Over 4 decades Iran has been attacking the USA

Dude, do you seriously think Iran wants a war with the US? They always talk big, but behind closed doors the regime knows they would be annihilated. Obama would have backed down from their threats because, well, he is a wuss, but they likely know to be careful with Trump. They want to remain in power and they KNOW that going to war with the US would result in them be dead and/or out of power just like Saddam. Let me guess, their Republican National Guard is going to wreak havoc and rain down great suffering on US invaders. LOL...I can't believe some folks still fall for that crap.

Hey, guy, we are into year 19 of the War on Terror...

We don't have the capability to invade Iran, and bombing them will just mean we'll have big pictures of dead Iranian kids being pulled out of rubble, which isn't going to endear us in the Islamic World.

Trump just kicked a hornet's nest, and we are going to get stung.

Whatever you think, but forgive me if I choose not to believe anyway so ignorant to support Warren for President. You have zero credibility.

I've got news for you. Israel is VERY strong in an of itself. They have been restrained by past US administrations. If we let them lose to protect their soil, they don't play. They would be a HUGE problem for Iran by themselves, just more so with US support.
Iraq: Protesters celebrate as head of Iran's Quds force General Soleimani killed in US airstrike

Okay, if you believe that. The live feed shows thousands... this is only a few dozen.

Yes just the spin you would expect!

But Obama let Russia, China and Iran become world powers

Now we have to deal with horrible decision!
Dude, do you seriously think Iran wants a war with the US? They always talk big, but behind closed doors the regime knows they would be annihilated. Obama would have backed down from their threats because, well, he is a wuss, but they likely know to be careful with Trump. They want to remain in power and they KNOW that going to war with the US would result in them be dead and/or out of power just like Saddam. Let me guess, their Republican National Guard is going to wreak havoc and rain down great suffering on US invaders. LOL...I can't believe some folks still fall for that crap.

Hey, guy, we are into year 19 of the War on Terror...

We don't have the capability to invade Iran, and bombing them will just mean we'll have big pictures of dead Iranian kids being pulled out of rubble, which isn't going to endear us in the Islamic World.

Trump just kicked a hornet's nest, and we are going to get stung.

Whatever you think, but forgive me if I choose not to believe anyway so ignorant to support Warren for President. You have zero credibility.

I've got news for you. Israel is VERY strong in an of itself. They have been restrained by past US administrations. If we let them lose to protect their soil, they don't play. They would be a HUGE problem for Iran by themselves, just more so with US support.

But they still could not invade.
There is no way to excuse the 1953 coup d'état as the major reason for Iran's feelings today.
The far left is horrified? No they just hate Trump and it does not matter what he does!

No, we hate Trump because he does shit like this. He thinks that running the country is like hosting a fake reality TV show.

"Impeachment? Let's up the drama by starting a war with Iran! Tune in next week!"

So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.
/----/ As a good little useful idiot, you want to roll over and play dead while they murder Americans? What's your solution?
Guess this defeats the Russia narrative being pushed about Trump, not that it had any weight anyway!

Notice they can only cite one of their claims and it is based on false allegations of the Iranian government, but to the far left allegedly means they are guilty.

They lie to protect their debunked cult propaganda!

I think the Russians are as horrified as we are... They probably never thought Trump would be as bad as he is.

Yeah, they are horrified alright. The US is gaining more and more power both economically and militarily under Trump. They are hoping for a Socialist to get elected to ruin our economy and weaken our military. They are and enemy and don't want us to be successful. Ignorant leftists can't seem to get this through their thick skulls.

So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.
/----/ As a good little useful idiot, you want to roll over and play dead while they murder Americans? What's your solution?

Yes, this is what leftists do. They are wussies, first and foremost, ignorant idiots secondly.
Whatever you think, but forgive me if I choose not to believe anyway so ignorant to support Warren for President. You have zero credibility.

I've got news for you. Israel is VERY strong in an of itself. They have been restrained by past US administrations. If we let them lose to protect their soil, they don't play. They would be a HUGE problem for Iran by themselves, just more so with US support.

Warren wouldn't have violated international law by ordering an illegal assassination. But you could say that of any Democrat, really.

The Zionist Entity is absolutely worthless as an ally in the region. The one thing they ALL agree on is how much they fucking hate Israel. This is why Saddam dropped Scuds on them in 1991.. He was hoping for a response that would unite the Arab World behind him.

Let's also not forget, the Zionists haven't won a war without the US bailing them out since 1967.
The far left is horrified? No they just hate Trump and it does not matter what he does!

No, we hate Trump because he does shit like this. He thinks that running the country is like hosting a fake reality TV show.

"Impeachment? Let's up the drama by starting a war with Iran! Tune in next week!"

No you hate Trump because he beat your Hilary warmongering machine as you ignored the illegal wars of Obama!

But you continue running the debunked far left cult propaganda!

But if you want to pay more in taxes, by all means pay more, do not wait for someone to make you do it!

Do not participate in the economy if you are that upset!

But no matter what you post here and no matter what the far left cult does, they have ensured a Trump 2020 victory!
Yeah, they are horrified alright. The US is gaining more and more power both economically and militarily under Trump. They are hoping for a Socialist to get elected to ruin our economy and weaken our military. They are and enemy and don't want us to be successful. Ignorant leftists can't seem to get this through their thick skulls.

Again, they are horrified for the same reason our allies are horrified.

Having a strong military is kind of meaningless if you have kids going to be hungry at night.
Whatever you think, but forgive me if I choose not to believe anyway so ignorant to support Warren for President. You have zero credibility.

I've got news for you. Israel is VERY strong in an of itself. They have been restrained by past US administrations. If we let them lose to protect their soil, they don't play. They would be a HUGE problem for Iran by themselves, just more so with US support.

Warren wouldn't have violated international law by ordering an illegal assassination. But you could say that of any Democrat, really.

The Zionist Entity is absolutely worthless as an ally in the region. The one thing they ALL agree on is how much they fucking hate Israel. This is why Saddam dropped Scuds on them in 1991.. He was hoping for a response that would unite the Arab World behind him.

Let's also not forget, the Zionists haven't won a war without the US bailing them out since 1967.

Yes and the far left promotes fascism! But that is what you want!
Yeah, they are horrified alright. The US is gaining more and more power both economically and militarily under Trump. They are hoping for a Socialist to get elected to ruin our economy and weaken our military. They are and enemy and don't want us to be successful. Ignorant leftists can't seem to get this through their thick skulls.

Again, they are horrified for the same reason our allies are horrified.

Having a strong military is kind of meaningless if you have kids going to be hungry at night.

More far left propaganda! Then again kids going hungry is happening in far left controlled cities. That is why you never vote far left!
The far left is horrified? No they just hate Trump and it does not matter what he does!

No, we hate Trump because he does shit like this. He thinks that running the country is like hosting a fake reality TV show.

"Impeachment? Let's up the drama by starting a war with Iran! Tune in next week!"

But you don't hate the Democrats for a 3 year long witch hunt which uncovered nothing but process crimes and Democrat's plots to interfere with the election and ultimately ending in a baseless impeachment that will be the premise for every future President and Congress. If the ruling party doesn't like what the President is doing, impeach him/her. That will be the new norm. You like that drama and that made for TV stuff.


So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.
/----/ As a good little useful idiot, you want to roll over and play dead while they murder Americans? What's your solution?

Yes, this is what leftists do. They are wussies, first and foremost, ignorant idiots secondly.

So you fabricate a war with a country because you insane leader wants to take your mind off his impeachment? I can think of at least two other world leaders that did something similar in the 20th century. And they rode both of their countries into the ground.

So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.
/----/ As a good little useful idiot, you want to roll over and play dead while they murder Americans? What's your solution?

Yes, this is what leftists do. They are wussies, first and foremost, ignorant idiots secondly.

So you fabricate a war with a country because you insane leader wants to take your mind off his impeachment? I can think of at least two other world leaders that did something similar in the 20th century. And they rode both of their countries into the ground.
/----/ Our minds aren't on Impeachment because it's a farce that isn't going anywhere - maybe not even to the Senate for a trial.
Trump took out a terrorist and if he didn't and there was a strike against the US, you would have been first in line to blame him for not acting.
Yeah, they are horrified alright. The US is gaining more and more power both economically and militarily under Trump. They are hoping for a Socialist to get elected to ruin our economy and weaken our military. They are and enemy and don't want us to be successful. Ignorant leftists can't seem to get this through their thick skulls.

Again, they are horrified for the same reason our allies are horrified.

Having a strong military is kind of meaningless if you have kids going to be hungry at night.

You think Russia cares if we have kids that are hungry at night? Enemies would be thrilled if we had a President that was ruining our economy and our military. Isn't that rather obvious?

BTW, the starving folks are largely from inner cities run by leftist kooks. You can walk around Hollywood and see homeless and starving folks. You don't walk around my town in "Jesus land" and see the same.
Yeah, they are horrified alright. The US is gaining more and more power both economically and militarily under Trump. They are hoping for a Socialist to get elected to ruin our economy and weaken our military. They are and enemy and don't want us to be successful. Ignorant leftists can't seem to get this through their thick skulls.

Again, they are horrified for the same reason our allies are horrified.

Having a strong military is kind of meaningless if you have kids going to be hungry at night.

More far left propaganda! Then again kids going hungry is happening in far left controlled cities. That is why you never vote far left!

Ever been to the Appalachians? That's hard core Rump country. It's also the hardest hit poverty areas in the United States and it's abject poverty is white as well as black. They don't live in Cities or even large towns. Rump made promises to those people and they voted for him because he promised them hope. Hope they never had before. And what's sad, they'll vote for him again even though even more of them lost their jobs and the poverty and hunger is just as bad. Go figure.
In this case, if these latest series of lies are followed up on and Congress doesn't act, break out the body bags, lots of body bags for Americans and Iranians.

Obama did not need Congress for his illegal wars, funny now how they demand Trump consult them.

If Trump wants something then the far left will automatically oppose it.

If Trump does not want it the the far left will want it!

If anything this will expedite the departure of the US Military out of Iraq.

Many will find this as a good thing.

It's ain't partisan anymore. It's headed for War. War between two nations. Iran ain't Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. It's going to come to our shores as well as all over the globe. WE may not have boots on the ground inside of Iran but our Navy and Air Force is going to suffer losses and only be able to go only so far in before it's too costly to go any further. And don't look for the other Middle Eastern Countries to be that keen on helping out or allowing our troops to use their countries as jumping off points. Saudi Arabia is well within Irans Missile Range as it is and so is most of the others. Rump has no idea the can of worms he's opening up.

The US military could absolutely pummel Iran if we chose to do so. They speak in hyperbole about their military might. Admittedly, they have more than most other countries in that region, but in comparison, the US would obliterate them if we don't pussyfoot around. My biggest concern would be an escalation with other countries getting involved(Russia, China, etc.). Iran vs the US and its allies(Israel) is no competition whatsoever.
I do not think that others country you are citing would risk making an arm of honor to the Americans ... perhaps our French President the pretentious Macaroni.

Well France did go into Libya and Obama followed in an illegal war!

Also France did go into many African nations, backed by the US in more illegal wars by Obama!

But generally France follows what Germany wants, just look at the EU.
Yes, and also France, Germany signed a deal with Iran the enemy under Obama's mandate that Trump withdraw and they also now all have a tooth against Trump

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