Over 50% of US babies were born on Medicaid

Ray From Cleveland, post: 17761301
The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

And your solution is???!???

Kick them off Medicaid?

Big part of the problem is being resolved:

. Nonwhite and younger teens have led the way in declining birth rates in recent years. Since the most recent peak in 2007, the birth rate among all teens has dropped by 42%. The declines among Hispanic (50%), Asian or Pacific Islander (48%) and black (44%) teens have outpaced this national average, while the decline among white teens (36%) has been somewhat more modest. Birth rates among younger teens ages 15-17 have also fallen faster – dropping by 50%, compared with a 39% decline among older teens ages 18 and ....

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

I see you are not interested in having a discussion aimed at resolving the problem.You just get some cheap political thrill by attacking people in poverty as engaged in some kind of conspiracy theory to breed incessantly for the purpose of passing the cost burden off on working people.

The immediate solution is funding and supporting planned parenthood.

The problem is not births being comiensated through Medicaid. Funding it by charging every hospital patient $25 for a box of Kleenex seems inefficient to me.

What do you want to do about it?
And your solution is???!???

Kick them off Medicaid?

Big part of the problem is being resolved:

I posted my solutions. Maybe if you have some time later on, you can read the posts in this thread.

Why is the teen birth rate falling?

I see you are not interested in having a discussion aimed at resolving the problem.You just get some cheap political thrill by attacking people in poverty as engaged in some kind of conspiracy theory to breed incessantly for the purpose of passing the cost burden off on working people.

The immediate solution is funding and supporting planned parenthood.

The problem is not births being comiensated through Medicaid. Funding it by charging every hospital patient $25 for a box of Kleenex seems inefficient to me.

What do you want to do about it?

For your information PP is funded, and look at the results. Furthermore is the fact that poor people are procreating much more than the working. As I pointed out, people on Medicaid are about one-fifth of our population, yet they are creating over 50% of the babies in this country. Now I'm no mathematician, but to me it seems they are having more babies than working people, and that's just plain unfair.
So I guess almost all of the conservatives in this thread would wholeheartedly support the proposed policy of David Duke,

aka, best representative of modern American conservatism ever!, who for many many many years has supported giving poor women a cash bonus if they would agree to submit to Norplant implantation.
You have three kids. You make $50,000 a year. At the end of the year, you have $12,000 more spending money than someone who has no kids and makes the same $50,000 a year

Free money

Oh, I see the problem now. You don't understand tax deductions

I deal with tax deductions every year. It's not what you think. If I write-off $10,000 in deductions for my apartments, that does not mean that the government will give me that $10,000. What it means is I still had to pay that 10K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

So let's say in one month I collect $2,000 in rent, but I spend that $2,000 on the property or apartments. That does not mean government will reimburse me that 2 grand. What it means is that it's income, just not subject to being taxed.
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".
Oh, I see the problem now. You don't understand tax deductions

I deal with tax deductions every year. It's not what you think. If I write-off $10,000 in deductions for my apartments, that does not mean that the government will give me that $10,000. What it means is I still had to pay that 10K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

So let's say in one month I collect $2,000 in rent, but I spend that $2,000 on the property or apartments. That does not mean government will reimburse me that 2 grand. What it means is that it's income, just not subject to being taxed.
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".

About 55% of anything CNN says
So I guess almost all of the conservatives in this thread would wholeheartedly support the proposed policy of David Duke,

aka, best representative of modern American conservatism ever!, who for many many many years has supported giving poor women a cash bonus if they would agree to submit to Norplant implantation.

How is not wanting to support poor people popping out kids like a popcorn machine like David Duke?
I don't see how you work. You come across as way too stupid. I mean, you could clear tables or wash dishes, but anything more complicated? I don't see how.

I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".

About 55% of anything CNN says
I was going to say, "That's beneath you", then I realized, nothing is.
I may come across stupid to you because you are a liberal, and liberals generally have little to no common sense. So I'll tell you all about myself so you don't have to guess.

I'm 57 years old and my trade is driving. I drive tractor-trailers locally here in Cleveland and across our state. I'm also a landlord and have been for over two decades. I went to an all Catholic school most of my education years, and toward the end in high school, attended public school. I used to deliver and repair home medical equipment. I was raised by a construction father who taught me much about work in my early to late teen years. I was raised in a two-parent middle-class household and my mother was (and still is) very religious.

In high school I went to vocational school to learn Data Processing. As a young adult, I attended electronics school but found that to be a dead end career. I chose driving because I wanted to be in demand no matter what the economic environment, plus I can't stand working inside for very long.
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".

About 55% of anything CNN says
I was going to say, "That's beneath you", then I realized, nothing is.

Lol OMG, Derp it's well known CNN has been caught. Missed they had to fire people, eh?

You're truly worthless
So I guess almost all of the conservatives in this thread would wholeheartedly support the proposed policy of David Duke,

aka, best representative of modern American conservatism ever!, who for many many many years has supported giving poor women a cash bonus if they would agree to submit to Norplant implantation.

How is not wanting to support poor people popping out kids like a popcorn machine like David Duke?

Margaret Sanger did not want poor people having too many children.

Are you wholeheartedly in agreement with her?
So you call yourself a Catholic? And you're a Republican.

You gave up the faith, right? Republicans put a pu$$y grabbing serial adulterer up as a role model for their children. Trump stiffed his own workers, started a criminal organization and called it a charity and stole from children with cancer.
How much lower can you get? No true Catholic would ever put up with this.

No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".

About 55% of anything CNN says
I was going to say, "That's beneath you", then I realized, nothing is.

Lol OMG, Derp it's well known CNN has been caught. Missed they had to fire people, eh?

You're truly worthless

Why hasn't Trump fired himself for his lies?
So I guess almost all of the conservatives in this thread would wholeheartedly support the proposed policy of David Duke,

aka, best representative of modern American conservatism ever!, who for many many many years has supported giving poor women a cash bonus if they would agree to submit to Norplant implantation.

How is not wanting to support poor people popping out kids like a popcorn machine like David Duke?

Margaret Sanger did not want poor people having too many children.

Are you wholeheartedly in agreement with her?

I don't care if they have children or not. That's none of my business. What I care about is they have babies and ship the bill to the working people, that's my problem with it.

When so-called poor people are having more children than stable working people, that is a problem to me. If we do anything as a society, we should encourage productive people to have children and discourage poor people from having them. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I feel the same way when I see those food stamp people in line with four or more kids, then they whip out the food stamps. The leftist defense of this is they were "probably" able to support that family, but then because of some unfortunate circumstance, they were "forced" to go on public assistance.

I always said that was pure BS; that these poor people have children WHILE ON public assistance, and now I have proof of that.
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid

The debate is why you applaud a plan that removes so many from that benefit.
Nearly 2/3 of seniors in nursing care depend on Medicaid as well.

Let's put this in perspective. Do you believe that contraception should be free and readily available?
Their solution is to let them die or force the father to work 3 jobs.

Conservatives are fucking evil

If you have to work three jobs to support your family why shouldn't you? What makes you or anybody else above that?

The only reason anyone would have to do that, by the way, is if they made really bad decisions in life.

Instead of remarking about how others are fucking evil, you should consider what an emotionally trapped moron you are.
No, I never followed the religion after I became an adult, but I do have a strong belief in God. And I don't believe in all this fake news people like you spew out.

We had two choices for President: one with unproven allegations against him, and another that supported the murder of babies. Which candidate should a true Catholic have chosen?
Fake News? One is the line and the other the sinker. The hook is gullibility.

So give us some examples of "fake news".

About 55% of anything CNN says
I was going to say, "That's beneath you", then I realized, nothing is.

Lol OMG, Derp it's well known CNN has been caught. Missed they had to fire people, eh?

You're truly worthless

Why hasn't Trump fired himself for his lies?

Following Obungle's lead?
For those on welfare - each new kid is like a pay raise,
With each addition their welfare check goes up.
So we need to stop rewarding them, Give them an incentive to think twice about having unprotected sex
When I get into debates with liberals about our social programs, it doesn't take long for a few to chime in and tell us about some unfortunate person who had children and then lost control over supporting them. Yeah, I'm sure that's the typical case.

On the right, we have asserted that this is not the typical case. The typical case is poor people having children knowing they can't afford them, but have them anyhow because we working people will have to support them.

That debate is now over. In over half of the states across the country, over 50% of babies are born using Medicaid, further proof that the so-called poor have more children than do the working on average. Either that, or half of the country is on Medicaid. Either way, something has to change.

In almost half of the United States, 50% or more babies born were on Medicaid

The debate is why you applaud a plan that removes so many from that benefit.
Nearly 2/3 of seniors in nursing care depend on Medicaid as well.

Let's put this in perspective. Do you believe that contraception should be free and readily available?

No I don't because that wouldn't solve the problem. Poor people are not having children they can't afford because of BC, they are having children because they will not be financially responsible for them. Lots of folks would love to have larger families, but only the poor on social programs can fulfill that desire because they are not supporting them. Working people who are not on any government program have to limit the size of their family, and I think that's totally unfair, because the working people have to support their own kids, and other people's kids as well. It's just plain wrong.

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