Over 100 Former Clerks Come to Defense of Justice Clarence Thomas Following Relentless Attacks by Democrats


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
So the Dem plan is to attack the black guy? Didn't they try this before? Good news is Clarence Thomas has plenty of defenders.

---For months, Democrats have been engaged in an effort to delegitimize the U.S. Supreme Court.
They have taken special aim at conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, using a smear campaign intended to attack his integrity.---

So the Dem plan is to attack the black guy? Didn't they try this before? Good news is Clarence Thomas has plenty of defenders.

---For months, Democrats have been engaged in an effort to delegitimize the U.S. Supreme Court.
They have taken special aim at conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, using a smear campaign intended to attack his integrity.---

No, not at all. The plan of ALL honest Americans from BOTH parties, is to end the corruption of the Supreme Court Justices in taking bribes, lavish vacations, and gifts, and from billionaires with cases before the Court. To hold the SC Justices to the same standards and ethics that all American judges are required to adhere to.

Thomas has NO defenders. When the ONLY media outlet in the USA defending Justice Thomas is the Gateway Pundit, he's got nothing. Judge Thomas received millions of dollars worth of bribes from a man connected with dozens of cases before the courts. The man bought his mother's house, and paid his wife's salary. And Thomas failed to disclose any of it.

Justice Roberts' wife received $10 million in consulting fees from law firms having cases in front of her husband's court.

Justice Alito similarly received lavish gifts and vacations from billionaires with cases before the Court.

You keep blaming Democrats for the things that Republicans are doing to discredit and bring criticism and legal problems down on their own heads. Don't you want to impeach Joe Biden because you believe he's "selling influence"?

You want Hunter Biden arrested for taking bribes and selling influence? Why don't you want the SC Justices to be held to the same standard? They are actual employees of the US government, and Hunter Biden isn't. Why the double standard here.
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The Obama-Biden SC judges are all anti constitutional PsOS. Thank God Garland isn't in there. He would have been the worst ever. In reality, our problem lies with our renegade liberal justices.

The Trump Court has overturned "established precedent" more than any SC in US history - after assuring Senators that wouldn't overturned established precedent.

The corruption of the Federalist Society in packing the Supreme Court with radically conservative Catholic judges, they had been grooming since law school, to overturn leftist rulings in abortion, gun rights, civil rights, and voting rights cases, and they running at a fair clip in completing their work. The SC has found on the side of the religious right in 80% of the cases it's decided, versus 53% in past courts.

100 year old gun control laws were tossed. Roe v Wade gone. Affirmative Action. But most telling is that the Court is establishing radical rights for religious groups under the guise of "religious freedom" which actually infringes on the personal freedoms of other classes or groups of people.

This is especially true in the area of public accommodations and services,, but is rapidly being expanded into areas like pharmacies and medical care providers. Pharmacists are claiming "religious" objections to dispensing abortion pills, or birth control pills to women, all while having condoms on their shelves for men.

Packing and corrupting the Supreme Court was a decades long project and a huge success, but the American people aren't having these arbitrary and deadly abortion bans. And they're not going to have any party or Court that will treat women so cruelly or callously.

It's not just Democrats that are disgusted with the corruption. Even Republican women have miscarriages and problem pregnancies, and use birth control, and nobody is buying what this SC is selling.
Democrats have historically always been the Party of slavery. Today, they use anger and fear to keep them voting Democrat which is just another form of slavery.

So in other words you have nothing and you're trying to deflect with stupidity and nonsense. As usual.

What exactly does this have to do with the corruption and briberty in the Supreme Court?
So in other words you have nothing and you're trying to deflect with stupidity and nonsense. As usual.

What exactly does this have to do with the corruption and briberty in the Supreme Court?
No, not at all. The plan of ALL honest Americans from BOTH parties, is to end the corruption of the Supreme Court Justices in taking bribes, lavish vacations, and gifts, and from billionaires with cases before the Court. To hold the SC Justices to the same standards and ethics that all American judges are required to adhere to.

Thomas has NO defenders. When the ONLY media outlet in the USA defending Justice Thomas is the Gateway Pundit, he's got nothing. Judge Thomas received millions of dollars worth of bribes from a man connected with dozens of cases before the courts. The man bought his mother's house, and paid his wife's salary. And Thomas failed to disclose any of it.

Justice Roberts' wife received $10 million in consulting fees from law firms having cases in front of her husband's court.

Justice Alito similarly received lavish gifts and vacations from billionaires with cases before the Court.

You keep blaming Democrats for the things that Republicans are doing to discredit and bring criticism and legal problems down on their own heads. Don't you want to impeach Joe Biden because you believe he's "selling influence"?

You want Hunter Biden arrested for taking bribes and selling influence? Why don't you want the SC Justices to be held to the same standard? They are actual employees of the US government, and Hunter Biden isn't. Why the double standard here.

This issue applies to the whole court not just Thomas

Those clerks should be ashamed
The left wants desperately to take the court back and they will destroy it if they have to in order to do so.

It is not as though the right is not on the same page here, they just have the power at the moment so they are more than happy to protect it. Simple reality here though, taking the court back is a move the left just does not have the political capital to do and I do not think they are going to get it by attacking the judges.
No, not at all. The plan of ALL honest Americans from BOTH parties, is to end the corruption of the Supreme Court Justices in taking bribes, lavish vacations, and gifts, and from billionaires with cases before the Court. To hold the SC Justices to the same standards and ethics that all American judges are required to adhere to.

Thomas has NO defenders. When the ONLY media outlet in the USA defending Justice Thomas is the Gateway Pundit, he's got nothing. Judge Thomas received millions of dollars worth of bribes from a man connected with dozens of cases before the courts. The man bought his mother's house, and paid his wife's salary. And Thomas failed to disclose any of it.

Justice Roberts' wife received $10 million in consulting fees from law firms having cases in front of her husband's court.

Justice Alito similarly received lavish gifts and vacations from billionaires with cases before the Court.

You keep blaming Democrats for the things that Republicans are doing to discredit and bring criticism and legal problems down on their own heads. Don't you want to impeach Joe Biden because you believe he's "selling influence"?

You want Hunter Biden arrested for taking bribes and selling influence? Why don't you want the SC Justices to be held to the same standard? They are actual employees of the US government, and Hunter Biden isn't. Why the double standard here.
His wife was consulting, you mean like Hunter? She isn't a Supreme Court justice.
The Trump Court has overturned "established precedent" more than any SC in US history - after assuring Senators that wouldn't overturned established precedent.

The corruption of the Federalist Society in packing the Supreme Court with radically conservative Catholic judges, they had been grooming since law school, to overturn leftist rulings in abortion, gun rights, civil rights, and voting rights cases, and they running at a fair clip in completing their work. The SC has found on the side of the religious right in 80% of the cases it's decided, versus 53% in past courts.

100 year old gun control laws were tossed. Roe v Wade gone. Affirmative Action. But most telling is that the Court is establishing radical rights for religious groups under the guise of "religious freedom" which actually infringes on the personal freedoms of other classes or groups of people.

This is especially true in the area of public accommodations and services,, but is rapidly being expanded into areas like pharmacies and medical care providers. Pharmacists are claiming "religious" objections to dispensing abortion pills, or birth control pills to women, all while having condoms on their shelves for men.

Packing and corrupting the Supreme Court was a decades long project and a huge success, but the American people aren't having these arbitrary and deadly abortion bans. And they're not going to have any party or Court that will treat women so cruelly or callously.

It's not just Democrats that are disgusted with the corruption. Even Republican women have miscarriages and problem pregnancies, and use birth control, and nobody is buying what this SC is selling.
They are just undoing shitty liberal policies.
The left wants desperately to take the court back and they will destroy it if they have to in order to do so.

It is not as though the right is not on the same page here, they just have the power at the moment so they are more than happy to protect it. Simple reality here though, taking the court back is a move the left just does not have the political capital to do and I do not think they are going to get it by attacking the judges.
Nobody is trying to get rid of Thomas

We just want Thomas and the entire court to meet basic ethical standards

Should be bipartisan
Democrats have historically always been the Party of slavery. Today, they use anger and fear to keep them voting Democrat which is just another form of slavery.
We know what the Dems were 100 years ago and we know what the Repubs are today. A magnet for gun nuts, racists and 9th grade drop-outs.
Anybody know the history of Clarance Thomas

After Clarance Thomas graduated from Yale University Law School no Democrat would hire Thomas so he went to work for the only person that would hire a Black Lawyer, a Republican.

The Democrat party has always been the racist party of the KKK, Thomas proves this fact.
Democrats have historically always been the Party of slavery. Today, they use anger and fear to keep them voting Democrat which is just another form of slavery.

Actually, it's been the Conservative Party (whether it is the Dem or Rep) that is pro slavery and trying, in every way, to throw out and rewrite the Constitution. Learn your history.
So the Dem plan is to attack the black guy? Didn't they try this before? Good news is Clarence Thomas has plenty of defenders.

---For months, Democrats have been engaged in an effort to delegitimize the U.S. Supreme Court.
They have taken special aim at conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, using a smear campaign intended to attack his integrity.---

The two biggest threats to DNC power are

1. Trump
2. Clarence Thomas.
3. Who is next on the chopping block?
We know what the Dems were 100 years ago and we know what the Repubs are today. A magnet for gun nuts, racists and 9th grade drop-outs.
Typical Dembot stereotyping. LOL as if Democrats have a monopoly on intelligent voters. BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
But I suppose you rely on those fantasies to justify staying with a party that is destroying the country.

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