Over 4 decades Iran has been attacking the USA

You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars
Iran will declare war on the US and the US will have to return in kind. Then all bets are off until cooler heads on both sides can come to the table. If things go like they are looking to go then that is where it is headed. Congress can stop it in it's tracks. Or not. And I am not saying removing Rump from Office. They can pass a resolution that is Veto Proof and override him. The Military will follow that resolution to the letter. Of course, that kills any hopes of Rump2020.

No that is what many are hoping for and most of them are far left!

What can I say. Rump had one too many, "Here, hold my beer" moments this time. He's so worried about the Impeachment and the last round of released Emails that he couldn't squelch he had to do something grand. Well he did something grand. He stepped way over the line on this one. His "Here, hold my beer" moment has almost sent the US into another multi decade war. But with a much stronger country than the others we face. And if Congress wishes to stop that war, they need to do something fast, as in by Friday.

Like I said the far left is hoping for war with Iran, thanks for proving my comments!

I am trying to avoid a war, in case you haven't the ability to actually read. You are trying to give Rump another free pass. It's you that are supporting a war. By supporting Rumps actions, that is exactly where it's headed. If it comes, are you going to enlist and put your ass on the line? When the Fanatics start doing overruns on the Outposts and Embassies are you going to volunteer to go over there and put yourself on the firing line? I suggest you enlist Monday Morning in either the Military or some Military Security Group. But get there as quick as possible. You will have to have at least 6 months training before you deploy.

No your not trying to avoid anything, just pushing an agenda.

Obama was much worse than Trump!

I pray that Congress does the right thing on this one. Forget Politics. War isn't something you play with. It's not a meme or a joke. It's not a friggin game. But you seem to think it is because your Mr Bone Spur seems to think so. The US needs to save face on this one. And Rump backing off isn't what we need. We need Congress to step up to the plate and pass a veto proof resolution overriding him and opening up talks with Iran no later than Friday. Rump's attempt at "Hey, look over there" was just too grandiose and dangerous this time. He just as well resign now and let Pence do what is necessary.
No that is what many are hoping for and most of them are far left!

What can I say. Rump had one too many, "Here, hold my beer" moments this time. He's so worried about the Impeachment and the last round of released Emails that he couldn't squelch he had to do something grand. Well he did something grand. He stepped way over the line on this one. His "Here, hold my beer" moment has almost sent the US into another multi decade war. But with a much stronger country than the others we face. And if Congress wishes to stop that war, they need to do something fast, as in by Friday.

Like I said the far left is hoping for war with Iran, thanks for proving my comments!

I am trying to avoid a war, in case you haven't the ability to actually read. You are trying to give Rump another free pass. It's you that are supporting a war. By supporting Rumps actions, that is exactly where it's headed. If it comes, are you going to enlist and put your ass on the line? When the Fanatics start doing overruns on the Outposts and Embassies are you going to volunteer to go over there and put yourself on the firing line? I suggest you enlist Monday Morning in either the Military or some Military Security Group. But get there as quick as possible. You will have to have at least 6 months training before you deploy.

No your not trying to avoid anything, just pushing an agenda.

Obama was much worse than Trump!

I pray that Congress does the right thing on this one. Forget Politics. War isn't something you play with. It's not a meme or a joke. It's not a friggin game. But you seem to think it is because your Mr Bone Spur seems to think so. The US needs to save face on this one. And Rump backing off isn't what we need. We need Congress to step up to the plate and pass a veto proof resolution overriding him and opening up talks with Iran no later than Friday. Rump's attempt at "Hey, look over there" was just too grandiose and dangerous this time. He just as well resign now and let Pence do what is necessary.

Yes you want this now, not under the 8 years of Obama and his illegal wars!

But continue running your propaganda programming!

After 40 years of talks Iran has still attacked American assets!
You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

It's not about Obama. It's about Rump and War with Iran. You are trying to free ride Rump and get us into a full blown war with Iran. And I'll tell you this, Iran isn't going to play by the rules. Get ready for things to go boom inside the US as well.
You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution over President Richard Nixon’s veto. It represented the culmination of a national effort to prevent future presidents from repeating Nixon’s unilateral escalations in Vietnam. The Resolution provides that, when a president commits American forces to a new military engagement, he has 60 days to gain the explicit authorization of Congress for the war. If Congress refuses its consent, the Resolution requires the commander in chief to withdraw his forces from the battlefield within the next 30 days

a little history is in order

Nixon and Kissy got bagged bombing Cambodia , and so a PO'ed Congress decided THEY should have the final say in any WAR declared

Unfortunately , this backfired semantically , because we call it anything BUT a WAR

You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution over President Richard Nixon’s veto. It represented the culmination of a national effort to prevent future presidents from repeating Nixon’s unilateral escalations in Vietnam. The Resolution provides that, when a president commits American forces to a new military engagement, he has 60 days to gain the explicit authorization of Congress for the war. If Congress refuses its consent, the Resolution requires the commander in chief to withdraw his forces from the battlefield within the next 30 days

a little history is in order

Nixon and Kissy got bagged bombing Cambodia , and so a PO'ed Congress decided THEY should have the final say in any WAR declared

Unfortunately , this backfired semantically , because we call it anything BUT a WAR


Unless Congress expressly forbids it from happening from the gitgo. Iran is giving the US a little wiggle room. But not much. This is why I say that Congress needs to do something by Friday or that wiggle room is over and we have two completely insane leaders trying to destroy each other and a lot of Kids are going to die in the process.
You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

It's not about Obama. It's about Rump and War with Iran. You are trying to free ride Rump and get us into a full blown war with Iran. And I'll tell you this, Iran isn't going to play by the rules. Get ready for things to go boom inside the US as well.

And taking out a terrorist in Iraq will start a war with Iran? You are the one wishing for war with Iran, just like the far left!
But our amazing Pres.Trump tells wonderful lies that I want to hear and believe. ... :thup:

In this case, if these latest series of lies are followed up on and Congress doesn't act, break out the body bags, lots of body bags for Americans and Iranians.

Obama did not need Congress for his illegal wars, funny now how they demand Trump consult them.

If Trump wants something then the far left will automatically oppose it.

If Trump does not want it the the far left will want it!

If anything this will expedite the departure of the US Military out of Iraq.

Many will find this as a good thing.

It's ain't partisan anymore. It's headed for War. War between two nations. Iran ain't Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. It's going to come to our shores as well as all over the globe. WE may not have boots on the ground inside of Iran but our Navy and Air Force is going to suffer losses and only be able to go only so far in before it's too costly to go any further. And don't look for the other Middle Eastern Countries to be that keen on helping out or allowing our troops to use their countries as jumping off points. Saudi Arabia is well within Irans Missile Range as it is and so is most of the others. Rump has no idea the can of worms he's opening up.

The US military could absolutely pummel Iran if we chose to do so. They speak in hyperbole about their military might. Admittedly, they have more than most other countries in that region, but in comparison, the US would obliterate them if we don't pussyfoot around. My biggest concern would be an escalation with other countries getting involved(Russia, China, etc.). Iran vs the US and its allies(Israel) is no competition whatsoever.
You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution over President Richard Nixon’s veto. It represented the culmination of a national effort to prevent future presidents from repeating Nixon’s unilateral escalations in Vietnam. The Resolution provides that, when a president commits American forces to a new military engagement, he has 60 days to gain the explicit authorization of Congress for the war. If Congress refuses its consent, the Resolution requires the commander in chief to withdraw his forces from the battlefield within the next 30 days

a little history is in order

Nixon and Kissy got bagged bombing Cambodia , and so a PO'ed Congress decided THEY should have the final say in any WAR declared

Unfortunately , this backfired semantically , because we call it anything BUT a WAR


Yes Obama violated that many times and the far left silent, but he has made it easier for future presidents to not need congress!

Do not like what is happening then you need to blame the far left and remove them from power!

Even Clinton violated this, but no one the left called him out in it, not even Bernie!

But Trump did follow this, despite any claims from the far left cult!
But our amazing Pres.Trump tells wonderful lies that I want to hear and believe. ... :thup:

In this case, if these latest series of lies are followed up on and Congress doesn't act, break out the body bags, lots of body bags for Americans and Iranians.

Obama did not need Congress for his illegal wars, funny now how they demand Trump consult them.

If Trump wants something then the far left will automatically oppose it.

If Trump does not want it the the far left will want it!

If anything this will expedite the departure of the US Military out of Iraq.

Many will find this as a good thing.
but but but Obama........
i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

In 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution over President Richard Nixon’s veto. It represented the culmination of a national effort to prevent future presidents from repeating Nixon’s unilateral escalations in Vietnam. The Resolution provides that, when a president commits American forces to a new military engagement, he has 60 days to gain the explicit authorization of Congress for the war. If Congress refuses its consent, the Resolution requires the commander in chief to withdraw his forces from the battlefield within the next 30 days

a little history is in order

Nixon and Kissy got bagged bombing Cambodia , and so a PO'ed Congress decided THEY should have the final say in any WAR declared

Unfortunately , this backfired semantically , because we call it anything BUT a WAR


Yes Obama violated that many times and the far left silent, but he has made it easier for future presidents to not need congress!

Do not like what is happening then you need to blame the far left and remove them from power!

Even Clinton violated this, but no one the left called him out in it, not even Bernie!

But Trump did follow this, despite any claims from the far left cult!

As i've explained, a bumbling Congress set the stage for any given potus to pull the trigger on any given conflict

This has nothing to do w/party lines, everything to do with their historic ineptitude

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

It's not about Obama. It's about Rump and War with Iran. You are trying to free ride Rump and get us into a full blown war with Iran. And I'll tell you this, Iran isn't going to play by the rules. Get ready for things to go boom inside the US as well.

And taking out a terrorist in Iraq will start a war with Iran? You are the one wishing for war with Iran, just like the far left!

The Target was the General in Charge of the QUD of Iran. Rump could have said, "Oops, My Bad" and it would not have been so ground shaking. Instead he said that was the intended target all along. If ever there was a time for him to lie, this was it. But, no, for once in his life, he chose to tell the truth. And that was an act of War in the eyes of Iran. It doesn't matter what you think. It's what the Iranians think that is meaningful. And either the US finds a way to walk this back or Iran goes to war. So stop with this stupid Free Pass crap. Rump is blowing it really big time and he really doesn't have a way out. Congress is going to have to pull the US out of this one.
You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Dude, do you seriously think Iran wants a war with the US? They always talk big, but behind closed doors the regime knows they would be annihilated. Obama would have backed down from their threats because, well, he is a wuss, but they likely know to be careful with Trump. They want to remain in power and they KNOW that going to war with the US would result in them be dead and/or out of power just like Saddam. Let me guess, their Republican National Guard is going to wreak havoc and rain down great suffering on US invaders. LOL...I can't believe some folks still fall for that crap.
But our amazing Pres.Trump tells wonderful lies that I want to hear and believe. ... :thup:

In this case, if these latest series of lies are followed up on and Congress doesn't act, break out the body bags, lots of body bags for Americans and Iranians.

Obama did not need Congress for his illegal wars, funny now how they demand Trump consult them.

If Trump wants something then the far left will automatically oppose it.

If Trump does not want it the the far left will want it!

If anything this will expedite the departure of the US Military out of Iraq.

Many will find this as a good thing.

It's ain't partisan anymore. It's headed for War. War between two nations. Iran ain't Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. It's going to come to our shores as well as all over the globe. WE may not have boots on the ground inside of Iran but our Navy and Air Force is going to suffer losses and only be able to go only so far in before it's too costly to go any further. And don't look for the other Middle Eastern Countries to be that keen on helping out or allowing our troops to use their countries as jumping off points. Saudi Arabia is well within Irans Missile Range as it is and so is most of the others. Rump has no idea the can of worms he's opening up.

The US military could absolutely pummel Iran if we chose to do so. They speak in hyperbole about their military might. Admittedly, they have more than most other countries in that region, but in comparison, the US would obliterate them if we don't pussyfoot around. My biggest concern would be an escalation with other countries getting involved(Russia, China, etc.). Iran vs the US and its allies(Israel) is no competition whatsoever.

Read the last part of the Bible.
But our amazing Pres.Trump tells wonderful lies that I want to hear and believe. ... :thup:

In this case, if these latest series of lies are followed up on and Congress doesn't act, break out the body bags, lots of body bags for Americans and Iranians.

Obama did not need Congress for his illegal wars, funny now how they demand Trump consult them.

If Trump wants something then the far left will automatically oppose it.

If Trump does not want it the the far left will want it!

If anything this will expedite the departure of the US Military out of Iraq.

Many will find this as a good thing.
but but but Obama........

Yes he set the standard which you ignored at the time and it is now affecting the present!

But what do you expect from the far left cult that ignore the illegal wars of Obama and run their orange man bad narratives ensuring him a win in 2020.

They also do not hold their own in Congress accountable for all of their lies, but the far left will often ignore their own.

All you far left cult members had to do was not act as crazy as Trump, then you doubled down on stupid!
But our amazing Pres.Trump tells wonderful lies that I want to hear and believe. ... :thup:

In this case, if these latest series of lies are followed up on and Congress doesn't act, break out the body bags, lots of body bags for Americans and Iranians.

Obama did not need Congress for his illegal wars, funny now how they demand Trump consult them.

If Trump wants something then the far left will automatically oppose it.

If Trump does not want it the the far left will want it!

If anything this will expedite the departure of the US Military out of Iraq.

Many will find this as a good thing.

It's ain't partisan anymore. It's headed for War. War between two nations. Iran ain't Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. It's going to come to our shores as well as all over the globe. WE may not have boots on the ground inside of Iran but our Navy and Air Force is going to suffer losses and only be able to go only so far in before it's too costly to go any further. And don't look for the other Middle Eastern Countries to be that keen on helping out or allowing our troops to use their countries as jumping off points. Saudi Arabia is well within Irans Missile Range as it is and so is most of the others. Rump has no idea the can of worms he's opening up.

The US military could absolutely pummel Iran if we chose to do so. They speak in hyperbole about their military might. Admittedly, they have more than most other countries in that region, but in comparison, the US would obliterate them if we don't pussyfoot around. My biggest concern would be an escalation with other countries getting involved(Russia, China, etc.). Iran vs the US and its allies(Israel) is no competition whatsoever.

Read the last part of the Bible.

Maybe you should as you clearly do not understand what far left propaganda you are spreading now!

So you want to go into another multi decade war that will never end that can't be won where American Blood is spilled at an alarming rate? If it's allowed to progress as it is, that is exactly what is going to happen. And there will be no winners, only losers. If Congress doesn't step up the plate and do something to stop this, get ready for some real blood letting of Americans even if the US doesn't declare war on Iran. I won't go into how that will be (and it will be) because you are incapable of understanding but fanatics are fanatics.

This time will be different....
Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Free pass on what?

Is Obama Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars?
If his administration gets its way, it would be even easier for future commanders in chief to take military action without approval from Congress.

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars

It's not about Obama. It's about Rump and War with Iran. You are trying to free ride Rump and get us into a full blown war with Iran. And I'll tell you this, Iran isn't going to play by the rules. Get ready for things to go boom inside the US as well.

And taking out a terrorist in Iraq will start a war with Iran? You are the one wishing for war with Iran, just like the far left!

The Target was the General in Charge of the QUD of Iran. Rump could have said, "Oops, My Bad" and it would not have been so ground shaking. Instead he said that was the intended target all along. If ever there was a time for him to lie, this was it. But, no, for once in his life, he chose to tell the truth. And that was an act of War in the eyes of Iran. It doesn't matter what you think. It's what the Iranians think that is meaningful. And either the US finds a way to walk this back or Iran goes to war. So stop with this stupid Free Pass crap. Rump is blowing it really big time and he really doesn't have a way out. Congress is going to have to pull the US out of this one.

The way you talk, the US should be afraid of Iran and not the other way around. They aren't so ignorant, but will continue to talk a big game. Their regime is fragile. The people are becoming more and more Westernized, which they hate. There is a segment of their population that would cheer for the regime to be taken out. Those in the regime are not so stupid as to start a full scale war with the US.
You and your minion clowns only "know" what the media liars tell you.

i'm admittedly a dumb farm hand , but i know when i'm being sh*t , that a lot of young brave American lives are on the line to protect me from something that could have been avoided makes me mad at the administration who blew it

Maybe Trump can send them pallets of cash like Obama did.

So you want to give Rump another free pass. We are past that already. No more free rides. If Rump goes like he says he will we are at war with Iran. If he backs off now, they are still going to go full attack on our Embassies and outposts through the militias and we are at war. The only way we can avoid war is for Congress to step in and stop "Rump in his tracks right now. NO later than Friday.

Dude, do you seriously think Iran wants a war with the US? They always talk big, but behind closed doors the regime knows they would be annihilated. Obama would have backed down from their threats because, well, he is a wuss, but they likely know to be careful with Trump. They want to remain in power and they KNOW that going to war with the US would result in them be dead and/or out of power just like Saddam. Let me guess, their Republican National Guard is going to wreak havoc and rain down great suffering on US invaders. LOL...I can't believe some folks still fall for that crap.

The US still can't do boots on the Ground in Iran. Sure, Sea and Air Power. but to win a war, you have to put boots on the ground. And the surrounding Nations may not want to participate and allow their countries to be used as staging points since they become targets for Iranian Missiles in their Cities and Oil Fields. I'll guarentee that Iraq won't allow it and neither will Saudi Arabia. You can only do so much from Diego Garcia and Carriers.

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