Over 4 decades Iran has been attacking the USA


Good thing Obama gave billions to Iran to help build their military and terrorist groups.

What we are seeing in Iraq is the consequence of Obama empowering Iran to become more of a regional power with a ton of money. Everybody warned that this was going to happen when Obama legitimized Iran with that stupid deal that he and Kerry made.

The damage that Obama did while President lives on.

If I were an Iraqi I’d be pretty miffed that my politicians were now Iranian puppets.

Let's be really fucking clear here. This was not a deal that Obama and Kerry made. This was a deal made by Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Germany and the USA.


So just stop with the Anti-Obama lies and start dealing with WHY no one, not the American people and not your allies, are prepared to either believe Donald Trump or follow him into yet another stupid war, to avoid facing his impeachment at home.
So you are heading down to the recruiter tomorrow to sign up, Mormon Bob?

Didn't think so.

Not eligible. I don't remember what the cutoff age is for joining the military, but at fifty-seven years, I'm well past it. Also, diabetic, and recovering from a broken leg.

Here's the thing. We only have a problem with Iran because they are standing on a lot of oil and won't give it to us, which is their right.

Forty years ago, Carter should have handed over the Shah for execution.

We have a problem with them because they attacked our embassy forty years ago, and held dozens of our diplomats prisoner for well over a year. Also because they are the root of all the trouble that we and the rest of the world have had with Islamist-based terrorism.

If Carter wasn't such a worthless pussy, he would have seen to it that this threat was stopped then and there, and not allowed to fester and spread as a disease across that part of the world of the world for generations to come.
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Good thing Obama gave billions to Iran to help build their military and terrorist groups.

What we are seeing in Iraq is the consequence of Obama empowering Iran to become more of a regional power with a ton of money. Everybody warned that this was going to happen when Obama legitimized Iran with that stupid deal that he and Kerry made.

The damage that Obama did while President lives on.

If I were an Iraqi I’d be pretty miffed that my politicians were now Iranian puppets.

Let's be really fucking clear here. This was not a deal that Obama and Kerry made. This was a deal made by Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Germany and the USA.


So just stop with the Anti-Obama lies and start dealing with WHY no one, not the American people and not your allies, are prepared to either believe Donald Trump or follow him into yet another stupid war, to avoid facing his impeachment at home.
Let’s be clear. Obama gave billions to a state sponsor of terrorism.
Iran was found to be responsible for multiple American Deaths and had judgments against them for Billions of Dollars in both US and International Courts.

That money belonged to US Citizens.

We also found out that Obama Bin Lying HID the fact that Obama Bin Laden was being financed by Iran and being given Material and Logistical Support by General Soleimani.

Obama knew both of these facts YET still GAVE Iran $150 Billion plus interest that belonged to Iran’s Victims. He broke the law to do it BTW. Impeach 44?

Obama should have been tried for Treason and should have been hung or faced a firing squad for treason for that act alone.

Good thing Obama gave billions to Iran to help build their military and terrorist groups.

What we are seeing in Iraq is the consequence of Obama empowering Iran to become more of a regional power with a ton of money. Everybody warned that this was going to happen when Obama legitimized Iran with that stupid deal that he and Kerry made.

The damage that Obama did while President lives on.

If I were an Iraqi I’d be pretty miffed that my politicians were now Iranian puppets.

Let's be really fucking clear here. This was not a deal that Obama and Kerry made. This was a deal made by Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Germany and the USA.


So just stop with the Anti-Obama lies and start dealing with WHY no one, not the American people and not your allies, are prepared to either believe Donald Trump or follow him into yet another stupid war, to avoid facing his impeachment at home.

Let’s be clear. Obama gave billions to a state sponsor of terrorism.

Either Obama was a piece of shit knowing that the money he gave his Mullah buddies was going to be used to finance terrorism or he was a complete idiot not knowing.

However, in Obama's case it was probably both.

Let’s be clear. Obama gave billions to a state sponsor of terrorism.

Either Obama was a piece of shit knowing that the money he gave his Mullah buddies was going to be used to finance terrorism or he was a complete idiot not knowing.

However, in Obama's case it was probably both.
All that $$$ to get Iran to make a pinky promise not to develop a nuclear weapons program. Idiotic.
But you don't hate the Democrats for a 3 year long witch hunt which uncovered nothing but process crimes and Democrat's plots to interfere with the election and ultimately ending in a baseless impeachment that will be the premise for every future President and Congress. If the ruling party doesn't like what the President is doing, impeach him/her. That will be the new norm. You like that drama and that made for TV stuff.

Actually, that line was crossed when Republicans impeached Clinton over a blow job. Don't come whining back to me that when Trump got caught committing actual crimes, they impeached him.

Trump is doing the same thing Clinton did in 1998. Bomb something to distract attention. Except today everyone remembers he was impeached and no one even remembers that we bombed Iraq in December 1998.
Clinton lies under oath...a crime. Not one crime is listed in the Articles of impeachment brought forth by House Democrats. Not one.

Let’s be clear. Obama gave billions to a state sponsor of terrorism.

Either Obama was a piece of shit knowing that the money he gave his Mullah buddies was going to be used to finance terrorism or he was a complete idiot not knowing.

However, in Obama's case it was probably both.
All that $$$ to get Iran to make a pinky promise not to develop a nuclear weapons program. Idiotic.

...with no American inspectors, almost a month notice before inpsecions and no looking on military installations.

That treaty was a joke and Obama and Kerry are traitors for negotiating it.

This Iranian influence in Iraq we are seeing now is the world reaping the consequences of Obama's Mullah ass kissing foreign policy.

Obama, worst President ever.

To add to the OP from the link:

For almost four decades, Iran and its terrorist proxies have targeted American civilians and military personnel. From the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut to more than a decade of attacks against U.S. military personnel in Iraq, Iran’s terrorist proxies have killed more Americans than any terrorist group other than al-Qaida. These attacks underscore Iran’s malign activities in the region and beyond. Congress and the administration must continue to confront Iran’s regional aggression and support for terrorism.

HOSTAGES HELD AT U.S. EMBASSY IN IRAN A group of Iranian students backed by Islamic Revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini took control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, holding 52 U.S. diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days.

MINE ATTACK IN THE PERSIAN GULF Iran—in violation of international law—mined the Persian Gulf. In 1988, one such mine struck the U.S. Navy guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts, injuring 10 sailors and blowing a 15-foot hole in the vessel’s hull.

TRUCK BOMBING IN SAUDI ARABIA Hezbollah terrorists—with Iranian backing and support—attacked U.S. military forces housed in the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 Americans and wounding 372.

SUICIDE BOMBINGS IN LEBANON The Iranian-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah—founded, armed, trained and funded by Iran—conducted two suicide bombings in Lebanon: the April bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut killed 17 Americans and the October bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut killed 241 Americans.

SUPPORT FOR 9/11 HIJACKERS Iran knowingly permitted members of al-Qaida, including several of the 9/11 hijackers, to transit Iranian territory on their way to Afghanistan for training. In April 2018, a U.S. judge ordered Iran to pay $6 billion to the families of 9/11 victims for supporting the hijackers.

DEADLY IRANIAN INFLUENCE IN IRAQ Iranian-backed Shiite militias in Iraq killed hundreds of U.S. service members and civilians. Iran provided training and material support for repeated attacks on U.S. personnel with conventional weapons and missiles, as well as sophisticated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and explosively formed projectiles (EFPs).

OCTOBER 2018 UNJUSTLY DETAINING AMERICANS Iran has imprisoned U.S. citizens on spurious charges and without due process for decades. Former FBI agent Bob Levinson has not been heard from since he was arrested in Iran in 2007.

ATTACKS ON U.S. INTERESTS IN AFRICA Members of the IRGC in Nigeria were arrested for planning bombings targeting American- and other Western-affiliated destinations in the country.

HARASSMENT IN THE PERSIAN GULF Iran’s military has repeatedly taken a range of provocative actions against Americans in international waters, including charging American ships at close range as well as the seizure of two naval vessels and 10 U.S. sailors in January 2016.

ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT IN D.C. American law enforcement disrupted a plot backed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. by bombing a popular restaurant in Washington, D.C.

HEZBOLLAH PLOTS ATTACKS IN U.S. In June 2017, two Hezbollah operatives were arrested for conducting surveillance of U.S. military and law enforcement facilities, as well as airports, in New York City in preparation for terrorist attacks against Americans.

AGENTS OF IRAN IN THE U.S. In August 2018, two Iranian agents were arrested for surveilling potential terrorist targets in the United States, including Israeli and Jewish targets in Chicago.

IRANIAN PROXIES TARGET U.S. DIPLOMATS Iranian-backed terrorist proxies in Iraq launched attacks against the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the U.S. Consulate in Basra. The funding and training for these assaults came directly from Iran.
Don’t forget the USS Cole-
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
USS Cole bombing. In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iranand Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iranwas directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal
First off, we aren't going to war. Iran is smarter than the leftists in our country that promote this nonsense. Secondly, Trump didn't fabricate anything. He killed a general who supported terrorism against the US. Lastly, this impeachment is a no-go in the US. Thinking people know it is a farce and a travesty that demeans the process and will forever change the country to the negative. It is only the trained lemmings that vote for Democrats that believe this impeachment has any leg to stand on.

Let's see the evidence that this guy was planning more attacks.

Sorry, after the whole "Saddam has WMD's and he's going to get us!" I want to see what the evidence is for an illegal assassination.
It’s most likely classified as “secret” and we cannot compromise our intelligence assets on the ground in Iraq. Perhaps we have a “whistleblower” who heard third hand information of his phone calls. :biggrin:

Let’s be clear. Obama gave billions to a state sponsor of terrorism.

Either Obama was a piece of shit knowing that the money he gave his Mullah buddies was going to be used to finance terrorism or he was a complete idiot not knowing.

However, in Obama's case it was probably both.
Big difference between Trump and Obama is this:
Trump has balls
Obama has a vagina.
In 1953, 67 years ago, the US CIA deposed the elected leader and installed a leader more favorable to the West who would allow British Petroleum to access it's natural resources- yes, there is proof- I've posted several links from different sources with the facts- was it an attack? No, it was a coup. The CIA did the same thing in Guatemala in 1954 using the "threat of communism" as it's excuse- In Iran it was also the "threat of communism" because of the closeness of Russia- even though, Ike and Stalin were buddy's and Russia had no desire to fight the US- propaganda to sell bullshit is what the US (land of the alleged free where Liberty and Justice for ALL is supposed to prevail) excels at. Not a lot different than Hitler who controlled the media is there? National Socialist is what Nazi's were. So were the Fascist and so were the Communist- Central Command and Control- like the US gov't has become, which is a far cry from the original concept of Sovereign States- the US godvernment doesn't believe in Sovereign unless/until it can use it in a 30 second sound bite, for, you guessed it- propaganda.

Let’s be clear. Obama gave billions to a state sponsor of terrorism.

Either Obama was a piece of shit knowing that the money he gave his Mullah buddies was going to be used to finance terrorism or he was a complete idiot not knowing.

However, in Obama's case it was probably both.
Big difference between Trump and Obama is this:
Trump has balls
Obama has a vagina.

Can I suggest another difference?

Trump works for the American people.

Obama worked for his Muslim brothers.

Good thing Obama gave billions to Iran to help build their military and terrorist groups.

What we are seeing in Iraq is the consequence of Obama empowering Iran to become more of a regional power with a ton of money. Everybody warned that this was going to happen when Obama legitimized Iran with that stupid deal that he and Kerry made.

The damage that Obama did while President lives on.

If I were an Iraqi I’d be pretty miffed that my politicians were now Iranian puppets.

Let's be really fucking clear here. This was not a deal that Obama and Kerry made. This was a deal made by Russia, China, Great Britain, France, Germany and the USA.


So just stop with the Anti-Obama lies and start dealing with WHY no one, not the American people and not your allies, are prepared to either believe Donald Trump or follow him into yet another stupid war, to avoid facing his impeachment at home.
Stop lying. The Supreme Court ruled the money was to be used for the victims of Iranian terrorism.
Not eligible. I don't remember what the cutoff age is for joining the military, but at fifty-seven years, I'm well past it. Also, diabetic, and recovering from a broken leg.

Excuses excuses... you guys need to totally sign up. Let's get all you right wingers out there, and give these kids a break.

We have a problem with them because they attacked our embassy forty years ago, and held dozens of our diplomats prisoner for well over a year. Also because they are the root of all the trouble that we and the rest of the world have had with Islamist-based terrorism.

I think you are showing a profound misunderstanding of Islam.

First, the Iranians are "Shi'ites". most of the terrorist groups that we've been fighting with are Sunni. It's like blaming the Mormons for what the Jehovah's Witnesses are doing.

Iran took our people hostage because we admitted the Shah into the US, which they believed was the precursor to us attempting another coup like we did in 1953 when we put him back into power.

The root of all our trouble are our boneheaded policies....

but I have the solution. What we need to do is start a draft of just right wingers and their children... you guys would be a lot less keen on war if that were the case, I'll bet.
Don’t forget the USS Cole-
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
USS Cole bombing. In March 2015, U.S. federal judge Rudolph Contreras found both Iranand Sudan complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole by al Qaeda, stating that "Iranwas directly involved in establishing Al-Qaeda's Yemen network and supported training and logistics for Al-Qaeda in the Gulf region" through Hezbollah. Two previous federal

Um, hey, I have proof the Iranians sank the Lustiania and kidnapped the Lindbergh baby... I mean, why not, we can blame them for everything by that standard.
In 1953, 67 years ago, the US CIA deposed the elected leader and installed a leader more favorable to the West who would allow British Petroleum to access it's natural resources- yes, there is proof- I've posted several links from different sources with the facts- was it an attack? No, it was a coup. The CIA did the same thing in Guatemala in 1954 using the "threat of communism" as it's excuse- In Iran it was also the "threat of communism" because of the closeness of Russia- even though, Ike and Stalin were buddy's and Russia had no desire to fight the US- propaganda to sell bullshit is what the US (land of the alleged free where Liberty and Justice for ALL is supposed to prevail) excels at. Not a lot different than Hitler who controlled the media is there? National Socialist is what Nazi's were. So were the Fascist and so were the Communist- Central Command and Control- like the US gov't has become, which is a far cry from the original concept of Sovereign States- the US godvernment doesn't believe in Sovereign unless/until it can use it in a 30 second sound bite, for, you guessed it- propaganda.
Good move by U.S. back in 1953. Carter did not stand by the Shah in 1979 who was an ally.

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