Over 4 decades Iran has been attacking the USA

So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.
/----/ As a good little useful idiot, you want to roll over and play dead while they murder Americans? What's your solution?

Yes, this is what leftists do. They are wussies, first and foremost, ignorant idiots secondly.

So you fabricate a war with a country because you insane leader wants to take your mind off his impeachment? I can think of at least two other world leaders that did something similar in the 20th century. And they rode both of their countries into the ground.

First off, we aren't going to war. Iran is smarter than the leftists in our country that promote this nonsense. Secondly, Trump didn't fabricate anything. He killed a general who supported terrorism against the US. Lastly, this impeachment is a no-go in the US. Thinking people know it is a farce and a travesty that demeans the process and will forever change the country to the negative. It is only the trained lemmings that vote for Democrats that believe this impeachment has any leg to stand on.
Yeah, they are horrified alright. The US is gaining more and more power both economically and militarily under Trump. They are hoping for a Socialist to get elected to ruin our economy and weaken our military. They are and enemy and don't want us to be successful. Ignorant leftists can't seem to get this through their thick skulls.

Again, they are horrified for the same reason our allies are horrified.

Having a strong military is kind of meaningless if you have kids going to be hungry at night.

More far left propaganda! Then again kids going hungry is happening in far left controlled cities. That is why you never vote far left!

Ever been to the Appalachians? That's hard core Rump country. It's also the hardest hit poverty areas in the United States and it's abject poverty is white as well as black. They don't live in Cities or even large towns. Rump made promises to those people and they voted for him because he promised them hope. Hope they never had before. And what's sad, they'll vote for him again even though even more of them lost their jobs and the poverty and hunger is just as bad. Go figure.

More lost their jobs under Trump than under Obama? Do tell.
does Trump know this is not a gameshow? this is not a game! american lives are at stake, my friends!
In this case, if these latest series of lies are followed up on and Congress doesn't act, break out the body bags, lots of body bags for Americans and Iranians.

Obama did not need Congress for his illegal wars, funny now how they demand Trump consult them.

If Trump wants something then the far left will automatically oppose it.

If Trump does not want it the the far left will want it!

If anything this will expedite the departure of the US Military out of Iraq.

Many will find this as a good thing.

It's ain't partisan anymore. It's headed for War. War between two nations. Iran ain't Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. It's going to come to our shores as well as all over the globe. WE may not have boots on the ground inside of Iran but our Navy and Air Force is going to suffer losses and only be able to go only so far in before it's too costly to go any further. And don't look for the other Middle Eastern Countries to be that keen on helping out or allowing our troops to use their countries as jumping off points. Saudi Arabia is well within Irans Missile Range as it is and so is most of the others. Rump has no idea the can of worms he's opening up.

The US military could absolutely pummel Iran if we chose to do so. They speak in hyperbole about their military might. Admittedly, they have more than most other countries in that region, but in comparison, the US would obliterate them if we don't pussyfoot around. My biggest concern would be an escalation with other countries getting involved(Russia, China, etc.). Iran vs the US and its allies(Israel) is no competition whatsoever.

Read the last part of the Bible.

Yes, I agree with that. Escalation is the potential issue. The end of times will begin from the ME, just not sure this is it. If so, I am ready.
It is possible that the fire will take for good in the Middle East but nobody can say that they did not seek the conflict not directly but almost.
Since the time they are looking for it and we feel the fear at least here on television everyone Tighten their buttocks.
does Trump know this is not a gameshow? this is not a game! american lives are at stake, my friends!
/----/ Since when is killing a terrorist who targets Americans a game? You just hate Trump and no matter what he does or doesn't do, you will whine like a little girly man.

And where is your fake, phony outrage over this:
The kill list: Islamic State leaders taken off the ...
The kill list: Islamic State leaders taken off the battlefield
Obama's administration has authorized Navy SEALs to kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and approved the fatal drone strike on an American cleric in Yemen. Here is a look at targeted killings under the Obama administration.
Faruq Qatani | Al Qaeda
When: Death announced Nov. 4, 2016
How: A precision airstrike carried out by the United States military on Oct. 23, 2016
Where: Kunar Province, Afghanistan
Qatani was a top Al Qaeda leader in the eastern part of Afghanistan and one of Al Qaeda's "senior plotters of attacks against the United States," according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Defense.

Yes, I'm sure that the Israeli AIPAC has a fair and balance history of Iranian aggressions. Why don't you post a similar history of all of the things that were done to the Iranian people by the Shah of Iran with the support of the USA - the thousands of Iranians murdered by the Shah. Better dead than red.

The Iranian people have millions of good and valid reasons for hating America, and Trump is just adding to them.

How The CIA Overthrew Iran's Democracy In 4 Days

Carter, Rockefeller And The Shah Of Iran: What 1979 Can Teach Us About The Dangers Of Shadow Diplomacy
If congress doesn't act then there is going to be some house cleaning in November big time

A lot can happen in 9-10 months.....

What is Trump's strategy on Iran?
He said the US had identified 52 Iranian sites, some "at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture", and warned they would be "HIT VERY FAST AND HARD" if Tehran struck at the US.
Trump is all about US air power, while formidable , how will the mullahs and clerics from multiple theocracies view their people decimated ?

And right after that, the New President and the New Congress will work out a peace treaty with the new Iranian Government.

we had one, Trump turned his back on the JCPOA, despite the other states still in on it

It was one of Trump's campaign promises

So in Iranian eyes, we did not want peace, we wanted war

a rolling thunder redux (Trump must be channeling McNamara) foisted in another administrations lap makes peace a rough row to hoe....

Good thing Obama gave billions to Iran to help build their military and terrorist groups.
about time someone did something about them.

Or we could just stop kicking the hornet's nest, that would work, too.

But since you want to go there, let's take all you right wingers with your privately owned AR-15's, and send you over to fight htem.
Draft trump.jpg
about time someone did something about them.

Or we could just stop kicking the hornet's nest, that would work, too.

But since you want to go there, let's take all you right wingers with your privately owned AR-15's, and send you over to fight htem.
View attachment 298485
/-----/ How stupid. But I understand stupidity is all you have.

I think it's a very good idea. Clearly you a$$hats have been over-dosing on testosterone and need an outlet. You've expressed your willingness to die for your President, well he'll give you an opportunity to do just that. Or are you just as cowardly as your President, who is too scared of being shot, to visit the troops in the field?

Good thing Obama gave billions to Iran to help build their military and terrorist groups.

What we are seeing in Iraq is the consequence of Obama empowering Iran to become more of a regional power with a ton of money. Everybody warned that this was going to happen when Obama legitimized Iran with that stupid deal that he and Kerry made.

The damage that Obama did while President lives on.

If I were an Iraqi I’d be pretty miffed that my politicians were now Iranian puppets.
about time someone did something about them.

Or we could just stop kicking the hornet's nest, that would work, too.

But since you want to go there, let's take all you right wingers with your privately owned AR-15's, and send you over to fight htem.
View attachment 298485
/-----/ How stupid. But I understand stupidity is all you have.

I think it's a very good idea. Clearly you a$$hats have been over-dosing on testosterone and need an outlet. You've expressed your willingness to die for your President, well he'll give you an opportunity to do just that. Or are you just as cowardly as your President, who is too scared of being shot, to visit the troops in the field?

When Obama killed Bin Laden and dumped his body in the ocean none of you leftists were worried about the world's reaction. :eusa_hand:
So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.

We're already in that war, and have been, for forty years.

It's way past time that we treat it seriously, as the war that it is and has long been, and do what it take to end it, forcefully and decisively. If Carter hadn't been such a worthless coward, we could have done so a long time ago.
But you don't hate the Democrats for a 3 year long witch hunt which uncovered nothing but process crimes and Democrat's plots to interfere with the election and ultimately ending in a baseless impeachment that will be the premise for every future President and Congress. If the ruling party doesn't like what the President is doing, impeach him/her. That will be the new norm. You like that drama and that made for TV stuff.

Actually, that line was crossed when Republicans impeached Clinton over a blow job. Don't come whining back to me that when Trump got caught committing actual crimes, they impeached him.

Trump is doing the same thing Clinton did in 1998. Bomb something to distract attention. Except today everyone remembers he was impeached and no one even remembers that we bombed Iraq in December 1998.
We're already in that war, and have been, for forty years.

It's way past time that we treat it seriously, as the war that it is and has long been, and do what it take to end it, forcefully and decisively. If Carter hadn't been such a worthless coward, we could have done so a long time ago.

So you are heading down to the recruiter tomorrow to sign up, Mormon Bob?

Didn't think so.

Here's the thing. We only have a problem with Iran because they are standing on a lot of oil and won't give it to us, which is their right.

Forty years ago, Carter should have handed over the Shah for execution.

So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.
Trump has told over 12,567 lies.
And they all came from the leftists.
First off, we aren't going to war. Iran is smarter than the leftists in our country that promote this nonsense. Secondly, Trump didn't fabricate anything. He killed a general who supported terrorism against the US. Lastly, this impeachment is a no-go in the US. Thinking people know it is a farce and a travesty that demeans the process and will forever change the country to the negative. It is only the trained lemmings that vote for Democrats that believe this impeachment has any leg to stand on.

Let's see the evidence that this guy was planning more attacks.

Sorry, after the whole "Saddam has WMD's and he's going to get us!" I want to see what the evidence is for an illegal assassination.
We do Not need their oil.

We have called Wells that are sitting Idle. OPEC has been drastically reducing their production trying to drive up Oil and it’s having little impact.

We're already in that war, and have been, for forty years.

It's way past time that we treat it seriously, as the war that it is and has long been, and do what it take to end it, forcefully and decisively. If Carter hadn't been such a worthless coward, we could have done so a long time ago.

So you are heading down to the recruiter tomorrow to sign up, Mormon Bob?

Didn't think so.

Here's the thing. We only have a problem with Iran because they are standing on a lot of oil and won't give it to us, which is their right.

Forty years ago, Carter should have handed over the Shah for execution.

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