Over 4 decades Iran has been attacking the USA

Good move by U.S. back in 1953.
Where in the constitution was that authority "granted"? It was and is STUPID- it was and is getting innocent people killed- Washington and Jefferson both had more intelligence in their finger nail clippings than you, or this fed gov't have or any fucking war mongering son of a bitch has collectively in your entire body- avoid foreign entanglements- trade with all ally with none- SMH- you blood lusting people need to be bombed back into the stone age-
It’s most likely classified as “secret” and we cannot compromise our intelligence assets on the ground in Iraq. Perhaps we have a “whistleblower” who heard third hand information of his phone calls.

So they have nothing, then.
The man was a terrorist plotter and had been for years. Sorry your ass doesn’t rate to see classified information. How about you support the home team for a change.
Good move by U.S. back in 1953.
Where in the constitution was that authority "granted"? It was and is STUPID- it was and is getting innocent people killed- Washington and Jefferson both had more intelligence in their finger nail clippings than you, or this fed gov't have or any fucking war mongering son of a bitch has collectively in your entire body- avoid foreign entanglements- trade with all ally with none- SMH- you blood lusting people need to be bombed back into the stone age-
We were engaged in a global struggle for freedom against the Soviet Union. President is sworn to protect and defend our nation. Congress is required to provide for a national defense. Part of that means we need to make sure people who are favorable to our nation are in power around the world.
Don’t forget the USS Cole-
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
USS Cole bombing. In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iranand Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iranwas directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal

Um, hey, I have proof the Iranians sank the Lustiania and kidnapped the Lindbergh baby... I mean, why not, we can blame them for everything by that standard.
(Joe closes his eyes to facts whenever it is convenient.)
Not eligible. I don't remember what the cutoff age is for joining the military, but at fifty-seven years, I'm well past it. Also, diabetic, and recovering from a broken leg.

Excuses excuses... you guys need to totally sign up. Let's get all you right wingers out there, and give these kids a break.

We have a problem with them because they attacked our embassy forty years ago, and held dozens of our diplomats prisoner for well over a year. Also because they are the root of all the trouble that we and the rest of the world have had with Islamist-based terrorism.

I think you are showing a profound misunderstanding of Islam.

First, the Iranians are "Shi'ites". most of the terrorist groups that we've been fighting with are Sunni. It's like blaming the Mormons for what the Jehovah's Witnesses are doing.

Iran took our people hostage because we admitted the Shah into the US, which they believed was the precursor to us attempting another coup like we did in 1953 when we put him back into power.

The root of all our trouble are our boneheaded policies....

but I have the solution. What we need to do is start a draft of just right wingers and their children... you guys would be a lot less keen on war if that were the case, I'll bet.
Iran supports Hezbollah. They are a state sponsor of terrorism and a threat to the civilized world.
about time someone did something about them.

Or we could just stop kicking the hornet's nest, that would work, too.

But since you want to go there, let's take all you right wingers with your privately owned AR-15's, and send you over to fight htem.
View attachment 298485
/-----/ How stupid. But I understand stupidity is all you have.

I think it's a very good idea. Clearly you a$$hats have been over-dosing on testosterone and need an outlet. You've expressed your willingness to die for your President, well he'll give you an opportunity to do just that. Or are you just as cowardly as your President, who is too scared of being shot, to visit the troops in the field?
/----/ "You've expressed your willingness to die for your President"
What total bullshyt.
Don’t forget the USS Cole-
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
USS Cole bombing. In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iranand Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iranwas directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal

Um, hey, I have proof the Iranians sank the Lustiania and kidnapped the Lindbergh baby... I mean, why not, we can blame them for everything by that standard.
(Joe closes his eyes to facts whenever it is convenient.)
Trump could kill Satan and Joe would wonder what Satan did to deserve it.
In 1953, 67 years ago, the US CIA deposed the elected leader and installed a leader more favorable to the West who would allow British Petroleum to access it's natural resources- yes, there is proof- I've posted several links from different sources with the facts- was it an attack? No, it was a coup. The CIA did the same thing in Guatemala in 1954 using the "threat of communism" as it's excuse- In Iran it was also the "threat of communism" because of the closeness of Russia- even though, Ike and Stalin were buddy's and Russia had no desire to fight the US- propaganda to sell bullshit is what the US (land of the alleged free where Liberty and Justice for ALL is supposed to prevail) excels at. Not a lot different than Hitler who controlled the media is there? National Socialist is what Nazi's were. So were the Fascist and so were the Communist- Central Command and Control- like the US gov't has become, which is a far cry from the original concept of Sovereign States- the US godvernment doesn't believe in Sovereign unless/until it can use it in a 30 second sound bite, for, you guessed it- propaganda.
Good move by U.S. back in 1953. Carter did not stand by the Shah in 1979 who was an ally.

And look at the results.
In 1953, 67 years ago, the US CIA deposed the elected leader and installed a leader more favorable to the West who would allow British Petroleum to access it's natural resources- yes, there is proof- I've posted several links from different sources with the facts- was it an attack? No, it was a coup. The CIA did the same thing in Guatemala in 1954 using the "threat of communism" as it's excuse- In Iran it was also the "threat of communism" because of the closeness of Russia- even though, Ike and Stalin were buddy's and Russia had no desire to fight the US- propaganda to sell bullshit is what the US (land of the alleged free where Liberty and Justice for ALL is supposed to prevail) excels at. Not a lot different than Hitler who controlled the media is there? National Socialist is what Nazi's were. So were the Fascist and so were the Communist- Central Command and Control- like the US gov't has become, which is a far cry from the original concept of Sovereign States- the US godvernment doesn't believe in Sovereign unless/until it can use it in a 30 second sound bite, for, you guessed it- propaganda.

Did you use this link too? I am constantly amazed at how quickly the propaganda from the IRNA makes it way down to these sites.

Larijani: Trump commits crime equal with 1953 coup

islamic news.png
In 1953, 67 years ago, the US CIA deposed the elected leader and installed a leader more favorable to the West who would allow British Petroleum to access it's natural resources- yes, there is proof- I've posted several links from different sources with the facts- was it an attack? No, it was a coup. The CIA did the same thing in Guatemala in 1954 using the "threat of communism" as it's excuse- In Iran it was also the "threat of communism" because of the closeness of Russia- even though, Ike and Stalin were buddy's and Russia had no desire to fight the US- propaganda to sell bullshit is what the US (land of the alleged free where Liberty and Justice for ALL is supposed to prevail) excels at. Not a lot different than Hitler who controlled the media is there? National Socialist is what Nazi's were. So were the Fascist and so were the Communist- Central Command and Control- like the US gov't has become, which is a far cry from the original concept of Sovereign States- the US godvernment doesn't believe in Sovereign unless/until it can use it in a 30 second sound bite, for, you guessed it- propaganda.
Issues should be investigated and reported on the 500 channel cable TV system. All issues. Not those politically motivated. It is incredible how much power the FBI and CIA and other alphabet investigative/spy agencies have. Power grew quickly also once they came into existence. With all of their money and resources and reputation I still can not figure out how 9/11 was even possible.

So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.

Trumptards are interesting little cretins. They elected the asshole because he promised to stop meddling in the affairs of foreign countries and bring all our boys home. Nope, military spending is off the chain and he's send THOUSANDS more troops into the Middle East.

So now they're put in a position where they MUST DEFEND DOTARD NO MATTER WHAT.

Watching them squirm is pretty amazing.
Guess this defeats the Russia narrative being pushed about Trump, not that it had any weight anyway!

Notice they can only cite one of their claims and it is based on false allegations of the Iranian government, but to the far left allegedly means they are guilty.

They lie to protect their debunked cult propaganda!

I think the Russians are as horrified as we are... They probably never thought Trump would be as bad as he is.

Correct - The Russians are none too happy about this bullshit.

Lavrov to Pompeo: Qasem Soleimani assassination is violation of international law

Let’s be clear. Obama gave billions to a state sponsor of terrorism.

Either Obama was a piece of shit knowing that the money he gave his Mullah buddies was going to be used to finance terrorism or he was a complete idiot not knowing.

However, in Obama's case it was probably both.
Big difference between Trump and Obama is this:
Trump has balls
Obama has a vagina.

Meh - Trump has a tiny mushroom penis, balls the size of a BB and a skin so thin you could pierce it with a feather.
Part of that means we need to make sure people who are favorable to our nation are in power around the world.
Show me that in the constitution- I'll show you the quotes about foreign entanglement and trading with all- we NEED to mind our own business- that many desire world domination is what you're talking about- desire and need are not the same thing- world domination is contrary to our founding principles of "sovereign States"- sovereign is control of a limited sphere which is why political hacks don't use the word except to rile the ignorant- it is the principle of One World Order, control over the world- read my lips, no new taxes NWO personified man, Bush! - colonizing the world is creating an Empire which the founders gave their lives and fortunes for to get out from under- WTF do you think others are going to do with your contrived bullshit? Bow down? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction- the reaction timeline is assigned AFTER the fact- but, it is equal.
Doesn't the bible (christian alleged belief system) say something about an eye for an eye? Or, does that apply only to those considered infidels? The hypocrisy of Double Standards has been this once potentially great Country's demise and those Double Standards are cheered on by alleged christians who believe their god is superior to someone else's and spout their bullshit while acting exactly the way they're condemning others for acting then bitching, whining, crying and spouting bullshit wrapped in some super special patriotic crap while holding their hands over their heart saying the pledge of allegiance and not believing a fucking word they're saying= hypocrite.
You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Dude, do you seriously think Iran wants a war with the US? They always talk big, but behind closed doors the regime knows they would be annihilated. Obama would have backed down from their threats because, well, he is a wuss, but they likely know to be careful with Trump. They want to remain in power and they KNOW that going to war with the US would result in them be dead and/or out of power just like Saddam. Let me guess, their Republican National Guard is going to wreak havoc and rain down great suffering on US invaders. LOL...I can't believe some folks still fall for that crap.
Iran not wanting war does not mean it will not retaliate.
Obama is so much smarter than you stupid Trump fucks. The Iran nuje deal would give the Iranian citizens a taste of life no under so many sanctions & what their lives would be if Iran were an accepted country on the world stage.

Trump comes along & stops all of this & restarts the cold war with Iran.

Is the U.S. now going to ignore foreign policy & try to bully all countries into submission?

Does Trump know who has Iran's back?

Iran will not want a military war but has enough influence to kill lots of people.

I guess you are too stupid to know that the US military had the power in Afghanistan & Iraq & how did that work.

Trump is a fool & everyone who is backing him is a bigger fool.
You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Dude, do you seriously think Iran wants a war with the US? They always talk big, but behind closed doors the regime knows they would be annihilated. Obama would have backed down from their threats because, well, he is a wuss, but they likely know to be careful with Trump. They want to remain in power and they KNOW that going to war with the US would result in them be dead and/or out of power just like Saddam. Let me guess, their Republican National Guard is going to wreak havoc and rain down great suffering on US invaders. LOL...I can't believe some folks still fall for that crap.

The US still can't do boots on the Ground in Iran. Sure, Sea and Air Power. but to win a war, you have to put boots on the ground. And the surrounding Nations may not want to participate and allow their countries to be used as staging points since they become targets for Iranian Missiles in their Cities and Oil Fields. I'll guarentee that Iraq won't allow it and neither will Saudi Arabia. You can only do so much from Diego Garcia and Carriers.
But we did so well in Afghanistan & Iraq.

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