Over 14,000 Illegals Now Waiting At Bridge In Texas

Even if reporters are not barred from certain areas, are they really going to report it, that is, the major media outlets that reach the most people.

No, because they are all in the tank for the DNC.

To me it is overkill, but as we fall farther into a hard tyrannical oligarchy it is only natural.

Yes, life in the FSA—these Fascist States of America. The power of the State and the states has become nearly omnipotent. Earlier in the year I started a new small business. In order to operate "legally" in state parks, despite paying for the license to ply my trade, I had to essentially pay tribute money to each state park manager and add them to my already outrageously expensive business insurance. Otherwise their state game police thugs would lean on me the moment I showed up to meet clients. I've finally given up. Fuck it. The prevailing tyranny of modern day American government has at last reached down to screw up the lives of every citizen.
Even if reporters are not barred from certain areas, are they really going to report it, that is, the major media outlets that reach the most people.

No, because they are all in the tank for the DNC.

To me it is overkill, but as we fall farther into a hard tyrannical oligarchy it is only natural.
Fuckin Haitains. Can't even make a decent tamale
Mexico says screw you Uncle Joe, unlike that last guy you’re a submissive pussy we can control. And Joe’s response? Block American media from showing pictures of what’s going on there.

The surprising answer, which the migrants provided independently in different places and at different times, was universal: on Sunday, September 12, the Mexican government effectively sent a mass of migrants it had bottled up for months in its southern states up to the American border. This move, which appears to have been done under the cover of Mexico's independence week of celebration known as El Grito, essentially foisted a humanitarian problem onto the Americans in a single week.
A quick background is necessary to understand what the migrants were saying. In short, when it was newly installed in January, the Biden [junta] began to pressure Mexico to maintain and use its National Guard and immigration bureaucracy to slow the flow of expected caravans and of tens of thousands of Haitians and other migrants coming in from all over the world. This was a fairly quiet diplomatic campaign, and it coincided with billions in promised U.S. aid and other benefits such as covid vaccines. It was a different approach from the Trump style of threatening to damage the Mexican economy with tariffs unless the leadership slowed U.S.-bound illegal immigration coming through Guatemala.

In response to Biden's softer approach with gifts, Mexico apparently responded with a lighter version of a Trump-era tactic, which was to require that migrants entering from Guatemala be held in the southern state of Chiapas, in the border city of Tapachula, until they applied for and obtained temporary legal permits. National Guard roadblocks reinforced the policy.

As CIS [Center for Immigration Studies] reported in March from Mexico, many thousands of immigrants willing to invest in bribes and smuggling fees obviously find ways around the National Guard. But many thousands of others chose not to invest in these expensive end-runs and stayed in Tapachula for months hoping for cheaper Mexican papers solution.

Probably by design, the documents were slow to come, taking three, four or five months. A sea of migrants built up behind this bureaucratic dam, tens of thousands of them . . .

. . . The reason, according to the migrants CIS interviewed, the Mexican cartels in this city do not involve themselves in human smuggling as they do in other parts of northern Mexico. Migrants who get to Acuna are free to cross themselves over the river without paying a tax or smuggling fee to ruthless Mexican cartels, with no fear of violent retribution for doing so on their own. . .

. . . Many are now boarding yet more buses inside the camp, these ones provided by DHS to take them to Border Patrol processing stations. Some may be deported. But most likely will spend a day or two until they get temporary resident permits and a date to appear at an American immigration office in the city of their choice. Then under current Biden policies for families and unaccompanied minors, a great many will be released to travel anywhere in America, boarding yet more buses to those cities and towns. . .

. . . CIS could find no public reporting of any official Mexico announcement or confirmation of these immigrant accounts.

But if their accounts prove to be true, Mexico's decision presents a clear diplomatic affront to the Biden [junta], transferring a significant threat management and humanitarian challenge to America, not to mention a potential political problem for the Biden [junta]. . .

. . . In a sign of keen awareness that the Del Rio encampment situation portends political damage in an area where polls show Biden is already very weak, the [junta] has picked a strategy of not speaking about it and working to make sure no one else did either.

The White House had not addressed the camp. Up until Friday, DHS was content to let the city of Del Rio lead a press conference about national immigration policy and what was happening.

The federal government barred reporters from touring the site and rarely made officials available for questions. At one point, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a ban on unmanned aerial vehicles over the bridge area, a measure that seemed aimed at Fox News, which has fielded a drone team to photograph the migrant shantytown.

They travel to countries in south and central america and then travel by land. These are not the impoverished people of Haiti. These are people that had money and spent it getting to the US.
The most vile of vile. I would rather have Somalis than GD Haitians...Yech!
These Haitian refugees are among the more educated Haitians and spent a lot of money to get here. No doubt any one of them would bring more value to this country than you ever will.
These Haitian refugees are among the more educated Haitians and spent a lot of money to get here. No doubt any one of them would bring more value to this country than you ever will.
So you are glad that your fellow Marxist is kicking them out or are you upset he is sending them away?
They travel to countries in south and central america and then travel by land. These are not the impoverished people of Haiti. These are people that had money and spent it getting to the US.
Joe is not protecting our borders, his primary duty. Mexico is allowing it.
Socialist Venezuela is a lot closer, yet…..
Another humanitarian and environmentaly friendly event by Democrats, packing 15,000 people together without shelter, food, or toilets.

Yeah but Orange Man Bad!
Trump did not tolerate such degradation of our Southern border.
Now we have tens of thousands of Haitians massing there waiting to get under Uncle Scam's welfare

Too bad about those mean tweets. It was well worth throwing the country down the toilet to stop them.
He is deporting them all back to Haiti. Shouldn't you be happy? What... Are you mad he isn't vaporizing them? Damn, you even whine whenyou get what you want.
Sure he is. Like thousands are not deep into America already, they all just freely covered and patiently waiting to get sent back.
Mexico and the world is laughing at Biden.
Mexico says screw you Uncle Joe, unlike that last guy you’re a submissive pussy we can control. And Joe’s response? Block American media from showing pictures of what’s going on there.

The surprising answer, which the migrants provided independently in different places and at different times, was universal: on Sunday, September 12, the Mexican government effectively sent a mass of migrants it had bottled up for months in its southern states up to the American border. This move, which appears to have been done under the cover of Mexico's independence week of celebration known as El Grito, essentially foisted a humanitarian problem onto the Americans in a single week.
A quick background is necessary to understand what the migrants were saying. In short, when it was newly installed in January, the Biden [junta] began to pressure Mexico to maintain and use its National Guard and immigration bureaucracy to slow the flow of expected caravans and of tens of thousands of Haitians and other migrants coming in from all over the world. This was a fairly quiet diplomatic campaign, and it coincided with billions in promised U.S. aid and other benefits such as covid vaccines. It was a different approach from the Trump style of threatening to damage the Mexican economy with tariffs unless the leadership slowed U.S.-bound illegal immigration coming through Guatemala.

In response to Biden's softer approach with gifts, Mexico apparently responded with a lighter version of a Trump-era tactic, which was to require that migrants entering from Guatemala be held in the southern state of Chiapas, in the border city of Tapachula, until they applied for and obtained temporary legal permits. National Guard roadblocks reinforced the policy.

As CIS [Center for Immigration Studies] reported in March from Mexico, many thousands of immigrants willing to invest in bribes and smuggling fees obviously find ways around the National Guard. But many thousands of others chose not to invest in these expensive end-runs and stayed in Tapachula for months hoping for cheaper Mexican papers solution.

Probably by design, the documents were slow to come, taking three, four or five months. A sea of migrants built up behind this bureaucratic dam, tens of thousands of them . . .

. . . The reason, according to the migrants CIS interviewed, the Mexican cartels in this city do not involve themselves in human smuggling as they do in other parts of northern Mexico. Migrants who get to Acuna are free to cross themselves over the river without paying a tax or smuggling fee to ruthless Mexican cartels, with no fear of violent retribution for doing so on their own. . .

. . . Many are now boarding yet more buses inside the camp, these ones provided by DHS to take them to Border Patrol processing stations. Some may be deported. But most likely will spend a day or two until they get temporary resident permits and a date to appear at an American immigration office in the city of their choice. Then under current Biden policies for families and unaccompanied minors, a great many will be released to travel anywhere in America, boarding yet more buses to those cities and towns. . .

. . . CIS could find no public reporting of any official Mexico announcement or confirmation of these immigrant accounts.

But if their accounts prove to be true, Mexico's decision presents a clear diplomatic affront to the Biden [junta], transferring a significant threat management and humanitarian challenge to America, not to mention a potential political problem for the Biden [junta]. . .

. . . In a sign of keen awareness that the Del Rio encampment situation portends political damage in an area where polls show Biden is already very weak, the [junta] has picked a strategy of not speaking about it and working to make sure no one else did either.

The White House had not addressed the camp. Up until Friday, DHS was content to let the city of Del Rio lead a press conference about national immigration policy and what was happening.

The federal government barred reporters from touring the site and rarely made officials available for questions. At one point, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a ban on unmanned aerial vehicles over the bridge area, a measure that seemed aimed at Fox News, which has fielded a drone team to photograph the migrant shantytown.

IMHO Mexico is almost as corrupt as our Democratic Party here in the USA. Sadly most of the GOP (with the exception of Donald Trump) are cowards that are too scared to stand up to them. in the past Century we have let our religious, educational, entertainment, political and NEWS institutions be taken over by people who cannot stand the thought of INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS that our constitution allows. I am probably not going to live long enough (age 75) to see the what I think will be the second US Civil War. To paraphrase POGO(?) "We have seen the enemy and he is us."
In 1970 it was mandatory Motorcycle helmet laws. BTW I Think helmets are a good idea but I want the CHOICE>
Soon after mandatory seat belt laws. Again I want the CHOICE
Then Roe v Wade in 1973 took away CHOICE from the unborn.
In the early 2000 cigarette smoking was the big villian. BTW I hate cigarettes but I have the CHOICE to leave oo ask the smoker to put it out.
Joe Biden has been after our Second Amendment rights since he was first elected to a political office.
Political Correctness currently is the scourge we face.
Mandated Covid-19 vaccines and masking are the new individual freedoms the ELITE want use to opress us. BTW I did get my two Covid-19 vaccinations; not because I was ordered to but I believe in the Science of vaccines.
Sure he is. Like thousands are not deep into America already, they all just freely covered and patiently waiting to get sent back.
Mexico and the world is laughing at Biden.
Haha, you get what you want, so you have to invent lies to keep yourself in a drooling state of agitation. Sad!

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