Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

He must work for a small company, less than 50 employees. Don't worry if the Pub plan gets approved, no employer will have to offer health insurance.

By the way Ray, the marketplace is where you should be. That is what its for, those cheap employers who don't offer health insurance share pay.
One thing I would like to know, Ray. I have heard you complain bitterly about how your employer dropped your group insurance plan because of ACA. I have also heard you complain endlessly about poor people who can not afford to have a family, but do not work to improve their skills to earn a good living on their own. My question is this. How much time do you spend per month complaining on this message board about ACA that you can not afford, and welfare taxes that you are burdened with, vs. how much time do you spend per month improving your skills so that you can afford insurance and the onerous taxes you have to pay? I ask, because I don't even work, and I have neither of those problems, and it seems to me that you belong in the same category as the others that you complain about.

Not at all.

One of the problems with Commie Care is that it's across the country, meaning that at any time, any employer can cancel their health benefits where as before, they virtually could not. Learn a new skill? Yes, I guess I could do that. I could attend some kind of trade school, graduate at the age of 59, being a newbie in the field that is trying to find a job at that age with no experience, and then, if by some miracle get a job by the age of 60, then retire when I'm 62, that would make a lot of sense.

In my field of work, the government restricts me from getting good paying jobs because of my disabilities. They allow me to work, but I cannot apply to 95% of the jobs out there. However that's irrelevant since I was quite happy with the company I'm with and planned on retiring there. Then the Democrats gave industry an out when it comes to healthcare benefits. Even at my age, I did inquire with other companies, but they all did the same thing when Commie Care came out. And even if I find one that still provides healthcare benefits, what's stopping them from dropping the coverage once I'm there for a year or two?

That's another thing that bugs me. My sick old ass is waking up every morning to go to work everyday, fighting the government every year to continue working, and my taxes go to support some lowlife half my age who is perfectly healthy and more capable of working than I am. But they don't. We taxpayers have to support them.
You dopes are the same guys who say people shouldn't be forced to get health insurance . So young people don't get health insurance . Guess who has babies ??? YOUNG HEALTHY PEOLPLE!

Yes, it's true we put a lot of aid into having healthy babies . Why ? Because it's the right thing to do AND it saves the taxpayer in the long run.

Unless you'd rather have sick babies being born ? Penny wise , pound foolish .

Subsidize something and you get more of it. Subsidize irresponsible behavior, get more of it.
He must work for a small company, less than 50 employees. Don't worry if the Pub plan gets approved, no employer will have to offer health insurance.

By the way Ray, the marketplace is where you should be. That is what its for, those cheap employers who don't offer health insurance share pay.

I guess you didn't follow the thread, so one more time:

I applied to Commie Care. To keep my healthcare provider, they want over 25% of my net pay. They only offer one plan for my provider, and that plan comes with a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no dental, no prescriptions, and a $50.00 doctor copay. In other words, it's like not having any insurance at all.

But even if I could afford it, I wouldn't be able to afford my medications that are around $250.00 a month, nor could I afford to see a doctor. I would have to live check to check the rest of my working life and pray nothing serious happens to me day to day because I wouldn't have an extra hundred bucks to back me up.

With solutions like that, who needs Democrats?
I just saw this post and I am not going to read every comments.

Many of these people who use Medicaid may make enough to not have to use the program.

I know people who make enough and have health insurance etc and when they find out the cost even with insurance it is still outrageously expensive. So what they do is the woman either quits their job or goes part time to qualify for Medicaid. Then after they qualify they go right back to where they were.

Oh yes, the scammers are out there. Some even go through the trouble of getting a divorce to qualify for government programs.
Only because laissez-fair capitalism is so lazy regarding full employment and improving wages for Labor.

People don't start businesses to employ people. They start businesses to make money.

If you want to improve wages get rid (or greatly cut) of welfare. Big corporations are not paying people a living wage because they can off load pay to the tax payers.

If you cut welfare workers would have greater leverage to ask for higher wages. No adult will take a job under a true living wage because what is the point?

We could also stop importing no skilled workers
That is nothing but "right wing hate on the poor". Why not cut off corporate welfare in Right to Work States, to "set an example".

How is wanting higher wages for American workers "hating the poor"?

I am all for cutting off corporate welfare. I don't believe in any type of welfare.
24 years as long as they are still in college

Paying less in taxes is still a gift for having children. So is your mortgage deduction....free money

Everyone complains about the benefits others receive.......as long as their own is off limits

Free money? How is something you worked for free?

The problem with you leftists is how you look at income. You believe all money belongs to government, and what money of yours they allow you to keep is a gift.

If we had a federal law where you could only own two television sets, but you had four when the law was passed, and government came and took two of your television sets away to give to others who had no television set, does that mean government gave you two television sets since they allowed you to keep two of them?

You have three kids. You make $50,000 a year. At the end of the year, you have $12,000 more spending money than someone who has no kids and makes the same $50,000 a year

Free money

Oh, I see the problem now. You don't understand tax deductions

I deal with tax deductions every year. It's not what you think. If I write-off $10,000 in deductions for my apartments, that does not mean that the government will give me that $10,000. What it means is I still had to pay that 10K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

So let's say in one month I collect $2,000 in rent, but I spend that $2,000 on the property or apartments. That does not mean government will reimburse me that 2 grand. What it means is that it's income, just not subject to being taxed.
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.
Free money? How is something you worked for free?

The problem with you leftists is how you look at income. You believe all money belongs to government, and what money of yours they allow you to keep is a gift.

If we had a federal law where you could only own two television sets, but you had four when the law was passed, and government came and took two of your television sets away to give to others who had no television set, does that mean government gave you two television sets since they allowed you to keep two of them?

You have three kids. You make $50,000 a year. At the end of the year, you have $12,000 more spending money than someone who has no kids and makes the same $50,000 a year

Free money

Oh, I see the problem now. You don't understand tax deductions

I deal with tax deductions every year. It's not what you think. If I write-off $10,000 in deductions for my apartments, that does not mean that the government will give me that $10,000. What it means is I still had to pay that 10K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

So let's say in one month I collect $2,000 in rent, but I spend that $2,000 on the property or apartments. That does not mean government will reimburse me that 2 grand. What it means is that it's income, just not subject to being taxed.
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

Catholics should have supported Cankles instead? LMFAO
Free money? How is something you worked for free?

The problem with you leftists is how you look at income. You believe all money belongs to government, and what money of yours they allow you to keep is a gift.

If we had a federal law where you could only own two television sets, but you had four when the law was passed, and government came and took two of your television sets away to give to others who had no television set, does that mean government gave you two television sets since they allowed you to keep two of them?

You have three kids. You make $50,000 a year. At the end of the year, you have $12,000 more spending money than someone who has no kids and makes the same $50,000 a year

Free money

Oh, I see the problem now. You don't understand tax deductions

I deal with tax deductions every year. It's not what you think. If I write-off $10,000 in deductions for my apartments, that does not mean that the government will give me that $10,000. What it means is I still had to pay that 10K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

So let's say in one month I collect $2,000 in rent, but I spend that $2,000 on the property or apartments. That does not mean government will reimburse me that 2 grand. What it means is that it's income, just not subject to being taxed.
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
You have three kids. You make $50,000 a year. At the end of the year, you have $12,000 more spending money than someone who has no kids and makes the same $50,000 a year

Free money

Oh, I see the problem now. You don't understand tax deductions

I deal with tax deductions every year. It's not what you think. If I write-off $10,000 in deductions for my apartments, that does not mean that the government will give me that $10,000. What it means is I still had to pay that 10K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

So let's say in one month I collect $2,000 in rent, but I spend that $2,000 on the property or apartments. That does not mean government will reimburse me that 2 grand. What it means is that it's income, just not subject to being taxed.
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
My money says many, many Trump girlfriends have had abortions while Hillary has never had one
And to think prior to the 1960s, Medicaid did not exist, yet lots of babies were born. I would guess LWNJs think all poor babies died before the invention of Medicaid.

Do you have a brain? Prior to Medicaid expansion, do you think the poor had babies at home with no medical care available?

If not, who do you believe absorbed the cost for medical care they received.

Do you really want to go back to the old system or do you want to sterilize women who have no financial mean below a certain level based on the poverty level.

What do you want to come of your hissy fit?
Oh, I see the problem now. You don't understand tax deductions

I deal with tax deductions every year. It's not what you think. If I write-off $10,000 in deductions for my apartments, that does not mean that the government will give me that $10,000. What it means is I still had to pay that 10K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

So let's say in one month I collect $2,000 in rent, but I spend that $2,000 on the property or apartments. That does not mean government will reimburse me that 2 grand. What it means is that it's income, just not subject to being taxed.
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
My money says many, many Trump girlfriends have had abortions while Hillary has never had one

Pure speculation...so why spew it?
Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children.

We elected a president not a role model. Role model is not one of the President's jobs.

Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.

The Clinton Foundation is better?

How much lower can you get?

I would say Hillary but i guess not since I am assuming she never blew Bill based on the fact he had to get a fatty to do it.
One thing I would like to know, Ray. I have heard you complain bitterly about how your employer dropped your group insurance plan because of ACA. I have also heard you complain endlessly about poor people who can not afford to have a family, but do not work to improve their skills to earn a good living on their own. My question is this. How much time do you spend per month complaining on this message board about ACA that you can not afford, and welfare taxes that you are burdened with, vs. how much time do you spend per month improving your skills so that you can afford insurance and the onerous taxes you have to pay? I ask, because I don't even work, and I have neither of those problems, and it seems to me that you belong in the same category as the others that you complain about.

Not at all.

One of the problems with Commie Care is that it's across the country, meaning that at any time, any employer can cancel their health benefits where as before, they virtually could not. Learn a new skill? Yes, I guess I could do that. I could attend some kind of trade school, graduate at the age of 59, being a newbie in the field that is trying to find a job at that age with no experience, and then, if by some miracle get a job by the age of 60, then retire when I'm 62, that would make a lot of sense.

In my field of work, the government restricts me from getting good paying jobs because of my disabilities. They allow me to work, but I cannot apply to 95% of the jobs out there. However that's irrelevant since I was quite happy with the company I'm with and planned on retiring there. Then the Democrats gave industry an out when it comes to healthcare benefits. Even at my age, I did inquire with other companies, but they all did the same thing when Commie Care came out. And even if I find one that still provides healthcare benefits, what's stopping them from dropping the coverage once I'm there for a year or two?

That's another thing that bugs me. My sick old ass is waking up every morning to go to work everyday, fighting the government every year to continue working, and my taxes go to support some lowlife half my age who is perfectly healthy and more capable of working than I am. But they don't. We taxpayers have to support them.

Two parts of your post strikes me as self serving.First of all, having spent 50 years in the health insurance business, it comes to me as a surprise that you feel that employers could not drop their insurance before ACA. We had to compete every year. In fact, the average group health contract lasted about 3 1/2 years. During the last 15 years, employers were dropping insurance companies altogether, and becoming self insured, so that they could shave state mandated benefits. Once they made that move, they were under no government regulation whatever. One major company that hired us jut too pay their self insured claims did not cover malignancies at all, having decided on their own that all cancer was caused by bad lifestyle choices.

The second thing I noted is that you seem to have several good reasons why you should not improve you skills enough to qualify for a job that had health insurance. Could it just possibly be that as lot of other people that you criticize for lack of initiative might also have good reasons not to pursue a higher paid career?
Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children.

We elected a president not a role model. Role model is not one of the President's jobs.

Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.

The Clinton Foundation is better?

How much lower can you get?

I would say Hillary but i guess not since I am assuming she never blew Bill based on the fact he had to get a fatty to do it.

Absolutely. It is quite obvious that golf is Trump's job.
Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children.

We elected a president not a role model. Role model is not one of the President's jobs.

Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.

The Clinton Foundation is better?

How much lower can you get?

I would say Hillary but i guess not since I am assuming she never blew Bill based on the fact he had to get a fatty to do it.

Absolutely. It is quite obvious that golf is Trump's job.

At least it isn't selling out America to the highest bidder like the Clintons did.

At least Trump never went after a 12 yr old rape victim.
One thing I would like to know, Ray. I have heard you complain bitterly about how your employer dropped your group insurance plan because of ACA. I have also heard you complain endlessly about poor people who can not afford to have a family, but do not work to improve their skills to earn a good living on their own. My question is this. How much time do you spend per month complaining on this message board about ACA that you can not afford, and welfare taxes that you are burdened with, vs. how much time do you spend per month improving your skills so that you can afford insurance and the onerous taxes you have to pay? I ask, because I don't even work, and I have neither of those problems, and it seems to me that you belong in the same category as the others that you complain about.

Not at all.

One of the problems with Commie Care is that it's across the country, meaning that at any time, any employer can cancel their health benefits where as before, they virtually could not. Learn a new skill? Yes, I guess I could do that. I could attend some kind of trade school, graduate at the age of 59, being a newbie in the field that is trying to find a job at that age with no experience, and then, if by some miracle get a job by the age of 60, then retire when I'm 62, that would make a lot of sense.

In my field of work, the government restricts me from getting good paying jobs because of my disabilities. They allow me to work, but I cannot apply to 95% of the jobs out there. However that's irrelevant since I was quite happy with the company I'm with and planned on retiring there. Then the Democrats gave industry an out when it comes to healthcare benefits. Even at my age, I did inquire with other companies, but they all did the same thing when Commie Care came out. And even if I find one that still provides healthcare benefits, what's stopping them from dropping the coverage once I'm there for a year or two?

That's another thing that bugs me. My sick old ass is waking up every morning to go to work everyday, fighting the government every year to continue working, and my taxes go to support some lowlife half my age who is perfectly healthy and more capable of working than I am. But they don't. We taxpayers have to support them.

Two parts of your post strikes me as self serving.First of all, having spent 50 years in the health insurance business, it comes to me as a surprise that you feel that employers could not drop their insurance before ACA. We had to compete every year. In fact, the average group health contract lasted about 3 1/2 years. During the last 15 years, employers were dropping insurance companies altogether, and becoming self insured, so that they could shave state mandated benefits. Once they made that move, they were under no government regulation whatever. One major company that hired us jut too pay their self insured claims did not cover malignancies at all, having decided on their own that all cancer was caused by bad lifestyle choices.

The second thing I noted is that you seem to have several good reasons why you should not improve you skills enough to qualify for a job that had health insurance. Could it just possibly be that as lot of other people that you criticize for lack of initiative might also have good reasons not to pursue a higher paid career?

You mean at this age or years ago? I was fine years ago before Commie Care. I've been working with the same company for nearly 25 years now, and it was fine (pay and all) until Commie Care became the law of the land.

I don't know what you experienced, but prior to DumBama, everybody offered medical insurance. I can't think of one place I applied to that didn't have insurance. The reason employers never dropped the benefit is because it would cause a huge employee turnover. Once your good workers were gone, they would be impossible to replace without having any medical insurance.

Commie Care changed all that. Now it's common for employers to drop insurance because they simply don't want to deal with the premium increases anymore. Prior to that, health insurance was not affordable in single payer plans. You depended on the group plan your employer was part of.
Oh, I see the problem now. You don't understand tax deductions

I deal with tax deductions every year. It's not what you think. If I write-off $10,000 in deductions for my apartments, that does not mean that the government will give me that $10,000. What it means is I still had to pay that 10K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

So let's say in one month I collect $2,000 in rent, but I spend that $2,000 on the property or apartments. That does not mean government will reimburse me that 2 grand. What it means is that it's income, just not subject to being taxed.
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
My money says many, many Trump girlfriends have had abortions while Hillary has never had one

Right, like you would somehow know if they did.

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