing names in my signature soon if they don't shut up) would by logic smoke more than i do.

legalize canibis fuckers.

I also wanted to prove that smoking pot doesn't lower your intelligence. If it did, the half of you who couldn't keep up with me (I'm gonna start listing names in my signature soon if they don't shut up) would by logic smoke more than i do.

While I don't quite agree with legalizing pot, I see your logic and your points. I've (more than likely) grown up with a different background than you and don't really view narcotics as good thing.I'll agree that marijuana may not be any different than getting drunk, but it seems to me that more people go from pot to crack/meth/heroin than do from beer to heroin/crack/meth. I don't have proof, but it just seems this way. Sure, I'll drink a beer at a BBQ or while watching the FB game. I just don't care for pot smokin to begin with, nothing against people who do, but it's just my opinion.

legalize canibis fuckers.

I also wanted to prove that smoking pot doesn't lower your intelligence. If it did, the half of you who couldn't keep up with me (I'm gonna start listing names in my signature soon if they don't shut up) would by logic smoke more than i do.

Your argument is just so compelling. Basically it's, "I'm smart and smoke pot so everyone should be able to." Prove to me your smart and I'll think about it. BTW, getting your satire (as droll as it was) and your name doesn't make you smart, it takes about a 1/2 sec on google.

PS - Droll means you're boring.
Your argument is just so compelling. Basically it's, "I'm smart and smoke pot so everyone should be able to." Prove to me your smart and I'll think about it. BTW, getting your satire (as droll as it was) and your name doesn't make you smart, it takes about a 1/2 sec on google.

PS - Droll means you're boring.

I new she was an idiot first:cool:

legalize canibis fuckers.

I also wanted to prove that smoking pot doesn't lower your intelligence. If it did, the half of you who couldn't keep up with me (I'm gonna start listing names in my signature soon if they don't shut up) would by logic smoke more than i do.

Toots! Dont EVEN start to compare your 19 year old brain with that of the others on this board. Unless of course you can come up with hard core evidence like scientific research and statistical proof that the people on this board are stupid.

Sorry but angry lesbian potsmokers dont have the corner market on intelligence. It just means they are scared of men.
I'm going to address those with serious arguments first:

Brian, you are of course entitled to your opinion, and I respect you all the more for giving it without seeking strife. Although it may be true that marijuana smoking can lead to more serious addictions - like heroine and crack - the vast majority of pot smokers that i have encountered (and I like to think I’ve met my fair share) stick to pot, and won't touch any of the more hardcore drugs. Meanwhile, having been to detox clinics, I can also say that I've seen my fair share of alcoholics - of which there is a significantly greater percentage than potheads, and an astronomically greater percentage than potheads who have turned to more hardcore drugs. The AA members that I met there are the ones that are divorced, or (often worse yet for them) caused their parents to divorce. They are often the ones that stole money from their children to pay for booze. They're often the ones that have fried their brains so badly that they behave similarly to children at the age of 50, or can't even remember your name after having lived with you for days on end. They're often the ones who can't even walk. Alcohol is a drug that brings about an outpoor of unfimiliar behavior from a man, the most distinctive of which are neglect, anger, and greed. So really, if you ask me which of the two drugs are more potent of the two, and will be more likely to fuck up your life, without a moment's hesitation I'd say "chuck that beer out and throw me a bong." but as Dread says, I'm a 19 year old guy. I have absolutely no doubts that you are infinitely wiser, and i do not doubt for a second that you have had many more life expiriences that make you say that smoking pot is really the greater of two evils.
And now the rest:

Wow...you fuckers blind me with your intellectual prowess. Is that what you want to hear?

I wonder if it ever occurred to you well read Google-searching fuckers that the picture in my display picture isn't to show my gender, but rather to again illustrate my motives. My guess is that you fucking geniuses are ready to criticize a point as long as its only using knowledge you already have at your finger tips - and believe me, gentlemen, I use the term "knowledge" loosely. Because when it comes to knowledge, what you don't know is that my display picture is of The White Buffalo Lady, the myth of the lady who first introduced the peace pipe to the Native Americans, and what you don't realize is that I’m a man. My friends do you see how without a word to Google, you are completely useless? You see how, with all the powers of wit at your disposal, you don't even know the gender of the person you're talking to?

See I know who the fuck you are. I was you a few years ago, so believe me, I know. You go to class, or watch the news, attentive as shit, but never doing a single fucking drop of work outside of 8:00-3:00 or 7:00-8:00 (depending on which stage in your pathetic little lives you are), and bring that practice onto these boards. You expect any and all knowledge to be brought to you, ready and willing, and have never worked a second in your life to learn something more than you know in the here and now. You expect that you’re natural intellect, and the knowledge that you happen to have whipped off the news man's ass crack for that day to get you through any argument you happen to encounter. I've been through that phase and I’ve passed it. So when you Neanderthals come to me with your fucking witty responses, and you're quick-to-draw misconceptions that have been handed to you your ENTIRE life, I laugh. You think you're smarter than everyone, and I’ll bet you do a damn good job keeping up with the comparatively slow people in your every day life, but in reality, I'm smarter than you, and I'm better than you in every sense of the world.

And when the average person looks in at us and sees us arguing they'll say "Hey those guys are pretty fuckin smart," and not know any better about it. But you do. And I do. They may not even realize that I’ve just won - there's still time to spare. So go head my friends, pretend that nothing happened. Use your feeble little wit to construct arguments. Make some witty jokes about how I talk like a girl anyways. Use all the wit you've stockpiled over the years to show that I’m new to these boards, and you're ancient history. Or better yet be even wittier and don't respond at all. Pretend that you never really gave a shit what I had to say. Do all the witty little things that I used to do. Use your witty little vocabulary words to try and condescend (because that makes *ME* look like the asshole, right? :rolleyes:). In general, be witty little fucks. Convince the world of fools that you're really the smart ones, and I’m just some stupid shmuck. But just keep in mind that the only difference between you and those you so love to criticize is a little bit of spare wit between your ears, and that the difference between you and I can only be gapped by hard work - the one thing in life that you have never experienced.
And now the rest:

Wow...you fuckers blind me with your intellectual prowess. Is that what you want to hear?

I wonder if it ever occurred to you well read Google-searching fuckers that the picture in my display picture isn't to show my gender, but rather to again illustrate my motives. My guess is that you fucking geniuses are ready to criticize a point as long as its only using knowledge you already have at your finger tips - and believe me, gentlemen, I use the term "knowledge" loosely. Because when it comes to knowledge, what you don't know is that my display picture is of The White Buffalo Lady, the myth of the lady who first introduced the peace pipe to the Native Americans, and what you don't realize is that I’m a man. My friends do you see how without a word to Google, you are completely useless? You see how, with all the powers of wit at your disposal, you don't even know the gender of the person you're talking to?

See I know who the fuck you are. I was you a few years ago, so believe me, I know. You go to class, or watch the news, attentive as shit, but never doing a single fucking drop of work outside of 8:00-3:00 or 7:00-8:00 (depending on which stage in your pathetic little lives you are), and bring that practice onto these boards. You expect any and all knowledge to be brought to you, ready and willing, and have never worked a second in your life to learn something more than you know in the here and now. You expect that you’re natural intellect, and the knowledge that you happen to have whipped off the news man's ass crack for that day to get you through any argument you happen to encounter. I've been through that phase and I’ve passed it. So when you Neanderthals come to me with your fucking witty responses, and you're quick-to-draw misconceptions that have been handed to you your ENTIRE life, I laugh. You think you're smarter than everyone, and I’ll bet you do a damn good job keeping up with the comparatively slow people in your every day life, but in reality, I'm smarter than you, and I'm better than you in every sense of the world.

And when the average person looks in at us and sees us arguing they'll say "Hey those guys are pretty fuckin smart," and not know any better about it. But you do. And I do. They may not even realize that I’ve just won - there's still time to spare. So go head my friends, pretend that nothing happened. Use your feeble little wit to construct arguments. Make some witty jokes about how I talk like a girl anyways. Use all the wit you've stockpiled over the years to show that I’m new to these boards, and you're ancient history. Or better yet be even wittier and don't respond at all. Pretend that you never really gave a shit what I had to say. Do all the witty little things that I used to do. Use your witty little vocabulary words to try and condescend (because that makes *ME* look like the asshole, right? :rolleyes:). In general, be witty little fucks. Convince the world of fools that you're really the smart ones, and I’m just some stupid shmuck. But just keep in mind that the only difference between you and those you so love to criticize is a little bit of spare wit between your ears, and that the difference between you and I can only be gapped by hard work - the one thing in life that you have never experienced.

Wow, ethernet had a meltdown and he's only been here a week. To be quite honest, I don't care what sex you are or who's in your fucking picture. I do care that you come on here making pronouncements like you are the smartest little thing in the universe. Now, you're throwing a temper tantrum when you've been shown just how little you actually do know. I don't have to go and show the world how stupid and inexperienced you are, you have done it for me. Bravo :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

As far as making assumptions, it's the internet little boy, all you can do is read what people write and make assumptions. If you don't want people making the wrong assumptions, learn to write better. Here's a hint, telling people that they're ignorant working slobs sounds elitist (ask Obama what that means). Another hint, writing that you know you're smarter then everyone here just shows people you feel inadequate and are trying to compensate.

As far as your assumptions about me, you got everything wrong. So go back to your pysch class and reread the text before you come back and try again.

Hope I didn't make this too long. I know the attention span of your generation is somewhere between 3-5 seconds. Read it fast, or break it up into smaller parts and take a break between paragraphs.
Wow, ethernet had a meltdown and he's only been here a week. To be quite honest, I don't care what sex you are or who's in your fucking picture. I do care that you come on here making pronouncements like you are the smartest little thing in the universe. Now, you're throwing a temper tantrum when you've been shown just how little you actually do know. I don't have to go and show the world how stupid and inexperienced you are, you have done it for me. Bravo :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

As far as making assumptions, it's the internet little boy, all you can do is read what people write and make assumptions. If you don't want people making the wrong assumptions, learn to write better. Here's a hint, telling people that they're ignorant working slobs sounds elitist (ask Obama what that means). Another hint, writing that you know you're smarter then everyone here just shows people you feel inadequate and are trying to compensate.

As far as your assumptions about me, you got everything wrong. So go back to your pysch class and reread the text before you come back and try again.

Hope I didn't make this too long. I know the attention span of your generation is somewhere between 3-5 seconds. Read it fast, or break it up into smaller parts and take a break between paragraphs.

what a witty little response. Good job, you sure showed me. Wonder who predicted that...

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